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Introductory Phase: Practice Essential Question: What rules, skills and strategies are used in team handball?

Learning Goals: Students will exhibit best effort, perseverance, and camaraderie. Students will demonstrate understanding of rules and strategies. Learning Targets: I can exhibit best effort completing my task for my specific role. As a coach, trainer, and manager I can introduce concepts, skills, drills and strategies to fulfill my role duty. Standards: Standard ! "emonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. Standard # ! $alue physical activity for health, en%oyment, challenge, self! expression and&or social interaction.
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Introduce a topic0 organi1e complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions0 include formatting 2e.g., headings3, graphics 2e.g., figures, tables3, and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
Agenda All activities and demonstrations are student lead. (ach team will have a designated area in the gym where they can practice. Warm-up activity4 Students lead warm!up by the coach. itness activity: Student lead fitness by trainer. Input and demonstration:

Student lead drill by the coach. 5anager implements one component of their offensive strategy.

Applied activity: Students continue to play team handball with their team. *wo games ten minutes each, do not keep score. Assessment: 5anager for each team must make initial post of offensive strategy with a graphic on google documents and share with team. Students who have a duty roll will be asked to explain their role on the day and discuss whether or not they have successfully completed tasks for the day. !se o" Literacy: Written strategies Technology: computer or tablet

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