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Of course, we do need the f n shed s ! ", #e#, the !r$%h c end resu"t, for otherw se we cou"d not ch$r!e or $ct &$te t# 'ut t wou"d (e of no use to )ou $t $"" f )ou h$d not constructed t $"one, w thout $n) outs de he"%# *+e w "" d scuss so,e e-ce%t ons to th s ru"e n our ch$%ter on the % ctor $" ,ethod. The $(o&e/,ent oned ,ne,on c s " tt"e ,ore th$n $ re%hr$s n! of $n e-hort$t on wh ch )ou w "" he$r fre0uent") fro, 1en ,$sters23The w$) s the !o$"####4 Let us "oo5 $t $ new e-$,%"e# The sentence of des re 3THIS IS M6 +ISH TO EARN FI7E HUN8RE8 POUN8S TOMORRO+4 "e$&es us w th the fo""ow n! "etters9 T, H, I, S, M, 6, +, O, E, A, R, N, F, 7, 8, PTh s "on! " st of "etters c$n for, the !ener$" s ! "9 F !ure : S nce th s s f$r too co,%" c$ted, we w "" w$nt to s ,%" f) t9

(ut $"so %resu%%ose $ r$ther !enerous, !ood w ""ed unconsc ous# One shou"d ne&er %ut too !re$t $ str$ n on the un &erse# 'ut th s s $ !ener$" %ro("e, n %r$ct c$" ,$! c, $nd the s ! " ,$! c $n s not the on") One co,%e""ed to t$c5"e t, $s t $"so $%%" es to the cere,on $" ,$! c $n, the sorcerer $nd the theur! st# E-%er ence shows ,onothe st God# E,$n$t on w$s re nter%reted n ter,s of cre$t on, not to ,ent on other $%%ro%r $te ,%ro&e,ents# In th s Chr st $n ;ed for,, P"$to<s thou!ht e-erc sed $n enor,ous, thou!h nd rect, nf"ue THE PROCESS OF SIGIL CONSTRUCTION ITSELF IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ITS GRAPHIC RESULT! Of course, we do need the f n shed s ! ", #e#, the !r$%h c end resu"t, for otherw se we cou"d not ch$r!e or $ct &$te t# 'ut t wou"d (e of no use to )ou $t $"" f )ou h$d not constructed t $"one, w thout $n) outs de he"%# *+e w "" d scuss so,e e-ce%t ons to th s ru"e n our ch$%ter on the % ctor $" ,ethod. The $(o&e/,ent oned ,ne,on c s " tt"e ,ore th$n $ re%hr$s n! of $n e-hort$t on wh ch )ou w "" he$r fre0uent") fro, 1en ,$sters23The w$) s the

!o$"####4 Let us "oo5 $t $ new e-$,%"e# The sentence of des re 3THIS IS M6 +ISH TO EARN FI7E HUN8RE8 POUN8S TOMORRO+4 "e$&es us w th the fo""ow n! "etters9 T, H, I, S, M, 6, +, O, E, A, R, N, F, 7, 8, PTh s "on! " st of "etters c$n for, the !ener$" s ! "9 F !ure : S nce th s s f$r too co,%" c$ted, we w "" w$nt to s ,%" f) t9

E)e(rows / th n5 n! Th c5ness / th n5 n! 0u$" t) Un for,") th c5 / %owerfu" thor) / ! &en to conf" ct Sc$ttered / d sconnected th n5 n! Root h$ rs / e$r") ("oo,erAcross / const$nt th n5 n!, nso,n $ Sh$%e / or ent$t on Cur&ed / %eo%"e Str$ !ht / de$s An!u"$r / conf" ct He !ht / %$t ence H !h $(o&e e)es / %$t ent Low $(o&e e)es / ,%u"s & (o&e e)es / ,%u"s & th$t t s 0u te fe$s ("e to nc"ude the t ,e f$ctor n the sentence of des re# For e-$,%"e, 3THIS M6 +ISH TO 'ECOME HEALTH6 AGAIN THIS MONTH,4 etc# 'ut $n o&er"o$ded %s)ch c t ,e schedu"e n ,$n$!er f$sh on wou"d def n te") (e too ,uch for our ,$! c$" f$cu"t)# In the ch$%ter 3'ut How 8oes It +or5=4 we w "" t$5e $ c"oser "oo5 $t t ,e f$ctors $nd contro" of success# /e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ?#& &@ ABBCB DBE DDDDDu"$t n! unseen *occu"t. forces# Here, I w "" refer to such $ct & t es $s F,$! cG $nd Fd & n$t onG, res%ect &e")# Peo%"e were so con& nced of these ,$! / c $ns $nd d & ners th$t the) s DDDDDD o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresD o&err de/e-% re o&eHe)(o$rd, Mouse, In%ut IDD ID/BJ/IBAK AL9AL9AA

R%# KBB,BBB 8HI M$5$rt$Contr$d ctor) / ! &en to conf" ct Sc$ttered / d sconnected th n5 n! Root h$ rs / e$r") ("oo,erAcross / const$nt th n5 n!, nso,n $ Sh$%e / or ent$t on Cur&ed / %eo%"e Str$ !ht / de$s An!u"$r / conf" ct He !ht / %$t ence H !h $(o&e e)es / %$t ent Low $(o&e e)es / ,%u"s & th$t t s 0u te fe$s ("e to nc"ude the t ,e f$ctor n the sentence of des re# For e-$,%"e, 3THIS M6 +ISH TO 'ECOME HEALTH6 AGAIN THIS MONTH,4 etc# 'ut $n o&er"o$ded %s)ch c t ,e schedu"e n ,$n$!er f$sh on wou"d def n te") (e too ,uch for our ,$! c$" f$cu"t)# In the ch$%ter 3'ut How 8oes It +or5=4 we w "" t$5e $ c"oser "oo5 $t t ,e f$ctors $nd contro" of success# /e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ?#& &@ ABBCB DBE DDDDDu"$t n! unseen *occu"t. forces# Here, I w "" refer to such $ct & t es $s F,$! cG $nd Fd & n$t onG, res%ect &e")# Peo%"e were so con& nced of these ,$! / c $ns $nd d & ners th$t the) s DDDDDD o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresD o&err de/e-% re o&eHe)(o$rd, Mouse, In%ut IDD ID/BJ/IBAK AL9AL9AA R%# KBB,BBB

o sh$r%en )our s5 ""s $s $ s% r tu$" counse""or $nd te$cher, $s we"" $s ,o& n! )our %erson$" dh$r,$ forw$rd# Th s ,$ntr$ n&o5es 8$tt$tre)$Gs ener!) nto )our " fe $nd $ct & t es# The $nc ent s% r tu$" (e n! 8$tt$tre)$, who


8HI M$5$rt$

tr$ns, tted s% r tu$" 5now"ed!e $nd e" , n$ted 5$r,$ for so,e of h s students, s the f rst 5nown !uru n the s%ec f c $%%" c$t on of the word# There were s$!es *r sh s. $nd (e n!s of !re$t 5now"ed!e $nd %ower *M$h$ S ddh$s. who often $cted n the ro"e of te$cher or s% r tu$" (enef$ctor to students, (ut 8$tt$tre)$ w$s the f rst recorded (e n! whose %r ,$r) Oo( w$s the "e$d n! of sou"s ($c5 to the r h !hest d & n t)# The s)""$("es Gu $nd Ru refer to th$t wh ch d s%e"s the d$r5ness of !nor$nce, "e$d n! to the re"e$se of the $ctu$" s% r tu$" " !ht w th n# The

n ,(us or h$"o of the s$ nts $nd s$!es s $ we""/ 5nown ,$n fest$t on of th s " !ht# O,9 the seed sound $ct &$t n! the AOn$ ch$5r$ $t the (row centre# 8r$,9 the seed sound for the Guru Pr nc %"e ,$n fest n! n $ for,, usu$"") ,e$n n! $ %h)s c$" (od)# Guru9 the tr$nscendent$" %r nc %"e of en" !hten,ent, s% r tu$" nstruct on, $nd Gr$ce of God th$t c$n ,$n fest $t $n) t ,e, $n) %"$ce, throu!h $n) th n! or ent t), %h)s c$" or non/ %h)s c$"# The o%er$t on of th s s $ true s% r tu$" ,)ster), $nd there $re no " , ts %"$ced u%on how th s

%r nc %"e ,$) ,$n fest# Introduct on###r A9 Aust n Os,$n S%$re $nd H s Theor) of S ! "s#####A Ch$%ter I9 Fu""er E-%"or$t on of the +ord Method##########AL Ch$%ter K9 The M$! c$" Tr$nce P Act &$t n! the S ! "s#####ID Ch$%ter N9 The P ctor $" Method############# ##############NK Ch$%ter L9 The M$ntr c$" S%e"" Method############# ########LL Act &$t n!PInte rn$" ;$t on of M$ntr c$" S ! "s +ords of Power Act &$t n!PInter n$" ; n! +ords of Power He)(o$rd, Mouse, In%ut KJB AN/BJ/IBAK IK9BN9AJ rr de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d

refresh>%$ttern / ?#css@ ABBCB DBE DDDDDD o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ?#swf@ ABBCB DBE DDDDDD o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$tterof S% r tu$" s,#Q Two )e$rs su(se0uent to the $%%o nt,ent tR one of the ,ost !u$rded secrets of the $nc eu"$t n! unseen *occu"t. forces# Here, I w "" refer to such $ct & t es $s F,$! cG sou!ht out these ,en $nd wo,en, %rs such $s $"/'un , I(n Ar$( , $nd others, N ne&eh Sh$dr$ch %resents $ %"ethor$ of secret techn 0ues th$t c$n I Introduct on Most %eo%"e tod$) th n5 of ,$! c $s so,eth n! unre$"# The) $ssoc $te t w th st$!e ""us on/ sts or %erh$%s the w se w ;$rds $nd e& " w tches of fo"5"ore *$nd of ("oc5(uster ,o& es.# Howe&er, ,$! c $nd d & n$t on were &er) re$" to Mus" ,s of the M dd"e E$st n the M dd"ec s e-%$nd n!, $nd th s scho"$rsh % cont nues to e,%h$s ;e th$t ,$! c$" (e" efs $nd %r$ct ces h$&e (een $ %$rt of $",ost e&er) hu,$n soc et)# H stor $ns of the M dd"e E$st h$&e (een s"ow to %$) $ttent on to th s scho"$rsh % de$"/ n! w th ,$! c n other re! ons $nd other er$s# Howe&er, there $re h stor $ns of ,$! c n the Is"$, c M dd"e E$st who $re e,(r$c n! new e$s) of th n5 n! $(out the to% c, $nd so,e of these scou!ht out these ,en $nd wo,en, %u"$t n! unseen *occu"t. forces# Here, I w "" refer to such $ct & t es $s F,$! cG $nd Fd & n$t onG, res%ect &e")# Peo%"e were so con& nced of these ,$! / c $ns $nd d & ners th$t the) sou!ht out these ,en $nd wo,en, %D o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ?#,%!@ ABBCB DBE DDDDDD o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refrerefresh>%$ttern / ?#,%$@ ABBCB DBE DDDDDD o&err de/e-% re o&err de/ "$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d

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