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Unit Test 6
Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.


1 Complete this report with the terms from the box. bankruptcy / debt / dividend / earnings per share / forecast / investment / pre-tax profits / profit margin / recession / shares Overall, it has not been a particularly good year for Bornan Engineering. ( !""""""""""""""" are up by only # .$ million, and the (%!""""""""""""""" for the next &uarter is rather gloomy. 'o(ever, despite the effects of the global ()!""""""""""""""", the (*!""""""""""""""" have increased to #+.$,, from #+.*- last year. .he meeting of shareholders has approved the payment of a total ($!""""""""""""""" of #+. % per share. /e do not plan to issue ne( (,!""""""""""""""" in the immediate future as (e have decided to halt our expansion in 0entral 1sia. 'o(ever, (e shall continue to increase our (2!""""""""""""""" in plant and e&uipment in all our markets. Our performance in 3lovenia has improved significantly o(ing to t(o factors. 4irstly, our biggest competitor (ent into (5!""""""""""""""". 3econdly, as a result of using a ne( distributor, our costs fell, giving us a (-!""""""""""""""" of )+ percent on our main product line. /e (ill use any extra cash to reduce the level of our ( +!""""""""""""""".


2 Study the sales figures in the box. Then write one word in each space to complete the report below. The first letter is gi en. SA!"S #in $% 617 %m 4EB 5.$m 8190' +.5m 1:9;< m 81= +.-m 6>7E .$m 6><= 1>? ,.2m 5.*m

;n 6anuary, sales ( ! s""""""""""""""" at @ %m and then ( %! f""""""""""""""" to @5.$m the next month, (hen they hit their lo(est ( )! p""""""""""""""" in the first half year. 3ales ( *! r""""""""""""""" to @ +.5m in 8arch and then ( $! f""""""""""""""" bet(een @ m and @ .$m in the period 1pril A 6une.

.his (as follo(ed by a ( ,! d""""""""""""""" increase in 6uly, (hen sales Bumped ( 2! f""""""""""""""" @ .$m to @ ,.2m. .he recovery continued in 1ugust, (hen sales ( 5! r""""""""""""""" a ( -! p""""""""""""""" of @ 5.*m.

!OTOCO IABLE " #$%$ ea&s'n L'n(man ELT

<ike in preceding years, (e expect sales to (%+! l""""""""""""""" off in the next t(o months, after (hich they (ill probably decline gradually over the autumn and (inter months.


& 'rite the underlined numbers in these sentences in words or as numbers. (or example) .hey ac&uired 3antol in ---. 4ood prices increased by three percent. % 1 third of the population lives near the poverty line. """""""""""""""""""" %% 1bout )/* of the shareholders agreed. """""""""""""""""""" %) ;nflation is up by only +.%5C. """""""""""""""""""" %* .hey cost D)5+ each. """""""""""""""""""" %$ 4ive hundred and fifteen people visited the trade sho( yesterday. """""""""""""""""""" %, :rofit increased by 5.$C. """""""""""""""""""" %2 .hey lost one million three hundred and seventy-five thousand euros. """""""""""""""""""" %5 .heir debts amount to @).$bn. """""""""""""""""""" %.heyEve postponed the proBect till %+ $. """""""""""""""""""" )+ ;t costs exactly @*.--. """"""""""""""""""" nineteen ninety-nine )C

!OTOCO IABLE " #$%$ ea&s'n L'n(man ELT

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