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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date Beth Kusserow Subject/ Topic/ Theme Outside Environment Grade _____K_________

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

We just finished ta !in" about ta!in" care of anima environments# $ow we "o to e%p ore one#

Learners will be able to#

Observe the outdoor wor d via a structure and with specific aspects to oo! for Draw observations and ta!e pictures of discoveries on a team

co"nitive& ' ( )p )n E *+

ph,sica deve opment

socio& emotiona

)n *

% %

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# '.IP.((.)) -a!e purposefu observation of the natura wor d usin" the appropriate senses# '.IP.((.)* -anipu ate simp e too s .for e%amp e/ hand ens0 penci s0 ba ances0 non&standard objects for measurement1 that aid observation and data co ection# '.IA.((.)+ *ommunicate and present findin"s of observations# L.OL.((.), 2dentif, and compare ivin" and non ivin" thin"s#
.$ote# Write as man, as needed# 2ndicate ta%onom, eve s and connections to app icab e nationa or state standards# 2f an objective app ies to particu ar earners write the name.s1 of the earner.s1 to whom it app ies#1 +remember0 understand0 app ,0 ana ,3e0 eva uate0 create

II. -efore .ou start Identif. !rere/uisite 0nowledge and s0ills.

What anima s are0 what a "ood environment for an anima contains0 an understandin" that trash shou d not be on" in an environment#
Pre-assessment (for learning):

)fter "ivin" instructions0 2 wi 4ui3 them on those to ensure that the, understand what the, wi be doin"# Outline assessment activities .app icab e to this esson1
Formative (for learning):

2 wi wa ! around amon" the "roups0 ma!in" sure the, are on trac! and oo!in" at what the, need to#
Formative (as learning):

2 wi have a data record sheet for them to fo ow as the, do their observations# Summative (of learning1/ Discussions at the end of the e%p oration wi "ive me an idea of where the, stand0 and 2 wi throu"h the videos and pictures to see how the, did recordin" their wor!#
Provide 5ulti!le 5eans of 6e!resentation 5rovide options for perception& making information perceptible 2n their outdoor e%p oration0 the, wi be interactin" throu"h si"ht0 sme 0 hearin"0 and touch with a rea environment# 5rovide options for an"ua"e0 mathematica e%pressions0 and s,mbo s& clarify & connect language Provide 5ulti!le 5eans of Action and E4!ression 5rovide options for ph,sica action& increase options for interaction Students wi be e%p orin" the wor d with their feet0 e,es0 ears0 hands0 and nose# 5rovide options for e%pression and communication& increase me ium of e!pression The, wi be usin" ma"nif,in" " asses0 cameras0 and penci s to e%p ore and record#


1 at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" 1 at will it ta0e 2 neurodevelo!mentall.3 e4!erientiall.3 emotionall.3 etc.3 for .our students to do t is lesson"

Provide 5ulti!le 5eans of Engagement 5rovide options for recruitin" interest& choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Goin" outside shou d recruit interest# 5rovide options for sustainin" effort and persistence& optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

Their chec! ist wi have words and pictures on it#

6ar,in" eve s of cha en"e inc ude drawin" or ta!in" pictures# The, wi wor! on teams to do their e%p oration#


5rovide options for comprehension& activate, apply & highlight

5aterials7w at materials $boo0s3 andouts3 etc& do .ou need for t is lesson and are t e. read. to use"

:oo!in" for trash wi connect to the previous session# :oo!in" for ivin" thin"s wi connect to the ver, first essons# -a"nif,in" " asses * ipboards *hec! ists ; ip cams Bu" jars .< for the teachers1

5rovide options for e%ecutive functions& coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

5rovide options for se f&re"u ation& e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

Their chec! ist wi provide strate", and structure for their e%p anation#

)"ain0 their chec! ist wi he p them to "uide their own earnin"#

2t won=t> We= be outside# When we come bac! in0 we= "ather on the ru"# How will .our classroom be set u! for t is lesson"

III. 8 e Plan 8ime , min Com!onents 5otivation .openin"/ introduction/ en"a"ement1 9escribe teacher activities A:9 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in0ing /uestions and;or !rom!ts. We=re "oin" to be "oin" outside toda,0 but 2 need Students sit and isten# a of ,ou to be rea , 4uiet and isten rea , we ri"ht now so that we can have as much time as possib e outside to"ether# 'emember how we earned about how anima s have an environment0 or a home to ive in that has ever,thin" the, need? 'emember how we ta !ed about ma!in" sure we don=t throw trash on the "round? We=re "oin" to "o outside0 oo! for anima s0 and oo! for trash# 2= sp it them into their "roups from the first da,0 hand out new ro es .recorder0 chec! ist/artist0 anima finder10 and wa ! throu"h the chec! ist under the document camera# Then we= hand out chec! ists and cameras and ine up# 9evelo!ment .the ar"est component or main bod, of the esson1 We= "o outside to the area mar!ed out# Once there0 2 wi te each "roup where their area is0 and et them start e%p orin"0 countin" trash and oo!in" for ivin" thin"s# The person with the chec! ist shou d !eep them on trac!0 te in" them what to oo! for ne%t# The teachers cou d have itt e bu" jars to catch thin"s in for the students# We cou d pass jars around and oo! at them0 or we cou d oo! at them under the document camera# 5ictures from the document camera mi"ht be projected on the screen to oo! at# , min Closure .conc usion0 2= as! them if the, found an,thin" rea , coo # Sit and isten# .We need to "et throu"h this part 4uic! , so that there=s p ent, of time outside#1

< min

One member of each "roup comes forward for supp ies0 then ever,one ines up#

)( min

Groups sp it up to their areas and start oo!in"# The chec! ist !eeper notes how much trash the, find0 the finder does most of the searchin" for anima s0 and the recorder ta!es pictures of what the, find# The, can ca a teacher over to catch a bu" for them# Bac! inside we share what we found and oo! at each other=s pictures#

< min

Students answer if the, found somethin" coo #


cu mination0 wrap&up1

2f we didn=t find an,thin"0 2 mi"ht as! them wh, the, don=t thin! the, did# Wh, no fish? .no water1 -a,be there was a ot of trash0 or ma,be the anima s had no wa, to "et water there0 or no space0 or no she ter#

The, answer 4uestions

*o ect cameras and chec! ists and et -s# 6oo"d ta!e over# =our reflection about t e lesson3 including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement3 as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne4t time. .Write this after teachin" the esson0 if ,ou had a chance to teach it# 2f ,ou did not teach this esson0 focus on the process of preparin" the esson#1


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