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Sulak1 Nick Sulak Lynn M. Raymond English 1102 January 14, 2014 German is!ory "he coun!

ry # chose !o do research on is Germany. # chose !his coun!ry $ecause # am mos!ly German. "he German %lag is di&ided in!o !hree s!ri'es( one is $lack, red and gold. "he $lack and gold re'resen! !he oly Roman Em'eror o% !he 10!h cen!ury. "he %lag originally had an eagle $u! )as la!er re'laced )i!h only !he red s!ri' !o re'resen! !he eagle. "he colors $lack and gold used !o $e !he colors o% !he German soldiers. "he %lag )as originally used in 1*4* in re&olu!ions $u! )as design $ack in 1*+2. "he Na,i dis$anded !he use o% !his %lag during !heir con!rol. o)e&er, a%!er -orld -ar ## !hey

reissued i! and ha&e con!inued !o use i! !oday. .n .c!o$er 1, 1/0/ !he eas! s!ar!ed using a di%%eren! session o% !he %lag $u! in 1/*/ )hen !he 1erlin )all came do)n i! )as la!er changed $ack !o !he %lag i! is !oday. "he 'rocess !o $ecome a German ci!i,en is ra!her hard( ho)e&er you can an 2merican ha&e duel ci!i,enshi'. "he )ay you $ecome a German ci!i,en is you ei!her ha&e !o $e $orn in Germany %rom !)o nonci!i,en 'aren!s. .r you can $e $ir!h %rom one 2merican 'aren! and one German 'aren! and a! $ir!h can $e deemed a dual ci!i,en. "ha! is i% you )an! !o $ecome a dual ci!i,en. "he 'rocess !o $ecome a German ci!i,en is !ha!, you ei!her ha&e !o $e $orn in Germany or ado'!ed )hen you )ere a minor. "he na!ional an!hem %or Germany is called !ransla!ed !o 3Song o% !he Germans4. "he original an!hem )as )ri!!en $y 2ugus! einrich o%%man &on 5allersle$en on

Sulak2 2ugus! 26, 1*41. "he original 'iece )as )ri!!en a$ou! %reedom and na!ional uni!y, )hich a! !he !ime )as already $eing e7'ressed as a resul! o% !he )ars o% li$era!ion. .n Se'!em$er 1, 1*41 !he %irs! co'y )as 'rin!ed and made a&aila$le. "hen in 1/00, !he Na!ional Socialis! discredi!ed !ha! original &ersion as !heir an!hem. "he 8residen! "heodor euss )ro!e and se! !o music a ne) an!hem ho)e&er !he 'u$lic did no! agree )i!h i!. 2s a resul! !he 'residen! re&er!ed $ack !o !he 3Song o% !he Germans4 as !he na!ional an!hem. 9e! in !he s'ring o% 1//1, !he 5ederal 8residen! Richard &on -ei,s:cker declared !he !hird &ersion o% !he an!hem, )hich made %e) modi%ica!ion !o !he original, i! )as a a''ro&ed and s!ands !oday as !he na!ional an!hem o% Germany.

Sulak3 -orks ;i!ed <"he German Na!ional 2n!hem.< N.'., n.d. -e$. 2* Jan. 2014. <Germany 5lag.< Maps of N.'., n.d. -e$. 2* Jan. 2014. <=.S. and German ;i!i,enshi' and >ual Na!ionali!y.< N.'., n.d. -e$. 2* Jan. 2014.

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