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The Greenhouse Hamburger Our diet according to a 2006 report by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO!

states our diets "ith meat in them ha#e caused more greenhouse gases to spe" into the atmosphere than either transpiration or industry hal$ a pound o$ hamburger $or someone%s lunch&a patty o$ meat the size o$ t"o dec's o$ cards &releases as much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as dri#ing a ()000*pound car nearly +0 miles, current production le#els o$ meat contribute bet"een +- and 22 percent o$ the (6 billion tons o$ ./O2*e0ui#alent1 greenhouse gases the "orld produces e#ery year ecological economist then at the Uni#ersity o$ 2ast Anglia in 2ngland) $ound that) depending on the production method) co"s emit bet"een 2,3 and -,4 ounces o$ methane $or each pound o$ bee$ they produce e0ui#alent o$ releasing bet"een (,6 and 6,5 pounds o$ /O2 into the atmosphere $or each pound o$ bee$ produced 6O7UT8ON impro#ing "aste management and $arming practices "ould reduce the carbon $ootprint 9 methane capturing systems can put co"s: "aste to use in generating electricity eat locally produced $ood 2AT 7266 ;2AT <orld bee$ production is increasing at a rate o$ about + percent a year in bee$ production there is loss o$ /O2 absorbing trees) grasses and other year round plant co#er on land "here the $eed crops are gro"n and har#ested, ;eat use to be a meal source o$ protein people ate maybe a couple times a "ee' or i$ luc'y once a day, No" it:s become something that is practically on e#ery meal "hether it:s brea'$ast) lunch) or dinner meat is one o$ those items that is typically on the plate, 8t:s been ta'en $or granted because there is so much o$ it and at a cheap price, Nobody e#er thin's about ho" the meat got to their plate) =ust that it:s there, According to a 2006 report by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO! our diets "ith meat in them ha#e caused more greenhouse gases to spe" into the atmosphere than either transpiration or industry, About hal$ a pound o$ hamburger $or someone:s lunch releases as much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as dri#ing a ()000 pound car nearly +0 miles, The current production le#els o$ meat contribute bet"een +- and 22 percent o$ (6 billion tons o$ /O2*e0ui#alent greenhouse gases the "orld produces e#ery year, According to ecological economist that depending on the production method co"s emit bet"een 2,3 and -,4 ounces o$ methane $or each pound o$ bee$ they produce, >ust besides transporting the meat the production is #ery to?ic and harm$ul to the en#ironment as "ell, 8 thin' it:s amazing ho" our $ood lea#es a hea#y ecological $ootprint) but meat is the "orst, @ersonally 8 lo#e hamburgers and a lot o$ meat products) but due to trying to li#e a more healthy and lose a bit o$ "eight 8:#e cut AAB o$ meat and dairy based products, This act "as not only $or mysel$) but to help the en#ironment as "ell and 8 am $eeling great, 8 do maybe once a "ee' ha#e some meat) but not e#ery night li'e 8 use to, 8 get most o$ my protein $rom beans and #egan protein po"ders, 8 thin' e#erybody should try to be meat $ree $or at least a day and hope$ully that:ll help lead them to

lessening their meat consumption helping lessen the amount o$ pollution produced in the "orld, Ces you are =ust one person eating meat) but there are millions o$ other people =ust li'e you "ho $ollo" your routine similarly, There should be a eat less meat campaign) 8 "ould =oin, 6o <hatD 6ays <hoD 8t:s important to 'no" about ho" our $oods got to This article "as "ritten by Nina Fiala) but other our plates, 8t:ll gi#e us an idea on ho" "e eat researchers contributed to the article as "ell, really does a$$ect not =ust us depending on "hat "e $uel our body "ith! but the "orld around us as "ell, <hat i$,,D 8$ "e continue to li#e the "ay "e do the "orld "ill be destroyed in a shorter amount o$ time, The ne?t generation "ill not 'no" "hat it is li'e to be able to "al' outside and ta'e a breathe o$ semi $resh air, <hat Eoes This Femind ;e O$D This reminds me o$ the mo#ie $ood inc that "e "atched in class, 8 really lo#ed that $ilm it sho"ed ho" damaging the process is to =ust get our $ood $rom point A to point G,

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