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With the Ninth Legion at your command, we can crush this enemy.

You and your men could retire with wealth and honour. My men have honour enough. Enough to disobey a direct order? I think that's Pict for "fuck off". She must be a good scout if she can find your cock. I think it's love. I've never seen a general so beloved of his men. Well, in training he is our scholar, at the feast he is our father, in the ranks he is our brother. And in battle he is the god we pray to save our souls. Where did you read that? - It's written on the shithouse wall, sir. - Probably wrote it himself. - He's a ruthless, reckless bastard. And I'd die for him without hesitation. <i>In the chaos of battle,</i> <i>when the ground beneath your feet is a slurry of blood, puke, piss,</i> <i>and the entrails of friends and enemies alike,</i> <i>it's easy to turn to the gods for salvation.</i> <i>But it's soldiers who do the fighting and soldiers who do the dying.</i> <i>And the gods never get their feet wet.</i> I'm not a soldier, I'm a cook. Not any more. Scavenge what you can, food supplies, weapons Ditch your armour. We travel light. Brick... What kind of name is that, anyway? Short, sir... for Ubrickulius. Your mother must have been... wise. She was a fucking comedian. "Brick" it is, then. She would answer your charge but she cannot speak. Do you know why? She was a child when she came to us seeking sanctuary. Her own village had been slaughtered as punishment for resisting Roman rule. To set an example, they burnt out her father's eyes They raped her mother until she was begging to die. Etain was forced to watch... ...before she too was raped. And finally they cut out her tongue that she may not speak ill And finally they cut out her tongue that she may not speak ill of the bloody Roman Empire. She fled north and came to us for shelter. We raised her and made her one of our own. And when she came of age, we sent her back to you, to feign allegiance and deliver you into our hands. The army is still dispersed. When it's dark, we go in. See what you have done? Before you die, know that the men who did this will not live to tell your tale. Well, let's get on with it, then. Your Roman friends should have known cold iron does not bend. It breaks. Well, what are you waiting for? Do you fear me? No man brave enough? Let's see what you're made of... she-wolf.

Come on. We need to keep moving while we have the lead. Go! Come on. We need to keep moving while we have the lead. - On foot, over this? - Where they may hesitate, we must go. We keep moving. North. But our lines are to the south. And that's where they'll be looking for us. Look... we can't outrun them. So we have to outsmart them We head north, throw them off our trail, then double back, west, then south. It may take days, even weeks. But we're so far behind enemy lines, it's our only chance of getting home. Come on!

<i>When the Picts come after you, they never stop.</i> <i>They can run for hours, ride for days. They barely eat and rarely sleep.</i> <i>Etain, like the wolf, has learned to hunt from birth.</i> <i>It is part sense, part instinct.</i> <i>She can read the terrain, search for signs of passing,</i> <i>run her quarry to ground and close in for the kill.</i> <i>Now she hunts Romans.</i> <i>Now we are the prey.</i>

He's slowing us down. Just say the word and I'll take care of it. We live united or die divided... starting with you. You can stick this out if you want, but first chance I get, I'm taking care of myself. It's your funeral. <i>When they paint their faces in the blue woad,</i> <i>it is more than just a decoration.</i> <i>It is a sacred rite.</i> <i>To the Picts, it means they'd sooner die than fail.</i> <i>It means for them... there is no turning back.</i> <i>These men are the best I've ever seen.</i> <i>Am I worthy enough to lead them?</i> <i>My father taught me that in life, duty and honour matter above all things.</i> <i>A man without his word is no better than a beast.</i <i>I made a promise to a general to get his soldiers home.</i> <i>That is my task.</i> <i>That is my duty.</i>

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