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To Whom It May Concern: Laura Schafer will make an excellent choice for this internship as her time working at Red Tail olf Clu! has undou!tedly pro"en# $s an assistant manager% Laura has worked extremely hard to pro"ide patrons the !est ser"ice possi!le and takes great pride in her work# &er work ethic and leadership will certainly follow her as he continues through school# Laura is always eager to learn and grow# She takes time to understand% ask 'uestions and work !oth independently and with different staff mem!ers to find ways to succeed on a daily !asis# Laura is a hard working% charismatic young woman as is e"ident in her positi"e approach to her (o! each day# &er passion and positi"e energy are some of the many reasons she was promoted to assistant manager# &er focus and determination are clearly e"ident each and e"ery day at work# Laura constantly shows a positi"e role as a leader at Red Tail olf Clu!# She is willing to take on any task or challenge presented to her and sets a strong example for those around her# She has !een tasked to follow protocol and opening)closing duties% as well as coordinate weekly food and !e"erage orders# $dditionally% she has worked hard to communicate effecti"ely with patrons% employees and her employers# I support Laura in her efforts to o!tain this internship and recommend her without reser"ation# If I can !e any further assistance% or pro"ide you with more information% please do not hesitate to contact me# Regards%

Cale *# LaRiccia

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