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Lee/Sulak1 Brandon Lee Nick Sulak Lynn M. Raymond English 1102 March 10, 2014 Pro osal !

or Racecar "ri#ers $eing a%hle%es &ur o#er all ro'ec% is a$ou% ho( %he s%ereo%y es o! racecar dri#ers are no% a%hle%es. )he %hree %y es o! racing (e (ill %alk a$ou% is N*S+*R, ,ndy Racing and -ormula &ne. .o( (e (ill a roach %he ro'ec% is $y using %he %hree la%!orms o! racing and (ha% each dri#er has %o go %hrough in order %o $e re ared !or a race. *s (ell as main%ain %heir $ody !or races a!%er(ard and reco#er !rom %he re#ious race. )he %hree modes (e (ill use are, /isual01es%ural0Linguis%ic )he lan !or %he ro'ec% is %o ro#e %ha% racecar dri#ers go %hrough as much %raining on and o!! %he %rack as normal NB* and N-L layers. 2e (ill resen% our !indings in a (ay %ha% sho(s ho( grueling or $asic i% is %o $e a racecar dri#er. 2e (ill sho( %he (orkou% rou%ine many dri#ers go %hrough. *ll %his (ill $e resen%ed in a Po(erPoin% resen%a%ion using #ideos and ic%ures and char%s. &ur lan is a ro ria%e %o our %o ic $ecause i% (ill sho( many eo le %ha% %he s%ereo%y e o! racecar dri#ers is in correc% and in !ac% are in #ery good sha e. Brandon and Nick (ill s li% %he ro'ec% in hal! 30430, (e are roomma%es so doing %his ro'ec% %oge%her (ill $e a s li% 'o$. ,n order %o !ind %he in!orma%ion needed %o com le%e a %horough research on %he %o ic, (e (ill assess mul%i le ,n%erne% sources including5 online ar%icles, online

Lee/Sulak2 ne(s a ers, online %e6%, (e$si%es and any%hing else no%a$le !or use. 2e (ill also consider using %he !ree li$rary (e ha#e as a resource and looking !or any $ooks or ar%icles regarding racecar dri#ers. &#er %he years, e#ery !orm o! racecar dri#ing has $een ushed a(ay !rom %he s o%ligh% shared (i%h ro!essional a%hle%es such as !oo%$all and $aske%$all layers. )he %ru%h o! %he ma%%er is, racecar dri#ers are under immense ressure and u%ili7e !ini%e skills %o no% only !inish a race, $u% also !inish (ell and a% %he %o o! %he char%s. *no%her huge !ac%or %ha% is disgus%ed is %heir ay. 8us% like all ro!essional a%hle%es, racecar dri#ers make a lo% o! money !or (ha% %hey do. ,% is a huge $usiness %ha% raises millions and millions o! dollars e#ery year. )he 9ues%ion %ha% is raised (i%h %his is are %he dri#ers o! %hese cars considered a%hle%es and (or%hy o! such a %i%le and all %ha% comes (i%h i%: 2e ask %his $ecause o! %his sim le s%a%emen%5 %hey si% in a car and %urn a (heel around a %rack. +an;% $e %oo s%ress!ul, righ%: )hey;re no% all ri ed, lean, hea#y (eigh%, a%hle%ic $eas%s %ha% could %ear iron (i%h %heir %ee%h like %he lineman laying in %he N-L. *nd %hey aren;% a%hle%ic enough or %all enough %o $e %hro(ing do(n $aske%s o#er "(igh% .o(ard in %he NB*. 2ell %his is (here Nick and , (ill s%ar% conduc%ion our research. *!%er com le%ing coun%less hours o! research and deli#ering our in!orma%ion %hrough %he use o! o(er oin%s, ersonal resen%a%ions and #ideos, (e ho e %o sho( %he audience and also con#ince %hem o! our $elie!s.

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