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Rigorous Curriculum Design Unit Planning Organizer

Subject(s) Grade/Course Unit of Study Unit Type(s) Topical Pacing



Priority Essential Standards Supporting Essential Standards

UNWRAPPED Priority Standards

Unwrapped Concepts (students need to know)

Unwrapped Skills (students need to be able to do)

Blooms Taxonomy Levels

Essential Questions

Corresponding Big Ideas

Standardized Assessment Correlations (State, College and Career) Note to Curriculum Designers: Review grade-or course-specific state standardized assessments for the types of questions directly related to the unwrapped Priority Standards concepts and skills in focus for this unit of study. Identify the vocabulary used and frequency of these questions. Compare/contrast this information with the unwrapped concepts and skills listed above to determine how closely the two are aligned.

Unit Assessments Pre-Assessment After creating the Unit Post-Assessment, decide whether the pre-assessment will be aligned (directly matched to postassessment but with fewer questions) or mirrored (exact number and type of questions as post-assessment). Informal Progress Monitoring Checks Create short, ungraded checks for student understanding for the educator to administer throughout the unit of study that are directly aligned to the postassessment questions (selected-, short-, extended-response, and/or performancebased) and that coincide with learning progressionsthe building block chunks of instruction.

Post-Assessment See Unit Assessment Planner

Scoring Guides and Answer Keys See Unit Assessment Planner

3 Engaging Learning Experiences Learning Activities Using Text or Program Referring to selected texts from a variety of sources listed in the Instructional Resources and MaterialsPhysical and Technology-Based section, identify specific learning activities to use while teaching students the unwrapped Priority Standards concepts and skills, supporting standards, interdisciplinary connections, unit vocabulary terms, and extension/enrichment activities. Authentic Performance Tasks

See Engaging Learning Experiences Planner

Research-Based Effective Teaching Strategies Check all those that apply to the unit: Identifying Similarities and Differences Summarizing and Note Taking Reinforcing Effort, Providing Recognition Homework and Practice Nonlinguistic Representations Cooperative Learning Setting Objectives, Providing Feedback Generating and Testing Hypotheses Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers Interdisciplinary Non-Fiction Writing

21st Century Learning Skills Check all those that apply to the unit: Teamwork and Collaboration Initiative and Leadership Curiosity and Imagination Innovation and Creativity Critical thinking and Problem Solving Flexibility and Adaptability Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Other

4 Differentiation Strategies (Additional Supports + Enrichment) See Details to Accompany Unit Planning Organizer Intervention Strategies (Tiers 1, 2, 3) Specially Designed Instruction for Special Education Students Strategies for English Language Learners

See Details to Accompany Unit Planning Organizer

See Details to Accompany Unit Planning Organizer

See Details to Accompany Unit Planning Organizer

Instructional Resources and Materials Physical Identify a variety of tangible resources that include selected texts and hands-on manipulatives, maps, charts, diagrams, realia, multimedia, etc., to use while teaching students the unwrapped Priority Standards concepts and skills, supporting standards, interdisciplinary connections, unit vocabulary terms, and extension/enrichment activities. Unit Vocabulary Terms Unwrapped Priority Standards Concepts Supporting Standards Concepts and Other UnitSpecific Terms Technology-Based Locate Internet sites and software that correspond with the unwrapped Priority Standards concepts and skills, supporting standards, interdisciplinary connections, unit vocabulary terms, and extension/enrichment activities.

Enrichment / Extension

Interdisciplinary Connections

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