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Lesson Plan Template

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HEADING Daniel A. Chapman 10th Grade Biology Modeling Covalent and Ionic Bonds

$his lesson% included in our &Chemistry of 'ife( unit% see)s to reinforce the students* )no+ledge and application of co,alent and ionic bonding bet+een atoms. $his )no+ledge see)s to build a foundational understanding of the importance and expansi,e presence of Chemistry +ithin all aspects of life. ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS -tudents +ill understand the basics of chemical bonding .co,alent% ionic% and the importance of ,alence electrons/% and that all life is dependent on the chemical bonding of atoms.

-tudents +ill be able to explain the differences bet+een co,alent and ionic bonds% explain +hy and ho+ these bonds form bet+een atoms% and be able to demonstrate and ,isuali0e se,eral different biologically important molecules. STANDARDS #D1 -tandards 2 3.1.B.A4 .5olecular Basis of 'ife/ !Describe the relationship bet+een the structure of organic molecules and the function they ser,e in li,ing organisms. !Analy0e the importance of carbon to the structure of biological macromolecules. MATERIALS !-martBoard !6andout !5olecular 5odel 7its !$ext Boo) for 8eference9 Holt Biology, :ohnson .;00 / Important: attach copies of all handouts% tests% discussion <uestions% etc. to this plan. PROCEDURES OPENER !" m#n$tes =. = +ill begin this lesson +ith a &Do!>o+( assignment on the board for the students to complete. $his assignment +ill re<uire the students to recall the differences bet+een co,alent and ionic molecules% +ith the intention of preparing the students for further engagement +ith the material. $his +ill also allo+ for us to assess the retention of our students from $hursday and ?ridays* lessons. !Do >o+ @uestion9 BOD% O& LESSON '( m#n$tes =. = +ill disperse the handout for this lesson% go o,er the instructions% encourage them to +or) in lab des) pairs% and assess the students* le,el of preparedness. Depending on the student response% +e may need to go through the first problem together. ==. = +ill then direct the students to begin +or)ing in pairs% +hile = +al) through the classroom and facilitate the groups% ans+ering and as)ing <uestions to direct the students. = +ant the students to be +or)ing together% building models% collaborating and as)ing <uestions to apply their )no+ledge of co,alent and ionic bonding. !6andout +ill re<uire students to fill in9

!Ahere the ,alence electrons +ould go to form the necessary bond. !Ahether the bond +ould be co,alent or ionic% and +hy. !A dra+ing of their molecular model. ===. =f students finish the handout early% = +ill assign them further problems or encourage them to help their peers +ho are struggling .$his +ill be promoted by additional particpation points/. CLOSURE !" m#n$tes
=. $o close the lesson% +hen the students are finished% = +ill pull the students bac) together and go o,er the handout together% noting and paying attention to successes and places of impro,ement along the +ay. = +ill then assign and go o,er the night*s home+or)% a re,ie+ assignment for our upcoming test.

ACCOMODATIONS =. $his lesson plan and our classroom arrangement gi,es a lot of room for one on one support from the teacher.s/ and the students* peers. =n addition% our handout is designed such that the more accessible problems are at the beginning% and they get more difficult as the assignment goes on% such that the +or) builds on itself. ==. Ae are +or)ing +ith molecular model )its in this classroom% so that the students +ill be able to engage in this material .+hich is often difficult to grasp because of a lac) of real reference and rele,ance/ ,isually and )inesthetically. ===. =f students finish the handout early% = +ill assign them further problems or encourage them to help their peers +ho are struggling .$his +ill be promoted by additional particpation points/.
ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION -tudent assessment +ill be e,aluated throughout the entire class period9 =. -tudent*s prior )no+ledge to the material at the beginning of the period by!+ay of the &Do >o+( ==. -tudent*s )no+ledge +ill be assessed during the body of the lesson% in +hich they +ill be +or)ing +ith pairs and the teacher +ill be facilitating and helping students +or) through the assignment. ===. -tudent*s +ill be e,aluated upon turning in their assignment for grading based on completion and correctness. =B. -tudents +ill be assessed on the ne+ )no+ledge and retention +ith the chapter <ui0 and subse<uent exam.


Use your periodic tables, notes, and the molecular model kits to fill in the following table:
Ahat )ind of Bond is thisC Dra+ electrons and -ho+ Bonding AhyC .Co,alent or =onic/ Dra+ a picture of your model

Bon)#n* Wo+,s-eet

Because the atoms are s-a+#n* electrons +ith each other.

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>a Cl C D D

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