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Name: Samantha Basile Similes and Metaphors Lesson Plan

Date: 04/10/2014

Type of Setting: This lesson will be taught in a self-contained 4th/5th grade classroom. 1. PURPOSE: This lesson will help the students gain a better understanding of similes and metaphors and how the help to ma!e our writing pieces more descripti"e. . !O"#$UL#R%: Simile: #a!es a comparison of two unli!e things using the words li!e or as. $%ample& ' train whistle blew( long and low( li!e a sad( sad song. Metaphor: #a!es a direct comparison of two unli!e things. #etaphors often use a form of the "erb )to be* +was( were( am( is( are( will be,. $%ample& The moon made his face into a sil"er mas!. &. O$'E"T(!ES: Students will be able to identif similes and metaphors. Students will be able to e%plain their purpose in writing. Students will be able to create their own similes and metaphors NE) %OR* ST#TE LE#RN(N+ ST#ND#RDS: --SS.$.'-./T$0'-1...4.5.' $%plain the meaning of simple similes and metaphors +e.g.( as prett as a picture, in conte%t. --SS.$.'-./T$0'-1...4.2.' -hoose words and phrases to con"e ideas precisel .3 --SS.$.'-./T$0'-1.S..4.1.4ose and respond to specific 5uestions to clarif or follow up on information( and ma!e comments that contribute to the discussion and lin! to the remar!s of others. --SS.$.'-./T$0'-1.S..4.1.6 0e"iew the !e ideas e%pressed and e%plain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion. ,. PRE-#SSESSMENT: This lesson is being used to introduce the students to figurati"e language in the form of similes and metaphors. The lesson aims to demonstrate how the use similes and metaphors can ma!e writing more descripti"e.


SET (NDU"T(ON7nce the students are sitting 5uietl at their des!( instruct them to clear their des!s. 0emind the students of the poems the started on #onda with #s. 8. 's! the students-)9hat were our poems about: +The should sa that the were about delicate things,. $%plain to the students that toda ( we are going to learn about how poets and all t pes of writers use similes and metaphors to ma!e their writing more descripti"e and detailed. 's! the students- );a"e ou e"er heard the words simile and metaphor:* +'llow for responses,. Then( re"eal definitions( written on chart paper Simile& #a!es a comparison of two unli!e things using the words li/e or as. #etaphor& #a!es a direct comparison of two unli!e things. #etaphors often use a form of the "erb )to be* +was( were( am( is( are( will be,. ;a"e the students read these two definitions aloud. Then gi"e simple e%amples. Simile: 0er hair 1as as soft as sil/. 's! the students-)9hat do ou picture in our head: 9hat if / <ust said her hair was soft: 3be sure to go o"er the use of as because similes alwa s use li!e or as Metaphor: 0is 2oi3e 1as m4si3 to my ears. 's! the students- )9hat does this reall mean: )9hat if / <ust said ;e had a nice "oice:* 3be sure e%plain how his "oice 9'S music to m ears because metaphors sa one thing is another thing $%plain that we will be reading a boo! called 7wl #oon( b =ane 1olen. Tell them that the author uses a lot of similes and metaphors. She does this to ma!e the stor better> PRO"EDURE1. -all the students to the front of the room for a read aloud of 7wl #ool 2. Tell the students to put on their listening ears because the will be helping me identif similes and metaphors in this stor . 2. 0e"iew what we are loo!ing for when we are identif ing similes +li!e or as, and metaphors +one thing is another thing,. 4. 'fter all the students are sitting 5uietl ( begin reading. 5. Stop on certain pages and ha"e the students identif similes and metaphors. 8o o"er their meaning and how the enhance the stor . +/f the students can?t identif them( then prompt them b as!ing@*6o ou hear the words li!e or as: 6o ou hear an ob<ect being described as something else:* 4age 1 &( Simile, Somewhere behind us a train whistle blew( long and low( li!e a sad( sad song. 4age A& (Simile, ;e loo!ed up( as if searching the stars( as if reading a map up there. +#etaphor, The moon made his face into a sil"er mas!. 4age B& +Simile, / could feel the cold( as if someone?s ice hand was palm-down on m bac!. 4age 10& +#etaphor, @the snow below it was whiter than the mil! in a cereal bowl.

A. 'fter reading the boo!s( send the students bac! to their des!. C. 6istribute lined pape B. Since the boo! was all about winter and focused on creating imager for that( instruct the students to tr and write two similes and two metaphors about the spring season +0emind them it can be about an thing that happens in the springD flowers growing( birds chirping( weather changing( etc., E. #odel- Simile& The roses were as red as a fire truc!. #etaphor- The flowers were a spra of sweet perfume. "LOSURE8et the attention of the class and stand up at the board. -all on "olunteers to share the similes and metaphors the created. /nstruct them to describe which one the are sharing. M#TER(#LS #ND RESOUR"ES: -hart 4aper #ar!ers 7wl #oon .ined 4aper E!#LU#T(ON #ND #SSESSMENT: The students will be assessed throughout the lesson through teacher obser"ations and b <udging their answers to the 5uestions. 'lso( the student-made similes and metaphors will be collected for re"iew. D(55ERENT(#T(ON: 0emediation-7pportunit to gain help from teacher $nrichment--hance to create more metaphors and similes #ultiple /ntelligences Fisual--hart is used to help the students learn the definition of similes and metaphors -.eft on displa throughout the lesson for students to refer bac! too. -Gse of picture boo! 'uditor -Similes and #etaphors defined aloud -0eading is done aloud Ferbal -7pportunit to share at the end of the lesson -6iscussion and 5uestioning throughout the lesson

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