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Focus of Study (Desert, Birds, shoes, colors, etc. etc) Creativity Intended Age Group (Infants, oddlers, ! yrs., "yrs., #inders) Toddlers $%&ective ('hat do (e (ant children to )no( or %e a%le to do) *ist at least + 1. To identify different forms of art 2. To demonstrate artistic movements though music and art ,rovocation (Chec) $-*. one and give e/a0ple) Teacher-Initated- Teacher wanted to be able to see how creative the children could be. I1,*212- A I$- ,*A,rocedure (Identify group si3e, intro of lesson, special set4up if needed) Identify S 2,S 1. Children will be broken into small groups and given art materials to play with to design an art piece we would be able to display. 2. Children will be asked to explain their art so that we can get a better understanding of what art they created without being udgmental about the art piece. !. "e will read a story about different artists. #. Children will be introduced to new cultures of music to have them moving to different music. Identify different learning areas (0ath, science, art, etc) $rt- Children will be able to make master pieces. %iterature- Children will have books about artists who do many things. &'aint( dance( sing( sculptures) *ramatic 'lay-Child will be able to replicate master artists. +cience , Children can learn how to mix colors. 1odifications for children (ith differing a%ilities (Chec) one and state (hat (ill %e done differently) 5earing I0paired6 Child will be able to visually see what is going on so that h can be creative to what he-she see.s ,ossi%le Artifacts7Docu0entation ( races of evidence) 'ictures /ecordings of the children making their art piece or dancing. Colla%oration (Identify colleagues7parents and their role in the lesson %eing successful) Co00unity6 0ave the community donate different materials to the classroom. Fa0ily6 0ave the families oin the fun by asking them to be creative with the children. Colleagues6 0ave other classrooms put together the creative work from the children to make a gallery walk of art. i0e -eeded6 !1 2in to an hour 1aterials and 8esources Instructional 1ethod71aterials ( he0atic, 8eggio, ,ro&ect Approach, other) Thematic and 'ro ect approach 8esources *onations from the ch S A-DA8DS 9 ASS2SS12Assess0ents *ist one per o%&ective a%ove that (ill 0easure 0astery $%&ective Assess0ent 1ethod Docu0entation To identify different forms of "ork +ample 'ictures of the children art engaged in the activity To demonstrate artistic Interview 'ictures of the children being movements though music able to identify what arts they and art learned about through dancing A3 2arly *earning Standards (*ist the standard and thread that %est supports your o%&ectives)

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