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Behavior in Choir

PROPER BEHAVIOR Bringing your music, 2 pencils and water to EVERY class, and having it WITH YOU when class begins. IMPROPER BEHAVIOR Leaving music at home, in your locker, or another location; forgetting pencils or having to get up in the middle of class to get a pencil; having music in class but not with you when class begins. (Consequence: losing 1 out of 5 daily participation points) Talking immediately when the music stops. (Consequence: one warning will be given when Mrs. Shatto calls your name, after which she will ask you to sign your name on the Daily Behavior Log; after 3 signatures on the DBL, you will receive 0 participation points for the day and will be required to write a Behavior Modification Plan for Mrs. Shatto to be discussed with your parents at a conference) Disrespect shown by means of talking back, fighting with Mrs. Shatto or other authority figure, or any other behavior deemed disrespectful by Mrs. Shatto. (Consequence: immediately signing the DBL, and possible removal from class resulting in 0 participation points for the day. No warnings will be given when it comes to disrespect) Negative attitudes towards singing, the group, or individuals in the class. (Consequence: losing 2 out of 5 daily participation points, followed by signing the DBL. If behavior persists, removal from class and a conference with parents. Additionally, if negativity is not corrected before a performance, you will not be allowed to perform with the group which will result in a 0 grade for that performance) Pretending to sing. Purposefully singing another part besides your own, or harmonizing when harmony is not written in the music or requested by Mrs. Shatto. (Consequence: losing 1 out of 5 daily participation points every time Mrs. Shatto catches you doing it. If behavior persists, you will be removed from class) Never practicing at home and always leaving your music in class. (Consequence: 20 points for homework and practice will be given weekly. If you do not bring your binder home to practice, you will receive 0 points for homework and practice)

When the music stops, talking DOES NOT start!!

RESPECT shown for Mrs. Shatto or any other authority in the classroom.

Having a POSITIVE attitude and contributing in a meaningful way to the unity of the group.

Singing when asked to sing. Singing your assigned part.

Practicing your part at home, minimally 2 times per week unless assigned more practice time (NOTE: this requires that you bring your music HOME with you)

Picking up after yourself.

Being on time to every class. Attendance of class and performances.

Leaving trash, binders, music, pencils, water bottles, etc. throughout the class. (Consequence: consistent poor behavior will result in detention of cleaning the classroom or other cleaning projects) Being tardy on a consistent basis, having unexcused absences, ditching class, skipping performances. (Consequence: unexcused absences result in a 0 for participation points for that day; 3 tardies will add up to 1 unexcused absence and will also result in 0 daily participation points for the day of the third tardy)

Steps taken by Mrs. Shatto to ensure proper behavior: Participation Points o Students receive 5 daily participation points. Participation is a key element of choir. o Improper behavior will result in points being deducted, as outlined above (however, points may be deducted for behavior that is deemed inappropriate but is not listed above; Mrs. Shatto will document any reasons that points were deducted that were not listed above). Daily Behavior Log (DBL) o 3 signatures on the Daily Behavior Log will result in 0 (zero) participation points for that day. o In addition, 3 signatures on the DBL will require the student to not participate in class for the rest of the day, and will require the student to write a Behavior Modification Plan. The student will then be required to stay after school to discuss their Behavior Modification Plan with Mrs. Shatto. The student will be expected to adhere to the Behavior Modification Plan. o Should the student not adhere to the Behavior Modification Plan, Mrs. Shatto will set up a conference to discuss the students behavior with his or her parents (and administration depending on the severity of the behavior). Parent/Administrator Conferences o If a student has not shown progress in corrected behavior, a conference with the parents and/or school administrators will be required to discuss the ongoing behavior problems of the student. o Students will be required to modify their behavior or they risk being removed from class permanently. Detentions and Additional School Consequences o In addition to those mentioned above, detentions for improper behavior will be given if consistent progress toward proper behavior is not given. o Detentions will be administered by Mrs. Shatto or the school. o The school administration may decide on more severe consequences, such as suspensions, should a student persist in poor behavior. Removal from Class/Failing Grade o Ifdespite all efforts on the part of Mrs. Shatto, the administration, and parents the students behavior persists, that student will be removed from class permanently. They may not participate in any choir performances or activities. o Removal from class will result in a failing grade.

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