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This Teaching was given oraly by the Spirit Tata G, an Spiritual Emissary of Baba Oduduwa.

Each Human Soul is Created either Masculine or Feminine, when the Soul incarnates, it will do so in corresponding body. If the Soul is Feminine, the Soul will in a Female body, and if Masculine, the Soul will incarnate in a Male body. That Soul is the one who gives the Special Quality to the Human Being. There are times that for some spiritual situations, a Feminine Soul incarnates in a Male body, and from there since a small child, you can see and notice a difference, the tendency to be Feminine in their behavior and other things. When the case its the opposite, when a Masculine Soul incarnates in a Feminine body, you can see the male tendencies and the way of being. After Death those Souls come back where they belong, if is a masculine Soul, he will incarnate in a Male Body, and if is a Female Soul, the Soul will incarnate in a female body. This can explain the phenomena of the Homosexuals either Gay or Lesbian, were Males Gay behave like female and the Female Lesbian as a Male. There are Esoteric Schools that teach that the Soul can incarnate sometimes as a Male or as Female, but that is not correct. When a Soul reach a High Spiritual Level and Liberates, that Soul can transform into a Spiritual Power call RSh. There are 401 RSh, some are Male and other Female. If a Female Human becomes an RSh, will be a Female RSh.

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