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a _Centrul de Consultanta si Studii Europene Sater Ste Rana Cosvoennonrete Tok-++ 40-236-495454, 0745080650, Cont RO 63 BPOS 18406484135R0NOI oma secrelaratGeurutcese 0 BANC POST Galt We hp iewrsuresse 0 ql” QS-4734HH SUPORT DE CURS COMPETENTE COMUNE COMUNICARE IN LIMBA ENGLEZA AUTOR: JEANA LUNGU "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step" Native American Indian proverb CUPRINS MODULUL 1: Alfabetul. Reguli de pronuntie si ortografie. Formule de adresare si salut Formule de prezentare/autoprezentare si alte formule uzuale Pronumele personal Verbul TO BE (prezent) Aplicatii: redactare dialog - MEET MY FRIEND; GOOD MORNING, NEIGHBOR! MODULUL 2: Verbul TO HAVE (prezent) Apartenenta (adjective si pronume posesive) Apropierea/departarea, Articolele si utilizarea lor. Aplicati: GRAMMAR IN USE (exercises) MODULUL 3: Prezentul Simplu (formare, utilizare etc) Adjective (formare, grade de comparatie) Familia si gradele de rudenie Corpul omenesc. Descrierea unei persoane. Aplicatii: SPEAK ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DESCRIBE YOUR BEST FRIEND MODULUL 4: Prezentul Continuu (diferente intre prezentul simplu si cel continuu) Numeralul in limba engleza. Calendarul — exprimarea datei & orei. Sarbatori si traditii. Aplicatii: WHICH IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON AND WHY? HOW IS THE WEATHER IN YOUR COUNTRY? SPEAK ABOUT YOUR DAILY PROGRAM. MODULUL 5: Pluralul substantivelor (much/many, some/any) Propoziti interogative (what, where, why, when, who, whose, whom...) Aplicatii: traducerea si interpretarea unui text MODULUL 6: Adverbul (formare, grade de comparatie) Going shopping (marfuri, magazine, preturi) Exprimarea preferintet Activitati de petrecere a timpului liber — constructii specifice Aplicatii: dialog la cumparaturi, invitatia — acceptarea/refuzarea invitatiei MODULUL 7: Mesele zilei (feluri de mancare, bauturi, tacamuri) Verbele modale: CAN, MAY, MUST, SHOULD/SHOULDN'T Aplicatii: INTEGRAMA “MASA” YOU HAVE YOUR DINNER / BREAKFAST IN A RESTAURANT Verbe modale in diferite formule de conversatie. MODULUL 8: ‘Trecutul Simplu (formare, utilizare etc) Home, sweet home! (camera, mobile, obiecte din casa) Aplicati: WHERE DO YOU LIVE? (adresa, directionare) DESCRIBE YOUR HOUSE/APARTMENT. INTEGRAMA — “APARTAMENT” MODULUL 9: Trecutul Continuu Mijloace si cai de transport. Calatorii. Aplicati: WHERE ARE YOU GOING ON HOLIDAYS? YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE FOR PARIS BY PLANE. YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE FOR BUCHAREST BY TRAIN MODULUL 10: Viitorul Simplu. Viitorul cu GOING TO Vizita la doctor (probleme si medicamente) Aplicatii: GOING TO YOUR DOCTOR (imagine a dialogue) GOING TO A PHARMACY (imagine a dialogue) Traducerea si interpretarea unui text MODULUL 11: Prepozitii si conjunctii uzuale Meserii si ocupati. Interviu pentru obtinerea unui loc de munca Aplicatii: Redactarea CV-ului in Ib. engleza MOTIVATION LETTER MODULUL 12: Diferente intre DO - MAKE Geritivul (recapitularea posesiei) Ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie ‘Traducerea si interpretarea unui text RECAPITULARE FINALA PRIN EXERCITII SI CONVERSATIE. MODULUL 1 * Alfabetul. Reguli de pronuntie si ortografie. * Formule de adresare si salut + Formule de prezentare/autoprezentare si alte formule uzuale * Pronumele personal + Verbul TO BE (prezent) © Aplicatii: redactare dialog - MEET MY FRIEND; GOOD MORNING, NEIGHBOR! Modem English Alphabet Aa BbCcDdEeFfGg Hh li Jj KkL1Mm a bee cee dee e ef gee (hjaitch i ry kay e _ em fel bd) ed est] (den) el) [ase] (ke) [el] [em] Nn OoPpQqRrSs Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz en 0 pee ues ess tee «=U See doublew ex y(e) zedizee fen) fou) fri] De) [ovr] fos} [8] Gu] v4) [abel] [eke] [wal] [zed’2i] International Phonetic Alphabet Vowels Il English, business Jal cut, come, mother Jel bed, head, bury, exit 13! girl, burn, word, heard jel cat, bag, apple, black Jaz] car, art, heart, half Jal the, a, woman, banana [i or, board, door, small pe] look, put, could, cushion [nf sea, bee, people, receive Jo] clock, what, because yun! too, blue, fruit, fool Dipthongs fer) take, pay, wait, ballet Jav/ round, doubt Jar! five, height, buy [13/ here, deer, dear, fierce [ot] noise, boy, lawver Jeo! care, air, mayor, prayer jeu) no, road, sew, broken [va] poor, insure, tour, moor Consonants Ip! play, stop, speak, power I ten, later, little, pot |b] bad, baby, big, object id/ dky (of iff Ii 18) 13) Is/ J2i il /3/ fh/ im) ind (nf Mi {ds/ Wy It} til Iwi day, advice, bed character, quick got, ignore, finger food, laugh, telephone vain, over, Stephen thin, earth, method, both they, father, breathe, wi h ‘small, singe, scene, psalm 200, goes Shell, nation, machine measure, vision, television hot, hair, whole, whose moon, lamp, lamb can, snow, pneumonia string, singer, tonque chair, match, future just, general, age, soldier look, small, bottle real, train, wrong, writes yes, Europe, university window, twin, why Exercise 1 Match the phonetic transcriptions with the words: Ifat/ /haxt/ /8x0k/ fwatk/ Nerta/ [bait/ Ipuzl/ daut/ {d3auk/ a later b. joke « zsemea heart . there . doubt work . shut - think pool bought Exercise 2 Can you spell your name? Exercise 3. Complete the transcriptions with one of the following dipthongs: fer/ jar) />1/ jav/ — fau/ ja] fea/—fua/ 1. make = /m__k/ sure /f bear = /b__/ island /- - land/ employ /rmpl __/ yawn 6. hear fhe 7. town (ten 8. home /h__m/ 9. sight —/s__t/ 1 O.know = /n__/ APLICATIE Indepartati o litera si formati un nou cuvant din cel dat. Traduceti ambele cuvinte si cititi cu voce tare. 1. stand... . cloud... . stick... eee 2. 3. 4, 5. coast... 6. chair... Th 8. 9. 16.shoot.... 17.shade... 18.neat... 19.cute... 20.dame.... FORMULE DE ADRESARE + Mr=mister = domnul + Mrs = mistress = doamna * Miss = domnisoara Aceste formule sunt urmate de numele de familie sau de numele intreg al persoanei si nu de prenume. De asemenea, profesiile si titulaturile nu primesc “Mr, Mrs" in fafa numelui desi in romaneste spunem asta. "Miss" se poate folosi cu oricare dintre nume. Ex: Good morning professor Gray! = Buna dimineata domnule professor Gray! Good evening doctor Vivian Pop! = Buna seara doamna doctor Vivian Pop! Good afternoon, miss Violet! = Buna ziua, domnisoara Violeta! + Sir-lady Nu sunt urmate de nume decat daca persoana define un tilu de noblete. Ex: Sir Charles, Sir Winston, Lady Diana, Lady Hamilton * SIR-MADAM Aceste formule nu sunt urmate niciodata de nume —x: Thank you, sir! = Multumesc, dle! Goodbye, madam! = La revedere, doamna! + Ladies and gentlemen Se foloseste cand ne adresam unui grup / public. “Lady” si “gentleman” se folosesc si pentru indica o persoana. Ex: - Whois that gentleman? Is he Mr. Brown? - No, sir. That gentleman is Mr. Gray. (Cine este domnul acela? Este dl Brown? Nu, dle. Este dl. Gray.) = Who is the lady sitting there? Is she Mrs. Newman? - Yes, madam. She is Mrs. Newman, a very kind lady. (Cine este doamna asezata acolo? Este doamna Newman? Este doamna Newman, o doamna foarte dréguta). + Mrgi Mrs Gray = dl sidna Gray — formula se foloseste pentru a anunta o familie FORMULE DE SALUT = Good morning! = Buna dimineafal = Good afternoon! = Buna ziual - Good evening! = Buna searal = Good night! = Noapte buna! = Good day! = Buna ziual - Hello! = Bundt - Hil = Salut! Ultimile doua se folosesc pentru persoane apropiate, prieteni. Atentie! “Good day!" este restrictiva Se foloseste cu sensul c& dorim incheierea discutiei, plecarea persoanei. Goodbye! Bye! = La revedere! Pal Have a nice day! = Sa ai o zi buna! ‘Sweet dreams! = Vise placute! See you (soon, later, next week, around, etc)! = ne mai vedem (curand, mai tarziu, sptamana viitoare, pe-aici, etc). Keep in touch! = Pastram legatura! FORMULE DE PREZENTARE — Whoare you? I'm Dan. = Cine esti tu? Sunt Dan. - Whats your name? My name is Dan Russell. = Care este numele tau? Numele meu este Dan Russell — Allow me to introduce myseffl I'm Dan. = Dati-mi voie s ma prezint! Sunt Dan. — Would you be so kind to introduce me to her? = Esti amabil s4 ma prezinti (ei)? - Meet my friends! = Facefi cunostint cu prietenii mei! — This is Doctor Gray! = Vi-| prezint pe dl. Doctor Gray! — I'd like you to meet Miss Vivian! = Ag vrea sa {-o prezint pe d-ra Vivian! - I'd like to make the acquaintance of Miss Avril. = As vrea s fac cunostint cu dra Avril. = You know Mr. Brown, don't you? = II cunosti pe dl. Brown, nu-i asa? - Do you know each other? = Va cunoasteti? - Have you ever met Miss June? = Afi cunoscut-o pe dra June? — _ Iknow him (her, you) only by sight (from hearsay)! = II (0, te)stiu doar din vedere (din auzite)! - lam glad (nice, pleased) to meet you! = Incantat sa va cunoscl - How do you do! = este mai protocolar - It's a great honor to meet you! = Este o onoare s va cunose! - The pleasure (honor) is on my side! = Onoarea (placerea) e de partea mea! - Shake hands together! = Strangeti-va mainile! - Where are you from? I'm from Romania, I'm from Galati = De unde esti? Sunt din RO (Galati) FORMULE UZUALE PLEASE, IF YOU PLEASE (te/va rog) Politefea obliga ca 0 cerere, rugaminte sa alba la sfarsit sau la Inceput aceasta expresie. O cerere / rugaminte se formuleaza incepand cu: = Will you + verb ...? = Vreti s& ...? - CAN / COULD you + verb ...? = Mi—ati putea ...? O dorinta se exprima incepnd cu: = |would (I'd) like to + verb ...? = As dori s& - Would you like to + verb ...? = Afi dori sa ...? Solicitarea permisiunii: - May! (we) + verb — Allow me to + verb .. 2 = Pot (putem) sa...? Dati - mi voie s& Mulfumirea si raspunsul: = Thank you! Thanks! = Multumesc! = Much obliged! = Va sunt indatorat! — appreciate! = Multumesc (apreciez ca ...)! = You're welcome! Not at alll Don't mention it! = Pentru putin! POFTIMI = HERE YOU ARE! Atunci cnd intinzi un obiect cuiva. = Pardon? | beg you pardon? = Poftim? VA rog ...? — Please, repeat! = Va rog sa repetati! — Canyou spell it, please? = VA rog 58 spunefi litera cu litera Scuzele si raspunsul: = Excuse mel = Scuzé-mal = [must apologize for ...! = Trebuie sa-mi cer scuze pentru ..! = I'msorry! | regret! = Imi pare ru! Regret! = No problem! It's 0.K.! = Nici o problema! E-n regula = Never mind! = Nici o suprare! Nu conteazal = It'sall right! = E-n regula! Exprimarea bucuriei: = I'mglad to + verb ...=Ma bucur s& — Whata pleasure! = Ce piacere! - Well done! = Bravo! Foarte bine! Supararea: = Imvery angry! = Sunt foarte suparat! = I'mangry with you! = Sunt suparat pe tine! = I'msorry for you! = Imi pare rau pentru tine! — It's scandalous! Shame! = E scandalos! Rusine! indoiala, mirarea, nehotararea: = Whynot? = De ce nu? — What can be done? = Ce se poate face? - [mata loss! = Sunt in incurcatura — What shalll| (we) do? = Ce fac (facem)? — |wonder...= Ma intret — What? Really? = Ce? Adevarat? = You must be joking! You can't be serious! = Glumesti! Esti serios? Afirmatia: YES = DA — Ofcourse! Sure! = Desigur! Fireste! Cu siguranta! - agree! = Sunt de accord! Negafia: NO = NU Certainly not! = Cu siguranfa nu! — _ Noway! = In nici un caz! — Not in the least! = Catugi de putin! — _ I'matfraid it's not possible! = Ma tem ca nu este posibill “Ce mai faci?” Nu se exprima niciodata prin "How do you do?" - Howare you?= Ce mai faci? - _ Howis your father? How are your cildren? = Ce mai face tatal tu? Ce-ti fac copii? - I'm fine, thanks! I'm all right, thanks. = Fac bine, — Just so and so! Pretty well! = Aga si asa! Destul de bine! Not very welll = Nu prea bine! De regula, dupa raspuns si multumire, se intoarce intrebarea: ‘What about you?” Daca am intrebat de o persoana si dorim sa transmitem salutari acelei persoane: - Remember me to your father... - Say hello to your father for me....greeting - Best regards to your mother... PRONUMELE PERSONALE Pronumele este partea de vorbire care inlocuieste un substantiv. Are acelagi gen, numér, caz si persoanai ca si substantivul inlocuit. CAZUL NOMINATIV | = eu, se scrie cu litera mare indiferent de pozitia in propozitie. You = tu He = el She = ea It=el/ea We = noi You = voi They = ei, ele When we talk about a single thing or an animal, we always use it. However, there are a few exceptions. We may sometimes refer to an animal as he/him or she/her, especially if the animal is a pet or a character in a fairy tale. We often use it to introduce a remark: Itis nice to have a holiday sometimes. Itis important to dress well. It's difficult to find a job. We also use it to talk about the weather, temperature, time and distance: It's raining. twill probably be hot tomorrow. Is it nine o'clock yet? Itis 50 kilometers from here to Cambridge. CAZURILE DATIV SI ACUZATIV me = mie, mi, pe mine, ma you = tie, fi, him = ©, (impersonal) }0ua, ne, ni, pe noi you = vous, vi, va, pe voi them =lor, li, le, pe ei, pe ele, -, le Pronumele personal in cazul dativ este precedat de prepozifia “to” atunci cand e agezat dupa un substantiv sau alt pronume la acuzativ. Ex: Tellme story. Tell a story to me. = Spune-mio poveste. VERBUL TO BE (afi) Afirmat 1am = I'm = eu sunt We are = we're = noi suntem You are = you're = tu esti He, she, itis (he's, she's, is) =el/eaeste They are = they're=ei / ele sunt Negativ: |.am (I'm) not = nu sunt We are not = we aren't =nu suntem You are not=you aren't = nu esti You are not (aren't)= nu suntefi He is not=he isn't = el nu este They are not = (aren't)= ei/ele nu sunt She is not=she isn’t=ea nu este Itis not = it isn't = nu este Interogativ: Am |? = sunt? Are you? = esti? Is he (she, it)? = este? Are they? = sunt ei/ele? Intrebarea se poate si la negativ: Aren't you...? = Nu esti tu...? Isn'tit...? = Nu este? Nu-i aga? Aplicatii: Imagine a dialogue or translate these dialogues: GOOD MORNING, NEIGHBOR! Buna dimineata, domnule doctor Sima. Ce mai faceti? Buna dimineata, Dan. Sunt ocupat dar sunt bine, multumesc. Dar tu? Destul de bine, multumesc. Ce mai face tatal tau? Oh, este bine! Multumesc! Transmite salutari tatalui tau. La revedere, Dan! La revedere, domnule doctor Sima. MEET MY FRIEND Dati-mi voie sa ma prezint. Eu sunt Dan. Incantat sa te cunosc. Eu sunt Adrian. El este Matei. Incantat sa te cunosc. O cunosti pe Alina? Doar din vedere....Incantat sa te cunosc! Oh, domnule profesor Sima! Incantat sa va cunosc in sfarsit! Onoarea este de partea mea! MODULUL 2: Verbul TO HAVE (prezent) Apartenenta (adjective si pronume posesive) Apropierea/departarea. Pozitia in spatiu Articolele si utilizarea lor. Aplicati: GRAMMAR IN USE (exercises) VERBUL TO HAVE (a avea) Afirmativ: I have=eu am We have = noi avem You have=tu ai You have = voi avefi He,she,it has=el/ea are They have = ei / ele au Negativ: Ihave not = I haven't = eu nu am We have not = nu avem You have not (haven't) = tu nu ai You have not = nu avefi He has not (hasn't) She has not (hasn't) = ea nu are Ithas not (hasn't) = nu are They have not = nu au Have we .. Have you Have they ... Have you... Has he (she)...? Se poate sila negativ Haven't you some money? = N-ai niste bani? APARTENENTA Pronumele posesiv inlocuieste un substantiv si-n acelasi timp il numeste pe posesor. MINE = al meu, a mea .. OURS = al nostru, a noastra YOURS = al tau, ata YOURS = al vostru, a voastra HIS = al lui, a lui THEIS = al lor, a lor... HERS = al ei, a ei... ITS = al lui, aei ... Ex: This dog is mine. It is mine. = Acest caine este al meu. Este al meu. Adjectivele posesive provin dintr-un pronume si insofesc mereu obiectul / finta posedata, My = meu, mea, mei, mele Our = nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre Your = vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre Their = lor Ex: This is my house. = Aceasta este casa mea Exercitiul 1. Traduceti in limba romana: Ihave an electronic watch. It is my electronic watch. It's mine. You have an old red cap. It is your old red cap. It's yours. He has a big toy pistol. It is his big toy pistol. It's his. She has a new fashionable skirt. It is her new skirt. It's hers The door has a good Yale lock. It is its Yale lock. We have a very good TV set. It is our TV set. It's ours. They have an old-fashioned radio receiver. It is their radio. It is theirs. NOGPeNe Exercitiul 2. Punefi in locul punctelor, cuvintele care se potrivesc si arat posesia: 1 Mike has a Kodak camera; itis ...... camera; the camera is & | have in room a table and a chair; it is ......... table and it's ... chair; the table is . and the chair is dress; the dress is . dictionary; the dictionary is . color is white. 3. She has a new dress; it is .. 4, They have an dictionary; itis 5. Alec has a white cap; Exercifiul 3. Puneti in locul punctelor pronumele care se potrivesc: am a teacher. is at home. .. good pupils. isn't a doctor. .. his friend? is a bird. . are not workers. NOM aONS APROPIEREA (HERE = aici) THIS (acest, aceasta) — THESE (acesti, aceste) DEPARTAREA (THERE = acolo) THAT (acel, acea) - THOSE (acei, acele) Ex: This girl is a good pupil. = Aceasté fat este o eleva bund. Those men are workers. = Oamenii at ‘sunt muncitori. That girl is my sister = Acea fata este sora mea Exercitiul 1. Traduceti in limba romana: This is a fox. The fox is an animal. A fox has a reddish fur. This is an apple. It's a fruit. The apple has a sweet flesh. That is a sparrow. The sparrow is a bird. The sparrow is a small gray-brown bird. Those are roses. The roses are flowers. Those are sweet smelling flowers. These are English books. The English books are novels. These are interesting novels. Q@Pona Exercitiul 2. Dupa modelul ex de mai sus, construiti in limba engleza cinci fraze. Exercitiul 3. Traduceti in limba engleza: Aceasta este o bicicleta. Bicicleta este noua. Aceia este o palirie. Este o paldrie veche. Acelea sunt prajituri. Acolo sunt prdjituri proaspete. Acestea sunt jucéirii. Jucairiile sunt aici, ReONs Exercitiul 4. Introducefi in fraz this / that si these / those acolo unde este necesar: book here is new dogs over there are very bad. Are all . man and women workers? No, .. ire workers but .. over there are not; they are no workers. New dictionary is ere; the old dictionary is on the table there. Exercitiul 5. Folositi this / these si that / those ca sa construiti propozitii cu: house, cat, hat, cap, boy, hen, raven, bottle, teacher, pen, apple, egg, umbrella. Exercitiul 6. Treceti fiecare propozitie la interogativ si negativ: These are pencils. This is a motorbike. That is a piece of red chalk. The young lady over there is Alice. SeoNe Articolul este 0 parte de vorbire ce insofeste un substantiv. Asticolul sta intotdeauna in fafa substantivului. ARTICOLUL NEHOTARAT Se foloseste numai cu substantivul la singular. Are doua forme : A si AN A [2] se pune in fata substantivelor care incep cu o consoana [b,¢, y si vocalele “e” si “u” dar NUMAI cand aceste vocale se citesc [ju :] Ex: A dog = un cine; a window = o fereastra; a young man = un tanar; a European country = 0 {ara europeand; a useful thing = un lucru util ], cu semivocalele w si AN [an] se pune in fafa substantivelor care incep cu o vocal sau cu “h” mut (se scrie dar nu se citeste). Regula se aplicd pentru vocalele “e” si “u" atunci cdnd NU se citesc [ju]. Ex: An apple = un mar; an egg = un ou; an engine = motor, an ugly gir = o fat urata; an umbrella = 0 umbrela; an hour = o or; an honorable man = un om onorabil. Folosirea articolului nehotarat: 4. Cand nu cunoastem substantivul sau nu vrem s&-I precizdm. Ex: There is a boy in a street = Este un baiat pe strada. Give me a book! = Da-mi o carte (oricare)! Poate avea infeles de numeral (in loc de one). A boy and two girls = un baat si doud fete. Inaintea unui substantiv nume de profesie, de meserie si de nationalitate, situatie in egy care NU se traduce in limba romana. Ex: She is a teacher = Ea este profesoara si NU ea este 0 profesoara! He will become a doctor = el va deveni doctor. Tom is a Englishmam = Tom este englez. 4, In fafa cuvintelor “little” (putin) si ‘few’ (cateva) pentru a le da un plus de cantitate. Ex: He has few English books = El are céteva cri de engleza. He has a few English books = El are ceva (multe) carti de engleza. Dupa cuvinte ca such, what, without, as: Such a nice girl = O fata atat de drégutal What a moming! = Ce dimineata! She is a woman without a husband = Este o femeie singura, fara sot! Write this as an introduction = Scrie asta ca introducere. 6. _ In fafa cuvintelor care denumesc orice fel de masura. Ex: Once a day = o data pe zi; three miles an hour = 3 mile pe ord; 50 USD a dozen = 50 dolari duzina. ge ARTICOLUL HOTARAT Se foloseste atat cu substantivul la singular cét si la plural. Se scrie THE in orice situatie dar se pronunta: [68] in fata substantivelor care incep cu consoana; [61] in fata substantivelor care incep cu vocal sau *h’ mut. Folosirea articolului hotarat 41. In fata unui substantiv cunoscut sau pe care dorim sa-! precizam. Ex: The boy sitting in the comer is my brother = Baiatul agezat in colt este fratele meu: Da-mi cartea de pe masa! = Give me the book on the table! 2. In faa numelor de lanturi muntoase si ape: Ex: The Alps, The Carpathians, The Atlantic, The Danube. 3. __ In fafa punctelor cardinale: Ex: the North, the South, the East, the West. 4. In fata numelor de familie atunci cand vorbim de toaté familia (numele se pune la plural) sau a unui prenume atunci cand se evidentiaz persoana: Ex: We dine with the Browns (= Brown family) ‘inam cu familia Brown The famous John Smith will come next week = Faimosul John S. va veni saptamana viitoare. 5. In fata substantivelor precedate de prepozitii Ex: on the table = pe maséj in the classroom = in clasa. 6. _ In fafa numeralelor ordinale x: _ the first = the 1st = primul; the fourth = the 4st = al patrulea. 7. In fata adjectivelor la superlativ Ex: the best = cel mai bun; the worst = cel mai rau. 8. Cu sens de pronume demonstrativ: Ex: Stephen the Great = Stefan cel mare. ARTICOLUL ZERO Este de fapt situatia in care NU se pune articol. Cazuri cand apare articolul zero: 4. cu prenume in situatii obisnuite: Ex: — old John = batranul lon; uncle Sam 2. cu substantivele ce au sens abstract: unchiul Sam. Ex: Water is wonderfull = Apa este minunata! Aceasta regula se aplica si meselor zilei cand au sens abstract. Ex: Dinner is served at seven = Cina este servitd la 7. 3. cunumele zilelor, lunilor, anotimpurilor; Atentie! in limba engleza zilele gi lunile ca gi nationalities scriu cu litera mare indiferent de pozitie. Anotimpurile se scriu cu litera mica Ex: See you next Monday! = Ne vedem lunea viitoare! Farmers work the land in spring = Fermierii lucreaz& pamAntul primavara. 4. cunume de obiecte de studiu, jocuri sau sporturi: Ex: Everybody likes football! = Toata lumea iubeste fotbalul. We leam history at school = Invatam istoria la scoala. 5. cu nume de {ari dintr-un cuvant si nume de orase: Ex: England and France are European countries = Anglia si Franta sunt tari europene. Bucharest is our capital = Bucurestiul este capitala noastra. 6. cu substantive la plural luate in sens general: Ex: Children like sweets! = copiilor le plac dulciurile! 7. cu substantivele bed, church, court, harbour, hospital, jail, market, prison, port, school, town, table atunci cdnd acestea sunt folosite cu sensul de loc cu o anumita destinatie: Ex: Pupils go to school = Elevii merg la scoala. School has many pupils = Scoala are multi elevi. Prison is full of criminals = Inchisoarea este plina de criminali. Market is full of food = Piafa este plina de alimente. Traduceti: John este prietenul meu... Masina aceasta este a lor... Tricourile acelea sunt ale tale. Jim este fiul lor. Tatal lui este doctor. Sora mea are zece ani. Casa ei este mare... Cainele nostru este alb.. SNOB RONS 9. Mama ta este avocat.... 10. Casa mea este mica dar placuta. 11. Pisica ei este alb cu negru....... 12. Palarile lor sunt verzi 13. Aceasta masina este a mea. 14. Este geanta éi........ 15. Este patul meu. 16. Eu amtelefon mobil 17. Elareominge MODULUL 3: Prezentul Simplu (formare, utilzare) Adjectivele (formare, grade de comparatie) Familia si gradele de rudenie Corpul omenesc. Descrierea unei persoane. Aplicatii: SPEAK ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DESCRIBE YOUR BEST FRIEND FAMILIA SI RUDELE (THE FAMILY) C parents = parinti: - father, daddy, pappy = tata, tatic ~ mother, mummy, mum = mama, mémi child / children = copil / copii boy /son = baiat /fiu, girlidaughter = fata / fic’ brother / sister = frate / sora 1 grandparents = bunici grandfather = grandpa = bunic grandmother = grandma = granny = bunica, mamaie grandchildren = nepofi de bunici great — grandparents = strébuni trémosi uncle = unchi, aunt = matusa (auntie = matugica, tanti) nephew = nepot de unchi, niece = nepoata de unchi cousin = verigor (a) familia obtinuta prin casatorie: parents in law = socri: father — in — law = socru, etc npDoadgooa son — in-law = ginere, daughter-in- law = nora sister — in — law = cumnaté, ete godfather = nag si godmother = nasa (botez) best man = cavaler de onoare, maid of honor = domnisoara de onoare familia vitrega se numeste folosind familia initial dar cu ,step" inainte: step — father = tata vitreg, step — son = fiu vitreg, step — sister = sord vitrega ete relative, relation = ruda near relation = ruda apropiata (distant = Indepartata) relation — in-law = rudd prin alianta kinship = rudenie nick - name, pet - name = porecl& .oo c o npaogo 5OOO0O00HOHF0oOoOoOooOoe a Christian name = nume de botez to marry = a se csatori (married = casatorit) husband and wife = sof si soffe to divorce = a divorfa (divorced = divorfat) to engage = a se logodi (engaged = logodit) to have broken off the engagement = a rupe logodna single (bachelor, spinster) = singur (celibatar, celibataré) fiancé(e) = logodnic (a) groom = mire, bride = mireasa Are you a large family? = Sunteti o familie numeroasa? What is your maiden name? = Care este numele dvs. de domnigoara ? When did you get married? = Cand v-afi cdsatorit? Who is your sister married to? = Cu cine e maritata sora ta ? maritat cu doctorul Gray. When are (were) you born? = Cand sunteti nascut? | was born on May 28, 1965. = M-am nascut pe 28.05. 65. How old are you? = Ce varsta aveti? 1am thirty-eight (years old). = Am 38 de ani. You look much younger. You don't look your age. She's married to doctor Gray. Pari mai tanar, nu arti varsta. I'm getting (growing) old = imbatranesc You look older. You seem to have grown old. = Arai mai in varst, Arai imbatranit. How old is your husband? = Ce varst are sotul? He is : the same age (aceeasi), my junior by ten years (mai mic cu 10 ani), my senior by ten years (mai mare cu 10 ani) To be under age = a fi minor To be of age = a fi major, full age = majorat In his (her) prime = in floarea varstei Middle-aged = intre doud varste, elderly = varstnic(&) | have two grown-tip children = am 2 copii mari Voi implini 40 ani luna viitoare = | shall be forty next month ‘Am Implinit 40 ani luna trecuta = | was forty last month APLICATIE: Speak about you and your family 2. PREZENTUL SIMPLU Se formeaza astfel - afirmativ: |, we, you, they + verb (infinitiv scurt) he, she, it + verb (infinitiv scurt) + (e) s ~negativ: |, we, you, they + DO + NOT (DON'T) + verb (infinitiy scurt) he, she, it DOES + NOT (DOESN'T) + verb (FARA S) + interogativ: DO + I, we, you, they + verb (infinitiv scurt) ...? DOES + he, she, it + verb (FARA S)...? Ex: Does he speak English? (El vorbeste englezeste? Da/nu) Yes, he speaks English. No, he doesn't speak English. —_Reguli de ortografie la adaugarea lui ,s": + verbele terminate in 0, s, x, sh, ch primesc mai intai ,e" si apoi,,s”. Ex: Ido - he does, | pass - he passes You wash - she washes, you watch - she watches, + verbele terminate in ,y” care are inainte 0 consoana il schimba in ,i" si primesc es". Ex: I try-he tries, you cry - she cries Observatie! Aceste reguli nu se aplica daca ,y" are inainte vocal. Ex: | play football. He plays football. a Se traduce in romaneste prin prezent. CO —_Utilizarea prezentului simplu: + pentru a exprima acfiuni repetate, stiri repetate si obiceiuri din prezent. Ex: I watch TV every evening (Privesc la TV in fiecare seara) | always wake up early (Ma trezesc intotdeauna devreme) Observatie! Se folosesc dous tipuri de adverbe: adverbe de frecventa (aratd de cate ori se petrece actiunea) care se pun inaintea verbului Aceste adverbe pot fi: always (intotdeauna), usually (de obicei), often (adesea), sometimes (céteodata), rarely (rar), never (niciodat) Atentie! Adverbul ‘never’ este negativ ceea ce obliga folosirea verbului la afirmativ. In limba engleza NU exist doud negatii in aceeasi propozitie (ca-n romana). Ex: He never says something like that. El nu spune niciodata ceva de genul acesta adverbe de timp: adverbele de timp se pun numai la sfarsitul sau la inceputul propozifiei. Pot fi: today (astazi), this week/month/year/Sunday (saptamana aceasta, luna aceasta, anul acesta), every day / evening / week / month / Sunday / summer (In fiecare zi, seard, luna, duminica, vara, etc), at present (in prezent), once in a blue moon (la pastele cailor). + pentru a exprima acfiuni cu caracter permanent. Ex: We are Romanians. . pentru a exprima adevaruri general valabile. Ex: The sun rises in the East. * pentru a exprima acfiuni viitoare NUMAI cnd sunt oficial planificate si anunfate (orar nijloace de transport, conferinte, spectacole, etc). Adverbele de timp sunt ale viitorului: tomorrow (maine), next week/month/year/summer (saptamana/luna viitoare, anul vitor etc) In aceasta situatje se traduce prin viitor! Ex: The plane takes off at 18:30 tomorrow. Our President comes in Galati next week Avionul va decola maine la 18:30. Presedintele nostru va veni in Galati saptamana viitoare + tot cu valoare de vitor (se traduce prin vitor), prezentul simplu se foloseste in fraza conditionala (regula |) pentru ca in Ib. englezé NU avem voie s4 punem vitor dupa IF (daca): Ex: If have money | will buy that car. Daca voi avea bani, voi cumpaira acea masina. Aceeagi situatie exista si in propozitille temporale ptr. cé nu avem voie s& punem viitor dupa WHEN (cand), AS SOON AS (de indaté ce), AFTER (dupa), BEFORE (inainte). Ex: As soon as he arrives he will call you (De indata ce va ajunge, te va suna.) ADJECTIVUL oO Este partea de vorbire care insoteste un substantiv. Qa Se pune in fata substantivului, are aceiasi forma indiferent de gen sau numar, nu se desparte prin virgula. Ex: a beautiful boy — beautiful boys; a beautiful girl — beautiful girls She has a long curly beautiful hair. 0 Adjectivul care defineste o calitate sau caracteristica este CALIFICATIV. Adjectivele posesive, demonstrative, relative, interogative si cele mnehotarate se numesc DETERMINATIVE. Except (situatii cand adjectivul se pune dupa substantiv): 0 Pentru a sublinia 0 titulatura: Attorney General (procuror general) © Dupa verbul TO BE, exprimat direct sau subinteles: This man is old (Acest barbat este batran). He arrives home tired. (El ajunge acasa obosit — el este obosit cand ajunge acasa) Cand denumeste o masura (timp, spatiu, cantitate): two centuries old, five feet long (1 Pentru sublinierea importantei: Court Martial, Asia Minor, Ursa Major FORMAREA ADJECTIVELOR 1) —prin derivarea cu sufixe (terminat - ed: tired (obosit), interested (interesat) - en: golden (din aur), wooden (din lemn) rateful (recunoscator), beautiful (frumos) - like: childlike (infantil, copilaresc) = y: sunny (insorit), funny (amuzant), cloudy (innourat) - able: drinkable (potabil), eatable (comestibil) - ic, ical: economic/al, historic/al - less: homeless(fara adapost), careless (neglijent), hopeless(fara speranta) ll) —prin derivarea cu prefixe: - az asleep (adormit), alive (viu, insufletit) - ante / post: antemeridian, post meridian - ex /extra: exchangeable, extraordinary, excellent - inter: international, intercity - retro: retroactive, retrograde - super: superman, - trans: transatlantic, transcontinental in/imfiriil: irrational, indefinite, immoral, illegal - un: unhappy, unpleasant - dis: disagreeable, dishonest, - non: nonsense, nonstop Il) prin compunere: Adjectivul este format din mai multe parti de vorbire (diferite sau din aceiasi categorie) legate cu liniuta. = Substantiv + adjectiv: brand-new (nou-nout), long-legged, - Substantiv + participiu: egg-shaped (ovoidal) - Adjectiv + participiu: dark-colored, hard-boiled (bine fiert), good-hearted - _ Adverb + participiu: hard-working (hamic), new-born (nou nascut) - Verb + verb: make-believe (convingator), would-be (posibil) - _ Prepozitie + substantiv: after-diner-wine (vin de desert), uphill road Numeral + substantiv: one — handed (ciung) Atentie! Liniuta de unire poate schimba traducerea constructit: Ex: a smallinn room = 0 camera de han mic a small inn-room = 0 camera mica de han COMPARATIA ADJECTIVELOR, ) Adjective scurte (formate dintr-o silaba, maxim doua) 0 Pozitiv: old, big, clean, fat, thin, short, small, young, happy, great, large O — Comparativ: de inferioritate: not so old as = nu asa de batran ca... de egalitate: as old as = la fel de batran ca... de superioritate: older than = mai batran decat... Superlativ: relativ: the oldest = cel mai batran absolut: very old = foarte batran Reguli de ortografie oc Adjectivele terminate in consoana, precedata de o singura vocala, dubleaza litera finala Ex big — bigger — the biggest = mare — mai mare — cel mai mare a Adjectivele terminate in “e" mut il pierd Ex: nice — nicer — the nicest = dragut — mai dragut — cel mai dragut o Adjectivele terminate in “y’ ce are o consoana inainte, il transforma in Ex: happy — happier — the happiest = fericit - mai fericit - cel mai fericit Observatie: Daca “y’ are inainte vocala, nu se transforma. ll) Adjectivele lungi (formate din mai multe silabe) Pozitiv: beautiful, comfortable, interesting, boring C — Comparativ: de inferioritate: not so beautiful as = nu atat de frumos ca... de egalitate: as beautiful as = la fel de frumos ca... de superioritate: more beautiful than = mai frumos decat.... O _Supertativ: relativ: the most beautiful = cel mai frumos. absolut: very beautiful = foarte frumos ul Adjectivele neregulate (isi schimba forma in comparatii) Good — better — the best = bun — mai bun — cel mai bun Bad — worse ~ the worst = rau — mai rau — cel mai rau o o C Little - less ~ the least = putin — mai putin — cel mai putin o o Much (many) - more — the most = mult (multe)~ mai mult - cel mai mult Far — farther (further) — the farthest (furthest) = indepartat — mai indepartat — cel mai indepartat (cu “a” este in spatiu, cu “u” este in timp) 1 Late - later — the latest = intarziat — cel mai intarziat — ultimul aparut/ cel mai recent last = ultimul, dupa el nu mai urmeaza nimic IV) Adjectivele compuse Cand primul cuvant da sens constructiei, el este cel comparat: 100d — looking = better — looking = the best — looking Cand constructia este un tot unitar, se compara ca un adjective lung: Ex: narrow-minded = more narrow-minded = the most narrow-minded Constructii cu adjective calificative O —_DINCEIN CE MAI...= comparativ + and + comparativ Ex: Itis better and better = e din ce in ce mai bine Se poate folosi si constructia ever + comparativ: It's ever better. 0 CU CAT...CU ATAT...= the + comparativ + subiect + predicat... the + comparativ + subiect + predicat... Ex: The longer the days are, the shorter the nights are (cu cat sunt zilele mai lungi, cu atat sunt noptile mal scurte) The more interesting the book is, the most expensive it is (cu cat e mai intersanta cartea, cu atat e mai scumpa) O — NUNUMAI...CISI...=not only + adjectiv + but also + adjectiv Ex: She is not only beautiful but also clever (nu este numai frumoasa ci si desteapta) O _ ATAT...CAT SI...= both + adjectiv + and + adjectiv Ex: She is both beautiful and clever (ea este atat frumoasa cat si desteapta) ADJECTIVE DETERMINATIVE !) Adjective demonstrative Apropierea (HERE = aici): THIS (acest, aceasta) - THESE (acesti, aceste) Departarea (THERE= acolo): THAT (acel, acea) - THOSE (acei, acele) ll) Adjective posesive My = meu, mea, mei, mele Our = nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre Your = tau, ta, tai, tale Your = vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre His = lui Their = lor Her = ei Its = ei, lui Adjectivele posesive insotesc intotdeauna obiectul posedat. In cazul partilor corpului sau imbracaminte nu primesc “the” desi in romaneste se articuleaza substantivul. Ex: Look at his face! = Priveste-i fatal, Put on your clothes! = Pune-ti hainal Il) Adjective relative WHICH = care, pe care WHOSE = al carui, a carei WHAT = ce, care, pe care WHATEVER = orice, oricare WHICHEVER = oricare, orice Ex: Give me the book whose cover is red! = Da-mi cartea a carei coperta e rosie! IV) _ Adjective interogative WHICH = care WHAT = ce, care WHOSE = a cui, ale cui. HOW MUCH = cat, cata HOW MANY = cati, cate Ex: Which boy can play tennis very well? = Care dintre baieti joaca tenis foarte bine? V)__ Adjective nehotarate SEVERAL = cativa, cateva A CERTAIN = un/o oarecare, anumit ANOTHER = un altul/o alta CERTAIN = unii, unele MUCH / MANY = mult-a / multi-e FEW = cativa, cateva EVERY = fiecare, toti ALL = tot, toate NEITHER = nici unul SOME = niste, ceva NO = niciun -o OTHER = alt-a THE OTHER = celalat-a SUCH = asemenea, asa LITTLE = putin-a ENOUGH = destul-a EACH = fiecare in parte EITHER = ambii-ele BOTH = amandoi-ua ANY = niste, niciun, nicio lu vad niciun caine! Ei nu au niciun frate! Ex: | can't see any dog They have no brother! CORPUL OMENESC (HUMAN BODY) . DESCRIEREA UNE! PERSOANE Head =cap Forehead = frunte Eyes = ochi Eyebrow = spranceana Eyelash = geana Eyelid = pleoapa Nose = nas Nostril = nara Mouth = gura, lips = buze Tongue = limba, language Tooth — teeth = dinte / dinti Chin = barbie Cheek = obraz Face = fata Ear Hair Beard = barba Moustache = mustata neck =gat, ceafai throut = gat, interior back = spate shoulder = umar chest = piept, brests = sani belly = burta Limbs = membre incheietura mainii palma Hand = mana it jeget de la mana, thumb = degetul mare Leg = picior, hip = sold Knee = genunchi Ankle = glezn& Foot-feet = laba piciorului Heel = calcai Sole = talpa Toe = deget de la picior Brains = creier ‘Stomach = stomac Lung: Heart Liver Kidneys = rinichi In descrierea unei persoane avem nevoie de: = culoarea parului: black = dark, brown, reddish, blond, grey Ex: She has grey hair. = Ea are parul carunt. She is dark-haired. = Ea este brunet, culoarea ochilor: black = dark = negru / inchis, brown = maro, cafeniu, green = verde, blue = albastru. Ex: She has blue eyes. = Ea are ochii albastri. - _ aracteristici fizice: tall = inalt, thin = slab, delicate = delicat, small = scund, fat (Fatty) = gras (plinu}), athletic = atletic, long (hair) = lung (par), short = scurt, handsome = aratos = good-looking, beautiful = frumos, nice = dragut, pretty = frumusica, ugly = urat, awful = groaznic. - _ Caracter si comportare: dynamic = activ, lazy = leneg, good-hearted = cu suflet bun, the good sense of humor = spiritual, cu simul umorului etc. Aplicatie: Describe your best friend. Read and translate Describe your best friend Many children have small animals like dogs, cats and rabbits. They are often good friends for children, who usually play with them, give them food and clean their places. It’s the first lesson of friendship. Other children prefer to have a fancy friend or a pen friend! When I was a child, I had a fancy friend. He is still my best friend. Why? Because of my shyness or maybe, I can’t find a real person like him. Of course, I have friends but every person has her part. My fancy friend is ABSOLUTE! He looks like I want to be! He has a well-built body, perfect bone structure, strong muscles in a perfect harmony. I close my eyes and I can see him! He is not a motif of frustration. He is my stimulus to make sports and to take care of me! He has an oval handsome face and he’s very expressive because of his shinning eyes and a little smile on his lips. I can feel his smile and I try to be like him. When you start a day smiling, everything becomes easy. You will find the way to solve situations making the most of the cases! He is strong inside, too. His model makes me a determinate person, strong-willed, well balanced, rational, realistic and logical. As a child, I spoke to him about all my problems trying to find the best solutions. Now, thanks to those dialogues, I’m my self-confident, I’m capable of judging all the person I meet with fair play and fair mind. I’m a good policeman because I’m dedicated to my work and ideals, devoted and loyal. I’m generous and tolerant as much as people let me be! When I do something I can feel the smile of my fancy friend. I know that I’m doing what I must to make. When I make stupid mistakes and I feel like kicking myself, my fancy friend comes quickly into my mind to show me why and what J must to do. It’s aconstructive friendship. On the other hand, I think I have double personality. Maybe my best friend is the best part of me...But this is the subject for the long duialogue I'll have with him as soon as possible! MODULUL 4: Prezentul Continuu (diferente intre prezentul simplu si cel continu) Numeralul in limba engleza. Calendarul - exprimarea datei & orei. Sarbatori si traditi Aplicati: WHICH IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON AND WHY? HOW IS THE WEATHER IN YOUR COUNTRY? SPEAK ABOUT YOUR DAILY PROGRAM. PREZENTUL CONTINUU 0 Se formeaza astfel: - afirmativ : | ...they + TO BE (prezent) + verb + ing - negativ: | ..-they + TO BE (prezent) + NOT + verb + ing - interogativ: TO BE (prezent) + |... they + verb + ing? Ex: Is he watching TV now? Yes, he is watching TV now. No, he is not (isn't) watching TV now. 0 Se traduce prin present. 0 —_Ufilizarea prezentului continuu + pentru a exprima aofiuni aflate in desféisurare in momentul vorbiri Ca adverbe de timp se folosesc: now (acum), at this moment (in acest moment), right now (chiar acum), this very moment (chiar in clipa asta) Ex: | am reading now + pentru a exprima acfiuni sau stari temporare dar care au loc intr-o perioada prezenta. Ca adverbe se folosesc : today (astazi), this week / month / year (saptmana aceasta, luna aceasta, anul acesta), at present (In prezent). Ex: I'm working hard this month + pentru a exprima actiuni repetate care il derarjoent pe vorbitor prin frecventa lor Ex: You are always asking me stupid questions ! (Imi pui mereu intrebari stupide !) + pentru a exprima aranjamente pentru vitor, cdnd vorbitorul a planificat, a aranjat deja . In aceasta situatie se traduce prin viitor. Ex: What are you doing next weekend ? I'm having dinner with my sister — in — law. (Ce vei face in urmatorul weekend? Voi lua masa cu cumnata mea.) OD —_ Reguli de ortografie la adaugarea terminatiei “ing” Verbele terminate in “ie” transforma in ‘y"ting Ex: lie - lying, die - dying, tie - tying (a sta intins, a se intinde / a muri, a disparea, sfargi / a lega, ingradi) Verbele terminate in “e” il pierd —x: smoke — smoking, hope — hoping (a fuma / a spera) Se dubleaza consoana finala daca verbul se termina in alternanta consoand — vocal — consoana, are o silab& sau mai multe silabe, iar ultima e accentuata. Ex: stop — stopping (a opri), plan — planning (a planui, planifica), regret — regretting NUMERALUL CARDINAL 1-one, 2— two, 3— three, ...12 — twelve (vezi pagina xerografiata) numeralele intre 13 — 19 se formeaza cu terminatia «teen » Ex: 13-thirteen, 19 - nineteen numeralele din 10 in 10 se formeazé cu terminatia “ty” Ex: 20—twenty, 80 - eighty Intre zeci gi unitati se pune liniut& de unire. Ex: 22 = twenty-two, 45 = fourty — five Atentie! Zecile au forma de plural numai in situatiile de genul: tens and tens of people = zeci si zeci de oameni; the seventies = anii'70 sutele, mille nu se pun la plural cnd sunt numérate dar au forma de plural pentru: hundreds and hundreds of books = sute si sute de crf mille, sutele se leagai prin “and” de celelalte numerale Ex: two hundread and twenty-five = 225 mie = thousand, milion = million, miliard = billion zero se citeste [zirau] in stint Ex: +/- 10 —ten degrees above / below zero [au] in numere de telefon si-n vorbirea obignuit {nil] in sport: The score is three to nil (scorul e 3:0) [nat] = nought “nimic” NUMERALUL ORDINAL Arata ordinea sau pozitia intr-un sir. Se formeaza din numeralul cardinal la care se adauga terminafia “th”, Numai primele trei au forme definite. Ex: the first = primul, the second = al doilea, the third = al treilea, the four + th = al patrulea, etc. Atentie! Numeralul ordinal trebuie s4 aiba inainte articolul hotarat “the” chiar si cand e scris ca cifrd (ex: the fourth = the 4th ) NUMERALUL FRACTIONAR Fractia ordinara: la numarator avem un numeral cardinal, iar la numitor unul ordinal. Cand sunt scrise in litere, se leaga prin cratima. Pentru cifre mari se foloseste “over” (pe/peste) si se citeste cifrd cu cifra pentru evitarea confuziei. Ex: _%=one-fourth, 5/9 = five-ninth, 6/243 = six over two-four-three . Fractia zecimala: acolo unde romanii pun virgula, englezii pun punct si invers. Ex: 1.600=1,600=one thousand and six hundred 1,32=1.32=one point three two. Procentul: % = per cent, 10% = ten per cent. NUMERALUL COLECTIV Exprima ideea de plural intr-o forma de singular: COUPLE = doi, doua, cuplu _ a couple of days (2 zile) PAIR = 2, pereche _ a pair of shoes (0 pereche de pantofi) DOZEN = duzina _ three dozen of eggs (3 duzini de oud) GROSS = 12 dozen GREAT GROSS = 12 gross = 144 dozen. poooo NUMERALUL MULTIPLICATIV Cu exceptia primelor doua, se formeaza din numeralul cardinal + TIMES Ex: ONCE - 0 dat& , TWICE ( de doua ori ), THREE TIMES ( de trei ori), etc Pentru acest tip de numeral exist si o forma folosita tn limbaj tehnic: Ex: SINGLE (1), DOUBLE (2), TRIPLE (3), FOURFOLD (4), TENFOLD (10), etc. Numeral cardinal + AT A TIME Ex: one ata time ( unul odaté ), two at a time (2 odata ) Numeral cardinal + BY+ numeral cardinal. Ex: one by one ( unul cate unul), two by two ( 2 cate doi) Numeral cardinal+AND+numeral cardinal Ex: two and two (2 si cu 2), three and three ( 3 si cu 3). BY THE+numeral cardinal, colectiv Ex: _ by the hundred (cu suta ) , by the dozen ( cu duzina ). APROXIMATIA Se exprima prin cuvinte ca: ABOUT=cam, cca, in jur de; ALMOST = NEARLY (aproape), approximately=aproximativ. Ex: this car is about 5,000 USD (masina asta e in jur de 5.000 $). DEPASIREA Se exprima prin cuvinte ca: OVER=peste, MORE THAN=mai mult de, AND MORE=pe putin Ex: This car is over 5,000 $; This car is more than 5,000$; This car is 5,000 $ and more. EXPRIMAREA ORE! - What time is it? (Cat e ceasul?) A.M. = antemeridian (dimineata); P.M. = postmeridian (seara); 0’ clock quarter quarter half 9:00 = It's nine o'clock; 9:10 = It's ten minutes past nine; 9:15 = It's quarter past nine; 9:30 = It's half past nine; 9:45 = It's quarter to ten; 9:50 = It's ten minutes to ten; 12:00 = It's noon (pranzul); I's midnight (miezul nopti). Deci minutele se pun inaintea orei In stil american: 5:15 = five-fifteen, 20:40 = twenty-forty, 12:00 = twelve-hundred. CALENDARUL The days of the week are (zilele saptamanii sunt): MONDAY = luni, TUESDAY = marti, WEDNESDAY = miercuri, THURSDAY FRIDAY = vineri, SATURDAY = sambata, SUNDAY = duminica. The months of the year are (lunile anului sunt) JANUARY JULY FEBRUARY AUGUST MARCH SEPTEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY NOVEMBER JUNE DECEMBER ATENTIE! Lunile anului si zilele saptamanii se scriu cu litera mare indiferent de pozitia lor in propozitie EXPRIMAREA DATEI: What day is today? Today is the 2" of January 1998 SAU January 2, 1998. Anul se citeste fie intreg, fie din doua bucaii. The four seasons are: spring = primavara, autumn = toamna summer = vara, , winter = ama. Atentie! In engleza anotimpurile nu se articuleaza (the) si nu se scriu cu litera mare. Ex: The farmers work the land in spring, (fermierii lucreaz4 p&mantul primavara). Momentele zilei: in zori, in the morning = dimineata, pranz, in the afternoon = dupaiamiaza, in the evening = seara, at midnight = la miezul noptii, at night = noaptea (by night), by day = ziua. VOCABULAR Cool = racoros, warm = cldut Cold = rece, hot = fierbinte Weather = vreme To shine = a straluci; brightly = stralucitor Snow = zipada Rain = ploaie storm = furtund; lightning = fulger; thunder = tunet Wind = vant, to blow = a sufla To get colder = a se raci, to get warmer = a se incaizi; to melt = a se topi THE WEATHER IS FINE 0 Isafine (nice, lovely) day, isn't it? 1 It's wonderful out today! — Whata clear (starlit, cloudless) night! The sun is coming out! | expect we are going to have a fine day. THE WEATHER IS HOT 1 Its stuffy day! It's 40C in the shade! (The temperature is rising (going up). 0 The heats unbearable. THE WEATHER IS BAD 3 Whata rainy (cloudy, foggy, windy, stormy) day! The sky is overcast! It's still raining hard (fast, heavily). Its raining cats and dogs! I'm wet to the skin! HE WEATHER IS COLD What a cold (frosty) day! It's extremely cold out! The river is frozen over! It's freezing! The snow and ice are meeting (snow is falling hard). poaosacoa Aplicatii: traduceti - THE SEASONS SPRING begin on the twenty first of March. The weather gets warmer. The sun shines brightly in a blue sky. The snow meets quickly and turns into water. The grass and flowers grows. The birds come back. We celebrate the Easter and the 8th of March. SUMMER begins on the twenty first of June. The weather is hot. We often have thunderstorms. When the wind blows hard and black clouds cover the sky, we can hear the thunder and see the lightning. We are on holidays. We usually go at seaside or at the mountains, AUTUMN comes after summer. The weather gets cooler and then colder. The leaves fall from the trees. It often rains and we need umbrellas. We celebrate the Harvest Day. WINTER comes last. The snow falls and covers the ground. It is very cold. There is frost and it freezes. We celebrate the Christmas and the New Year's Eve and St Valentine's Day. APLICATIE: Speak about your daily program. What about the weekend? To wake up, to get out of bed To have /take a shower/bath To dry oneself on towel To get dressed = to put on (off) clothes To brush, to comb To shave oneself To leave for, to go to, to be on duty/off duty To come back home To have a rest, to have dinner To go shopping, to go for a walk, to go cycling, to go out Sarbatori si traditii. ‘Among all of the religious holidays, Christmas and Easter are the most beloved. The Christmas celebration starts with a six-week fast prior to the holiday. The orthodox fasting pattern excludes from the diet any animal product such as meat, eggs, fish, milk or cheese. The celebration of the Christening of Jesus occurs on January 6--a date commonly considered to be the coldest day of the year. Another important date is December 6, when St. Nicholas brings small gifts to the young children who have polished their shoes and placed them in front of a window in their home. Christmas carols, traditional foods and decorated trees are part of the Christmas traditions. Children start to sing carols during a ceremony in which a white newborn lamb is carried by a child, thus symbolizing religious faith and purity. Three days before Christmas, one may detect a heavy aroma of freshly baked walnut and raisin cakes. Two days prior to the celebration, the main cooking activities begin. Pigs-in-the- blanket and beef salad are two favorite dishes. Christmas Eve is reserved for decorating the tree, to be followed by the Christmas Eve dinner. This dinner is usually celebrated within the family. Christmas carols are sung and Santa is expected to leave presents under the tree; families with small children are likely to receive a visit from Santa in person. Christmas Day is celebrated among friends and family. New Year's Eve is celebrated throughout the country. It is an occasion for night-long parties. On this night, the traditional turkey is served. It is believed that no person should spend the night alone, as it is the night when the new year, represented by a baby, is born—and the old year, represented by the tired old man, is replaced. The Easter is the second largest religious celebration in Romania. A six-week fast precedes the holiday, and the rituals of traditional food preparation resemble those of Christmas. Lamb, cheese cake, colored eggs and feta cheese make an appearance in every Easter dinner. The egg as a symbol represents the miracle of creation. A ritual coloring of the eggs takes place to express this symbolism. The first egg colored for Easter belongs to the children and it must be colored red. It is placed in the children’s room to protect them from evil. The second egg colored is blue, representing the "love of young women." It is meant to bring good luck in a marriage. On the first day of Easter, one egg is placed in a pot of water. A silver coin and some fresh basil are added to the water. All household members will wash their faces with this water. Also during Easter, a midnight Mass takes place with a remarkable candle procession as part of the ceremony. Easter Eve is marked by total fasting and the first Easter meal takes place that night following the Mass. Sugestii: 1 si 8 Martie, 24 Februarie Dragobetele, 24 lunie Rusaliile, 1 Decembrie, 1 lunie MODULUL 5: + Pluralul substantivelor (much/many, some/any, there is...there are...) + Propozitii interogative (what, where, why, when, who, whose, whom....) + Aplicatii: traducerea si interpretarea unui text SUBSTANTIVUL - Clasifica © Substantive proprii: denumesc fiinte, locuri, evenimente, nationalitati, lunile, etc. Acestea se scriu cu litera mare oriunde ar fi in propozitie Ex: Dan Gray, England, London, World War |, Englishman, Sunday, January. © Substantive comune: care se impart in mai multe categori; © Substantive comune concrete: numesc persoane neprecizate, plante, animale, fenomene, lucruri ce pot fi atinse cu mana; Ex: boy, girl, flower, tree, dog, cat, rain, snow, chair. © Substantive comune abstracte: numesc stari, sentimente, notiuni generale, actiuni. Ex: sadness, blues, love, hate, fight, motif, dream. © Substantive comune colective: la singular numesc o pluralitate de obiecte sau persoane similare considerate a fi un tot unitar. : army ( armata ), team (echipa), people (grup de cameni); © Substantive comune numarabile: au atat forma de plural cat si de singular Ex: boy-boys, gir-girls; © Substantive comune nenumarabile: NU au decat forma de singular, chiar daca in romana traducem cu plural. Nu primesc in fata lor articolul nehotarat a/an. Se folosesc NUMA cu verbul la singular. Ex: The information is interesting. (Informatiile sunt interesante.) NUMARUL SUBSTANTIVELOR © Singular: este forma din dictionar. Numeste o singura fiinfa sau un singur lucru. © Plural: numeste mai multe fiinte/lucruri. Se obtine adaugand “s” la sfarsitul formei de singular. (boy-boys, book-books) EXCEPTII: (1 Substantivele terminate in 0, x, s, z, ch, sh, primesc “es”. Ex: fox-foxes, bus - buses, watch-watches. © —_Substantivele terminate in “y” care are inainte o consoana, il transforma in ‘i’ + es. Ex: _ baby-babies, country-countries, hobby-hobbies. Obs. Regulile nu se aplica pentru cele terminate in “th’ sau cand y are inainte 0 vocal Ex: month-months, toy - toys © Substantivele terminate in f sau fe la plural se transforma in “ves” Ex: leaf-leaves, wolf-wolves, elf-elves Except: chief-chiefs, dwarf-dwarfs, cliff-cliffs, grief-griefs, roof-roofs, proof-proofs. © Substantivele preluate din limba straind sau obtinute prin prescurtare primesc “s’ direct, nu se supun regulilor. Ex: piano-pianos, soprano-sopranos, photo-photos SUBSTANTIVE CU PLURAL NEREGULAT Exist doud categori: a Substantive care igi schimba forma la plural: Man—men foot — feet Woman — women tooth — teeth Mouse ~ mice child — children Goose ~ geese ox-oxen 1 Substantive care fie au dou forme de plural fie au dour traducer: Ex: die zar, matrité ) — dies = matrite ~dice =zaruri index (index) — indexes (indexuri) ~ indices (indici, indicatori). Medium ( mediu, pers) — mediums ( pers ) — media (mass-media, multimedia ). Custom (obicei, traditie) — customs (obiceiuri/vama) Pain (durere) — pains (dureri, osteneala) Manner (s) = mod— moduri, maniere / purtare Advice - sfat 0 advices = informatii, comunicari, stir Practice —practicd U practices = masinatii Work — munca 0 works = mecanismul unui ceas / masini Cost - cost, pref 0 costs = cheltuieli Nume de culori la plural O blues = melodie trista, stare de melancolie, deprimare a verdeturi, fete tinere, dolari a Ibituri, lenjerie grays = haine gri, cai cenusii Substantive nenumarabile: Nu primesc “s” si se folosesc cu verbul la singular. Luck advice equipment business Nonsense luggage knowledge money Information furniture fun merchandise Happiness peace bread meat Sand rice progress thunder Substantive numai cu forma de plural OD boli si stari: blues, hysterics 0 imbrac&minte din doua parti: pants, jeans, overalls, shorts 0 _iinstrumente: glasses, scissors 1D $tiinte, obiecte de studiu: economics, informatics, mathematics J —_nume geografice: the Alps, the Carpathians 1 pari ale corpului: vitals, genitals 0 diverse: customs, damages, means, manners, stairs, thanks, news Substantive compuse 0 “s’ se adauga la ultimul cuvant, cdnd e considerat tot unitar Ex: class — fellows forget me—nots (flori de nu-ma-uita) Grown — ups merry - go - rounds (carusele) 0 dupa primul substantiv cand restul cuvintelor au rol de atribut Ex: fathers — in-law lookers — on mothers — in — law passers — by Substantive proprii Tse adauga ‘s” la sfarsit indiferent de litera finala si obligatoriu “the” in fata Ex: the Browns, the Pennys, the Marinos = familia . the Romeos = mai mulfi baieti numifi Romeo sau cu calitafi de Romeo Exercitiu: Punefi substantivele din paranteze la plural si traduceti: 1. There are hundreds of (book) on the (shelf). 2. All his (toy) are in the room. 3. Those (man) are (tourist). 4, (Child) like (story). 5. They left their (watch) on the table. 6. Do you see the white (cliff) of Dover? 7. (Leaf) fall in autumn. 8. There are lots of (goose) on that farm. 9. Do you buy any (potato) and (tomato)? 10. Wipe your (foot) here, please. 11. Those (woman) are (housewife). 12. There are some (mouse) in the courtyard. 13. The (news) is interesting, 14. He packs his (luggage). PROPOZITII INTEROGATIVE WHO? = cine, folosit pentru personae WHOSE? = al cui? a cui? ale cui? TO WHOM? = cui? WHICH (OF)? = care dintre? Care? ‘WHAT? = care? Ce? HOW? = cum? WHY? = de ce? WHEN? = cénd? WHERE? = unde? Ex: Who are you? (cine esti tu?) What are you? I'm an engineer. (ce esti?) Which ever? What ever? Who's who? (cine este “cineva"?) What about you? (dar tu?) Where does he work? When do you go? Where are you from? ATENTIE! In limba engleza nu se incepe propozitia cu un verb (fac exceptie intrebarile) de aceea exista formulele: THERE IS = este, exista, se afla THERE ARE = sunt, exista, se afla THERE IS NOT (there isn't) THERE ARE NOT (there aren't) |S THERE...? ARE THERE...? SOME - ANY Se folosesc pentru cantitati neprecizate in cazul substantivelor numarabile si pentru substantive nenumarabile. ‘SOME se foloseste in propozitii afirmative — There are some flowers in the garden ANY se foloseste in propozitii negative si in intrebari— Are there any eggs in the fridge? There isn't any milk on the table. MODULUL 6: Adverbul (formare, grade de comparatie) Going shopping (marfuri, magazine, preturi) Exprimarea preferintei Activitati de petrecere a timpului liber — constructii specifice Aplicati: dialog la cumparaturi invitatia — acceptarea/refuzarea invitatiei ADVERBUL Este partea de vorbire care insoteste un verb. FORMAREA ADVERBELOR !) Din adjective prin adaugarea sufixului “ly”: Ex: sensible — sensibly = rezonabil, rational / cu intelepciune kind - kindly = amabil / cu amabilitate Reguli de ortografie o final se pastreaza, cu exceptia situatiei cand avem “le” si inainte o consoana Ex sincere — sincerely = sincer / cu sinceritate, sensible — sensibly = rezonabil 1 “’ final se pastreaza daca are inainte vocala dar cade daca are consoana Ex: legal — legally = legal / in legalitate Cue" final il pirde pe “e” inaintea terminatiei Ex: true truly = adevarat — cu adevarat 0 *y’final se transforma in “i" Ex pretty — prettily = dragut - cu dragalesenie (exceptie: dryly, shyly, wryly) ll) Din adjective care isi schimba locul in propozitie (au forma identi Ex a straight line (adjectiv) — to go straight home (adverb) along way (adjectiv) — to live long (adverb) Ill) Din adjective, cu doua forme: una identica cu adjectivul, alta cu sufix “ly” Atentie! Cele doua forme nu au intotdeauna traducere identical Ex: | work hard = Eu muncesc greu - They hardly work = Ei abia daca muncesc The plane flies high = Avionul zboara la inaltime The film is highly interesting = Filmul este deosebit de interesant Late = tarziu, cu intarziere - lately = recent Just = chiar, imediat, doarce © - —_justly = pe drept, pe buna dreptate GRADELE DE COMPARATIE ALE ADVERBELOR Sunt identice cu cele ale adjectivelor Adverbe scurte: hard — harder — hardest (greu — mai greu — cel mai greu) Adverbe lungi: quickly ~ more quickly — most quickly (repede — mai repede — cel mai repede) Adverbe neregulate: well — better — best (bine — mai bine — cel mai bine) CLASIFICAREA ADVERBELOR DUPA INTELES © De mod, arata cum se desfasoara actiunea (how?) Ex: fast, hard, slowly, well © De loc, arata unde se desfasoara actiunea (where?) Ex: abroad, here, there, somewhere, inside, outside © De timp, arata cand se desfasoara actiunea (when?) Ex: after, before, never, daily, today © De cauza, arata de ce se desfasoara actiunea (why?) Ex: that’s why, for that reason, consequently, so 0 Introductive Ex: accordingly to, in accordance to, however, in any case 1 Interogative Ex: how, where, why, when C — Explicative Ex: named, such as, as, o De cantitate Ex: about, almost, enough, far, pretty, too, over O De frecventa, arata de cate ori se intampla actiunea Ex: always, often, sometimes, never Oo Altele Ex: yes, no, indeed, maybe, perhaps, not LOCUL ADVERBELOR IN PROPOZITIE: AF + VERB + AM + AL + AT Ex: | always read quickly the newspaper in the dining room in the morning. AF VAM AL AT C —_Adverbele de frecventa se pun inaintea verbului. In cazul verbului TO BE, adverbele de frecventa se pun dupa verb. Adverbul “never” fiind negativ, se foloseste cu verbul la afirmativ pentru ca in engleza nu exista doua negatii in aceiasi propozitie. Ex: He never says something like that = El nu spune niciodata asa ceva. Adverbele usually si sometimes pot fi puse si la inceputul propozitiei pentru sublinierea intelesului. Adverbele lately, recently, of late, yet se pun la sfarsitul propozitiei Ex: He hasn't arrived yet = El n-a ajuns inca. 0 Adverbele de timp se pun doar la sfarsitul sau la inceputul propozitiei Ex: | eat a sandwich every morning. Every morning | eat a sandwich. EXPRIMAREA PREFERINTEI THINGS WE LIKE TO DO: I like Hove + VERB + ing enjoy I'm fond of Ex: | ike cooking fish. I'm fond of fishing. He enjoys eating sweets. You love singing. THINGS WE DON'T LIKE TO DO: I don't like =| dislike Ihate I'm not fond of + VERB + ing I don't enjoy Ex: | dislike cooking fish. He hates singing. You aren't fond of eating sweets. Alte expresii uzuale I'm keen on...= sunt mort dupa. There's nothing | like more than...= nimic nu-mi place mai mult ca... There's nothing | like less than...= nimic nu-mi place mai putin ca. I'm over the moon about...= ma dau peste cap dupa... I'm afraid | don't like ia tem ca nu-mi place sa... I've never liked...= niciodata nu mi-a placut... {tis not one of my favorite...= nu se numara printre favoritele mele | think is awful (unpleasant)...= cred cae neplacut... | can't bear (stand) = nu pot suporta... ooo0o08o00e8n0 | must say I'm not too fond of...= trebuie sa spun ca nu sunt prea incantat de... What do you feel about...? = ce parere ai despre? How do you see...? = cum consideri...? How would you react to...? = cum ai reactiona la....? From my point of view...= din punctul meu de vedere As far as I'm concerned...= in ceea ce ma priveste Well, to my mind...= ei bine, dupa parerea mea.... I'd just like to say...= as vrea doar sa spun ca... poeanoooo EXPRESII ~ PARTICULARITATI © WOULD RATHER + VERB (infinitive) Se poate exprima preferinta si cu aceasta constructie. Ex: | would (I'd) rather leave than stay and be bored As prefera sa plec decat sa raman sis a ma plictisesc © WOULD RATHER + VERB (la trecut) Constructia exprima o cerinta. Ex: | would ({'d) rather you didn't smoke if you don't mind = As prefera sa nu furnezi, daca nu te deranjeaza 0 HAD BETTER + VERB (infinitive) Constructia exprima un avertisment sau un sfat. Ex: You'd better slow down; the police is behind you! = Mai bine ai incetini, politisti sunt in spatele tau! 0 (TIS BETTER + VERB (infinitive) Constructia exprima un sfat si se traduce impersonal. Ex: It is better to work harder if you want to succeed! E mai bine (e de preferat) sa se munceasca mai mult daca vrei sa reusesti! INVITATIA - EXPRESII UZUALE 1) Making an invitation: Would you like to...= ati vrea sa...? 1 We should be very pleased if you could...= am fi f incantati daca ati putea sa... 1 You are cordially invited to attend the reception! = primiti invitatia noastra cordiala de a participa la receptie! Accepting an invitation Thank you, I'd like to...= multumesc, mi-ar place sa... I won't say so! = n-am sa refuz! Great! Lovely! Smashing! = grozay, incantator, teribil. With the greatest pleasure...= cu cea mai mare placere. Most kind of you...= foarte dragut din partea ta... Declining an invitation I'm terribly sorry, | don't think | can Sorry, | can't but thanks anyway. Iwish | could but I'm afraid | can’ ooo00 imi pare rau dam u cred ca pot... imi pare rau, nu pot dar multumesc oricum... iS vrea sa pot dar ma tem ca nu... o00 APLICATII—INVITATIA / EXPRIMAREA PREFERINTE! Hello, Mike! | didn't expect to meet you here! - Well, well, well....George! I haven't seen you for ages! - Howare you? How are they, all at home? - Everybody is quite well! What about you? - Pretty well, thanks! - Weare always at home on Sundays! You'll come and have dinner with us, won't you? Comple Thanks a lot! I'd be very pleased to see you....all of you! But you are sure I'm not in the way?! Come on! You are a special guest! Next Sunday, don't forget! OK! But I'll ring up first! ‘See you on Sunday! Bye! I'm looking forward to meet you! Have a nice time! Diana, what would you say to see a film tonight? | regret very much that a prior engagement stands in the way! So, I'm not able to accept your kind invitation... Come on! Tomorrow evening may be... I'm terribly sorry! 'd be very pleased to come with you.Unfortunately my time is taken up! Do you like fishing? Oh, there's nothing | like less than fishing! But you? There's nothing | like more than fishing! Well, to my mind, we can't fun together! Find another partner... Do you like music? \ have always liked listening to mus! It is one of my favorite pastimes! Do you like classical music? | rather dislike...But I'm over the moon about latino music! It is not one of my favorite! But | ike very much MODERN TALKING! | must say I'm not too fond of them! know, | know... You are very keen on Thalia! I'd just like to say she's a lovely woman with a nice voice! From my point of view, I'd like to keep the woman without the voice! ‘Oh, shame on you! No, no, no...ask the men! 's a lovely way to pass the time. ... What about you? these sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives and adverbes: This jacket is too small. You need a... size, You look ...... . Have you lost weight” He's not so keen on his studies. He's . You'll find your way around the town. You're making too much noise. Can you be a bit. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was You're late. | expected you to be here.. You hardly ever write to me. Why don't you write a bit. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. | expected it to be much. . Its a pity you live so far away. | wish you lived. Sorry I'm late. It took me . to get there than | expected. My toothache is.... an it was yesterday. She looks about 20 but in fact she’s much. The problem is not so complicated. It's .. Your English has improved. You speak a lot . It's alittle than it was yesterday. You're driving too fast. Gan you drive a bit. in having good time. if you have a map. 2 .than usual. han she looks. ..than you think. than you did last time. than the other one! now! 18. | prefer this armchair. It's much 49. You looked depressed this morning but you look a bit. 20. This flat is too small for me. | need something much...... 21. Itsalot. to learn a foreign language in the country where it's spoken 22. Ann works. than most of her friends 23. The exam was. . than we expected. 24. Could you speak a bit. 2 25. Her illness was far... than we at first thought! Translate into English: 1. Paul este amabil .. 2. Va rugam sa raspundeti cat mai repede posibil. 3. El este o persoana sensibila. . 4, Ea a luat hotararea cu intelepciune.. 5, Ma duc direct acasa, sunt obosit. . 6. Cel mai scurt drum este linia dreapta 7. E cale lunga pana la Bucurestil... 8. La multi ani (sa traiesti mult) 9. Este un document legal, nu-ti face grijil... 10. Ea este cinstita, intotdeauna actioneaza legal! 11. Este o intalnire interesanta, avem sala plinal..... 12. Oaspetii au renuntat complet la programul turistic......... 13. Luorez din greu zilnic.. 14. Abia daca ii cunosc... 15. Ea este destul de buna la matematica... 16. El nu poate privi astazi la TV, este pe drept pedepsit!. 17. Tom este cinstit. El lucreaza "curat"!. 18. Grabeste-te, ai un tren matinall.. 19. Trebuie sa te trezesti devreme in fiecare dimineata. 20. Ea vorbeste englezeste la fel de bine ca si Dan... GOING SHOPPING ao N000000000000000 ooooo poo0o000 ‘Shop - magazin Department store — magazin universal Supermarket; Megamarket, Mall Goods, commodities — bunuri, mérfuri To go shopping = a merge la cumparaturi Price -low price = pret mic -> cheap = ieftin, to cheapen = a ieftini high price = pre ridicat -> expensive / dear = scump, to put up the price = a scumpi It's dear but it pays! = e scump dar merita! to sell (sold) = a vinde, to buy = a cumpara Shop assistant, salesman, saleswoman = vanzator Customer = client What can | do for you? May | help you? = Ce doriti? (ce pot face pentru dumneavoastra? Pot sa va ajut?) I'd like this, please! = Ag dori, mi-ar placea asta, va rog! How much is it? What is the price? = Cat costa? Ce pref are? Ready — weighed / ready — packed = preambalat (c4ntart si impachetat) Ready — bottled = imbuteliat Wrap / pack = a impacheta, a ambala Bill comes (amounts) to 50 S. = Nota de plata este 50. Cash — register (desk) = casa, to pay in cash = plata in numerar Price — tag = eticheta Tinned /canned = conseva Queue = coada, to queue up = a sta la coada Packet / parcel = pachet Paper / plastic bag, = punga (hartie / plastic), sacosa Shopkeeper / shop owner = negustorul, proprietarul magazinului To leave a deposit = a da acont To sell by installments / hire and purchase = a vinde in rate Money — banknote — bani de hartie ~ small change — marun{i, bani de metal | have no small change about me = n-am marunt Made in Romania = fabricat in RO, BRAND = marca inregistrata Gross weight = greutate bruta, net weight = neto 1 pound = 453,39 grams, 1 pint ~ 0,5701 order = comanda, a comanda delivery charge = taxa de livrare fitting — room = cabina de proba Read and translate: To the Wine Counter Have you got any white wine? What kind of white wine: sweet wine, dinner wine, dry wine, sparkling wine ...? ‘Something fine, | think! You know... take to drinking! Oh, | guess you have to drink a bottle of hock or maybe a bottle of champagne! Why not!? Give a bottle of champagne! What kind of strong drinks have you got? We have got cognae, liqueur, plum brandy, vermouth, vodka, gin, rum whisky Give me a bottle of cognac, please! And soft drinks? Mineral water, soda, fruit juice, tonic water... Give me a bottle of lemon squash, please! Here you are! Thanks! Bye! To the Bakery Counter (at the Baker's) I'd like a loaf of white bread and two loaves of brown bread, please! Here you are, sir! Have you got whole - meal bread? Or something else? Yes, of course. We have got rolls, buns, graham bread, rye bread, fancy bread, currant bun, ginger bread, sticks, croissants, breadsticks, cracknels, ... Give me ten rolls and a gingerbread bag, please! Here you are! Thanks! At the Ladies Ready - Made Clothes Department Can | find here a fashionable evening dress? This is the latest fashion in Paris! Oh, haven't you got the same pattem but a darker shade? Something more stylish? Here you are, madam! 100EUR. Isn't this dress rather dear?! Yes but cheap clothes do not wear well. It is worth the money it costs. Yes, it's dear but it pays, really! I advice you to get hold of this dress as long as it's still on sale! Activitati de timp liber — constructii specifice Pentru a vorbi despre activitati sportive, se foloseste constructia DO + VERB + ing Ex: | so some cycling in weekend. (fac ciclism la sfarsit de saptamana) On holidays | did some swimming (in vacanta am facut inot) Pentru a spune ca fac o plimbare sau fac fotografil, se folosesc expresii in care verbul “a face” nu se regaseste efectiv in limba engleza Ex: to go for a walk = a face o plimbare, to take photos = a face fotografi MODULUL ‘+ Mesele zilei (feluri de mancare, bauturi, tacamuri) * Verbele modale: CAN, MAY, MUST, SHOULD/SHOULDN’T * Aplicati: INTEGRAMA “MASA" YOU HAVE YOUR DINNER / BREAKFAST IN A RESTAURANT Verbe modale in diferite formule de conversatie. MESELE ZILEI + table = masa (obiect) DAR: meal = masa (activitate) + The meals of the day are: - Breakfast in the morning = micul dejun ; = Lunch at noon = gustare de pranz, dejun scurt; - Dinner asa principal a zilei - Supper inthe evening = cin usoara, supeu. + Ce punem pe masa (obiecte) - Table cloth(s) fata de masa; - Soup plate - Dinner plate - Dessert plate = farfurie de desert; = Saucer farfuriuta; - Dish fel de mancare - Dishes - Cutlery = Cover for one - Fork(s) - Knife/knives = Spoon - Tea-spoon - Ladle - Scum ladle = spumiera; - Glass pahar; - Wine glass pahar de vin - Mug halba; - Cup = ceased; - Soup-tureen = castron de supa; - Bread - basket cos de paine; - Tray = tava, platou; ash-tray = scrumiera; = Egg-cup uport de oud; - Salt-cellar olnita; pepper-box = pipenifa; - Tooth-pick stand scobitori; = Napkin . - Tea- kettle inic, ibric de ceai; - Coffee-pot afetiera, = Cruet stand = oliviera (ofet + ule’); = Corkscrew = tirbugon; Meat = carne - Beef = vaca(cow); - Chicken = pui; - Veal = vitel; -fowl = pasare; pore (pig); -turkey = curcan; oaie (sheep); goose = ga jel; - duck - Game - rabbit - venison = caprioara (deer); - pheasant - fazan -Trout = pastrav; Over done = bine prajit Undercooke ange; Salad Hors d'oeuvres, entrees = antreur, aperitive; Soup = supa Noodle-soup = supa cu taiefei; Tomato- soup = supa de rosi Cream —soup = sup&-crema( consome); Broth (borsch) iorba; Fried potatoes = cartofi p Chips cartofi pai; Mashed potatoes = piureu; Boiled potatoes = cartofi natur ( fier); roast beef (chicken) = friptura vaca, pui (prajit); steak = friptura Chop = cotlet; Boiled meat = rasol; Meat balls Hamburger, hot dog Stew chiftele; grilled minced meat rolls = mici; arjoala, crenvursti in chiftd; cana, ghiveci, iahnie; Ham sunca; bacon = costifa, slanina White ( French) bread = franzela; Brown bread = paine neagra; Roll hil’; Croissant ‘corn; Toast ine prajita; Sweets jesert, dulciuri Pie placinta, tarta; apple pie = placinta cu mere ; ches pie = plécinta cu branza; Cake = prajiturd, tort; Cookies = fursecuri; Pudding = budinca; Fruit salad Ice-cream Jam, marmalade ; Honey Compote, stewed fruit Drinks bauturi Milk lapte; sour milk = lapte acru ; yogurt = iaurt; Tea ceai; coffee =cafea; - white coffee = cafea cu lapte; - Mineral water = apa mineral; soda = sifon, tonic water ~ apa tonica - Fruit juice = suc de fructe; soft drinks = racoritoare; - Beer ~ cognac = coniac; - Wine = liqueur = lichior, - Champagne sampanie; = whisky, gin; - Vermouth = vermut - Brandy = rachiu; - rum, cocktail. - restaurant; pub = berarie; canteen = canting; - waiter/waitress = ospatar; cook = bucatar; barman, bartender; ~ menu = bill of fare ; bill = nota. Read and translate Good afternoon! Is there any table left? - Yes, sir. This way, please. Here you are. - Canthave the menu? Thanks. May | have your order, please? - Yes, I would like to have a crab cocktail for starting. Then, bring me a pork chop with fried potatoes and vegetables salad... but first, | want a fish soup! For the desert, bring me an ice cream and pancakes. = What would you like to drink? - Abottle of white wine and a cup of coffee with cognac in the end. May | have the bill? - Here you are! Enjoy your meal! - Thanks! Keep the change! Read and translate = Good morming! May | have my breakfast? - Ofcourse, sir! Your order, please! - | would like cheese, salami, olives and mushrooms with tomato salad. Toasts, please! - What would you like to drink, sir? - Orange juice, first and some fruit pie with a cup of Turkish coffee. - Yes, sir. ll bring you in a minute...Here you are! Enjoy your breakfast! - Thanks. Verbele modale Au urmatoarele caracteristi + nuau forme pentru toate timpurile.De aceea au echivalente ce le inlocuiesc; + formeaza negtivul prin simpla adaugare a lui “not”; + intrebarea (interogativul) se formeaza prin simpla inversiune a modalului cu persoana; + modalele nu primesc “s" la persoana a Ill- a singular ( he, she, it); + nuau infinit lung, numai scurt, de aceea nu primese “to” in fata; + dupa modale se folosesc numai verbe la infinitiv scurt + nuau forma continua (cu terminatie “ing”). CAN Poate avea urmatoarele sensuri si traduceri: * Abilitate, capacitate — a putea cu sensul de a fi capabil sa ... = are forma numai la prezent = can sila trecutul simplu = could = la celelalte timpuri se foloseste echivalentul : to be able to (to be se conjuga) Prezent simplu: | can sing.t'm able to sing better at present. Trecut simp I could sing,! was able to sing better last year. Future Simple: | will/shall be able to sing better next year. + Sensul de permisiune — numai formele: can si could Can | come in? Pot sa intru? Could | come in? Ag putea intra? * Sensul de posibilitate — numai formele: can si could He could be right. S-ar putea s aiba dreptate. He can be sleeping now. E posibil ca el s4 doarma acum. Obs. Can exprima un procent de siguranta mai mare decat could. * Sens de imposibilitate - numai formele: can't si couldn't He can't be right. —Nu se poate sa aiba dreptate. He couldn't be sleeping now.- Nu cred ca doarme acum. + Can se foloseste cu verbele de perceptie (hear, see, smell, taste, feel) pentru a le sublinia efectele. In aceasta situatie “can” nu se traduce Ex: | can see a car in the street. Can you hear me? Can you smell it? MAY / MIGHT Poate avea sensul si traducerea de : * permisiune : May are numai forma de prezent.La celelalte timpuri se inlocuieste cu to be allowed to sau to be permitted to (to be se conjuga) Observatie: May poate fi inlocuit gi de might. Might este un mod mai politicos de a cere permisiunea.lar cand se redau cuvintele cuiva (limbaj indirect) might 1! inlocuieste pe may. Prezent simplu: | may (| am allowed to) come with you. Trecut simplu: | was allowed to come with you. Future Simple: | will be allowed to come with you. + posibilitate (se folosesc formele may gi might) He may come tomorrow.He might come tomorrow. Obs. May reprezinté un procent de siguranté mai mare. Folosirea lui might araté c& posibilitatea aproape nu exist’. MusT 1 Sensul de ordin, absoluta necesitate, obligatie. Must are forma numai la prezent. La restul timpurilor este inlocuit de to have to. La prezent exista diferente intre cele doud forme: + Must exprimé obligafia autoimpusa (eu vreau) Ex: | must change my behaviour. + Have to exprima obligatia exterioara (sunt obligat) Ex: You have to wipe your feet when you come in. Must not exprima interdictia: You must not smoke here (nu trebuie s fumezi aici) Not to have to exprima absenta obligatiei: You don't have (need not) to work on Sunday. La celelalte timpuri aceasta diferenta dispare pentru cd must nu mai are forme si ramane doar echivalentul sau, Prezent simplu: | must (have to) go now. Trecut simplu: | had to go earlier. Viitor simplu: | will have to go tomorrow. 2. Sensul de posibilitate — 0 deductie cu sens pozitiv la prezent (99, 9 % sigura) Ex: He is asleep. He must be very tired. (el este adormit; trebuie sa fie foarte obosit) La trecut: MUST + HAVE + VERB (forma 3) He must have been Scottish; he was wearing a kilt. (trebuie sa fi fost scotian; purta kilt) SHOULD / SHOULDN'T Exprima un sfat, 0 recomandare (este mai putin categoric ca “must’): Ex: You should not eat sweets (n-ar trebui sa mananci dulciuri) Poate exprima si un repros sau 0 critica, in formula SHOULD + HAVE + VERB (forma 3) Ex: You should have driven on the right. You shouldn't have driven on the left. (ar fi trebuit sa conduci pe dreapta; n-ar fi trebuit sa conduci pe stanga) APLICATII: Read and translate: Could you help me with my luggage? She can't speak English yet but she will be able to do it soon. The sky might clear up later. May | borrow this book? Yes, you are allowed to take it. They may win the match but I'm not sure. He should leave earlier. You shouldn't miss the concert. Peter is absent today. He must be ill. You must not play in the middle of the road. He couldn't be abroad last week. | met him on Friday. He must be very tired. The children were allowed to go out when the rain stopped. You don't have to take your umbrella; it's not raining. . Read and translate: You should look both ways before you cross the road. You shouldn't eat with full mouth. She shouldn't cycle without light. You should eat at least one piece of fruit a day. They should train harder if they want to win. You should try to answer every question in the exam. People shouldn't throw litter in the streets. The children in the camp have to get up at 6 a.m. You don't have to go if you don't want to. Have you to stand up when you speak to your boss? ‘She hadn't to wear a uniforme when she was in school. He's hurt his arm so he has to go to the hospital for an X-ray. Have people to get a visa for a trip to Australia? Had he to drive on a motorway when he took the driving test? MODULUL 8: + Trecutul Simplu (formare, utilizare ete) + Home, sweet home! (camera, mobile, obiecte din casa) + Aplicatii: WHERE DO YOU LIVE? (adresa, directionare) DESCRIBE YOUR HOUSE/APARTMENT. INTEGRAMA ~ “APARTAMENT” TRECUTUL SIMPLU Se formeazi asttel: + afirmativ: |... THEY + VERB ( la forma a Il a daca e pe lista verbelor neregulate sau cu terminatia ED daca nu este) negativ: |... THEY + DID NOT (DIDN'T) + VERB (inf scurt) interogativ: DID + |... THEY + VERB (inf scurt) ? e.g. | went to school yesterday — Am fost ieri la scoala | didn't go to school yesterday — N-am fost la scoala ieri Did you go to school yesterday? — Ai fost ieri la scoala? Se traduce in limba romand prin perfect compus (am mancat, ai cAntat...) Reguli de ortografie: Verbele terminate in Y ce are inainte 0 consoand, il transforma in “I" si apoi primeste inainte o vocala, regula nu se aplica daca verbul se termina in “Y" dar are e.g. hurry — hurried, study — studied, try — tried play — played, enjoy — enjoyed = Verbele care se termina in “E” il includ in terminatie e.g. hope — hoped, smoke — smoked - _ Verbele care se termina in consoani — vocala - consoana dubleaza litera final e.g. stop — stopped, regret — regretted, prefer — preferred Obs: Consoana finalé NU se dubleaza daca: - __ Silaba finalé nu este accentuat e.g. visit — visited, listen — listened, develop — developed = Consoana finald are inaintea ei o consoand sau doua vocale e.g. start — started, tur — turned, boil — boiled, need — needed Utilizarea trecutului simplu: 1. Pentru a exprima actiuni sau stari ce au inceput si s-au terminat intr-un moment din trecut bine precizat Adverbe de timp utilizate: yesterday (ieri), LAST week/month/year/summer (saptamana trecut, luna trecuta, anul trecut, vara trecuta...), a week/two months/a year AGO (acum o saptémand, acum 2 luni, acum un an) eg. | went to Brasov last week — Am fost la Brasov saptmana trecuta 2. Pentru a exprima actiuni repetate sau obiceiuri din trecut, inexistente in prezent | always walked to school when | was a child — Intotdeauna am mers pe jos la scoala in copilarie. Obs: In aceastd situatie se poate folosi si constructia USED TO + VERB (inf scurt) eg. | used to walk to school when | was a child — obisnuiam s& merg pe jos la scoala in copilarie. HOME, SWEET HOME! Home: se foloseste fara cuvant de posesie atunci cdnd este vorba de propria casa eg. to be at home — a fi acasa, to go home — a merge acasa, on my way home In alte situatii “home” are inteles de cdmin, domiciliu - house - cas, constructie - block of flats — bloc + flat = apartment = apartament - building = cladire, constructie - storey = etaj privit din afara cladirii (four storeyed block of flats = bloc cu 4 et) - floor = level = etaj privit din interiorul cladirii (the second floor = et 2) + lift = elevator = lift, ascensor - stairs (main stairs, backstairs) = scara (principala, de serviciu) casa scarii - landing = palier - (entrance) hall, corridor, passage = hol, coridor, culoar / pasaj camera (two — roomed flat = apartament cu 2 camere) = corer = colt - ground floor = parter - basement = subsol - doi window = fereastra caM JERELE living room (sitting room) = camera de zi - drawing room = salon (acasa), _ beauty parlor = cosmetica - bedroom (sleeping room) = dormitor “ dining room = sufragerie = study room (office) = birou (computer, desk, chair, shelves) - bathroom = baie - toilet = toaleta - nursery = camera copilului - kitchen = bucatarie - lumber room = debara - socket = - pantry / larder = camara ~bulb balcony (terrace) = balcon, terasa ~ cable DORMITORUL bed = pat - chairbed = fotoliu — pat - crib =patut de copil _- cradle = leagan de copil - dressing table = masuta de toaleta - wardrobe = sifonier - bed clothes = lenjerie de pat (pillow case/slip = fata de perna) - cover = cuvertura - pillow = perna - plaid = pled (patura usoara) - blanket = patura groasa - pyjamas = pijamale (night gown = camasa de noapte) - night (bedside) table = noptiera - lamp = lustra (night lamp = veilleuse = veioza) - carpet = covor - rug = carpeta - curtain = perdea - hangings = draperii dressing gown = halat de casa ‘SUFRAGERIA - sofa = canapea - armchair = fotoliu table = masa - chair = scaun = bookcase = book shelves = biblioteca - library = biblioteca (institutie) - china cupboard / bar = vitrina - radiator = calorifer - radio receiver = radio - TVset = televizor - __ Video player (recorder) = video BUCATARIA - _ tefrigerator = fridge = frigider - freezer = congelator - dishes washer = masina de spalat vase = vacuum cleaner (Hoover) = aspirator - washing machine = masina de spalat = cooking machine = stove = gas cooker = aragaz = broom + dust tray = matura + faras - duster + rags = spalatoare (dish cloth = carpe de vase) = gas—ring = resou - ion = fier de calcat - pail (bucket) = galeata - dishes = vesela + cutlery = tacamuri - household apparatus (machine units) = aparate de uz casnic - sink = chiuveta de bucatarie = cupboard = sideboard = dulap de bucatarie rubbish (garbage) basket = cos de gunoi wash stand = chiuveta de baie - tub + bath = cada (obiect + continut) - shower = dus (to take a shower) - towel + soap = prosop + sapun - shampoo (balm) = sampon (balsam) - hair brush = perie de par (comb = pieptan) - tooth paste + tooth brush = periuta + pasta de dinti - hair spray / body spray = fixativ + deodorant - shaving cream (shaving foam) = crema (spuma) de ras - after shave, lotion - hair dryer = uscator de par - bath gown = halat de baie - slippers = papuci - toilet paper = hartie igienica - mirror (glass) = oglinda - shelf = etajera - tap =robinet = toilet ring = colac WC ATENTIE - BATH si BATHE To bath = to give someone a bath = a imbaia pe cineva To have a bath = a face baie in cada To bathe = to swim = a inota, a se scalda To sunbathe = a face plaja To bathe + substantiv = a curata, spala, dezinfecta e.g. He must to bathe his swollen finger = trebuie sa-si dezinfecteze degetul inflamat Aplicatii: WHERE DO YOU LIVE? (adresa, directionare) DESCRIBE YOUR HOUSE/APARTMENT. INTEGRAMA ~ “APARTAMENT” MODULUL 9: + Trecutul Continuu + Mijloace si cai de transport. Calatori * Aplicatii: WHERE ARE YOU GOING ON HOLIDAYS? YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE FOR PARIS BY PLANE YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE FOR BUCHAREST BY TRAIN TRECUTUL CONTINUU Se formeaza astfel: - Afirmativ: |, HE, SHE, IT + WAS + VERB + ING WE, YOU, THEY + WERE + VERB + ING - Negativ: I, HE, SHE, IT + WAS NOT (WASN'T) + VERB + ING WE, YOU, THEY + WERE NOT (WEREN'T) + VERB + ING - __Interogativ: WAS / WERE + I... THEY + VERB + ING? Se traduce prin imperfect (mancam, cantai...) Reguli de ortografie: - Daca un verb se termina in IE, transforma in Y + ING @.g. to lie — lying (2 fi intins, asezat), to die — dying (a muri) - acd verbul se termina in E, acesta cade @.g. smoke — smoking (a fuma), hope — hoping (a spera) Fac exceptie BE - BEING, SEE — SEEING, AGREE - AGREEING - Se dubleaza consoana final daca se termina in consoana-vocala-consoana e.g. stop — stopping, plan — planning, begin — beginning Utilizarea trecutului simplu: = pentru a exprima activitati aflate in plina desfasurare la un moment bine precizat din trecut Adverbe de timp: AT THIS TIME yesterday/last week/ last year... (pe vremea asta ieri, saptamana trecut4, anul trecut) e.g. I was listening to music at this time yesterday — Ascultam muzica ieri pe vremea asta. ATENTIE: Intr-o fraza, 0 actiune aflata in plina desfasurare se traduce cu trecut continuy, iar o alta actiune, care o intrerupe pe prima, se traduce cu trecut simplu Ex: You were waiting for the bus when you saw the accident. (Asteptai autobuzul cand ai vazut accidentul) Intr-o fraza, doua actiuni desfasurate simuttan in trecut, se traduc cu trecut continuu Ex: You were watching TV while | was writing an e-mail message. (Te uitai la TV in timp ce eu scriam un e-mail) Intr-o fraza, mai multe actiuni scurte, succesive din trecut, se traduc cu trecut simplu Ex: She opened the door, looked outside and didn't see anyone. (A deschis usa, s-a uitat afara si n-a vazut pe nimeni) MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION by car = cu masina (my car runs 200 km/an hour) - by bus = cu autobuzul - by trolley bus = cu troleibuzul - by mini-bus = cu maxi-taxi - by tram = cu tramvaiul - _ byplane = cu avionul - by boat (ship) = cu vaporul by train = cu trenul WAYS OF TRANSPORT by sea = pe apa - _ byair=pe calea aerului = byland = pe uscat - railway (station) = cale ferata (statie, gara) - subway, underground = metrou = (bus) stop = statie (de autobuz) - parking = parcare street, road, avenue, highway = strada, sosea, bulevard, autostrada VOCABULAR - sightseeing tour = circuit turistic - _ SITE/ SIGHT = loc de vizitat Archeological site = santier arheologic Web site = pagina pe Internet A sight in the mountains = obiectiv turistic la munte Landscape = peisaj To take photos = a face fotografi Rest area = loc de odihna (motel, hotel, bungalow, chalet, villa, private system) = Accommodation = cazare (single, double, triple...) - __ Meals = mesele (HB = half board, FB = full board, BB = bed&breakfast) Read and translate = Good afternoon! Is there a through train to Paris? - Of course, sir! When does the train get in to Paris? How long does it take to get there? Next day, sir. You travel for 36 hours. Please, give me a retum ticket in a sleeping car for tomorrow. - Here you are! - When does the train leave for Paris! Which platform? - At9a.m., platform no.3 (the third platform). - Thanks, bye! - Have anice journey! Read and translate - Hello? Is that the booking — office? - Yes, sit! How can | help you? - Can book a seat (make a reservation) on the 4.15 train, the Budapest express? - Certainly! Where for? When do you want to leave? - This very day up to Mako if still available! = Oh, I'm sorry! You ought to make the reservation at least 24 hours in advance. | can let you have a seat in a first class carriage on Sunday moming if you agree! = Allright! Where could | pick up my ticket from? = Onthe day of departure at window no. 4 in the main hall of the North Station. - How much will that be? - 100 EUR! There is an extra charge of reservation, too! - OK! Thanks, bye! Read and translate - Hello? Is there The City Railway Booking Office? - Yes, sir! What can | do for you? - [want to find out about the trains to Neptun resort. - There is a fast train at 11.27 a.m. Will you go by that train? - Where do I have to change trains? = Itisn't necessary. It's a Mangalia train but it stops at Neptun. - How much is the fare? Can | book two second class seats right now? Ah, what about the children? - Children under ten pay only a half rate. Children over ten pay full fare. - OK! | want two tickets and one for a child under ten! - Will be 840, 000 lei! - OK, thanks! VOCABULAR one way ticket = bilet cu o singura calatorie - aretum ticket = dus ~ intors = around trip ticket = circuit - to arrive / arrival = a sosi, sosire - to depart / departure = a pleca, plecare - MISS + PLANE, TRAIN, BUS... =a pierde (Hurry up or you'll miss the train! = grabeste-te sau vei pierde trenull) Porter = hamal - waiting room = sala de steptare The schedule = orarul terminal / terminus Read and translate - Onwhat days are there flights for Paris? - Daily, sir - __ Isthere a direct flight? No stop over? - Yes, sir. - How long is the flight? - Three hours, sir! = Where does the plane land in Paris? - OnCharles de Gaulle airport, sir! - When should | be at the airport? - Anhour in advance, sir! - Please, give me a ticket for tomorrow. - Here you are! Have nice flight! Thanks, bye! VOCABULAR Check-in = poarta de intrare (verificarea) Boarding = imbarcarea (where do | board?) Luggage = over weight eel sick, | have to use the sick bag! Safety belt = centura de siguranta To take off = a decola Read and translate - Hello! | would like to confirm my reservation... When is the flight to Bucharest? - The flight no. 345 leaves for Bucharest at one o'clock p.m. - When does the plane get to Bucharest? How long is the flight? - Three hours, sir! - _ Isthere a stop over? - No, sir. Itis a direct flight. - Have they already announced the boarding? - Yes, sir. Have a nice flight! Thanks, bye! Read and translate - When does the ship sail for Glasgow? - Every moming at 9 0 clock, sir. - How long is the voyage? = Anhour...a half and an hour maybe! - How long does the ship stay in port? = Anhour, sir. = Give me two second: class tickets for tomorrow, please. - Here you are! Door number 15! = What deck is our cabin on? - The second deck, sir! - Howdo I get there? = The ticket inspector will manage you! - OK, thanks! Bye! - Have a nice cruise, sir! Read and translate = Good afternoon, sir! Your papers, please! - Good afternoon, officer! Here are my driver license and the travel documents! - Which is your target, sir? = We make a sightseeing tour through your country. = Allright! Have a nice trip! = Howdo I get to the highway? - This way, straight on....then, at the second traffic light turn left, round the corner. = Whereis the nearest filling station? = Onyour way, sir! - Are there any rest areas, some motels? - Ofcourse,'s about 60 km from here! Thanks, bye! VOCABULAR - litter of petrol = litru de benzina (fill the tank up, please!) diesel / motor oil = motorina tires = cauciucuri (flat wheel = roata dezumfiata) brake flui antifreeze Read and translate - Which way to customs check-in, please? - This way, sir! Welcome! Your papers, please! Here is my passport, | have a transit visa... Where are you going? 1'm going to Madrid, a two-week journey! - Whats the purpose of your travel? = Some business and something personal... - Where is your child? - Home, sir...i's true, my child is on my passport but I'm traveling alone now! - OK! Have a nice trip! = Thanks! Where is the luggage check! - Next office, sir! - Need I a customs declaration form? I have nothing to declare! Only personal staff and some presents. Are these things subject to duty? - No, sir! Here is your luggage! Have a nice journey! - __ Thank you! Goodbye! VOCABULAR Foreign currency = valuta How much duty must I pay? = ce taxe trebuie sa platesc? Pentru animale = IVC - International Vaccination Certificate Voucher = dovada de cazare si masa WHERE ARE YOU GOING ON HOLIDAYS? MODULUL 10: + Viitorul simplu. Viitorul cu GOING TO + Vizita la doctor (probleme si medicamente) + Aplicatii: GOING TO YOUR DOCTOR (imagine a dialogue) GOING TO A PHARMACY (imagine a dialogue) VIITORUL SIMPLU Se formeaza astfel: afirmativ: |, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + SHALL/ WILL + Verb (inf.) la negativ: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + SHALL NOT (SHAN'T) + Verb (inf.) WILL NOT (WON'T) la interogativ: SHALL / WILL + |, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + Verb (inf.) ? PARTICULARITATI SHALL in intrebari exprima o oferta, o propunere, o sugestie sau o promisiunine ferma. Exemplu: The work shall be completed by July 31. Lucrul va fi terminat (trebuie) pana pe 31 iulie. You shall have a bike for your birthday. Vei primi bicicleta de ziua ta (iti promi. Shall | open the window? Sa deschid fereastra ? Shall we meet at the stop ? Ne vedem in stafie ? WILL este o forma mai politicoasa de a exprima o rugaminte sau o invitatie Exemplu: Will you open the window ? Esti amabil s8 deschizi fereastra ? Will you have a cup of coffe 2 Vrei o cafea ? Se traduce in romaneste cu vitor. Utilizarea viitorului simplu — pentru a exprima actiuni sau st&ri ce vor avea loc dupa momentul vorbiri. Adverbe de timp: tomorrow, next (week, summer, year) — pentru a exprima presupuneri despre actiuni care se vor intampla in viitor. In acest caz se incepe cu: | think, | suppose, | guess, | belive (cred ca, presupun ca ); probably, it's possible (e posibil sd...) Exemplu: | suppose he won't refuse you. Presupun ca nu te va refuza. Probably she will be late Probabil cd ea va intarzia, = Will you come tomorrow evening ? - Yes | will. come tomorrow evening. - No, | won't. I won't come tomorrow evening Exprimarea viitorului prin prezent Prezentul simplu se foloseste in loc de viitor pentru actiuni oficial programate (orar avion, tren etc, meciuri, concerte, alte evenimente) Prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru aranjamente neoficiale, facute de vorbitor. VIITORUL APROPIAT SAU VIITORUL ,,INTENTIEI” (CU “GOING TO") Se formeaza astiel: afirmativ: |, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + TO BE (prezent) + GOING TO + Verb negativ: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + TO BE (prezent) + Not + GOING TO + Verb interogativ: TO BE (prezent) + I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they + GOING TO + Verb Verbul TO BE se conjuga la prezent la fiecare persoana la afirmativ, negativ si interogativ. Se traduce prin: urmeaza sé ... , intentionez sa ... Exemplu: - Are you going to sell your flat ?_Intentionezi s-ti vinzi apartamentul ? ~ Yes, | am. Yes, I'm going to sell my flat. ~ No, I'm not. No, I'm not going sell my flat. Utilizarea viitorul apropiat Pentru a exprima actiuni ce se vor intémpla intr-un timp scurt dupé momentul vorbirii sau intentii Exemplu: __ I'm going to sell my car. Intentionez s-mi vand masina Pentru a exprima presupuneri despre lucruri ce se vor intampla imediat. Exemplu: Look ! It's cloudy, it's going to rain! Priveste ! Este innorat, sta sa ploual Read and translate: I'm going to see my boss tomorrow. My parents are going to come and I'm going to show them round some castles. Be carefull It's going to fall! Will you see Mr Mariano tomorrow about this 7 He will almost certainly be there, especially if i's fine. I'l help you, don't worry. Il pee! the apples if you like, Hold on! Il come straight away! If lions bore you, | won't take you to the zoo. LA DOCTOR - VOCABULAR + first aid box — trus de prim ajutor public health — ocrotirea sanatatii to fall (to be taken) ill — a se imbolnavi to feel ill— a se simfi rau to have a fit of ..—a avea o crizé de ... to undergo an operation — a fi supus la 0 operatie to clean (dress ) up a wound — a curafa (a pansa) o rand to be injured in accident — a fi ranit in accident to enjoy good health — a se bucura de o sdnatate de fier to sneeze —a stranuta to faint — a lesina to cough — a tusi bloodshot - congestionat painful — dureros shivers — frisoane blood transfusion — transfuzie de sAnge medical chart (card) — fig medical disease — boala injury — leziune, rand medical certificate - C F M sick (matemity, rest) leave — concediu de boala (maternitate, de odihna) Read strecher — targa physician, doctor — doctor, medic surgeon — chirurg VET - veterinary surgeon — veterinar hospital, emergency — spital, urgente nurse asistenta medicala midwife — moasa health resort — stafiune climateric& spa — statiune balneo (ape) dumb - mut blind — orb deaf — surd lame - gchiop squint - eyed — sasiu humpbacked — cocosat operating theatre — sala de operatie sun — stroke — insolatie and translate Good morning doctor Gray! Good morning Mr Brown! You don't look well! You look pale. It looks as if you were going to faint! I don't know what's the matter with me! I'm upset with everything, | feel too tired to move. Every bone in my body seems to ache. My appetite has gone. I'm suffering from sleepessness. And | often have giddy turns, My nose is running! Come here, please !| Draw near and sit down. Let me feel your pulse ... Yes, the pulse is quick and irregular! Just as | throught ! Show me your tongue .... It is quite furred ! And the uvula is swollen! What is your opinion doctor? I'm dying ... Mr Brown! You aren't a child! Let me check your lungs and to listen to your heart... Breathe in and out deeply! O.K! Is this disease dangerous? Is it catching? Mr Brownl! Nothing to worry about! Keep indoor for a few days. I'll prescribe you some medicine ... Do not overtire yourself. You'll soon recover completly! ‘Am | confined to bed? | be operated on? Mr Brown! | think you have got the flu (influenza)! A simple flu, don't worry! You are tired, you smoke too much .... This is the result of your behavior! Oh, | feel much relieved, doctor. Thank you! What is your fee, sir? No fee for you Mr Brown! Free of charge! Pay attention and take care of you! Thanks a lot, doctor! Bye! Bye and cheer up, Mr Brown! and translate What's the matter with you pal?! You look rather seedy. Ihave a terrible toothache doctor! | suffer much, chiefly at night time! Why don't you come to me earlier? hate the dentists! Everybody hates us but you need our help! | know, knocking and drilling (sfredelitul) one's teeth is not at all very entertaining but is necessary! Oh, I'm exaggerating! You are a painless dentist! Come here! Sit down and lean (las) your head back! Sit still please! Wide open! Oh, it hurts me! Come on! The upper (lower) front tooth has a problem, the filling has come out! You have also a hollow molar in the upper jaw (maxilar) ... | shall clean out the cavity and fil it! Rinse your mouth with this antiseptic mouth wash... OK! I'm ready. Did it hurt? Oh, no! You are the master! So, don't eat anything for a couple of hours, sir! In the tooth keeps aching come quickly. Ul have to kill the nerve. Avoid sitting in a draught (curent). Or you'll get an abscess! You can have a soothing drug if necessary! Thank you doctor! You ... iknow, I'm the master! Take care of you! Bye! Thanks! Bye! I'd like to say ,see youz soon” but I don't want to! No problem! You're welcome Read and translate vocat Can | have a prescription made? Of course, sir! Give it to me! Oh, yes! But it will take you more than an hour to wait unti | get it prepared. Do you mind coming later to collect it? OK! I'm going to coilect it! So, my prescription is made? OK, sir! Do not forget to shake the bottle before using ! Store it in a cool place. Is this stuff reliable? Of course, sir! How many spoonfuls am | to take a day? Shall | take the medicine before or after the meals? Sir, sir!! This medicine is intended for external use only! Is a massage lotion! Oh, that one! OK! Thanks! \BULAR pachet de vata — a package of cotton wool alcool (spirt) — alcohol, alcoholic extract alifie, unguent — ointment, vaseline antinevralgic — antineuralgic calmant — sedative, pain-killer fiola — phial pilulé (pastila) — pill, injection medicament — medicine, drug pansament - dressing, bandage, gauze (tifon) picéturi — drops plasture — plaster sirop de tuse - throat syrup purgativ — purgative, laxative aspirin, tonic, lotion prescription — refet& sleeping-draught — somnifer a day & night service — farmacie permanent MODULUL 11: Prepozitii si conjunctii uzuale Meserii si ocupatii. Interviu pentru obtinerea unui loc de munca Aplicatii: Redactarea CV-ului in Ib. engleza MOTIVATION LETTER PREPOZITI Prepozifia este folosita ca element de legatura intre cuvinte care nu au aceeasi functie sintacticé. Exista unele verbe, substantive si adjective care pot fi urmate numai de o anumit prepozitie cu care alcaituieste un tot unitar. Exemplu: — to agree --- with a person — to something interested in, absent from, listen to, wait for. Prepozitia este agezat& la sfarsitul unei intrebari introdusa prin who, what, where sau cand avem diateza pasiva. Exemplu: — Money is something we can't do without. Where do you come from ? What is this book about ? Who are you talking to? This is the child to be looked after. Cele mai des folosite prepozitii sunt: pentru timp : + AT+UN MOMENT, SARBATOARE Exemplu: at 2 o'clock, at noon, at lunchtime, at Easter, at Christmas. + ON+DATE $i ZILE Exemplu : on 3 December, on friday, on Monday morning, on Christmas day (but ,at Christmas") + IN+PERIOADE Exemplu: —_ in January, in winter, in 2003, in the 18” century, in a few moments pentru spatiu: + IN+LOC VAZUT TRIDIMENSIONAL Exemplu: In hospital, in town, in the water, in the sky. . AT +LOC VAZUT CA PUNCT IN SPATIU: Exemplu: at the door, at the gate, at the end, at the top. + ON+LOC VAZUT CA SUPRAFATA (bidimensional): Exemplu: on the wall, on the ceiling, on the floor, on my face. nat” este folosit in expresiile: at home, at work, at the seaside, at shool, at the party; Verbe urmate de AT: to aim, to arrive, to bark, to knock, to lock, to wonder ,0n” este folosit in expresiile : on the left (right), on the ground, on the coast of America, on the Danube etc. ° FROM are doua intrebuintari: - Se referd la un interval: FROM ...... TO (TILL) (de la/ din Exemplu: We work from Monday til Friday. - Se referd la locul de provenienta : Exemplu: Where do you come from? + SINCE + momentul inceperii actiunii: Exemplu: | have lived here since 1994 (1 was born). . FOR + perioada actiunii: Exemplu: | have lived here for ten years. pana . + ABOUT (in jur de, prin, despre, cam): Exemplu: — He walked about the room (prin). What is it all about? (despre). It all happened about 1 o'clock (cam). Construcfii cu about: to be angry about, to be sorry about. + AGAINST (impotriva, contrar, langa, peste, spre, catre) Exemplu: He fights against the enemies. He hangs the picture against the wall, Put the chair against the wall. + AMONG (printre mai multi, in mijlocul, in epoca) Exemplu: He was among friends. Cesar was the Ancient Romans. + BETWEEN (intre doi) Exemplu: This is a secret between us. + BUT (inafara de, pe ldnga, cu exceptia) Exemplu: He would have died but for you. + BY (langai, foarte aproape, cu, la, de catre, prin, din) Exemplu: _ by plane, by fax, step by step, by birth, by theway, by chance, stand by me. + IN, INTO (in, la, pe, cu, din) IN — migcare in acelasi perimetru, stat pe loc; INTO -— migcare dintr-un loc intr-altul, de la o forma la alta. Exemplu: — He jumps into the pool. El sare in piscina (de pe mal). He jumps inthe pool. _El sare in piscina (topaie acolo). + _ OF (araté apartenenta) (a cui, al cui, etc, despre, de catre) Exemplu: some of us, the best of men, first of all, a fool of fools. + _ OFF (indica indepartarea de un punct sau oprirea) Exemplu: to be off the point, to be off duty, to tur off the light + ON (pe, peste, la, din, dupa, cu , opusul lui OFF) Exemplu: — to be on duty, to tum on the light, to go on UPON este forma veche a lui ON Exemplu: Once upon a time A fost odata ca niciodata. + OUT (afard, scos din, rezultat din) Exemplu: to be out of reach; Look out ! ; the fire is out + TO (catre, la, pana la, - migcare in timp sau spatiu) Exemplu: — Here's to you ! (pentru tine). Give the ball to me! + UP (in sus; dupa verb arata c& actiunea s-a incheiat) Exemplu: Hands up ! Time is up ! Drink up ! Give up ! What's up 7 + WITH (cu, prin, cu ajutorul, din cauza, la fel cu) Exemplu: Come with me ! She is red with anger ! I'm stiff with cold ? CONJUNCTIA Leaga doud cuvinte cu aceeasi functie sintacticé sau doua propozitii de acelasi tip sau o principala de o subordonata. Clasificare: 1. CONJUNCTII COORDONATOARE (leaga 2 propozitii de acelasi fel): and, aswell as, no less than, both — and, or, else, not only — but also — , neighter — nor, but, then, while, that's why, accordingly. consequently, as (cum), for (cAci), namely (si anume), such as, that is (i.e. —adica ), viz (videlicet — si anume), that is to say, versus. 2. CONJUNCTIl SUBCOORDONATOARE (leagi o propozifie principala de una subordonata): as, so far as, after, before, when, since, till, as soon as, as long as, this very moment, by the time, as far as, so that, because of, for, seeing that, since, however, in sprite of, if, provided, unless, supposing, as .... a8, not So... a8. Exemplu: Both Tom and John are engineers. She is very beautiful but not very clever. | waited till he came at least. CONSTRUCTIILE (AND) SO ----- (AND) NEITHER Aceste construcfii apar fie ca raspuns la o propozifie stimul, fie in continuarea acesteia, in aceeasi fraza. Ele se formeaza dupa urmatoarele reguli: 1. Daca in propozitia stimul este un verb auxiliar sau modal, el se repeta la forma afirmativa in ambele. 2. Daca in propozitia stimul este un verb obisnuit, in ambele se foloseste TO DO la afirmativ. 3. Timpul auxiliarului sau modalului este acelasi cu verbul propozitiei stimul dar acordul se face cu subiectul. 4. Subiectul este agezat dupa auxiliar sau modal. 5. — Uneori neighter’ este inlocuit cu ,nor” Se traduce cu , sisi" > —sieulafel” » Nici =--- nici" Exemplu: | cannot sing. Neither can Tom John won't come. Nor will Jack. My friens don't like coffe. Neighter do mine. Scrisoare de intentie * The Motivation Letter is the document that accompanies your CV when you are applying for a job. Its goals are to introduce the CV, to bring to attention aspects of your activity that can help your application and are at listed or not presented in the CV. In short, its goal is to answer the recruiter's question: “Why should I hire this person?” * Your address and contact Details come under your name, In the upper right comer of the page Gabriela PASALAU 31, Traian Vuia Street, bl. V2, Ap. 8 Galati, 6200 Phone: 0740 612191 * aligned left, write the name, function, organization and address of the person you are writing to Mihai POPESCU- Shop Manager SC Germanos SA Bucuresti “* under the receiver's address, but aligned right, write the date of the day when you are writing the letter. Galati, June 24, 2002 ** You should address the letter directly to him or her Dear Mr. Mihai POPESCU / Dear Sir, ** The goal of the first paragraph is to specify what you are applying for and how did you find out about that opportunity. | am addressing you this letter as a response to your ad in *Viafa liber” the local newspaper, to apply for “sales representative” position. *** the second paragraph should list your skills and qualifications that make you the right person for the position you are applying for. Read carefully the announcement, identify the requirements and see how your skills match those required. For more than a year, I've worked in a mobile communication services and | learnt that every client is very important and must be kindly approached, with patience and real information. ** the third paragraph should point out why you want it. You should outline your interest for the skills you are going to learn if you get the job. I consider myself a motivated person in everything | do and opened to people and their needs, always desirous for improving and the best results. | wish to work in your company in order to gain experience working in a professional environment. “* the last paragraph outlines your availability for an interview, suggesting in this way a concrete follow-up for your application. It is customary for formal letters to mention whether you have enclosed any documents accompanying the letter. Enclosed find my C.V which details my professional experience and skills for this position. If you need more information about me, I'll be delighted to answer you face to face in an interview, the day and the time being decided accordingly to your program. Thank you for your time. *** do not forget to leave a blank space between the closing and your name and to sign the letter in the space. Your sincerely / Best regards, Gabriela PASALAU Intrebari uzuale: Where are you from? = De unde esti? I'm from Romania. I'm from Galati. ‘What is your job (occupation)? = Ce serviciu aveti? Have you work or study? = Lucrati or studiafi? Which is your profession? = Ce profesie aveti? What sort of work do you do? Which are your tasks? = Ce fel de munca prestati? Care va sunt sarcinile? {I'm a worker (sunt muncitor). I'm an engineer (sunt inginer). I'm a doctor (sunt doctor). I'm a student. | study at “Danubius" College. = Sunt student. I'm a housewife (sunt casnica). I'm retired (pensionat). Have you belong to any political organization? = Sunteti membrul unei organizatii politice? I'm not a Party member. | am a Democratic Party member. = Nu sunt membru de partid. Sunt.. Which trade union do you belong to? = Din ce sindicat faceti parte? Are you a religious believer? (sunteti credincios) - Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, atheist. Foreign language / Language skills = limba straina, abilitafi de limba Educated English = engleza culté, Broken English = engleza neliterara Slang = argou, jargon, Literary language = limba literard, Spoken language = limba vorbita Native language = limba mate Grammar = gramatica, spelling = ortografie, Pronounce / pronunciation = a pronunta / pronuntie Practice in order to improve = a exersa cu scopul imbunatatirii Filozofie - philosophy filolog — philologist Filologie — philology filozof — philosopher Minister = ministry (office, board - U.K.; department - SUA) De interme = home department / internal affairs home — secretary de externe = foreign — office D ministrul — Secretary for ForeighAffairs lucrarilor publice = the board of public works ministrul justitiei_= Keeper of the Great Seal invafamant - education ministru 0 Secretary of State educatie — upbringing - good breeding (maniere) - fizicd 0 physical training - faculty - college - university - primary school - secondary school; high school - nursery school - occupation = job = ocupatie, slujba, profesie - employer / employee = angajator / angajat - unemployed = gomer - education - training = instruire, pregatire ~ learning = invatare - worker = muncitor - brainworker = intelectual - joiner = tmplar lulgher - shepherd = cioban chemist = chimist, farmacist - smith = fierar, potcovar glazer = geamgiu = locksmith = lacatug tailor = croitor (dressmaker) - cooper = dogar shoemaker = cizmar - plumber = inst. ap& watchmaker = ceasornicar - fitter = install ICT furriers = blanari - electrician Nowadays professions require much training and learning - Teacher = professor U professor, lecturer, school master, - Accountant = contabil ieconomist (Economics Academy) - doctor (surgeon = chirurg, physician, nurse) - engineer (civil, mechanical, electrical, informaties) - computer operator (a degree course in computer science / computing) - TRADE = occupation which require skilled work with hands (mestegug, meserie) - Office-worker / clark = functionar (typist, secretary, receptionist) lawer, barristers, judges = avocati / judecatori porter, ticket collector, guard, engine driver, station-master, railway mechanic, traffic superintendents, bus, lorry, taxi driver MODULUL 12: Diferente intre DO ~ MAKE Genitivul (recapitularea posesiei) Ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie RECAPITULARE FINALA GENITIVUL Exprima ideea de posesie sau de apartenenta + Clasificare: - genitivul sintetic = genitivul analitic = genitivul dublu = genitivul implicit Genitivul sintetic sau genitivul cu ,s” Apostroful urmat de ,s" se adauga la forma de singular a substantivului + Daca avem plural sau substantive la singular deja este terminat in ,s", se pune numai apostroful dar in pronunfie se va auzi [iz] in coada. Exemplu: boy's car masina baiatului boys'car — masina baiefilor Dickens’ novels — romanele lui Dickens + Daca avem doi posesori, legafi prin ,and” ai aceluiasi lucru, apostrof s se pune doar la ultimul, Exemplu: Tom and Mary's parents. Parinfi lui Tom gi Mary (copiti sunt frafi). + Dac& nu sunt posesorii aceluiasi lucru, apostrof s se pune la fiecare. Exemplu: Tom's and Mary's parents. P&rinfii lui Tom si parintii lui Mary. Pronuntarea genetivului + Genitivul 's se foloseste cu: = nume proprii: David's sister ; = nume de persoane: girl's dog, boy's book ; = oplective: the nation’s security ; > animale mari: the lion’ heart ; - _institutii, locuri geografice: ONU’s programs, Europe's future ; masuri: a mile's distance, a moment's talk . Genitivul analitic sau genitivul cu ,of* Daca genitivul cu 's arata c& posesorul e fiinta, in general vorbind, genitivul cu of araté ca posesorul este lucru. Totusi forma cu of poate fi folosita in locul celei cu 's atunci cand se doreste sublinierea posesiei. Exemplu: the Shakespeare's plays = the plays of Shakespeare Ordinea: CE APARTINE + OF + CUI APARTINE Exemplu: the roof of the house acoperigul casei + Ufiizarea genitivului cu of © _ caechivalent pentru 's cdnd se doreste sublinierea posesiei / apartenentei; © cuobiecte: the title of the book ; ° cu nume geografice + nume proprit the Gulf of Mexic © pentru animale mici:the tail of the mouse coada soricelului the wings of the butterfly aripile fluturelui Genitivul dublu + Este constructia in care apare atat of cat si's. + Arat& c& posesorul are mai multe lucruri de acelasi fel, iar cel in discutie este unul dintre the City of London ele. Exemplu: this joke of Peter's una din glumele lui Peter a book of our teacher's. _una din carfile profesoarei Genitivul implicit sau subinteles + Este constructia tn care lipseste si of si's; + Se formeaz& POSESORUL + CE POSEDA Exemplu: the building of Social Trade © ——- Social Trade building (genitiv clasic) (genitiv subinfeles) the student's hostel —-- the student hostel ORDINEA CUVINTELOR IN PROPOZITIE In limba englez8, functille gramaticale ale cuvintelor sunt determinate uneori, de pozitia lor in propozitie: Ex: always get up early in the morning. (adverb) Go on! It's an early train at 6:30 a.m.(adjectiv) Reguli generale: + Nu exista propozitii fara subiect sau predicat. Fac exceptie propozitile exclamative gi textele literare. x: What a day! London! Implacable November weather! i Traducerea se face respectand gramatica limbii romane, adaptand textul. Ex: | have a beautiful house. Am o casa frumoasa. Si nu : Am o frumoasa casa. + Nu exist dou& negafii in aceeasi propozitie. Cand se folosesc cuvintele cu sens negativ, verbul este la afirmativ, chiar daca in romaneste exist cele doua negati Ex: | never say something like that. Eu nu spun niciodata ceva de genul acesta + Substantivele nenumérabile se folosesc cu verbul la singular, chiar daca in romana este plural, Ex: The information is interesting. Informatiile sunt interesante. + _Adjectivele stau inaintea substantivului, nu se despart prin virguld si nu se acorda in gen si numar cu substantivul, +” Adverbele de timp se pun numai la sfarsitul sau inceputul propozitiei. + Daca se doreste accentuarea unui cuvant, se foloseste una dintre construcfile: 1. CUVANT ACCENTUAT + VERB( auxiliar/modal) + SUBIECT+PREDICAT... Ex: Never did he say something like that. Niciodata el nu a spus asa ceva, 2. _ITIS(WASMILL BE) + CUVANTUL ACCENTUAT + WHO(pers)/THAT(impers) + Ex: It is Mary who helped me. Mary este cea care m-a ajutat. It was London that he liked best. Londra i-a placut cel mai mult Caracteristici generale: + Ordinea pairtilor principale este: - SUBIECT+PREDICAT Peter likes football! How nice she is! - PREDICAT+SUBIECT Is he an engineer? Obs.Schimbarea ordinii normale se produce atunci cand se doreste sublinierea unui cuvant sau in propozitii interogative Ex: Never was he better received than in his native town. Inversiunea poate fi: 1. totala : cand predicatul este format dintr-o constructie verbal simpla. Ex: Rarely had he time to watch TV. 2. partial: cand predicatul este o forma verbal compusa ( cu auxiliar sau modal) Ex: Hardly had they finished their dinner when the phone rang. Nowhere could you find a better job. Obs: Ordinea normal se mentine cand subiectul este exprimat prin pronume sau cuvantul ‘subliniat se refera la ceva subliniat anterior. Ex: Here he comes! Everything he says is right! DIFERENTE DO - MAKE > DO, DOES si DID se folosesc ca auxiliare intr-o propozitie afirmativa pentru: Ainsista asupra afirmatiei facute: | do like walking in the rain! (chiar imi place....) Acconfirma ceva: | did call them, be sure of that! (chiar le-am dat telefon, fii sigur) A contrazice o afirmatie: She doesn't like Mozart, does she? Yes, she does like Mozart! (Nu-i place Mozart, nu-i asa? Ba da, ii place Mozart! ) > DO se foloseste pentru activitati neprecizate: Ex: Don't just stand there. Do something! (nu sta degeaba, fa ceva!) > DO + VERB + ing exprima activitati gospodaresti sau sportive Ex: Who does cleaning, shopping and cooking in your house? Ido some cycling in weekends. > DO se mai foloseste in to do some homework, to do research, to do the housework > MAKE exprima activitati de creatie sau constructie, efective sau simbolice: Ex: Could you make me some shelves? (Mi-ai putea face niste rafturi?) + To make the bed, to make a choice, to make an effort, to make a fuss, to make a decision, to make an offer, to make plans, to make a mistake, to make progress, to make a suggestion etc Ex: Making progress involves making mistakes (nu poti face progrese fara sa faci greseli) > ATENTIE! Exista multe situatii in care verbul "a face” nu exista efectiv in engleza: To pay a compliment = a face un compliment To pay a visit = a face o vizita To go for a walk =a face o plimbare To take photos = a face fotografii To take a shower = a face dus To have a bath = a face baie in cada v RECAPITULARE - TEST 1 | - Puneti la plural propozitiile urmatoare, apoi formulati intrebari ca s4 obtineti acele raspunsuri: 1. My bag is red. 2. Your luggage is heavy. 3. His shirt is blue. 4, Her dictionary is new. 5. Its window is clean 6. Its shelf is full of books. 7. My goose is white 8. The news is interesting || - Puneti verbele de pe coloana dreapta acolo unde se potrivesc si traduceti. Apoi formulati intrebari ca sd obtineti acele raspunsuri: 1. ‘The alarm clock 7 0’ clock a.m. knock 2. the door of my room. ring 3. |...out of bed and the bathroom drink 4. | face and my hands go 5. |... my teeth and my hair get 6. |...aglass of milk brush 7. (0 work at half past seven wash leave for Ill - Puneti adjectivele la gradul potrivit pentru ca propozitiile s4 aiba sens: Fruit is eat when it is Bucharest is the .. You must read this book, it is My luggage is ... Abus is PNAAR ONS 9. | like this picture .. 10. She is a ...woman but she is not .. I can't do this exercise, it's too ... and the ... city in Romania There is no water in the glass. It is... han a tram but a plane is ... It'sa ... day! The weather is ...than yesterday. ..than your sister IV-Ce cuvinte au acelasi inteles? Faceti propozitii cu ele: L small, sorry, little, busy beautiful, happy, pretty, funny late, tired, tall, asleep cold, rainy, warm, hot sa eD come, arrive, leave, live 6. say, tell, talk, speak 7. read, write, learn, inform 8. listen to, hear, hurry, go 9. work, snow, walk, rain 10. Big, nice, little, large ¥ RECAPITULARE - TEST 2 1—Ce putem cumpara de la: baker's, greengrocer’s, butcher's, dairy, sweets, grocer’s, fishmonger's, stationer’s Schitati un scurt dialog. Il Ce inseamna cuvintele? Faceti propozitii cu ele: skating rink, snowman, snowflakes, swimming — pool, steak, chop, shop, waitress, cook, over done, under cooked, hard — boiled, one — handed, down — hearted, peace - making ll - Ce se gaseste in: living - room, hall, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, lumber-room, vegetable garden IV - Completati cu cuvintele potrivite. Inlocuiti verbele modale cu echivalentele lor: 1. Athome, | sit at mother and my sister. teach 2. Canyou ... this song? I want to learn it? between 3. You must go ....the comer to see him. turn 4. Excuse me, how do | get Victoria Circus? round Go straight on and then ...left. until 5. green. You may cross the street, traffic-light 6. You must wait ...he comes! Do not go! traffic 7. You can go down the street. Go...on! straight 8. Alice always... her mother’s hand in the street. holds 9, There is a lot of...: a lot of cars, buses and trams. youth 10. A... may cross the street on his own. Children must not go alone! V - Aranjati cuvintele in perechi de sinonime si faceti propozi 1. tosail a. to get to 2. toreach b. to navigate 3. colony c. settlement 4. matter d. freedom 5. liberty e. struggle 6. fight f. thing 7. toregard g. even though 8. although h, to consider i) ¥ RECAPITULARE - TEST 3 ‘Tum these words into plural forms: watch potato chief city box key self lift leaf country father — in — law forget - me — not grown — up passer — by merry - go ~ round Choose the right word: a) Lucy is quite 1. handsome 2. good — looked 3. good — looking b) Your brother is 1. gooder at English then you 2. best 3. better c) She has to wear glasses, she is 1. sight — shorted 2. short — sighted 3. short — sighting d) Victor is 1. the most tall in his class 2. the tallest 3. taller e) Itis the 1. less comfortable armchair | have ever sat in 2. lest 3. least Mm) a) b) hs Choose the right translation for: Nu este nici un pic de branza pe masa. 4. There is no cheese on the table. 2. There isn't no cheese on the table 3. There is not cheese on the table Atentie! Se inchid usile! Be careful ! The doors open! Be careful ! The doors are being opened! Be careful ! The doors are opening! Put the verbs into the correct forms of the Past Tense: We (have) breakfast just as Peter (come) .. He (open). the door, (look) -but (not see). . anyone there While we (walk). . about the streets our friends (work What you (do)... when the rain (start) .... When | (arrive). ... at cinema, Mary (wait). .. forme. She (wear)...... jeans daily. Tom always (DUY).......:sss0sseeee ... the newspaper in the moming. BIBLIOGRAFIE Angela Healan, Katrina Gormley, Diana Shotton, Close-Up B2, National Geographic Learning, 2013 - with audio CD Mihaela Starceanu, English Grammar (Comprehensive Guide), Booklet Bucuresti, 2011 Jeremy Harmer, Just Vocabulary, Marshall Cavendish Ltd, 2004 — with audio CD Jacky Newbrook, Judith Wilson, Richard Acklam, Gold Plus FCE, Longman, 2011 - with audio CD and iTests Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace, Going for Gold, Longman, 2008 - with audio CD and iTests Virginia Evans, Round-Up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Longman, 2011 Ana Acevedo, Marisol Gower, High Fiyer, Longman, 2004 Leon Levitchi, loan Preda, Gramatica Ib. engleze Ed. Gramar, 1994 LG Alexander, English Grammar Practice (for intermediate students), Longman, 1996 Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1988 Olivia Farrington, Essential English — Dificultasi si capcane ale limbii engleze, Teora, 1998 Timar Eszter, Essential English — Limba engleza in teste si exercitii, Teora, 1998 Fulvia Turcu, Violeta Nastasescu, Limba englezd — secretariat si corespondenta, Sagittarius, 1991 Corina Andone, Carmen Maftei, Floriana Popescu, English for Marketing, Rentrop & Straton, 2002 M. Marcheteau, JP Daube, JP Berman, Business & Economics, Teora, 2001 Emilia Neculai, Invatati engleza fara profesor, Steaua Nordului, 2009, cu audio CD Giuliano Valdes, Prague — Complete Guide, Casa Editrice Bonechi, 1997 Martin Cregeen, Discover Slovenia, Cankarjeva Zalozba, 1998 Sergej Morsan, Croatia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, 1996 Kenneth Brodey, Test Your English — Vocabulary, Techno Media Reference, 2000 Kenneth Brodey, Test Your English — Grammar, Techno Media Reference, 2000 Test Your English — Business, Techno Media Reference, 2000 Test Your English — Tourism, Techno Media Reference, 2000 Gaiu Cezar, lonité Nicoleta, Albu loana, Stoian Luminija — Be the Best in English Tests, Alma, 2002 Marilena Macarie, Do You Know English Proverbs? Recoop, 1995 Ana Maxim, Mia Nazare, Engleza pentru bacalaureat, Cezara Print, 1995 Mariana Simion, Keep Trying —- Grammar Practice, Carminis, 1995 Leonard Catalin Misu, Mariana Tudor, Teste grilé pentru admiterea in invafaamantul din sistemul Ministerului Administratiei si Internelor, Ed Alutus, 2005 Jane Willis, Dave Wills, English Course, Wiliam Collins & Co Ltd, 1988, ANEXA 1 - Common English Irregular Verb List Base Form Abide Be Bear Beat Become Begin Behold Bend Bet Bid Bid Bind Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Past Simple ‘Abode/Abided AlivAlighted Arose ‘Awoke WasiWere Bore Beat Became Began Beheld Bent Bet Bade Bid Bound Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast/Broadcasted Built Bumt/Bumed Burst Past Participle Abode/Abided/Abidden AlivAlighted Arisen Awoken Been Born/Bome Beaten Become Begun Beheld Bent Bet Bidden Bid Bound Bitten Bled Blown Broken Bred Brought BroadcastBroadcasted Built Bumt/Burned Burst Bust Buy Cast Catch Choose Clap Cling Clothe Come Cost Creep Cut Deal Dig Dive Do Draw Dream Drink Drive Dwell Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Bust Bought Cast Caught Chose ClappediCiapt Clung Clad/Clothed Came Cost Crept Cut Dared/Durst Dealt Dug Did Drew DreamtDreamed Drank Drove Dwelt Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Bust Bought Cast Caught Chosen ClappediClapt Clung Clad/Clothed Come Cost Crept Cut Dared Dealt Dug Dived Done Drawn Dreamt/Dreamed Drunk Driven Dwelt Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Find Found Found Fit FivFitted FivFitted Flee Fled Fled Fling Flung Flung Fly Flew Flown Forbid ForbadelForbad Forbidden Forecast ForecastForecasted _Forecast/Forecasted Foresee Foresaw Foreseen Foretell Foretold Foretold Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgive Forgave Forgiven Forsake Forsook Forsaken Freeze Froze Frozen Frostbite Frostbit Frostbitten Get Got Got/Gotten Gave Given Go Went Gone/Been Grind Ground Ground Grow Grew Grown Handwrite Handwrote Handwritten Hang Hung/Hanged Hung/Hanged Have Had Had Hear Heard Heard Hide Hid Hidden Hi Hit Hit Hold Held Held Hurt Hurt Hurt Shed Shed Shed Shine Shone Shone Shoe Shod Shod Shoot Shot Shot Show Showed Shown Shrink Shrank Shrunk Shut Shut Shut Sing Sang Sung Sink Sank Sunk Sit Sat Sat Slay Slew Slain Sleep Slept Slept Slide Slid ‘Slid/Slidden Sling Slung Slung Slink ‘Slunk ‘Slunk slit Slit sit Smell ‘Smelt’Smelled ‘Smelt/Smelled Sneak ‘Sneaked/Snuck Sneaked/Snuck Soothsay Soothsaid Soothsaid Sow Sowed Sown Speak Spoke ‘Spoken Speed Sped/Speeded SpediSpeeded Spell Spel/Spelled Spelt/Spelled Spend Spent Spent Spill SpillSpilled SpiltSpilled Spin Span/Spun Spun Spit ‘SpatiSpit Spat/Spit Split Spoil Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick Stink Stride Strike String Strip Strive Sublet ‘Sunburn Swear Swing Take Teach Tell Think Stuck Stung Stank Strode/Strided Struck ‘Strung StriptStripped Strove Sublet Sunbumed/Sunbumt Swore ‘Sweat/Sweated ‘SwepSweeped Swelled Swam Swung Took Taught Tore Told Thought Split SpoillSpoited Spread ‘Sprung Stood Stolen ‘Stuck Stung ‘Stunk Stridden ‘Struck/Stricken ‘Strung StripwStripped Striven Sublet Sunbumed/Sunbumt Swom Sweat/Sweated ‘Swept/Sweeped Swollen Swum Swung Taken Taught Tom Told Thought Inlay Inlaid Inlaid Input Inputinputted Inputinputted Interlay Intertaid Interaid Keep Kept Kept Kneel KneltiKneeled Knelt/Kneeled Knit KnitvKnitted KnitKnitted Know Knew Known Lay Laid Laid Lead Led Led Lean LeantLeaned LeantLeaned Leap LeaptLeaped LeaptLeaped Learn LeamtLeamed Leamt/Leamed Leave Left Left Lend Lent Lent Let Let Let Lie lay Lain Light u Lit Lose Lost Lost Make Made Made Mean Meant Meant Meet Met Met Melt Melted Molten/Melted Mislead Misled Misled Mistake Mistook istaken Misunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood Miswed iswed/Miswedded Miswed/Miswedded Mow Mowed Mown Overdraw Overdrew Overdrawn Overhear Overheard Overheard Overtake Overtook Overtaken Pay Paid Paid Preset Preset Preset Prove Proved Proven/Proved Put Put Put Quit Quit Quit Re-prove Re-proved Re-proven/Re-proved Read Read Read Rid Rid/Ridded Rid/Ridded Ride Rode Ridden Ring Rang Rung Rise Rose Risen Rive Rived Run Ran Run Saw Sawed ‘Sawn/Sawed Say Said Said See Saw Seen Seek Sought Sought Sell Sold Sold Send Sent Sent Set Set Set Sew Sewed Sewn/Sewed Shake Shook Shaken Shave Shaved Shaven/Shaved Shear Shore/Sheared Shom/Sheared Thrive Throve/Thrived Thriven/Thrived Throw Threw Thrown Thrust Thrust Thrust Tread Trod Trodden Undergo Underwent Undergone Understand Understood Understood Undertake Undertook Undertaken Upset Upset Upset Vex Vext/Vexed VextVexed Wake Woke Woken Wear Wore Worn Weave Wove Woven Wed Wed/Wedded WediWedded Weep Wept Wept Wend WendedWent WendedMWent Wet WetWetted WetWetted Won Won Wind Wound Wound Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Withhold Withheld Withheld Withstand Withstood Withstood Wring Wrung Wrung Write Wrote Written Zinc Zinced/Zincked Zinced/Zincked ANEXA 2 - EUROPASS CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONALINFORMATION Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) {AICV headings are optional. Remove any empty headings | 9 Replace with house number, street name, cty, postcode, country L Replace with telephone number Replace with mobile number = State e-mall address © Slate personal website(s) ® Replace wit type of IM service Replace with messaging account(s) Sex Enler sex | Dale of bith ddimnyyyy | Nationaly Enter naionaliy-es Jos APFosmion Replace with job applied for / position / preferred job / studies applied PREFERRED JOB ings it STUDIESAPELIED ron 10" (delete non relevant headings in left column) i (has separate nts foreach experience: Sta fam te mos cert] Replace wih dates from-to) Replace with occupation or position held Replace wih empioye’s name and locally (relevant, full addres and websit) + Replace with main activities and responsibilities: Business or sector Replace with type of business or sector EDUCATIONAND TRAINING § ge [Ad separate enties fr each course, Stat rom the most ecert] Replace with dates (fom--to) Replace with qualification awarded Replace wih EOF (eroten vei reeset Replace with education or raining organisation's name and localty (if relevant, county) + Replace with alist of principal subjects covered or skils acquired PERSONALS@EDY, [Remove any heacings let empiy] Mother tongue(s) Replace with mother tongue(s) (Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING I SPEARING [wars Ustning Reading | Spoken miracion | Spoken producton Replace with language Enter level Enter level Enter level Enter level Enter level Fle wit name fingiege cartes Erereaithrowm ‘Replace with language Enter level Enter level Enter level Enter level Enter level Replace wih name oflanguage ceticale Enierlevel known. Levels A172: Bale wer- B12: Independent use - C12 Procnt user ‘Common European Framevork of Reterercs or Languages ‘Communication sills Replace with your communication sls. Speciy in what context they were acquired. Example: + good communication skis gained through my experience as sales manager Organisational / managerial skils_ Replace with your organisational /manegatial skis. Speciy in what context they were aoquired. Example + leadership (currently responsible fora team of 10 people) Job-related skills Computer skis Other skis Driving fence [ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Publications Presentations Projects Conferences. Seminars Honours and awards. Memberships References ANNEXES Repiace with any job-related sil not sted elsewhere. Specty in what context they were acquired. Example + good command of qualty control processes (currently responsible for qualty aucit) Replace with your computer skis. Specify in what context they were acquired, Example: + good command of Microsoft Offce™ tools, Replace with other relevant skils not already mentioned. Speciy in what context they were acquired. Example: scampenty Replace with driving licence categorylies. Example: +B ee Replace with relevant pubicaions, presentations, projets, conferences, seminars, honours and ‘awards, memberships, references. Remove headings nat relevant inthe left column, Example of publication: «= How to write a successful CV, New Associated Publishers, London, 2002. Example of project: «Devon new publi library. Principal architec in charge of design, production, bidding and construction supervision (2008-2012), | Replace with lst of documents annexed to your CV. Examples: + copies of degrees and qualfications; + testimonial of employment or work placement; + publications or research, Dear Sir, I'm writing you this letter as a replay to your call, in order to apply for interpreter position, I'm pleased to inform you that | have excellent skills in the field. | worked as an English and French teacher in a secondary school, as well as in a travel agency, as a foreign market agent. So, | am familiar with computer performance and public relation. | can make reports on meetings, contracts, different forms and deal with correspondence. My technical knowledge allows me to read and understand plans, projects, drafts and others. | traveled abroad for many times and | can manage every situation. The kind of work in which your company is engaged particularly interests me and I welcome especially the opportunity it would afford to use foreign languages. | have @ good command in English, French and Chinese, both spoken and written, | have a driving license and ECDL certificate Enclosed find my CV with details about my education and professional experience. | hope | may be granted an interview, when | get the occasion to explain fully everything. Best regards, Isabella Winter Inu ‘souspwodsesiea 0 16 ap00 sowsafos Sunonb ysni up Ag snot pana ‘tuoyysod Zuypuomas puto SuySuayoyo sy 40f sys Sunssea2u ay) 244 nok [29h nos fp opto pod ‘ans pu Ys 0 PL Perna oa upon ssuaandes Hage aa avvo/sv1 ‘Susunossy unpouioaomp 8a wroetn 9 98pa[ 40 10910109 3H sunoooe foun ud aNtab oTe,« 2g) YI oy WoNEWO;UE Jo 1wOWBeNENE puw UB|SOP 1 “pamotyne(e83ppum easy “quNq sy gm Te} HO AU (£08 V9 :°N PW LNVINNOOOV AaTHO ssn 3u9] pos 1 yg ‘904 RUAN" euomppe pu casBop (0S O49 30N 4A) AAILAAO TVIONVNIA ASH, sqeuorssajoud fuofo) oy 40j Buryoo] ame Kou Yo s.r, wHUNLIOR mundo siy Buypurdxs s} yotuse Aundiwoa [wuoMBUN|aNN DOW est HONS Ne tne-ce oun! st oF tae it OL eee 2 090 1208701 trois pg de ey 20 Bok aaueseg PEN 'AS RATENG 0 sof pojamquo? 24 MIs Semmpipuve p2122]98 LO ‘mnuapifuoa Soins 50 peroaa 29 jm suowvontddy is ted nests fo mit tei tortie iunfs er aie Cree a ah ‘uedin03 2 yada “susay| Tunaup “ysdual wy KouaM + pateanouryjos ‘uojwiuasaid pur wonesqununte> woy/2ax ‘voje1uDua sounyndys suwaé 7 Jo WHMUR V+ * gmt ML muoape 89 om) Zunvaweydi pu UIsog + jays Zunoysous omy suroddng + Syms uw aAnDaLGO SoU + swuaso pray pur su ‘spueig a samo ou syap Spurs (90> Wa 20N “PX) AADVNVW GNVAT up “aausundxa Sunn sme ¢ wu ‘2a1B9p A str ns piv wo amuoiad pu 92 sop ult yesotowoud i aatst9de9 SMO srompoad 1 2 Sj 29964 20) suas "uorsou Soqdkns ap spuonso paw sins 2 ‘soq) omy sdoys Aunduvos w1 poma} (Sor 11 :0N ‘PR AIAN LAGOA Lt PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINUOUS ‘Afirmativ I, you, we, they + verb (infinitiv scurt) He, she, it + verb (infinitv scurt) + (e)s ‘Afirmativ Luthey + to be (prezent) + verb + ing Negativ i, you, we, they + do not (don't) + verb (inf sc) He, she, it + does not (doesn't) verb (fara ,s") Negativ [..they + to be (prezent) + not + verb + ing Interogativ Do + |, you, we, they + verb (inf sc)? Does + 1, you, we, they + verb (inf sc) (fara .s")? Interogativ To be (prezent) + I...they + verb + ing? Pentru situatii permanente ‘She works in a museum. We ere Romanians. Pentru situatii temporare He is staying in a hotel at the moment Pentru actiuni repetate (obiceiuri) in prezent He wears blue jeans. Pentru actiuni care se desfasoara in (sau perioada) momentul vorbirii He is looking for a job this month. Pentru adevaruri general valabile The birds fly. Water boils at 100C. Peniru actiuni care irta vorbitorul He is always asking me stupid questions Se faduce cu vilor in romana si se folosesc adverbele de timp ale vitorului in engleza pentru aciuni oficiale sau programul mijloacelor de transport, orare ete The plane lands at 6 p.m. tomorrow Se taduce cu vitor in romana si se folosesc adverbele de timp ale viitorului in engleza pentru actiuni neoficiale, planuite de persoane I'm flying to Paris next week. ‘Adverbe de timp (se pun la sfarsitulinceputul propoziti specifice: at present, today, tonight, every day (week, evening, summer) | wateh TV every evel ‘Adverbe de timp (ce pun la sfarsitulinceputul propozitiel) specifice: Now, at the moment, right now, this very moment, today, tonight, this week (month) lam writing a letter now. ‘Adverbe de frecventa (se pun inaintea verbelor, ‘exceptie: to be, have, can, will, must, shall) specifice: usually, always, never, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom ATENTIE! ,never” se foloseste cu verb la afirmativ He never says something like that, Verbe care nu folosesc la forma continua: appear (seem), be, believe, belong, cost, feel, forget, hate, love, have, know, like, mean, need, prefer, realise, remember, see, smell, sound, suppose, taste, think, understand, want Regull de ortografie pentru ,s”: = verbele terminate in 0, 5, x, sh, ch primese mai intai ,e" si apoi ido 0 he does, | pass ihe passes - verbele terminate in .y” care are inainte o cconsoana il schimbé tn ." $i primesc ,e8". try © he tries you cry O she cries ‘Aceste reguli nu se aplica verbelor terminate in ,th” si cand ,y" are inainte vocala. | play football 1 he plays football. Regul de ortografie pentru “ing” = Verbele terminate In “ie” transforma in “y"+ing lie O lying, die 0 dying, tie O tying - Verbele terminate in “e” il pierd ‘smoke — smoking, hope hoping = ‘Se dubleaza consoana finalé daca verbul se termina fh altemanja consoand — vocala ~ consoana gi are o silabé sau are mai multe silabe gi ultima e accentuata. stop — stopping, regret — regretting ‘Se traduc in limba romana cu prezent PAST SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUS ‘Afimmativ they + verb + ed (regulate) forma a I-a (neregulate Afirmativ |...they + to be (trecut) + verb + ing ‘Negativ Neaativ i... they + did not (didn't) + verb (infinitiv sc) _| I..they + to be (trecut) + not + verb +_ing Interogativ Interogativ Did +1, .. they + verb (infinitiv scurt)? To be (trecut) + |...they + verb + ing? Pentru actiuni complete la un moment precizat din trecut He sold his car two weeks ago. Pentru actiuni in desfasurare la un moment precizat din trecut ‘At8 o'clock last night she was watching TV. Pentru actiuni scurte si succesive in trecut ‘She put on her coat, took her bag and left the house. He slipped, fell over and broke his ankle Pentru doua sau mai multe actiunt simultane in trecut They were dancing while he was playing the piano. Pentru actiuni din trecut care nu se vor mai repeta Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays (e mort si_nu mai are cum sa scrie altele) Pentru a descrie imprejurarile evenimentelor intr- 0 poveste We were walking in the woods and it was raining hard... Gu verbe care nu pot fi puse la forma continua: appear, seem, believe, belong, cost, feel, forget, hate, love, have, know, like, mean, need, prefer, realise, remember, see, smell, sound, suppose, taste, think, understand, want He wanted to buy a new car but he couldn't afford one. Pentru actiuni in desfasurare in trecut, intrerupte de o alta actiune. Cele in desfasurare se traduc cu trecut continuu, cele care intrerup se traduc cu trecut simplu He was waiting for the bus when he saw the accident. ‘Adverbe specifice: yesterday, last night, last week (month, summer), five weeks ago, a month ago, three years ago, long time ago, just now While, when, as Regul de ortografie pentru ed: -Verbele terminate in Y ce are inainte o consoana, jl transforma in“ + “ED" hurry — hurried, study — studied, try — tried -Daca verbul se termina in "Y" dar are inainte o vocal, regula nu se aplicd play — played, enjoy - enjoyed -Verbele care se termina in “E” il includ in terminatie hope - hoped, smoke - smoked -Verbele care se termina in consoana ~ vocal — consoana dubleazé litera finala stop — stopped, regret — regretted Consoana final NU se dubleaza daca: -Silaba finald nu este accentuata visit — visited, develop — developed -Consoana finala are inaintea ei o consoana sau doud vocale start — started, turn - turned, boil — boiled Reguli de ortografie pentru “ing” - — Verbele terminate in ‘ie” transforma in *y'+ing lie C lying, die C dying, tie 6 tying - Verbele terminate in “e” il pierd smoke — smoking, hope — hoping = Se dubleazd consoana finalé daca verbul se termina in alternanfa consoana - vocal - consoana si are o silaba sau are mai multe silabe si ultima e accentuata. stop — stopping, regret — regretting Se traduce cu perfect compus: am mancat, ai dansat ‘Se traduce cu imperfect: mancam, dansau PAST SIMPLE PRESENT PERFECT Afirmativ _uthey + verb + ed (regulate) forma a ll-a (neregulate) Afirmativ |..they + to have (prezent) + verb + ed(regulate) forma a ll-a (neregulate) Negativ | they + did not (didn't) + verb (infinitiv sc) Negativ |..they + to have (prezent) + not + verb + ed(regulate) forma a ll-a (neregulate) Interogativ Interogativ Did +1, ... .they + verb (infinitiv scurt)? To have (prezent) + |...they + verb + ed{regulate) ? forma a Illa (neregulate) Peniru actiuni desfasurate fa un moment|Pentru actiuni desfasurate la un moment precizat din trecut He sold his car two weeks ago. neprecizat din trecut He has sold his car. Pentru stari sau obiceiuri din trecut inexistente in prezent. Se poate folosi constructia ,used to” + verb (infinitiv scurt) | walked to school whe | was a child. | used to walk to school when | was a child Pentru actiuni terminate atat de recent incat se vede rezultatul lor in prezent He has just painted the room (it is wet) Pentru actiuni scurte si succesive in trecut She put on her coat, took her bag and left the house Pentru actiuni incepute in trecut dar care se continua in prezent | have worked at CCSE for 13 years (| still work there) Nu confundati cu: | worked there for two years (nu mai lucrez acum) Pentru actiuni din trecut care nu au conexiune cu prezentul | saw Elvis Presley (nam cum sa-l mai vad pentiu ca este mort) Pentru actiuni din trecut care au conexiune cu prezentul | have met Madonna (ma mai pot intalni cu ea pentru ca traleste) ‘Adverbe specifice: yesterday, last night, last week (month, summer), five wecks ago, a month ago, three years ago, long time ago, just now He left just now (chiar acum) ‘Adverbe specifice: Since + mom inceperii actiunii = since October For + durata actiunii = for ten years Yet = ultimul in intrebari si negatt | haven't met him yet. Have you finished it yet? Already = in afirmatii Ihave already posted the letters | have just called the doctor. So far, recently, ever, never (cu verb la afirmativ) ATENTIE la regulile de ortografie la adaugarea terminatiei ,ed”” FUTURE SIMPLE »GOING TO” FUTURE ‘Afirmativ: |...they + WILL+ verb (infinitiv) ‘Afirmativ: |. they + TO BE (prezent) + going to + VERB (infinitiv) Negativ: |...they + WILL+ NOT + Negativ: |..they + TO BE (prezent) + going to + verb (infinitiv) VERB (infinitiv) Interogativ: WILL + I...they + verb (infinitivy? | Interogativ: TO BE (prezent) + I..they + going to + VERB (infinitiv)? Pentru a exprima lucruri de care nu suntem siguri sau nu le-am hotarat inca Ex: I'll probably buy a new car. Pentru a exprima lucruri de care suntem siguri sau sunt deja hotarate pentru viitorul apropiat Ex: I'm going to buy a new car. Pentru a exprima speranta, teama, decizii de moment, oferte, promisiuni, avertismente sau predictii despre ce se va intampla Ex: | think it will be sunny tomorrow (prediction) Pentru a exprima intentii si planuri Ex: I'm going to get some more training so | can get a better job (plan) I'm to buy a new dress (intention) Pentru a exprima actiuni care se pot intampla sau nu in viitor Ex: | guess I'l pass the test (prediction) He will be twenty next year (future event) Pentru a exprima actiuni ce se vor intampla in viitorul apropiat, atunci cand vedem dovada in prezent Ex: Look! It's cloudy! It's going to rain! ‘Adverbe de timp specifice: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, ATENTIE! next week (month, year, summer), tonight, in a week, in three months, in two days, > SHALL se foloseste in general cu persoana intai, adica | si WE, in intrebari, sugestil si oferte Ex: Shall we go by train? (suggestion) ‘Shall | help you with your luggage? (offer) > Present Continuous se foloseste pentru lucruri care sunt deja hotarate si aranjate in vitor, in cazul unei persoane (neoficiale) Ex: They are going to a party next week (it's all arranged) > Present Simple se foloseste pentru orarul mijloacelor de transport, evenimente si actiuni oficiale Ex: Our plane takes off at 10.30 a.m. tomorrow. Our President visits Galati next week. > Nu se foloseste viitor dupa cuvinte ca: if, while, before, after, until, as soon as, de aceea se va pune prezent simplu dupa astfel de cuvinte Ex: He will call you as soon as he arrives. > Pentru verbele ,,to go” si ,to come” se foloseste prezentul continuu in locul viitorului cu ,going to" Ex: I'm going out tonight IN LOC DE I'm going to go out tonight. VERBUL TO BE ~ APLICATIL 1. Inlocuiti cuvintele subliniate cu pronumele personale potrivite si traduceti - Mr Smith is a teacher. ~ Carol and you are students. - Jane is my friend. ; — Mrs. Brown is twenty years old - Tom and I are doctors. ~Rob and Dan are children. - Jean and Andrew are English. ~ Daisy isa cow. - The cat is three years old ~The door is open. 2. Completati cu formele potrivite ale verbului TO BE si traduceti: - Tony....a student. A Mana glass. wTeseoee8 gitl, ~ They. carpenters - You ....,,.7from England - The dog..., friend. We .....++-- 800d students = sister - You. at home. 3. Puneti pronumele correct si traduceti: + scaenatte doctors - is ten years old. - Where is Jane? at school is a good boy. + sessseeesare books. - is a rabbit. - What is it?.......i8 a bike. am Sam. -is a hat a black cat. + This is my friend. — Where is the bird? in the cage. 4, Punet trebari si raspundeti negative, ca in exemplu: ex: at work / at home — he: Is he at work? No, he isn’t. He is at home. She ~ at the cinema / at the theatre You ~ in the park / at the Zoo. We —at home / at school They — at the restaurant / at the disco. He — at work / in the park I. Fill in “a”, “an”, “the” or zero article aid translate into Romanian: 1, Thisis 688. 2. Where is. post office? 3. My unele is... teacher 4, Julie . 5. Thisis........way to school ~ 6, It'salong way to.............supermarket, 7. There are a lot of flowers + 8. Italians lik spaghetti. = # 9 Peter and .......Ben are brothers. 10, Sphinx is in....Egypt 11. There is some sugar in. _-bowl 12. Open.......door, please! - 13. These are.......---..0Ur Books. - ? 14, bottle of beer, please! - 15. ....sun rises in......East. 16, Eiffel Tower is in.........Paris. 17. small dog is mine 18. her eyes are brown. 19, .....-+...Shakes are dangerous. 20... oee0»schildren Like sweets. * 21. Our children like ...........chocolate candies. 2... sseulVirs. Jones has office. "23. There - swing in........tree. > IL. Translate into English: 1. Aceasta este 0 broasca, 2. Acestia sunt caini... = 3. Acéla este doctor.. 4, Acelea sunt carti, 5. Acesta este un fluture. = 6 Aceia este o bicicleta.. 7. Acelea sunt pasari.. = 8. Acestea sunt creioane........ Traduceti urmatoarele, apoi cautati un adjectiv pozitiv si unul negativ: O fereastra Osalcie Un perete = ..... Un cuvant = Un ospatar Un val = Un portofel Un afis = © bagheta magica = Un racnet = bruta (un om grosolan) =... ‘Un vultur Un efort = Un somer =. O universitate =. O uniforma Un cuvant uzual =, 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. Traduceti urmatoarele: John este prietenul meu.. Masina aceasta este a lor. Tricourile acelea sunt ale tale... Jim este fiul lor. Tatal lui este doctor. Sora mea are zece ari... Casa ei este mare..... Cainele nostru este alb... Mama ta este avocat... Casa mea este mica dar placuta, Pisica ei este alb cu negru.... Palariile lor sunt verzi... Aceasta masina este a mea, Este geanta e Este patul meu APLICATII: Puneti articolele potrivite si traduceti 1. [live in this very old house, on.........lefi. a)a b)- c) the 2, In spite of his poor results, he remained .....student of the best university. a)- bya ©) the 3...” Observer” is a popular newspaper. a)- b)an othe 4. They can hardly remember .....LLondon you are talking now! They left the city long ago! a) the b)- oa 3. USA make the most popular movies in the world a) the b)- o)an 6. They named him...... manager of that institution, a)- b) the oa 7. A friend in need is .. friend indeed! a)an bya = 8 «apple a day keeps the doctor away! a) the bya o)an 9. Tumto.........seventh page! aja b)- ¢) the 10. High heeled boots are. _fashion this winter aja b)- ) the 11, He never acts before feeling... ....pulse of the food market. aja b) the o)- 12. Totell you .......truth, I don’t like her at all! aja b)- ¢) the 13, They often go to the Continental Restaurant to have lunch together. a)- b) the oa APLICATII: Puneti articolele potrivite si traduceti: 1. Quiet! I like ong very much! aja ) the °)- 2. ..1..Chinese is a very difficult language. a)a b) the o)- 3. Few people would be so courageous as to climb ....Mount Everest. aja b) the o- 4. .......Urals separate Europe from Asia. a)- bya ©) the 5. A volcanic lake in our country is..........$t Ana a)- b) the c)a 6. She is such ........devoted friend! a)— b) the oa 7. You can buy paper at.......stationer’s. aja ») the e)- 8. I’m going to meet ..........professor James Smith. a)- b) the c)a 9. This ring is made of ... a) the bya 10.We visit our relatives once .......Vear a) an b) the oa 11.1 don’t like .......milk. I never drink any! a)- b) the oa 12. They met sometime in.......1950s a)- bya c) the 13.Trees are in blossom in..........spring a) the b)- oa APLICATII: Puneti articolele potrivite si traduceti, 1. We want to go a) the bya o- 2, Wecelebrate the first important holiday of the yeat at...........-Easter. a) an b)- c) the 3, sssssses. Westminster Abbey is impressive a) the b)a °- 4. often travel by..........tram a)- b) the oa 5. When we go fishing, we wake up before. dawn. a) the b)- oa 6. She studies to aja b) the °- 7. Our most friendly neighbours are .......Browns. aja b) the °)- 8. sveeDanube is the greatest river in Romania aja b) - c) the 9, .......young man is waiting her at the gate. a)an b)- oa 10. He accepted the job just a) the bal °)- 11, Allthe family meet at .........dinner every day a) the bya )- 12. This statue is........nicest of all the objects here. a) the b)a °)- 13. They have arranged to meet on Sunday a)- bya ) the Wt FRIENDS Completati cu pronumele corespunzatoare si traduceti: 1, Where is the, cat? .... .is in the tree. 2. Who is Tony? .. 3. Is Andrew here? No, ....-...--o---niSM't. 4. Where is Sally? ... 5. 31s that your TV set? Yes, ............ is 6. Is this an apple?.No, ... is an orange are ill. 7. Why are the children at home? .. 8. Which color is the flower? .is red. -.8f8, 9. Are you and Sally sisters? Yes... 10. Where is the horse? ... is on the farm. 11.18 Mary twelve? No,.. is eleven years old. 12, What is your job? a doctor. 13,Whose this bag is? .is mine. So, ,wh..." friends are: WHO = WHY = WHAT = WHICH = WHERE = “Hose = WHOM = TO WHOM = Choose a time expression from the box for each sentence. now - on Fridays - always - at the moment - every night 1. My father is listening to the radio. .at the moment. .... aseeseuene deeeee 3. We watch the 9 0’ ‘lock news « 4, My brother is doing his homework . 5, My mother goes to the supermarket 6. | read a book or a magazine in bed 7. My grandmother 8, My brother is playing football «++. 9. At school we have our history lesson 10.My father... «+ «buys @ newspaper from the shop near his office. Put the verbs into the Present Continuous or Simple Present. 4. Listen! The birds ... are singing ... (sing) in the garden! 2.lotten sees (buy) fruit from the greengrocer's. 3, My mother «« . (drink) tea now. 4, Look at Tom and Jim! They ceeeeeeeeeee (Walk) Up the hill 8. That man (laugh) at the moment. 6. The cat . « (play) with a ball now. 7. We always « (wear) warm clothes in winter. B.He often ss... seseees seeeeeeee (cat) a sandwich at lunchtime. Choose the correct item. 1. She . drinks . .milk every morning. 6. John . . to school now. A) drinks B) is drinking C) drink ‘A)walks —B)iswalking —C) walk 2.We sees «tothe parknow. 7. My cat usually sees by the fire, A) goes B) are going C) go ‘ “ B)issleeping _C) sleeps 3, The woman ... +. swimming now. 8. | «see++ seevess letter at the moment, A) goes B)isgoing C) go si wie B)am writing C) is writing 4.She often ...se0sssee++.herreddress. 9. They ..»+» in arestaurant every Sunday. A)wears B) is wearing C) wear A)eats —B) ateeating CC) eat 5, Look! The Cat v..ssesee0e+ upthe tree. 10. Mother always ».+.+..s+.++. the grass. A) climbs B)is climbing —C) climb A) cuts B) cut C) is cutting Besa tooth - teeth mouse - mice ox - oxen child - children - fish - fish deer - deer sheep - sheep woman - women foot - feet goose - geese man-men @ew. in the plural as in the example: child two... children 2. one mouse two ...+.++_ 3. one fish two .. Jub & Oe 4. one tooth two... esses 5. one goose-three ...... 6. one policeman-two .. Note: Adjectives take no “s” in the plural. —_ e.g. an old book - old books @wiite the words in the plural and in the correct column, @ Complete as in the‘example: 1. Apen. Two .....pens.. {2.Abus.Ten .. 3. Acowboy. Two 4, A woman. Two 5. Ahouse. Three . ‘ 6. Afish. Three T.At00th, FIVE ..esseeeeeeeee 8. Akey, Four ....++» es eRoierawesne 9. A spy. Two « 10. Apicture. Three ... 114A letter. Three 12.Ashirt. Wo... ‘ 18.A table, Two 44. Achild. Two .. 15.A girl. Four . 16. Aclass. Three 17.Atail. Two. 18. A disc jockey. Two « i i ; ' 49.A sheep. Ten . 20.A zebra. Two . @ change to the plural as in the example: The dog is in the garden. The dogs are in the garden. 1. He is a tall man. 2. Itis a potato. .. 3. Itis a beautiful dress. 4, The glass is on the table. 5. Itis atooth. . 6. The baby is in the bedroom. . 7. You are anice child. ... 8. She is a housewife. 9. Itisaleaf. ... 10.Itis a monkey. .... milk lemonade tea juice Coca-Cola butter sugar money paper Note: A/an is not used with uncountable nouns. Some is used instead. We say: a cup BUT some bread @ Fill in the blanks with “a”, “an” or “some”. dolphin 3. Sugar 4. eesereee flag @ri in “some” or “any”. 1. There are ... S0rmie 2Isthere .. 3. There is + people in the shop. + milk in that cup? « cheese in this sandwich. 4. Are there « « pencils on the table? 5. There isn't « bread here. 6. There are = pens on his desk. 7. Are there letters in the letter-box for me? 8. There isn't « 9. There are. 10. Are there t1.Isthere . 12. Thereis ..+.+ sees meat on the plate. elephants in the zoo. cats in the garden? water in the bottle? . «coffee in the cup. @write the words in the correct column as in the examples: box money pencil star water circus. bag_—_book cheese tomato dress meat bread = milk = tea’ pen. Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns Box, ws Cheese, « @rin in with “a”, “an” or “some”. a Nonrens QQ. NUMERALUE CARDINAL THR CARDINAL NUMERAL [02"ka:dink:‘nju:moral] 1 one fwan} 22 twenty-two “twenti “tu: 21wo ftw) 30 thiny ["@a:ti] Bithree [8] 40 forty ["fo:ti) 4 four {Yo:] 30 fifty © ['fitti) S five Ifaiv) 60 sixty ['siksti) 6 six {siks) 70 seventy [sevnti] Tseven —_["sevn] 80 eighty ["eiti] Seight [eit] 90 ninety [*nainti) 9 nine {rain} 100 one (a) hundred ("wan (ei) “handred) lO ten ten} 101 one (a) hundred and one Ieleven — [ilevnt 152 one (a) hundred and fifty-two 12 twelve (twely] 200 two hundred 1ithineen —[" 300 three hundred 14 fourteen’ 400 four hundred 15 fifteen 1,000 one (a) thousand ["wan (ei) “@auzand) 16 sixteen 1.007 one (a) thousand and one 17 seventeen ['s 1.012 one (a) thousand and iwelve 18 eighteen 1.247 one (a) thousand two hundred and forty-seven 19 nineteen (‘nain’tizn} 2,000 two thousand 20 twenty — ["twenti] 3.000 three thousand 21 twenty-one [*twenti “wan} 1,000,000 one (a) million (wan (ei) ‘milyon] 1,000,000,000 one (a) milliard [wan (ei) “milia:d) 2 80.. NUMERALUL ORDINAL THE ORDINAL NUMERAL {8i"o;dink ‘njuzmaral] 1 (the) fa9} [fo:stl Be . U'seknd] 3ee . (82-4) ae [fo:8} * " (6it6) on "sixth {siks6] ™ seventh ('sevné)] cerhup tu f, wurnernzue ORdINf2, 8€ FOAIIEp Cs THE + NUMERAL CARDING + TH 4 a: the + four +th = He fourth = the 4 APLICATII PLURALUL SUBSTANTIVELOR L Completati cu formele substantivelor care lipsesc: No. Singular Plural Romanian 1_| Monkey 2_| Kiss 3_|Fl 4 Mobili 5 Fish 6 Gossips 7__| Information 8 The blind 9 _| Baggage (luggage) 10 Sweets ul Taboos 12 (Ceasca de) cafea B ; Loaves 14 Somer 15 e Tomatoes 16 Teeth | 17 Oaie 18 | Aeroplane 19 | Myself 20 Sfat 21 Geese 22 | Poultry 23 | Kennedy 24 Parlamentar 25 Parties 26 The dead 27_| Deer 28 Series Obs: la categorii avem: the + substantiv la singular (the deaf= surzii, the dumb = mutii etc) Substantivele care au plural, la singular se folosesc cu “a / an” iar la plural conform regulii, Substantivele care mu au plural, se folosesc cu « some ». Din aceasta categorie fac parte : - food: butter, bread, meat, cheese, water, tea, coffee, wine, beer, milk, lemonade, chocolate, salt, pepper, fish, sugar etc - material: paper, wood, silver, gold, iron etc - abstract nouns: peace, anger, love, hate etc - others: money, snow, soap, furniture, oil, information, news, business, advice Atentie! “some” se poate folosi si pentru cele care au plural atunci cand cantitatea este neprecizata. Pentru cele nenumarabile, ca sa se dea sensul de plural, se pot folosi diverse cuvinte de ajutor: Tl. Uniti coloana intai cu produsele potrivite din coloana a doua: 1. abottle a) meat, fruit, sugar 2. aglass b) chocolate, cheese, cake, furniture, advice 3. ajug ©) soap, chocolate, 4. acup ¢) sugar, rice 5. apacket ©) Coke, beer 6. ajar f) milk, juice 7. aloaf g) bread, cake 8. aslice h) bread, meat 9. acarton i) honey, jam 10. can 1) tea, instant coffee 11a bowl m) tea, coffee 12.a bar n) water, wine, juice 13.a piece ©) water, juice, milk, wine 14.a kilo p) milk, Coke, wine TEST PAPER (Present Tense) 1) Puneti la prezent simplu sau continuu afirmativ verbele din paranteze: 1. I (write) a letter every week.. 2. You (watch) TV right now........... 3. He (make) his bed daily...........0.0 4, We (meet) in the park at the moment 5. They (drink) milk every morning. 6. Mother (listen) to music now. :s 8. 9. 1 . Clara (wear) a red blouse today. The shop (open) at 9 daily. They (get up) early today.... 0.She (play) tennis in the weekends TI) _ Puneti la negativ propozitiile de la I: Clara... The shop They........ 10.She. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I) Puneti la interogativ propozitiile de la I: SoM rgaHEwne TEST PAPER (Present Simple) 1) Puneti la present simplu afirmativ verbele din paranteze Dan (get up) early every day... . Mother (have) her breakfast at 8 daily She (do) her homework in the evening I (visit) my friends in the weekend. Father (watch) TV every night. He (go) to bed at midnight. Avs 11) _ Puneti la negative propozitiile de la I: Aus TI) Formulati intrebari cu when, what pentru propozitiile de la I IV) Puneti intrebari cu when, what, where pentru raspunsurile: . You drink milk in the evening. . He watches TV every night.. We learn English this month He works hard in the workshop... . She plays tennis in the weekends... . Clara sleeps in the afternoon. Anew V) — Puneti cuvintele care arata posesia: 1, Ihave a black bag. It’s .... black bag. It is. 2. She has alittle cat. It’s It's...... 3. They have a nice garden.It’s. 4. He has a white horse. It’s 5. We have a brother. He is.. brother. He is. 6 7 8, 9 1 You have a new hat. It’s........hat. It’s. '. Mary has a red ball. It’s........ball. It’s. Children have dogs. They are.......dogs. They a are Grandma has a house. It’s It’s... 0.Tom has a new cap. It’s.........cap. It’s. ANEXA 10 CURS 1 10. 1. 12. 13. 14, 15. Traduceti urmatoarele: Eu am telefon mobil El are o minge mare. Noi avem o masina noua.... Jim are muti prieteni Tatal lui are un caine frumos. Sora mea o rochie veche ... Andrew are o casa mare... Cainele nostru are multe oase. Mama ta are un ceas deosebit.. ‘Am o casa mica dar placut Camera aceasta are peretii galbeni ... Ea are masina? Nu, are bicicleta. Are 0 coada lunga (cainele).. Sally are 0 gradina grozava. ‘Am un dulap de haine urias... APLIGATI PREZEN | SIMPLU SI CONTINUU Traduceti in limba engleza: 1. Apa fierbe la 100°... 2. George nu merge la cinema foarte des... 3. Cate limbi straine vorbesti?. 4, Piscina se deschide la 9 a.m. si se inchide la 6 p.m. zilnic. 5. Lace ora se inched bancile in orasul tau?. 6. Am masina dar nu o folosese foarte des. 7. Cate tigari fumezi intr-o zi?. 8. Soarele nu se invarte in jurul pamantului........... 9. Pisicile prind soareci.............csseeese9 i i wissseasnacuasaracteet, 10.Dunarea se varsa in Marea Neagra.......... aaasaeamsecranauEn 11.Te rog nu face atat de mult zgomot. Eu studies acum.......... 12.Uite! Cineva se catara in copacul acela... 13.Fii atent! Omul Acela incearca sa deschida usa masinii tale. - 14,Ma duc la munca cu masina astazi....... 15.Ana scrie un mesaj chiar in acest moment. 16.Noi studiem engleza in toamna asta. 17. Grabeste-te! Vine autobuzull......isscasssosssccossessscecsnisessessnessesssessenesesesonsssbesenssen 18.Dan este in Londra in acest moment. Sta la Hotelul Hilton. 19.Ei nu asculta muzica acum. Se uita la un film... 20.Speli vasele acum? Cred ca glumes! TEST PAPER ~ forme de present 1) Puneti la present simplu sau continuu, dupa cum este cazul +1. Look! It (rain) again. +2. Lusually (have), breakfast at 7 a.m, #3. What she (do) 7 She (taste), the milk to see if it’s sour. + 4, He (pack off) his luggage right now. * 5, -The swimming bath (open) at 9 am. and (close) at 6 pm daily. +6. How many cigarettes he (smoke) a day? 7. You (play) the piano but you (not play) well 8. He (have) ‘car but he (not use) very often + 9. The Nile River Glow) into the Mediterranean Sea * 10. The bus (come) T (not want) to miss it. 11. He (love) parties but he (not enjoy), this bne * 12. Please, (not make) 13, The kettle (boil), +14, Excuse me, you (speak), * 15. How many languages Tom (speak) * 16, He (stay) ¥ 17, Most people (learn), Tl) Traduceti in limba engleza: LRafturile sunt pline cu carti n Sfaturile tale sunt foarte bune Informatiile sunt interesante, merita sa le citesti El nu spune niciodata asa ceva Sunt multi soareci in magazine 6. Frunzele cad toamna, ~ Copiilor le plac dulciurile Stergeti picioarele acolo, 9. Dinti ei sunt albi 10. Barbatii aceia sunt muncitori so much noise! I (study), Can you turn it off please? English? 2 at Hilton Hotel at the moment to swim when they are children PRESENT SIMPLE ~ APPLICATIONS Choose the correct form and translate, then put into the interrogative form: 1. Talways you at the comer of the street. a.met b. meet c. am meeting 2. He usually at seven. a. wake up ». is waking up c. wakes up 3. Mary often to write her homework. a. forget b. forgets c. is forgetting 4, She isa dancer. She at the Opera. a. dances ». is dancing c. dance 5. Children playing in the snow. a.enjoy . are enjoying c. enjoys 6. Architects the plans of buildings. a. are making makes c. make 7. Cuckoos nests. a. not build . does not build . do not build 8. Either of us capable of making mistakes. aare bbe cis 9. She a good wife. aare b. aren't cis 10, Father the car every weekend a. wash ’. washed c. washes 11. Sun in the East. arise bis rising «. rises 12, The snake suddenly and bites deeply into the leg. a. attacked D. attack . attacks 13, When the baby is hungry, he always a.crys becries cory 14. We 10 bed late in the evening. a. goes b. go ©. 10 go 15, Tom for his office at 8 o’clock daily. a. leave b. leaves ©. to leave ESCRIBING PEOPLE Grupati adjectivele de mai jos in functie de ceea ce descriu, utilizand tabelut: Physical appearance Height Built Face Eyes Nose Hair Clothes Personality (character, behaviour) Tall, medium buil medium high, formal, almond-sbaped, oval, straight, trendy, long, smart, attractive, shabby, hooked, short, round, curly, fiir, slender, upturned, pleasant, good-hearted, well-balanced, strong-willed, dynamic, reserved, frank, moody, cheerful, low-spirited, good sense of humour, freckled, hazel, wellbuilt, fashionable, wavy, oki-fishioned, casual, overweight, plump, balding, round-shouldered, good-looking, well-dressed, fit, stylish, tanned, spotty, spiky, skinny, neat, ambitious, lazy, shy, kind, generous, fussy, dull, honest, greedy, stubborn, boring, nade, thin, slim, grey, brown, delicate, sensuous, beautiful, ugly, awful, handsome, pretty, shoulder- length, nice, athletic, black, polite, intelligent, 1. The following words describe people’s physical appearance. Choose the most appropriate one to complete the sentences: slanted, spotty, neat, receding, freckles, scar, mole, tanned, spiky, skinny © Helen is........; she needs to put on some weight * Cindy's appearance is......; her clothes and make-up are perfect. * Ron is a middle-aged man who is beginning to lose hair from the top of his forehead —he has a ............-hairline. * The cut above Joe’s right eye left a mark when it healed and now, he has a * Carol spends her days on the beach and her skin is .. * Marcia is a teenager with a ...........complexion. She uses special creams to get ride of her spots. * The pop singer has short, ....... hair which stands up on the top of his head © She was born with a small dark......... on her cheek. © The little gir! has light hair, fair skin and a lot of.........0n her face *¢ The Chinese have..........e¥es. 2. The following adjectives describe people's personality characteristics: honest, fussy, lively, foolish, aggressive, observant, bossy, reserved * Mary tends to be. make sense. © Gregory is Very .........s..+...3 he always notices when his girlfriend is wearing a new dress. * The manager is quite............ rude manner. * She can be rather. or emotions. ¢ John is an accountant; he would never steal from any of his clients. + Annis person who is always in good spirits and full of enthusiasm. * Sam is often...........---..Wwhen he plays with other children, he frequently argues and fight with them * Mr Jones isa... be perfect. times; she says silly things which do not ; he dictates strict orders to the employees in a ..teserved; she does not like to show her feelings ...customer; he is hard to please and wants everything to * Translate and make questions / answers about the text: 1. Opposites attract and people often marry to a person who is very different from themselves. For example, Angela likes classical music but her husband, Mike likes jazz. He doesn’t go to bed before midnight but Angela goes to bed about 10 p.m. She reads something before she goes to sleep but her husband watches TV. He plays tennis and golf. Angela hates sports but she like cooking. Husband and wife, they are different but they are very happy together. 2. Arthur Miller, with his wife Dana, lives in the USA. In the morning they wake up early, about 6 a.m. Dana gets up first and makes breakfast. He doesn’t work daily. Some days he answers the letters people write to him. Also, he likes working in his vegetable garden. When he writes his books and plays, he goes to a small building in the garden because he likes being alone. Ha finishes work at midday and then his wife lays the table. They usually have vegetables from their garden as lunch or dinner. In the afternoon, he often plays tennis with his neighbors and then, he takes his dog for a walk. Sometimes he has dinner out, with his friends. He listens to music daily, He really like jazz. but he hates rock’ n roll. Arthur usually goes to bed at 10 p.m | * Ambitious and serious * Loves to teach and be taught ~ Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses * Likes to criticize * Hardworking and productive * Smart, neat and organized * Sensitive and has deep thoughts * Knows how to make olhers happy * Quiet unless excited or tensed * Rather reserved * Highly attentive * Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds * Romantic but has difficulties expressing love * Loves children * Homely person * Loyal * Needs to improve social abilities * Easily jealous * Stubborn and hard-hearted * Strong-willed and highly motivated * Sharp thoughts * Easily angered * attracts others and loves attention * Deep feelings * Beautiful physically and mentally * Firm standpoint * Easily influenced * Needs no motivation * Easily consoled * Systematic (left brain) * Loves to dream * Strong clairvoyance * Understanding * Sickness usually in the ear and neck * Good imagination * Good debating skills * Good physical * Weak breathing * Loves literature and the arts *! Loves traveling * High spirited * Spenathrit 1) Write as many adjectives as you can referring to: Il) Make sentences using the adjectives. I) Which adjectives have the same meaning: «big, little, large, beautiful, great . beautiful, happy, pretty, funny, handsome cold, rainy, foggy, warm, sunny, hot late, tired, tall, sleepy, early ReNe IV) Underline the adjectives and translate: 1. A book is more interesting than a newspaper. 2. Her blouse is not as beautiful as her skirt. 3, The problem is as important as the exercise, 4. The plane is the fastest. 5. The bus is faster than a tram and it’s a little more comfortable, too. 6. My car is very beautiful 7. This street is longer than the other one. 8. Your house is bigger than my house. 9. Miss Universe is the most beautiful woman in the world. 10. Bucharest is the largest and the most important city in Romania. V) Translate into English: Casa mea este mai mica decat a ta dar este cea mai frumoasa dintre toate, Sora lui este la fel de tanara ca Diana, ‘Camera mea nu este asa de curate ca a ta dar este cea mai placuta, Arati mai bine astazi decat ieti Aceasta este cea mai recenta editie a revistei “Unica”, yaeee 1) Put the adjectives into the correct position: Ex: a beautiful table (wooden, round) > a beautiful round wooden table 1. an unusual ring (golden, big) 2. alady (nice, old, blond). 3. a good-looking man (tall, young 4, amodem house (attractive, big). 5. a pair of gloves (black, leather) 6. afilm (American, old). 7. anose (large, red).. 8. aday (sunny, lovely) 9. abath (hot, nice)... 10. a dress (ugly, orange).. 11. acar (red, small, old) 12. a box (metal, black, small 13a face (long, skinny) 14, an avenue (wide, long). 15, a cat (fat, black).. 16. a village (large, old, lovely). 17. long hair (fair, beautiful) 18, an old painting (interesting, French) U1) —_ Underline the adjectives and adverbs: 1. Jane is bored because her job is boring. 2. Tom is interested in politics. 3. Are you interested in buying cars? 4. Is this film interesting? 5. I'm surprised! 6. Itis quite surprising that he passes the exam. 7. P'm disappointed! This film is disappointing! 8. He is always very tired when he comes home. 9. He hasa tiring job. 10. Tom lives in a nice new house, 11. In the kitchen I have a beautiful large round wooden table. 12. Do you feel tired? 13, The dinner smells good, 14, Tom sounds angry on the phone. 15. This tea tastes a bit strange. 16. Your friend seems very nice. 17. We can’t go out because of heavy rain. 18, Be quiet! 19. It’s a cheap restaurant but food is extremely good. 20. Drive carefully! He is a careful driver! 21, Susan plays the piano very well./ 22. He shouts at me angrily. 23, He looks sad. Tom looks at me sadly. 24, Speak quietly, please! 25, The meeting is very badly organized, 26. The driver of that car is seriously injured in the accident. TEST PAPER |. (0,30 x 5 # 1,50) Put the verbs into the correct present form: 4. After spring, summer (come) .... 2.The sun (rise) _-». Very early and sets late in the evening 3. She (40) «...v-sssns 18S housework of late. 4. We (not go) to parties because we are busy. 5. He never (make) . spelling mistakes. 1. (0,30 x 5 # 1,50) Put the verbs into the correct past form: 1. In the middle of the table mother (put) ............ Some flowers. 2. It (be) interesting book the one you gave me. 3. She (read) ..... a book when Tim (come) .....00 in. 4. The dog (sleep) ... under the chair.. 5. Last week he (break) .......... his leg in an accident. IIL (0,50 x 4 # 2,00) Translate into English: 1. Idea matusii mele a fost grozava 2. Vom sti rezultatele in 3 zile. 3. Ela plecat la Londra saptamana trecuta. 4. Vom juca tenis impreuna maine. V. (0,50 X 5 # 2,50)Write the suitable article: It was .......... almost perfect day. 1 2. Last year we had ... splendid Indian summer. 3. Can | have orange, please? 4 5 . He is closing window because it's raining. . John will go to .. .. university next month. < (0,30 X 5 #1,50)Write the suitable pronouns: He must go there a. to solve the problem. = enjoyed .. ro... @ Ot at the party last night. . You are driving car ina careless way. "Whose book is this?" - *. .. of course!” . write letters for you every night. opens nL. m1. qv. ‘TEST PAPER. Put the verb into the correct form of the Past Tense : 1, I (not drive) 1 (break) very fast when the accident (happen) a plate last night. I (do).. the washing-up when it (slip). .. out of my hand. 3. Tom (take ‘a photo of me while I (not look) 4, We (not go). .. out because it (rain)..... 5, What... -at this time yesterday ? ‘Complete these sentences using the comparative of the adjectives or adverbes: Sorry I’m late! It took me. My toothache is She looks about 20 but in fact, she's much, ‘The problem is not so complicated. It’s. ‘Your English has improved. You speak a lot to get there than I expected! than it was yesterday. than she looks. . .-lan you think, than you did when we last met. epee ‘Translate into English : ‘Vreau sa va dau cateva sfaturi inainte sa porniti la drum. 2. Sfaturile avocatului sunt scumpe. 3. Mi-a fost teama de caini cand eram mic. 4, Ea este plecata si ma tem ca nu se mai intoarce azi. 5." Macar de-as fi urmat sfaturile profesorului meu ! Fill in with the prepositions : the 15" century. july 21, 1969. Saturdays. Columbus discovered America... ‘The first man landed on the moon.... In Britain football matches are usually played... ‘You can see the stars.........night if the sky is clear In Britain children have to start school........the age of five. weeps “TEST PAPER & ine verb inte the correct form of the Past Tease : Look | it’s raining again. it (rain) .. all day ye We (invite)... -vv- hem tothe party but they (decide) 7 me on my way her er exams because she (study) .. to London to see a friend of mine rh you look « bit. ed something much Il You have to complete the sentences with the medal verbs : Ww MONDAY MORNING MIRACLE Pattie Wigand 1. The sun is shining when I get on the bus no 151. Chicago’s winter landscape is at its dingiest - leafless trees, mounds of slush, cars splattered with it. . The bus cruises through Lincoln Park for a few miles but no one looks out the windows. We, passengers sit jammed together in heavy clothes, lulled by the monotonous grind of the motor and the overheated air. No one speaks. That’s one of the unwritten rules of Chicago commuting. Although we see the same faces every day, we prefer to hide behind our newspapers. The symbolism is striking: people who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their distance. 2. As the bus approaches the Magnificent Mile, a row of glittering skyscrapers along Michigan Avenue, a voice suddenly rings out: “Attention! Attention!” Papers rattle, nedks crane. “This is your driver speaking” Stillness. We look at the back of the driver's head, His voice has authority. “Put your papers down, all of you!” The papers come down an inch at a time. The driver waits. The papers are folded and placed on our laps. “Now turn and face the person next to you. Go ahead!” 3. Amazingly we all do it. Still, no one smiles...Just mindless obedience, the herd instinct at work! I face an older woman. I see her nearly every day. Our eyes meet. We wait, unblinking, for the next order from the driver. “Now, repeat after me!” It is 2 command delivered in the tones of a drill sergeant. “Good morning, neighbor!” Our voices are weak, timid, For many of us these are the first words we have spoken today but we say them in unison, like schoolchildren, to the stranger beside us, 4. We smile. We cannot help it. There is the feeling of relief that we are not being kidnapped or robbed...but more, there is the faint sense of unleashing a common civility long repressed. We have said it “Good moming, neighbor!” It was not so hard after all. Some of us repeat it, others shake hands, and many laugh! The bus driver says nothing more. He doesn't need to! Not a single newspaper goes back up. The bus hums with conversation, We start by shaking our heads over this crazy driver which leads to other commuting stories! 5. [hear laughter, a warm, bubbly sound I have never heard before on the bus no 151. ‘When we reach my stop, I say goodbye to my seatmate, then jump from the doorstep to avoid a puddle. Four other buses have pulled up at the same stop, disgorging passengers. The riders still inside look like statues ~ unmoving, silent. Except for those on my bus! As no 151 drives away, I smile as I watch the animated faces of the passengers. This day is starting off better than most. I look back at the driver. He is studying his mirror, searching for an opening in the traffic. He gives no sign of being aware that he’s just pulled off a Monday moming miracle. Dingy = murder, sumbru civility = amabilitate Slush = zapada partial topita bum =a zumzei Splatter = a improsca altoaca Lull = a adormi opti Grind = scartait disgorge =a varsa, desearca Commute = naveta pull something off = a reusi sa faca ceva Rattle = a fosni Crane the neck = a intinde gatul Fold =a impaturi Obedience = supunere Drill sergeant = sergent instructor Unleash =a dezlega Shopping Peggy (pointing to a blue dress in the shop window): This is the dress T’ve told you of. 13 Black (Peagy'’s mother): Let’s go in and have a good look at it, on Assistant: What can I do for you? Mr: Black: Will you show us the blue dress in the window? Shop Assistant: Of course, Madam. Here you are. It's the latest fashion in dresses for young ladies. Mrs Black: What do you say. Pegoy? Do you like it? Peggy: 1 do, Mum. It’s very beautiful. May’ I try it on? Mrs Black: How much is it? Shop Assistant: Twelve pounds ninety pence. It’s dear but it pays. Mrs Blaek: I cannot spend so much on your dress. Pegg Peggy: Oh. buy it. Mum. please. Think of Ann's two new dresses, Shop Assistant: The young lady looks smart in this dress. Mrs Black: Well, well, wrap it up. miss. please. Peggy: 1m so happy. Thank you ever so much, Mum. Mrs Black: All right. Peggy, now let’s go. Have you forgotten the presents we have to buy [or your father’s birthday? ‘And the hat. shoes. gloves and a hand bag to match them for ysell? ‘0, Mum. I haven't. —Yes, let's go. Holiday plans Henry: Where are you going to spend your summer holidays? Sam: We are going on a trip to the Delta. Father is very fond of fishing. Helen: I'm going into the country. My grandfather and grandmother have invited me for the holidays and I thankfully accepted the invitation. Angela: We'll spend a whole month at the seaside Emily: You're lucky ! You'll bathe or swim in the sea or just lie in the sun. — I'm not going anywhere. I'l] stay at home and rest. Sometimes it’s so nice to think that you have nothing to do! John: The doctor has ordered me to the mountains. I’m going to spend three weeks in a summer camp. They say it’s a lovely spot in the Carpathians. Diana: I've not made up my mind where to go. In fact it is for my parents to decide when or where we go. It is not out of the question that we should take a trip abroad. Bobby: My parents have already decided when and where to go. We shall tour the country by (motor-) coach and visit all the places of interest on our way Romania is a country located in the Southeastern Europe, bordering on the Black Sea. Romania shares a border with Hungary and Serbia to the West, Ukraine and Moldova to the Northeast and East, and Bulgaria to the South. Romania is the eighth largest country of the European Union by area, and has the seventh largest population of the European Union. Its capital and largest city is Bucharest - the sixth largest city in the EU. Romania is the largest country in the Southeastern Europe and the twelfth-largest in Europe. The Carpathian Mountains dominate the centre of Romania. Its surface is distributed equally between mountainous, hilly and lowland territories. A large part of Romania's border with Serbia and Bulgaria is formed by the Danube. The Danube flows into the Black Sea within Romania's territory forming the Danube Delta, the second largest and best preserved delta in Europe, and also a biosphere reserve and a biodiversity World Heritage Site. Romania's geographical diversity has led to an attractive diversity of flora and fauna. Romania has a temperate and continental climate, with four distinct seasons. Spring is pleasant with cool mornings and nights and warm days. Summers are generally very warm to hot. Autumn is rainy and cool, with fields and trees producing colorful foliage. Winters can be cold, especially in the highest mountains. Tourism focuses on the country's natural landscapes and its rich history and has a significant contribution to the Romanian economy. For their medieval atmosphere and castles, Transytvanian cities such as Sibiu, Brasov, Sighisoara have become major tourist attractions for foreigners. Rural tourism, focusing on folklore and traditions, has become an important alternative recently. The Romanian seaside is the most developed tourist area of the country: Mamaia, Costinesti, Neptun and many other resorts. Galati is the capital city of Galati County, in the historical region of Moldavia, the Eastern Romania. Galati is the largest port on the Danube River and the 8th most populous city in Romania. We have a lot of beautiful parks, old buildings an churches. Galati has educational facilities catering to all ages and scholastic levels. The »Lower Danube” University of Galati, founded in 1974, includes 11 faculties (with two: unique faculties in Romania: The Faculty of Naval Architecture and Department of Food Science and Engineering) and 3 colleges. Also, the "Danubius University” is a private institution with departments in legal, economic and social studies fields. + Find seventeen words in the puzzle: pizza, computer, policeman, coat, dictionary, sandwich, pen, telephone, children, guitar, cheese, photographe, camera, envelope, orange, chair, plate c Ww L E N Vv E L oO P E H Cc Oo M Pp U T E R I T E I R c H A I R G Z E E Cc A M E R A F U Z L Ss A N D WwW I Cc H I A E E B G R K c oO A T M P D P E N Ss J N D A B H D I Cc T I oO N A R Y oO Y WwW P oO L I c E M A N P H oO T oO G R A P H E NM Q Cc H I L D R E N + Make sentences with these words 6YSTUR| fpanar|y TgazUr Veit, Pa ” za ae chu rai Frere] —_ Rennes i> ed, > fell a Pv rece! 1 rr feg7 ly caabenc| ee) % 7 SCAIETI CUVin FEE Ko/ t Fea 0 (Keb hm lp | 7 fomemyp | | | Gen Wer7 7 a, ¥ 79 toe oR. . céwrae| ¥ > . \erese) | aa Taare So 2 > [abo] ) aT y > a, LTT, ie ol a SOAVET CUVINTELE Nor? ea" ely | | viel” 7 [PAE ew sina Ea le ¥ v ARE = v Pf [pero v ra Linie |p Zap TR oni Secor vag v 13] _ | atast Fhe TR PY Reh Y ae | ¥ Sear pe ee | | eee | Ea Ire Inirken ‘Nous raed iin = v v ad v FieRay, ‘ , r ae aa eee, y lavaar | 2 : - es”. |: ad Fe : Pus Ny seer > = ISiant diol rer . . Ih Toma. (> ‘ lone ea TS | al—io Rie lee +/0 =f “ey Ape a. a om as Ee ay 9. Bail’ | O | ( jvm M eee, s (6 Ee E Capen OU < g 5 SIC be & ees | AP |b [re O}a aq u = > Ba g oO cero fv cia KJ re rc 5 HAE 2 EAC TE KSB > oI KS] HANKSGIVING AND THE PILGRIM FATHERS In the year 1621, one year after their arrival in The New World (America), the Pilgrim Fathers sat down at the table and ate the first Thanksgiving Meal Who were these people? Why were they giving thanks? The Pilgrims were a group of one hundred people who had left England for religious reasons. As they wanted a simple and pure lifestyle, not the rich demonstrations of the church and the arrogance of its bishops, they were called Puritans. At that time - when James I ruled England — nobody believed in things like religious tolerance so the Puritans were fined, imprisoned and finally driven out of the country. September 16" 1620 found them in the port of Plymouth boarding a very old ship — the Mayflower — to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World. Their journey was full of dangers and difficulties. The rough rolling waves of the ocean and the shortage of food and water turned the Pilgrims’ voyage into a nightmare. Fortunately, a much longed for sandy shore came into sight on the sixty-fifth day. The hungry frightened and sick Pilgrims decided to land and set up camp at a place far north of the land given to them by the Virginia Company (which is now the state of Massachusetts). The happiness felt as they got ashore was short- lived. It was winter when they arrived. They had very little food left and no roof over their heads, only frozen ground, sharp winds and violent snow storms. Consequently, people got sick and died one after the other. When everything around seemed to be extremely hostile to the weak and disillusioned Pilgrims, something unexpected happened. Some local American Indians came to help. They brought the Pilgrims corn, turkey and other wild game. They also showed them the best places to fish and hunt. Today, on the fourth Thursday of November, Americans have a special family get-together to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It is a traditional time when they give thanks to God for all the things they have. Although tastes have changed, corn and turkey, pumpkin and cranberry sauce or jelly remain part of the American Thanksgiving dinner as symbols of survival. Wild game = wild animals and birds that are hunted for food Cranberry = a small red sour berry used in cooking and for making sauce = What do Americans give thanks for? - Time in history? - Setting? Main characters? Main events? Omurice (Korean Omlet) 2 Cups Cooked Short Grain Rice 6 Eggs (6 Pinches Salt) ¥% Cup Spam or Ham % Cup Well Fermented Kimchi (Optional) ¥% Cup Potato % Cup Onion ¥% Cup Zucchini % Cup Button Mushrooms % Cup Red Sweet Pepper % Cup Green Sweet Pepper % Cup Yellow Sweet Pepper % Cup Carrot 2 spoon Cooking Oil Y% spoon Salt Some Ketchup (for garnish) Finely chop all the vegetable and meat ingredients: % cup spam or ham, % cup well fermented kimchi (optional), % cup potato, % cup onion, % cup zucchini, % cup button mushroom, % cup red sweet pepper, % cup green sweet pepper, % cup yellow sweet pepper, and ¥% cup carrot. Depending on your tastes, you can substitute other veggies and/or meats. Just obtain about 2 generous cups of them in total. Add 2 Tbsp of cooking oil and all the chopped ingredients in a heated pan. Fry for about 3 minutes on medium-high. Add about 2 cups of cooked short grain rice and mix everything together. In this step, season the fried rice with % tsp of salt. | prefer mine with salt, but you can use ketchup, oyster sauce, fish sauce, or Sempio's Youndoo instead. If you skipped the kimchi, you will have to add more salt or other seasoning ingredients for flavor. Fry for another § minutes on medium and divide the fried rice evenly into 3 groups. Each group will be one serving. Break 2 eggs and add 2 pinches of salt. Whisk gently, Each serving will need 2 eggs and 2 pinches of salt. You will perform this step 3 times. This way, you will get an even amount of egg for each serving. Strain the egg mixture once to get a nicer color and smoother texture. Preheat an 8-inch nonstick pan on medium-high. Drizzle a little bit of cooking oil in the pan and gently wipe the surface with a paper towel. Reduce to medium-low. This helps make it easier to get a nice shape. Pour the egg mixture and cook it for about 3 minutes, or until the surface of the egg is half- cooked. Then, put one serving of fried rice in the center of the flat egg. Spread the rice evenly down the center. When the egg is % cooked, the edge of the egg will become like very thin paper. Fold up each side of the egg to cover the rice. Leave it that way for about 2 minutes to finish cooking the egg. Flip it once and cook for another 3 minutes, or until the other side has finished cooking. Move the finished omelet rice onto a serving plate. HOME, SWEET HOME Unde locuiesti? Intr-un cartier nou, Am un apartament cu 2 camere, intr-un bloc cu 4 etaje. La ce etaj stai? La unu! Am un apartament spatios. Sufrageria este mare si usa ei da intr-un balcon lung. Dormitorul are fereastra catre gradina din spate. E un loc linistit. Bucataria si baia sunt mari, de asemenea, In bucatarie am chiar 0 canapeluta. In baie am cada maxi. Dar tu? Eu locuiesc la casa, in centrul orasului. Am trei camere insorite si aerisite. Usa de la suftagerie da in gradina din fata, Am 0 gramada de trandafiri acolo! Usa de la bucatarie da intr-o gradinita de zarzavat, in spatele casei. Ajo curte mare, inteleg! Da, intradevar! Stii ca-mi place sa lucrez in gradinal Where do you live? I live a new district. [have a two-roomed flat in a four- storeyed block of flats. ‘What floor do you live? The first floor! I have a spacious apartment, The dinning- room is large and its door opens out on a long balcony. The bedroom window looks out in the garden behind. It's a peaceful place. The kitchen and the bathroom are large, too. In the kitchen I have even a little sofa, In the bathroom I have a maxi —tub. What about you? Tlive a house, down-town. I have three sunny and airy rooms. The dinning room door ‘opens out in the garden before the house. I have a lot of roses there! The kitchen door ‘opens out in a little vegetable garden behind the house. ‘You have a large courtyard, I see! Yes, indeed! You know I like working in the garden! APARTAIIENT- SCRIEN! CuVINTRENG ro ot Cuv nTELe We] APARTAMENT +++ Francisca HAnCy THE LAST LEAR O. HENRY Two girls lived in a big house in New York. The name of one girl was Sue and the other was Johnsy. Sue and Johnsy were painters. They were gseat friends and lived and worked together, like two sisters. Their room was small. They had very little work and sometimes they had very little food but they were happy because they liked their work and when people like their work, they are always happy. November came. It was very cold in the streets and it rained every day. One day Johnsy fell ill. She was very ill, she was all hot and cold and her head was heavy. Once, a doctor said, “Sue I want to talk with you! Come out into the corridor” In the corridor the doctor said, “Sue, your friend is very ill. My medicine won't help her if she does not want to live...And she said that she wants to die! When people do not want to live, no medicine can help them!” The doctor went away and Sue stayed in the corridor and cried. “Sue, come here, please!” called her friend. “Yes, Johnsy, ll come in a minute!” answered Sue. She stopped crying, wiped her eyes and went into the room. “What did the doctor tell you?” asked Johnsy. “He says that you will be well soon”, answered the girl. “No, I’ll die soon!” said Johnsy. “You must not think about it and then you will be well! You must eat something. I'll make you a nice soup!” Sue became to make her soup when she suddenly heard Johnsy voice. “Twelve, eleven...” she said and then “ten, nine, eight...” Sue came up to her friend’s bed and looked out of the window. What was there to count? There was a yard and a big wall, an old, old ivy vine climbed half way up the wall. There were only a few brown leaves on it. “Johnsy, what are you counting?” asked the girl. “I’m counting the leaves Yesterday there were many leaves. Today there are only seven. Oh! Another leaf fell down, Now there are only six leaves on the ivy vine...” “But why do you count them?” asked Sue. “I count them because I know that when the last leaf falls down, I'll die!”. “Johnsy, please, please do not say so!” Evening came. There was only one leaf on the old ivy vine now. All the other leaves had fallen down. “You see, Sue, there is only one leaf on the ivy vine now. It will fall down at night and then, I'll die!” Sue did not answer her, she couldn’t answer. She wanted to cry! She went into the corridor and cried there. At that moment, old Behrman came home. Behrman was a painter, too. He lived the same house where the two girls lived. He was sixty. He was not a very good painter but he always said “Everybody laughs at old Behrman but Behrman is a great painter. Some day he will paint a beautiful picture. It will be the best picture in the world!” People didn’t like Behrman because he didn’t talk with people and he always laughed at everybody. “What’s the matter, girl?” asked when he saw Sue. “Oh, Johnsy is very ill! The doctor says that the medicine will not help her if she doesn’t want to live and she counts the leaves of the old ivy vine in the yard!” “Why doesn’t she want to live? What leaves does she count?” “Johnsy thins that she will die when the last leaf on the old ivy vine in our yard falls down.” “And how many leaves are there on the ivy vine now?” asked the old man. “Only one and I think it will fall down tonight.” “How silly your friend is!” said Behrman and went away. Morning came. Johnsy looked out of the window and saw that the last leaf was still on the ivy vine. The day passed but the last leaf did not fall down. Next morning came. The last leaf was still there. “Oh, Sue, this leaf wants to show me how silly I was! There was a wind and a rain and it still lives! I shan’t die, 1’1] live, too!” A few days passed and the doctor came. He examined Johnsy and said “My girl, you are well now. You are luckier than Behrman!” “Behrman? What’s the matter with him?” the two girls asked at once. “Don’t you know? He died last night!” “Behrman! Died! Why?” “A few days ago in the morning people found him in the yard. Near him there was a ladder and some brown and yellow paint. Nobody knew why he was in the yard on such a cold night. Nobody asked him.” Sue came up quickly to the window and looked out. On the wall there was an old ivy vine with one brown leaf on it. The last leaf! Sue looked at it and saw that the leaf was not a real one. It was a picture... The best picture in the world which old Behrman had always wanted to paint! h The 1820s, in America, most people went westward in the hope of having their own land, AA building a ranch, finding gold, or at least living @ happier life. They made the journey in four Wheeled wagons. It was not safe for one wagon to go alone, so the people used to join other wagons to cross the wild territories together. This was called a ‘wagon train’ ‘One early morning in September, Florence Trem: ble, aged 12, and her parents and grand-parents, packed their possessions and guns on the wagon ‘nd set off for the Far West with another nine wag ons. Everybody was excited with a strong desire for liberty, independence and a new life. ‘Creaking under the weight of the load, the four wheeled vehicle became Flo's new home for the ext six weeks. ,The wagon was covered with canvas to protect the travellers from the hot sun, the heayy rain, the rough wind or biizzards.~During the day nearly everybody walked alongside the ‘wagons, though some of the men rode horses. At night, the Train Captain, a scout who used to guide them, chose the campsite. Then the wagons were put in a circle. It was safe in the middle for the Children to play and for the adults to make camp, fires, milk the cows, and cook something hot. Their food consisted mostly of bacon, dried fruit. biscuits, beans, rice, tea and coffee. Then they went to sleep. The journey seemed to be going well, but one late afternoon, when the travellers camped at the foot of the mountains, the Captain noticed some smoke in the distance: Indians! In the next few minutes arrows pierced the canvas of the wagons and the camp was in flames. There were shouts ‘and yells, and cries. It was hell on Earth! Flo thought it was the end. Half an hour later, the trav- tellers were left counting the dead and the wounded ‘But not all the Indians were warlike people: Some came to ask for gifts of tea, tobacco or sugar; others bartered bead belts, bracelets or necklaces for combs or mirrors. Later on, the big family of travellers had to face another danger. The ground began to tremble and they all heard the dreaded noise of @ stampede. A large herd of buffaloes came rushing by suddenly and wildly, almost trampling over the whole camp, The travellers were all tired, weak and desperate. Enthusiasm died, the journey seemed to have no end, they had no more supplies. and many died of starvation. Exhausted and disappointed, at the end of their sixth week, the miracle appeared in front of their eyes. Smoke was coming out of chimneys, houses began to take shape in the distance and the closer they got, the better they could hear the noise of the town and the songs of the cowboys. Roll along, covered wagon, roll along, Yo the turn of your wheels I'l sing a song, City ladies may be fine, But give me that girl of mine: Roll along, covered wagon, roll along. Read as you listen to the story. What was ‘the miracle’ at the end of the journey? Read the story again. Copy and complete the chart: Peau) SN Lae ad Ca mia LADY LIBERTY The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. The enormous statue is 93 metres high and stands in New York harbour. For millions of immigrants to the USA who saw it as they sailed into New York for the first time, it became a symbol of liberty. The statue was built for the hundredth anniversary of American independence from Britain. I was given to the American people by the French as a token of friendship. It was designed by a French sculptor — Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and took fifteen years to build. Money was raised through lotteries and dinner parties. The statue was made from 32.5 tonnes of copper. The seven spikes of the statue’s crown represent the seven oceans and seas of the world. The statue’s face is based on the strong face of the sculptor’s mother. It was constructed in sections in Paris. Then it was put into 210 boxes and taken across the Atlantic Ocean by ship. In New York harbour the sections were assembled on a huge pedestal. Today visitors to the statue are carried by a glass lift to the top of the pedestal where they can see the inner structure of the statue above them. From that point there are 171 steps to a viewing gallery in the crown. oT Coo cr SAVE Ea EASY INTEGRAMS MARTISOARE... #«« Fr oy aay B Rau" = 7 H DE Ss | EASY INTEGRAMS Exercises (at: on ; tn — time) LAL In this exercise you have to complete the sentences. Each time use at, on or in with one of the phrases from the box. the 1920s 1917 —the4Stheentuer about five minutes the same time Saturdays night che age of five 21 July 1969 the moment 1 Columbus discovered America in.te, (5th ceutuary, 2 The first man landed on the moon 3. In Britain football matches are usually played 4 You can see the stars - 5. In Britain children have to start school 6 Jazz became popular in the United States 7 Irs difficule to listen when everyone is speaking 8 The Russian Revolution took place : 9 Tom ism’t here - He'll be hack ifthe sky is clear. 1142 Piiria.che correct prepositions: at, on or in Examples: Thaledneert starts ....06.... 7.45. Tlearnt to drive ...ih..... four weeks. 1 The course begins 7 January and ends 10 Mareh. 2 Lwent to bed midnight and gor yj «6.30 the next morning. 3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived ~ 5 o'clock . the morning 4 Mozart was born in Salzbettg scone 1756. 5 Are you doing anything special the week-end? 6 Hurry up! We've gor 10 g0 five minutes 7 Thaven’t seen Ann for a Few days. [last saw her Tuesday 8 Fil phone you _- Tuesdity morning, about 10 o'elock, okay? 9-1 might nor be at home the moming, Can you phone soso. the afternoon instead? 10. Tom’s grandmother died 1977 the age of 79. 1 Jack's brother is an engineer but he’s out of work the moment. 12 The price of electricity is going up o- October. | B Sunday afternoons Lusually go for a walk in the country. - | 14 There are usually a lot of parties wonoenou New Year's Eve : 15. like walking round the town night. I's always so peaceful | 16 Do you fancy going to the cinema sou... Friday night? 17 Tom doesn’t see his pareats very often these days — usually only Christmas and sometimes oon. the summer for a few day’ I8 ve been invited to a wedding 14 February 19. I'm just going out ro do some shopping. I'l be back «0. half an hour. 20 Carol got married 17, which is rather young to get married, 21 Ann works hard during the week, so she likes to relax weekends, } 22 Ir was quite a short book and easy to read. [read it aday. 23. The telephone and the doggfell rang... the same cime. 24 Mary and Henry always go out for a meal... their wedding anniversary Hl 25. Mr Davis is 63. He’}tlie retiring trom his job two years’ time, Exercises (tn, at, on —potbon) 118.1 Complete hese sentences. Use in, ator on with one of the words or phrases from the box. bed sea the National Theatre a farm hospital school prison the airport the cinema —the-ssation 1 My train arrives at 11.30. Can you meet me @.the.station. 2 I didn’t feel very well when I woke UP, So I stayed 3. Are they showing any good films swmansen this Week? 4 Many people are vo for crimes that they did nor commit S [like the countryside and the fresh air. 1 think I'd like to work § Did you get on well with your ceachers when you were .... “ 2 7 We went to see a play oon. When we were in London, § Linda was injured in a toad accident a few: days ago. She is still 9 Ir Was a very long voyage. We were. . for ten weeks. 10 Our flight was delayed. We had to wait for four hours, B82 “Complete these sentences with in or at. Exdinple: Were there many people Qe. the concert? 1 Ididn’t see you the party on Saturday. Where were you? 2 Ir was a very slow train, It stopped every litte station 3 Hes good French, He studied Paris for a year, 4 Tom nt work today. He was HOME oon ne bed 5 The exhibition the art gallery finished on Saturday & There will be a public meeting the Town Hall next week to discuss the plan (© build a new road {, Thaven’t seen Ken for some time. | last saw: him Dave's wedding, 8 Paul is a studene London University 2 Don't phone tomorrow evening. won't be home. I'l be Ann's. 10 Ie’ always too hor Ann's house, She hay the heating on too high 18S Complete these sentences with a preposition ia preposition is necessary. Example: What ime did you arrive... 0%. the wees 1 After many years away, he arrived hack... England a month ago, 2 The train from London arrives platiorm 4, 3 What time do you expect to arrive. London? 4 What time do you expect to arrive the hotel? | 5 What time do you usually arrive. home in the evening? & What time do you usually arrive work in the morning? | 7 We arrived the town with nowhere to stay. 8 When we arrived the cinema, chere was a long queue outside. ® I's a strange feeling when you first arrive a foreign country 10 Larrived home feeling very tired. ph 1. A man driving past a farmyard accidentally ran over the cock. He went up to the farmhouse and knocked on the door. ,I'm terribly sorry!", he told to the farmer's wife. n!'ve run over your cock and | would like to replace itt’.."Please yourself! The hens are round the back!", answered the farmer's wife. 2. Inthe first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen. 3. A very rich man asks to his solicitor, ,Insert a clause in my last will which says that when | die, | want all my relations to come and dance on my grave...and by the way, make sure you remember to bury me at seal” 4. The wife after giving her husband 2 good dinner, kissed him and whispered, “Sweetheart, | have good news for you...As soon as possible welll have the third Person in our house!” His face lit up with joy and he whispered, "You mean that ‘She answered, “Yes, honey, my mother is coming to Ii with us!" 5. - Do you always do as your mother tells you, my girl? ...asks the visitor. ~ Of course, | do...and s0 does papal ...answers the child. 6 A farmer was talking to his solicitor before the case. The solicitor was guaranteeing him that everything was OK. ,But would it help if | sent the judge a couple of ducks?”, asked the farmer. ,Oh, no! Good Lord! That will go against you! The judge will consider it bribery!". After the case, the farmer was found not guilty. ,There you are! As | told you, everything is OKI" said the solicitor. Yes, but I sent the two ducks to the judge in my enemy's name yesterday!", answered the farmer. 7. The teacher was giving her class a new lesson. She was trying to tell her pupils about some discoveries, “What is there today that was not here forty years ago?", she asked. A little eight years old girl jumped up and shouted, “ME!" 8. ‘Who is that man? | have noticed him staring at me several times!*, asks the aunt. "Oh, he is Professor Brown! He is writing a book about the antiquities of our city!", answered the niece. 9."Ihope you have got the little book of poems I sent you last week”, said the poet. “Oh, yes! I's charming! | wonder where | have put it!", answered the lady. “It's under the leg of table, Mamma, to make it steady!", answered her son. 10. - What do you call a boomerang that won't come back?! ~Asimple stick... 11. - Have you got a good job? ~ Yes, I've got a good salary but I give it all to my wife! ~ There is no law against keeping some money for you! ~ Ooooh, yes! There is... MOTHER ~ IN - LAWIIIL 12. - How can we stop @ cock crowing on Monday morning? - Eat it for Sunday dinner! 13. - What is an archaeologist? - Aman whose career lies in ruins! 14, - Waiter, do you serve crabs in this restaurant? ~ Of course, si! Sit down! We serve anyone hSret 15. Amanis talking to God The man: "God, how long is a million years?" God: "To me, i's about a minute.” ‘The man: "God, how much is a million dollars?" God: "To me, it's a penny.” The man: "God, may | have a penny?” God: "Wait a minute." 16. A woman trained her parrot to give instructions to the various tradesmen when they come at the house. One day, when the coalman arrived, the parrot said, ,Ten sacks, please’. The coalman made the delivery and said, ,Youare so clever! You can talk!". -Yes", said the parrot. ,| can count, too. Bring the last sack, wise gu 17. A lady carrying a dog tried to board a bus. Sorry, madam, no dogs allowed on the bus’, said the conductor. The lady was angry and shouted, ,Oh, gorge your bus!” Well, madam, if you can do the same with your dog, you can come on the bus!" shouted back the conductor. ‘ 18. A young lady was sitting nervously in the dentist's chair waiting to have a tooth stopped. The dentist approached her with the drill and asked her to open the mouth. Suddenly, he stopped and said, Excuse me, madam. Do you realize that your right hand is gripping me in a very painful place?!". ,Of course”, said the woman. ,| know! We are not going to hurt each other, are we?!" 19. A man went to the doctor's with a very bad laryngitis. The receptionist, who was @ young and beautiful girl, opened the door. ,Is the doctor here?", whispered the man. .No, come in quickly!”, she replied in whisper. 20 The waiter presented the menu to @ young man and his girffriend. = What do you suggest if | have only € 10? asked the young man. - Another restaurant, sir! answered the waiter 21 - Why do white sheep eat more than black sheep? - There are more white sheep! - Why cannot the church tower keep a secret? - Because the bells are always pealing! 22, There are twenty tomcats and one female cat in the garden. What time is it? Twenty after one! - _ Stop playing the piano immediately! I've told you never play without first washing your hands! - Don't worry, Mum! I'm playing only the black notes! TRICKY WORDS « Tum into Romanian: 1. My son loves the SUM...........00:s:esrereteeeeeeees 2. Ican see a fish in the sea.......-...--.-.-+- 3. This bed is bad... 4, The ship is full of sheep... 5, My Dad is not dead...........- 6. We always eat grilled meat when we mee! 7. [don’t like to be a bee......-.-.-. see 8. Yesterday I read about the red spider... 9, Yesterday I ate eight bananas...... 10.1 can hear something here........ 11.He has a problem with an ear every year...-..s+...-+ 12. Where were they yesterday?.......-. 13.1 feel my body weak this week...........2:0+ 14.1 have something in my eye 15.The bald man is bold. | walked when | shoulda run ran when | shoulda walked and don't | know it and don't | know it you get inside me even when you went beside me and | go into hiding and | know i never leave it alone ‘nother round of .if only’s of all the ways you can know me how | take time going slowly all the time that | did on my own still | walked when i shoulda run and | ran when i shoulda walked and don't i know it and don't i know it ‘well | walked when i shoulda run and | ran when i shoulda walked and don't | know it and don't | know it and your head's in the ocean too deep to know where you're going hoping time can be frozen and you'll end up where you really belong but the days keep on rolling we live in different moments and our hurt is unfolding everyday that we do and we don't still | walked when i shoulda run and | ran when i shoulda walked and don't i know it and don't i know it well | walked when i shoulda run and | ran when i shoulda walked and don't | know it and don't |, don't |, don't |, know it no no no no no sign for what's been sign for what never the line under what's been the line for what never and the years are collected | pray that we are regretless you and | - the connected you and | and the blood and the bone Boudy sainonts Idiom: All ears Meaning: Fully listening Idiom: Break a leg Meaning: Good-luck Idiom: Cold feet Meaning a big event Idiom: Cost an arm and a leg Meaning: Be very expensive Idiom: Cry your heart out Meaning: Cry very hard Idiom: Give a hand, lend a hand Meaning: Help (someone) do something Idiom: Keep an eye on Meaning: Take care of, watch in order to protect idiom: Keep one’s chin up Meaning: Try to be cheerful ENYA - Only Time Lyrics Who can say where the road goes Where the day flows, only time ‘And who can say if your love grows As your heart chose, only time Who can say why your heart sighs As your love flies, only time And who can say why your heart cries When your love lies, only time Who can say when the roads meet That love might be in your heart ‘And who can say when the day sleeps If the night keeps all your heart Night keeps all your heart Who can say if your love grows As your heart chose Only time ‘And who can say where the road goes Where the day flows, only time Who knows? Only time EMILIA - BIG BIG WORLD LYRICS I'm a big big girl In a big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel That I do do will Miss you much Miss you much I can see the first leaves falling It's all yellow and nice It's so very cold outside Like the way I'm feeling inside Outside it's now raining And tears are falling from my eyes Why did it have to happen Why did it all have to end | have your arms around me Warm like fire But when | open my eyes Your gone I'm a big big girl In a big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me But | do feel | will miss you much Miss you much... PASSENGER "Let Her Go" LYRICS Well you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missin’ home Only know you love her when you let her go And you let her go Staring at the bottom of your glass Hoping one day you'll make a dream last But dreams come slow and they go so fast You see her when you close your eyes Maybe one day you'll understand why Everything you touch surely dies But you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missin’ home Only know you love her when you let her go Staring at the ceiling in the dark ‘Same old empty feeling in your heart ‘Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast Well you see her when you fall asleep But never to touch and never to keep ‘Cause you loved her too much And you dived too deep Well you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missin' home Only know you love her when you let her go And you let her go (oh, oh, ooh, oh no) And you let her go (oh, ch, ooh, oh no) Will you let her go? ‘Cause you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go oS Pee 2, - vi: aA

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