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SOCIAL 20 Unit Final 2
33 MC / 14 SA = 66 marks total

Multiple Choice (33 marks)

1. National interest usually focuses on gaining benefits for the people of a nation. Which of the following is not
a concept that is sought after via national interest?
A. Beliefs and Values.
B. Security and Safety.
C. Anarchy and Dissent.
D. Economic prosperity.

2. National interest is static.

A. True.
B. False.

3. Which of the following scenarios would not cause a change of national interest in Canada?
A. The price of oil plummets.
B. Interest rates in Canada refuse to fluctuate.
C. A storm of epic proportions wipes out the Atlantic Provinces.
D. Canada signs a peaceful resolution to armed conflict, bringing peace to the region.

4. Peacekeepers maintain the peace no matter what, even if that means instigating lethal force.
A. True.
B. False.

5. Which of the following is not a reason why Canadian foreign policy concerning the Arctic is important?
A. Canada wants to ensure it maintains its self-proclaimed sovereignty over the region.
B. Canada wants to ensure that the Inuit's land goes undisturbed from future mining operations in the
C. The ice is melting which will open up a new shipping lane which will cut worldwide shipping time by up
to 66%.
D. 20% of the world's undiscovered oil supply is thought to be there, which would make the controlling
nation extremely wealthy.

6. The term policy is best defined as

A. Something which needs to be decided on and approved by Members of Parliament.
B. A situation that needs to be resolved through government intervention.
C. Something which has no bearing in the world post-WW2.
D. A plan of action to guide future decisions.

7. Answer whether or not the following scenario is an example of foreign or domestic policy: Canada makes a
trade agreement with the United States.
A. Domestic policy.
B. Foreign policy.

8. Answer whether or not the following scenario is an example of foreign or domestic policy: Canada declares
war on Russia.
A. Domestic policy.
B. Foreign policy.

9. Answer whether or not the following scenario is an example of foreign or domestic policy: Canada uses the
military to shut down pro-Ukraine protests in Vancouver.
A. Domestic policy.
B. Foreign policy.

10. Answer whether or not the following scenario is an example of foreign or domestic policy: Canada settles
Aboriginal land claims.
A. Domestic policy.
B. Foreign policy.

11. Foreign policies implemented by England, France, and the United States at the end of WW1
A. Caused Russia to revolt and overthrow the Romanovs, creating the world's first communist country.
B. Meant that the world was finally free from conflict until the start of WW2.
C. Led to oil prices plunging, causing the Great Depression.
D. Still affect our world today.

12. Fill in the blanks: WW1 started in the year __________ and ended in the year ___________.

13. How many people died in WW1? _______________________________________________.

14. Which of the following was not a cause of WW1?

A. Many European countries had become highly nationalist in the years prior.
B. Germany invaded Poland.
C. Expansion of territory.
D. Web of alliances.

15. Which of the following was not part of the required actions of Germany outlined in the Treaty of
A. Give up colonies as well as territory within Germany itself.
B. Limit their army to 10,000 soldiers.
C. Pay $30 billion in war reparations.
D. Accept responsibility for WW1.

16. Ultranationalism is often associated with a fanatical belief in the rights of your own group and
A. The rights of other groups, as long as they live in the same country.
B. A fear and loathing of anyone who challenges those beliefs.
C. A mutual respect for neighbouring countries.
D. A hatred towards those who are nationalist.

17. Which of the following is not a factor that promotes ultranationalism?

A. National traditions and myths that promote feelings of superiority.
B. The rise of democracy within a nation.
C. A charismatic authoritarian leader.
D. Social and economic crisis.

18. Which of the following was not a factor that led to the people of Germany to vote Hitler into power?
A. Hitler promised to declare war on England in order to regain territory lost at the end of WW1.
B. Hitler created a greater sense of ethnic nationalism by promoting the Aryan race as the best.
C. Hitler promised that the economy would get better.
D. Hitler was a charismatic orator.

19. Which of the following was not something that Hitler did once in power?
A. Changed the political fabric of the country from a democracy to a dictatorship.
B. Made it so that no messages were private anymore.
C. Suspended the freedom of the press.
D. Declare war on England.

20. Which of the following was not something that Hitler promised in order to boost national pride in
A. Refuse to recognize the treaty of Versailles.
B. Restoring superiority of the Caucasian race.
C. Rebuild Germany's armed forces.
D. Reclaiming lost colonies.

21. Canada joined WW2 on what date?

A. September 1st 1939.
B. September 3rd 1939.
C. September 7th 1939.
D. September 10th 1939.

22. Conscription means

A. Compulsory service in the armed forces.
B. Newspapers have to print news that is dictated by the government.
C. It's 10:45 the night before the test, here's a freebie --> pick A!

23. Which of the following was a group of people in Canada that was opposed to conscription?
A. Farmers.
B. Loyalists.
C. War mongers.
D. All the Francophone.

24. Canada employed the use of Internment camps during WW2. Which group of people was placed there?
A. Polish.
B. Italians.
C. Russians.
D. Japanese.

25. Answer whether or not the following scenario is an example of genocide, a crime against humanity, or a
war crime: In Rwanda, Tutsis were slaughtered by Hutus in an act of ethnic cleansing.
A. Crime against humanity.
B. War crime.
C. Genocide.

26. Answer whether or not the following scenario is an example of genocide, a crime against humanity, or a
war crime: The United States uses the deadliest weapon in the history of the entire world not on soldiers,
but on civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A. Crime against humanity.
B. War crime.
C. Genocide.

27. Answer whether or not the following scenario is an example of genocide, a crime against humanity, or a
war crime: Rebels in Ethiopia fire upon and kill 3 UN Peacekeepers.
A. Crime against humanity.
B. War crime.
C. Genocide.

28. The genocide in Turkey in 1915 occurred because

A. The Turks were being discriminated against for being Christian.
B. The Armenians rose up and started to kill all of the Turks.
C. The Armenians joined the Russians in WW1.
D. The Turks joined the Germans in WW1.

29. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occurred in Tokyo and ended WW2.
A. True.
B. False.

30. Which of the following is a problem with the concept of national self-determination?
A. Different countries have different ideas of how to run a government.
B. Not everyone in a nation holds the same interests as others in the nation.
C. It makes the people in a nation become highly ultranationalist, leading to conflict.
D. The country that follows a policy of self-determination is a country that is doomed to repeat the
mistakes of the rulers of Ancient Egypt, Sumaria, Persia, and Rome itself. Just let that sink in - what
kind of person would repeat the same mistakes as those who led great empires into ruins? One who
doesn't pay attention to history, perhaps?

31. Decolonization is when

A. A country's partnership with a colony becomes null and void.
B. A country makes their colonies smaller in size.
C. A colony decentralizes its government.
D. A colony's owner leaves.

32. An example of a successor state is

A. How Canada became independent from England influence circa 1918 C.E..
B. How the United States became independent from England influence circa 1776 C.E..
C. How England became independent from Roman occupation circa 383 C.E..
D. Roman history is cool #lookitup. Circle this answer as this is the "all of the above" letter. I assume you
understand that a successor state is a country created from a previous State, as the above answers

33. The country with the most Afghan refugees is

A. Pakistan.
B. Canada.
C. Iraq.
D. Iran.

*Bonus Question*
N/A. Fill in the blanks: WW2 started in the year __________ and ended in the year ___________.

Short answer (14 questions = 33 marks)


34. Which events likely promoted Dr. Seuss to draw this cartoon? What does the cartoon symbolize? (2 marks)

35. What is the difference between civic and ethnic nationalism? (2 marks)

36. In the early 1930's many Ukrainian farmers opposed Stalin's orders. What did Stalin demand (1 mark), how
did the farmers respond (1 mark), how did Stalin retaliate (1 mark), and what was the result? (1 mark)

37. What does appeasement mean and why did countries like England and France have appeasement policies
during the interwar period? (2 marks)

38. Explain why the League of Nations was formed, what its purpose was, and why it was ultimately
unsuccessful. (3 marks)

39. What were two ways in which the freedoms of Canadians became restricted in WW2? (2 marks)

40. Succinctly explain what the "massacre of Nanjing" was about. In particular: who were involved (1 mark),
what happened (1 mark), how did the world respond (1 mark), and what were the implications of this
response? (1 mark)

41. Why is it in Canada's national interest to support the International Criminal Court? (1 mark)

42. How did Oskar Schindler oppose ultranationalists in WW2? (2 marks)


43. Why can it be a bad thing when a colony becomes a country? In particular, how does a colonizing power
often form a colony demographically (1 mark), and what issues can this cause? (1 mark)

44. Explain who Pol Pot was, where he was from, and what he did. (3 marks)

45. You learned about and completed a project on a nation in Canada (First nations, Inuit, Mtis, or
Quebecois) that strives to achieve self-determination. Explain how the government of Canada and/or a
provincial government have either helped or hindered a group's attempt at achieving national selfdetermination. (3 marks)

46. In your own words, explain what a refugee is. (2 marks)


47. Why is it a problem for Pakistan to harbor two million refugees? In particular, what is the GDP of Pakistan,
and what are the implications of this number? (2 marks)

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