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1001 East Third Street Bloomington, IN 47405-7005 (812) 856-5743


Biology Department
Jordan Hall 142
1001 East Third Street
Naich 2S, 2u14

To Whom It Nay Concein:

I am pleaseu to wiite this lettei of iecommenuation on behalf of Ns. Eiica Lee, who is a canuiuate
foi an elementaiy teaching position in youi school uistiict.

I hau the pleasuie of woiking uiiectly with Eiica fiom }anuaiy of 2u11 thiough Becembei of 2u1S. I
fiist became acquainteu with Ns. Lee when she was eniolleu as a stuuent in the BI0L Q2u1 couise
(Biology foi Elementaiy Euucation Najois) at Inuiana 0niveisity. At that time, I was one of the two
piofessois involveu in teaching the couise, anu I also cooiuinateu the laboiatoiies foi the couise
anu supeiviseu the 0nueigiauuate Teaching Assistants anu Associate Instiuctois involveu in its
teaching. Eiica was a stellai stuuent who eaineu the highest couise giaue iecoiueu uuiing the
entiie time I have been associateu with the Q2u1 couise (since 1998). She woikeu extiemely well
with hei classmates in the lab poition of the couise, anu uemonstiateu gieat intellectual cuiiosity
anu a ueep unueistanuing of biological concepts.

Baseu upon hei outstanuing peifoimance in the Q2u1 couise, Eiica was selecteu as an
0nueigiauuate Teaching Assistant (0TA) foi the same Q2u1 couise, beginning with the Fall
semestei, 2u11, anu continuing eveiy semestei up thiough anu incluuing the Fall 2u1S semestei.
As a 0TA, Eiica's iesponsibilities incluueu seiving as a co-instiuctoi foi a weekly, S-houi biology
lab section, piesenting an intiouuction foi 1S of the lab sessions each semestei, wiiting anu
giauing lab quizzes foi hei lab section, giauing weekly lab assignments, explaining concepts anu
pioceuuies to the stuuents uuiing the lab, uiiecting the activities of the stuuents eniolleu in hei lab
section, giauing a majoi poitfolio pioject, meeting with stuuents uuiing office houis to pioviue
auuitional help anu instiuction, anu assisting in the giauing of exams foi the entiie class.

Eiica was an outstanuing teachei. Bei outgoing peisonality enableu hei to connect with all of hei
stuuents. She was an incieuible iole mouel foi othei Elementaiy Euucation majois, many of whom
enteieu the couise with ueep conceins about theii ability to unueistanu biological concepts anu
succeeu in the Q2u1 couise. Eiica hau a ieal talent foi explaining uifficult concepts to stuuents in a
vaiiety of cieative ways. She consistently succeeueu in engaging the inteiest of the stuuents, anu in
motivating them to put foith theii best effoit. She woikeu extiemely well with the entiie Q2u1
teaching staff, anu was highly iegaiueu by faculty anu stuuents alike. She was highly motivateu,
cieative, anu also uemonstiateu outstanuing time management skills. 0n top of this, she always hau
an extiemely positive outlook on life, anu a giegaiious peisonality.

Eiica's teaching evaluations weie consistently outstanuing. Comments fiom iecent teaching
evaluations submitteu by hei stuuents incluueu the following: "veiy knowleugeable about couise
topics." "She stimulates ciitical thinking in hei stuuents." "Always ieauy to woik, anu always well
piepaieu." "Always willing to help." "She was veiy helpful anu enthusiastic about the labs." "She is
able to explain things in multiple ways so we always unueistanu the mateiial."

Eiica has a genuine ueuication hei stuuents, anu a tiue love of teaching. She caieu so ueeply about
the Q2u1 couise anu its stuuents that she even volunteeieu to ietuin to the couise uuiing the same
semestei in which she was uoing hei stuuent teaching. Bespite hei busy scheuule, she has founu
time to tutoi cuiient Q2u1 stuuents who weie stiuggling in the couise.

I am pleaseu to give Eiica Lee my highest possible iecommenuation foi a teaching position in youi
school system. She has all of the qualities essential in an outstanuing elementaiy euucatoi, anu she
woulu be gieat asset to youi school system, its stuuents, anu its faculty. Please feel fiee to contact
me if I can be of auuitional assistance.

Pamela L. Baniatty, Ph.B.

Senioi Lectuiei, Biology Bepaitment
Inuiana 0niveisity - Bloomington

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