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Reteaua de telecomuniatii

Reteaua de telecomunicatii reprezinta totalitatea mijloacelor tehnice pentru transmiterea la distanta a informatiilor. Informatiile pot fi sub forma de sunete , imagini , texte sau date informatice;retelele de telecomunicatii sunt:reteaua de telefonie , de televiziune , televiziune prin cablu , Internet etc. Intre oameni pot exista comunicare personala si in masa. Comunicarea personala are loc intre doua persoane si se poate realiza prin telefon, fax etc.,iar cea in masa consta in transmiterea informatiei unei audiente mai largi si se realizeaza prin mass-media ziare , reviste , radio , televiziune!. Reteaua de telefonie asigura comunicatiile bilaterale si este formata din : - centrale telefonice; - posturi telefonice instalate la abonati; - liniile telefonice , adica liniile de legatura intre centrala si posturi telefonice si intre centralele telefonice existente In prezent, tot mai mult se extinde telefonia mobila, care permite comunicarea intre persoane aflate la orice distanta , fara existenta posturilor fixe si a liniilor telefonice. "rin intermediul retelei telefonice se poate face si conectarea la Internet, numai prin utilizarea unui modem. Telefaxul este un aparat prin care se pot transmite atat informatii sonore, cat si imagini scrise si fotografice! folosind reteaua telefonica. Radiofonia reprezinta transimiterea la distanta a sunetului;transimisia se face numai intrun singur sens , de la postul de transmisie la receptoarele radio . #xista si posturi locale de radio care pot fi receptionate numai intr-o zona apropiata statiei de emisie. Televiziunea consta in transmiterea la distanta a sunetului si a imaginii;si in acest caz , transmisia se face tot unidirectional. $a nivel national exista mai multe posturi de televizune , fiecare avand programul care se transmite atat prin unde radio , cat si prin calbu. Telefonul este un mijloc de comunicare care transmite si receptioneaza sunete la distanta. Cel mai adesea telefonul este folosit pentru a transmite vocea umana, dar poate fi folosit si la transmiterea altor tipuri de sunete. Cele mai multe telefoane opereaza prin transmiterea semnalelor electrice de-a lungul a diferite retele telefonice complexe, fapt care permite aproape fiecarui utilizator al unui telefon sa comunice cu aproape oricare alt utilizator al unui telefon conectat la retea.

Inceputurile televiziunii dateaza din %&'(, cand )arns*orth inventeaza iconograful un dispozitiv pentru captarea imagini si conversia acesteia in semnal electric. In septembrie %&'+ este realizata prima demonstratie a unei transmisii de televiziune. In anul %&(, --C incepe difuzarea unui program de televiziune in mod regulat. In anul %&(. existau aproximativ ',, de televizoare in intreaga lume. In %&/, este realizat un sistem de televiziune color care putea reproduce pana la (/( de linii. In anul %&0. se introduce un sistem bazat pe banda magnetica pentru a putea difuza emisiuni inregistrate. In acelasi an se realizeaza si prima telecomanda pentru televizor. In 1tatele 2nite, in anul %&.+, majoritatea transmisiilor de televiziune erau color. 3elevizorul foloseste fie un ecran cu tub catodic in acest caz, se utilizeaza un tun de electroni!, fie un ecran $C4 sau cu plasma, in acest caz costurile fiind ridicate. 3elevizorul este folosit astazi pentru educatia si divertismentul intregii familii.

3he telecommunication net*or5 3he telecommunication net*or5 represents all technical means for transmitting information remotel6 . Information can be in the form of sounds, images, text or data; telecommunications net*or5s are telephone net*or5s , television , cable television , Internet , etc. . "eople can no communication bet*een personal and mass . "ersonal communication occurs bet*een t*o people and can be made b6 telephone, fax and so on , and the mass consists in transmitting the information to a *ider audience and is achieved b6 media ne*spapers , magazines , radio , television! . "hone net*or5 provide bilateral communication and consists of : - 3elephone ; - 3elephones installed at subscribers ; - 3elephone lines , ie lines bet*een the center and "-7 telephones and bet*een existing Currentl6 , more than expanding mobile phone that allo*s communication bet*een people at an6 distance , *ithout the existence of fixed stations and telephone lines . 3hrough telephone net*or5 can be made connecting to the Internet , just b6 using a modem. 3he fax is a device *hich can transmit information both sound and images *ritten and photographic ! using the telephone net*or5. Radiofonia is transimiterea distant sound ; transimisia is onl6 in one direction , the station broadcast radio receivers . 3here are local radio stations that can be received onl6 in an area close to the broadcasting station . 3elevision transmission distance consists of sound and image , and in this case , the transmission is still unidirectional . 8ationall6 there are more stations 39 stations , each *ith the program that is transmitted both through radio *aves and through the cable lead . 3he phone is a communication tool that transmits and receives sound from a distance. :ost often the phone is used to transmit the human voice , but can also be used to transmit other t6pes of sounds . :ost telephones operate through transmission of electric signals over a complex telephone net*or5 different , *hich allo*s almost ever6 user of a phone to communicate *ith almost an6 other user of a telephone connected to the net*or5. 3#$#9I1I;8 3he beginnings of television dates from %&'( , *hen )arns*orth invents a device for capturing images iconographer and convert it into electrical signal. In 1eptember %&'+, made the first demonstration of television transmission . In %&(, the --C began broadcasting a television program regularl6. In %&(. there *ere approximatel6 ',, television sets around the *orld. In %&/, it produced a color television s6stem that can reproduce up to (/( lines. In %&0. it introduced a s6stem based on magnetic tape to be able to broadcast programs recorded. In the same 6ear, be the first one remote for the 39. In the 2nited 1tates in %&.+ , most television broadcasts *ere in color. 3he 39 uses either a CR3 screen in this case , using an electron gun ! or an $C4 or plasma, in this case the costs are high . 39 is used toda6 for education and entertainment of the entire famil6 .

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