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Multi-genre Research Project 8th grade Final Project 2013 - 2014

Context The research project will be a multi-genre research project. You will be working on this project for the next few weeks. Theme The theme of this project will focus around the novels, The Diary of Anne Frank, Inside Out and Back Again, and The Outsiders. Your different genres will focus on the themes of the novels that we discussed. (ex. Perseverance, dentit!, "reedom, #elf-$steem, "amil! %elationships, #urvival, etc.& Pur ose The purpose of a multi-genre research project is to show !our understanding of diction, genres and t!pes of texts through !our research and writing on a specific topic. This project will reflect !our abilit! to research in a critical wa! and will also emplo! a variet! of genres including prose, poetr!, and even artwork. !udience 't the end of the project, if time allows, !ou will formall! present !our research to the class. Research (. )hoose a topic (theme& that !ou are excited about* You will be working on it for weeks so it needs to be interesting to !ou. +. Your paper must consist of ten genres. You can not use the same genre more than twice. ,. $ight genres must be written, the other two can be pictures, music, cartoons, etc. f !ou choose all ten can be written. -. The onl! re.uired genre is an essa" of (,/00 words. /. $ach genre idea will be due on different dates. You will turn in each genre in !our completed final research project. 1. 'll written genres must be t!ped, (+ Times 2ew %oman. 3. f !ou choose to include music, l!rics from the song must be t!ped and !ou should include a cop! of the song on )4 or sheet music (please make sure it is edited appropriatel!&. 5. 6hen each genre is due !ou will be asked to show three options per genre. n the final paper !ou must explain wh! !ou chose the one that !ou have. (#ee number 7& 7. 'long with the project !ou will include a section entitled 8rationale9 after each part (genre&. $ach genre that !ou choose needs to have an explanation as to wh! it connects to the theme and wh! !ou chose this particular one as opposed to the others !ou brought in earlier. (0. The final page will be a formal :;' st!le bibliograph! to show !our research.

#x ectations want this project to be interesting, bold, insightful, and experimental. want to see !our imagination and want it to be intelligent. You will need to be willing to risk and work< writing alwa!s involves both. want to help !ou as !ou develop !our ideas into exceptional writing. $ue $ates (. Topic 4ue= "rida!, :a! ,0 +. >ibliographic ;ist ((0 sources- this ma! change over the course of the Project& 4ue= ?une + ,. %ationale- ,@- of a page per source explaining reason for selection of sources and how the! relate and express !our chosen theme. 4ue= ?une (, -. Aenre (BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une 1 Aenre +BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une 1 Aenre ,BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une 7 Aenre -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une 7 Aenre /BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une (0 Aenre 1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une (0 Aenre 3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une (( Aenre 5BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une (( Aenre 7BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une (+ $ssa! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 4ue= ?une (+ /. "inal :ulti-genre %esearch Project 4ue= ?une (, 1. Cral Presentations- more info to come 4ue= ?une (1 !ssessment Your project will be graded in three stages= (. ndividual genres will be submitted to me for m! comments and a completion grade will be given. +. The oral presentation will be graded. ,. The final project will be graded according a :ulti-genre %ubric. #xam les o% &enres' Use your imagination! Poems #hort #tories ?ournal@ 4iar! entries of characters 2ewspaper 'rticles %adio #cripts Photos and )aption )ollages #tories )hildrenDs >ooks Telegrams #ongs and >allads 4ocumentaries nterviews ;etters Pla!s Eistorical Fuotes

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