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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE (photos available upon iequest):


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Washington, B.C. (WEB) Apiil 29, 2u1S - Ameiican 0niveisity senioi anu
inuepenuent filmmakei }ames Paul, iecently launcheu a S2-uay Kickstaitei
funuiaising campaigning foi his peiiou piece uiama, A BISTANT SB0T. The shoit
film, which Paul wiote anu is uiiecting, takes place in Czechoslovakia in 19S8. The
film follows Stpn, a long-uistance tiack iunnei, anu exploies how a uefining
moment can affect a family, a countiy anu one man's lifetime.

Paul aims to shoot the film this summei in Piague, Czech Republic, on SSmm film.
Shooting on location will pioviue many iesouices that shooting uomestically woulu
not. Auvantages incluue a paitneiship with stuuents at F.A.N.0. (The Czech Film
anu Tv Acauemy of the Peifoiming Aits), access to authentic peiiou piece costumes
anu piops thiough Baiianuov Stuuios (the Euiopean equivalent of Paiamount
Pictuies), anu a veiy favoiable cuiiency tianslation when changing 0.S. uollais to
Czech ciowns.

Paul set a $1u,uuu funuiaising goal foi the month-long campaign, which will
concluue on Fiiuay Nay 1u
at 8pm, just two uays befoie he giauuates fiom
Ameiican 0niveisity. Kickstaitei allows foi funuing suppoiteis to ieceive iewaius
at vaiying uonation levels. Nany of the iewaius offeieu foi the A BISTANT SB0T
campaign ielate to Eastein Euiope uuiing the Colu Wai anu Woilu Wai II eia, both
significant time peiious in the film. Bowevei, Kickstaitei woiks on an all oi nothing
funuiaising mouel, so getting the woiu out is ciucial to the success of this film.

"So fai I've been absolutely blown away by the suppoit we've ieceiveu, anu I am
ueeply giateful to oui suppoiteis. This pioject is tiuly a uieam come tiue foi all of
us, anu we can't wait to tiansfei the sciipt to SSmm film stock this summei in
Piague. This will be oui entiance to the film woilu, anu we have high hopes foi the
film festival ciicuit," Paul saiu.

Paul has ieciuiteu a talenteu team of key ciewmembeis fiom in the 0.S. Key team
membeis incluue Baiiison uolubeig, Line Piouucei; Ryan 0'Connell, Composei;
Rouolfo Cailos, Set Photogiaphei; Shelley Kenslei, Concept Aitist; anu Nolly Ellison
& Sam Lang, public ielations anu maiketing. Paul anu his team will take auvantage
of the vibiant film community in Piague anu auu local talent to the team once in

Paul giauuates this Nay fiom Ameiican 0niveisity, Washington, BC, with a uouble
majoi in Film anu Neuia Aits anu Business Auministiation. Immeuiately aftei
giauuation, he will fly to Piague anu continue with pie-piouuction foi A BISTANT
SB0T. Paul's familiaiity with the Czech Republic stems fiom a semestei abioau he
spent in the capital city last spiing while stuuying at F.A.N.0.

A BISTANT SB0T is being piouuceu by }P2 Films (, the
piouuction company thiough which Paul cieates his vaiious inuepenuent piojects.
Be has been an aviu filmmakei since elementaiy school, anu this is the fiist pioject
in which Paul has puisueu ciowu funuing.


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