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Personal Learning Plan (PLP)

Name: Darshana Rathod Critical Friend: Sakina Bharmal

The Personal Learning Plan is an evolving touchstone document for developing your Leading Schools Project and reflecting on your learning with your critical friend. For each PLP reflection (3/year ! you will review/refine your plan and descri"e the related #ic$ed %wesome Learning &pportunities (#%L&s that you have pursued at your school site. %fter sharing your written reflection with your critical friend! you will have the opportunity to have a reflective conversation a"out your wor$. This document will lead into your Leading School Project Program 'eflection. (. #hat are you wor$ing on! and what do you hope to accomplish! in terms of ) a. The craft of teaching/wor$ing with students* + want to wor$ on these areas, -reate projects integrating other su"jects .elp students to learn through this method as this is new as well as e/citing for them. See$ parental support for the same. 0ocument all personal wor$ as well as produced "y students

". 1eing a leader and colla"orating with colleagues* Few of my collegues have an idea of project "ased learning! may "e + will try to deepen their understanding a"out the same. To share my project with my su"ject peer for their positive as well as critical feed"ac$.

2. %s you thin$ a"out your Leading Schools Project) a. #hat fierce wonderings are emerging* #hat do you hope to learn* 3y fierce wonderings, 4.ow will + "egin planning 4Should + try my project with all the students or + select only a few of them 4#ill + get the cooperation for teaching slots from the team mem"ers 4 ". .ow might these "e framed in an essential 5uestion or project* 6.ow does project "ased learning support integration across su"jects*6 c. #hat do you hope to accomplish* Learn creating meaningful projects and implement the same in the classrooms.

3. 0esign a set of at least three Wicked A esome Learning !""ort#nities (WAL!s as possi"le ne/t steps. The first #%L& should "e designed to help you reflect on your own practice7 the second should "e centered around how you share your with immediate colleagues and the last #%L& as$s you to lead mem"ers of your community. +deas for #%L&s are listed on the reverse8or you may design your own. 9ach #%L& is an opportunity for action and reflection ena"ling you to address your essential 5uestions.

$#estions %or critical %riend con&ersations: Touchstone 5uestions for your in5uiry journal
and your conversations with your critical friend, %s you wor$ on your craft and wor$ with students! what successes have you had* #hat challenges are you encountering* #hat moments stand out* %s you wor$ to develop your capacity to lead and colla"orate with colleagues! what successes have you had* #hat are challenges remain* #hat moments stand out* %s you thin$ a"out your Leading Schools Project! what fierce wonderings emerge* #hat has happened! and what are you learning* #hat are your ne/t steps*

WAL!s (Wicked A esome Learning !""ort#nities): Re%lect on 'o#r "ractice . :eep records! evidences(wor$sheet/pictures/ videos and feed"ac$ from the team peers and su"ject peers. Feed"ac$ from students and parents . Share ith a colleag#e 9ncourage my co teacher in the team to implement the same or modified project with the other group of students. Plan few more projects. Lead 'o#r comm#nit' -reate a project with my team mem"ers of grade ; level Ta$e guidance from su"ject mentor and then pass to other su"ject peers.

Session () *+,+((. 0iscussion of PLP with Sa$inamam

4+ wonder how will + document my plans 4<<-4 2(st Septem"er 4'espond to minimum 2 people in the group "y 2=th Septem"er 49very ; th #ednesday4 collegial conversation 42>th sep -Fs will present on ?oogle .angouts 23rd oct! 2@th Aov! 2>th dec! 22th Ban! 2C fe"! 2Cth march 0P4 digital portfolio %ssignments in the project (. 3 to ; "oo$s for <<-s 2. Plan one project 3. -ollegial conversations D timings will "e fi/ed! can "e during school hours also ;.

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