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Gysins classroom
management plan:
The trail map

Hiking To Success

Lauren Gysin
November 11.2013

Philosophy Of Classroom Management

Effective classroom management is like a hiking adventure up and down a
mountain. The teacher acts as a trail guide, providing students with policies and
procedures that ultimately supply the students with foundational tools that they can utilize
as they develop into lifelong learners and make it to the top of the mountain. The
students act as hikers, abiding by the teachers directions, but also applying their skills to
achieve their goals and overcome obstacles during the trek up and down the mountain.
Setting up an effective classroom management plan takes time, energy, and practice; just
like climbing a mountain. As an educator, I desire for my students to become lifelong
learners. It is my duty to direct them in the right path as well as equip them with the
proper skills. As I provide my students with structure in the classroom, I want to instill
perseverance in my students. I aspire for my students to value the hard work that is being
put forth as they conquer their learning goals. Once I have led my students up the
mountain, they are encouraged to celebrate all the learning that has taken place. While
they celebrate their accomplishments, my students are prepared for the hike down the
mountain, where they can apply their knowledge and discover the additional joys of
learning. My classroom management plan is designed to motivate my students to enjoy
both the process and product of learning.
A classroom management plan is pivotal to implement on a daily basis because it
provides students with the proper structure they need in order to become lifelong learners.
With appropriate procedures and policies in line, I hope to create a safe environment
where students learn about the value of motivation, discipline, and respect. As the
teacher provides the resources and guidance, students are prepared for the challenges they
face. They will develop a sense of confidence to further explore and discover in their
learning. By building a classroom with a foundation in effective management, students
are aware that high expectations are set for the year and they will have more
opportunities for fruitful learning to take place.
In order for my students to value both the process and the celebration of learning,
they can refer to the management procedures and policies to better spark their learning.
As students practice these strategies in the classroom they are developing confidence to
apply their knowledge and proceed with independent learning. Throughout my
management plan, I have embedded strategies that give students the opportunity to
appreciate perseverance but also enjoy learning. The plan includes a First Day of School
outline, a Prevention Plan, an Intervention Plan, and a Family-School Relationship Plan.
Each of these crafted plans is designed to help students learn about respect, hard work,
and learning from ones mistakes. Through these plans students also have the
opportunity to build in community with one another and join together in a fun learning
environment. With student involvement, I can facilitate these plans and focus on the
content that needs to be transmitted.

Welcome to The First Day
Of School!!

Without a doubt, the first day of school is a memorable one, for both the students and the
teacher. A day filled with students frantically finding their name cards to meeting 25
unfamiliar faces can be a thrilling but also daunting experience. As an educator, I plan to
embrace this memorable day by beginning to make all of the students comfortable in a
new environment while aiding them in their journeys as life-lifelong learners. I desire for
my class to represent a positive community that strives to grow in their knowledge
together. As we embark on this new year together, today I will set reasonable standards
and rules that the students will learn. This memorable day will be filled with laughter but
also filled with students beginning to comprehend how a team works together to create a
welcoming learning environment. My goal for today is to encourage my students to be
eager about the upcoming school year, leaving fears and anxiety behind.

On the first days of school I hope to:
~Make my classroom come alive!
o Design a colorful atmospherewalls, desks, bulletin boards filled with
a spectrum of colors
o Set up tables in groups of 4 desks at each table (table teams with
names they create for each team)
o Have stations in the back for students to read & explore (history and
science spaces) (example: suitcase filled with various objects from
around the world-our class will go to a specific country each month
and learn about its customs etc)
o Write daily schedule, welcoming message on front white board
~Host a positive atmosphere!
o Greet each student at the door with all smiles and enthusiasm
o Convey to all students that they each add a special
component to our classroom. Convey that they are the
reason why I am here !
o Introduce myself and my passions so they are familiar
with me and begin to feel more comfortable
o Be my students #1 advocates

~Model respectful behavior
o Listen and learn from my students constantly
o Give my 110% effort everyday, leave my baggage/personal
concerns out of the classroom
o Provide students with praise but also encourage them to challenge
themselves, always looking for ways to improve especially as a
community of learners
o Equalize the playing field (I will not place judgments on my
students/pick favorites)
~Create Life-Long Learners
o Display a collection of books of various genres (welcomes all
readers and their passions) motivating kids to read
o Have interesting/strange questions about science, history, art,
math, or English each week so students can have the opportunity
to discover and answer new fun facts about the material theyre
learning about
o Set up a dress up area with clothes for students to dress up as
famous people in history etc (specific times would be set up for
students to use this area) other HANDS ON ACTIVITIES!
o Encourage students to write post-
its of questions they have about a
specific subject (post it on the
Whatcha Wanta Know board)

~Collaborate about our community expectations
o Model the Y.M.C.A policy (Y-You can do it!) (M-
Mind your manners) (C-Cooperate with your
classmates) (A-Always do your best) I will model the
hand motions of YMCA dance so the entire class can
remember expectations
o Have students decide/write down how they interpret the
YMCA policy should the acronym change meaning
in their eyes?
o Keep a suggestions jar on my desk where students can
contribute their ideas/ changes
~Teach students class procedures
o Model clearly where students line up on the playground, railing, how student
should come in quietly in the morning and look for instructions on the white
board (instructions might include journal writing, workshop groups, special
o Practice listening and watching for my social cues (Raise hand for class to be
quiet, stop and listen to my instruction) (respond to clap pattern cue)
o Model how students ask for permission to use the bathroom (student raises
his/her fist in the air-waits for teachers
o Practice YMCA dance (have volunteers
come up and show the class, with my
instruction) describe why we have that
policy as a community
o Review the procedures ALL week so
students become familiar with the rules
and develop a routine

~Distribute classroom jobs
o Have each table come up with a
name for their table (tally table
points recorded with table names
written on white board)
o Expect each student to contribute
to the community and be
responsible when they have a duty
o Assign responsibilities: runners
(take paperwork/attendance to the office), calendar, clean up crew,
line leaders, paper distributors (post men) (*students names
written on clothes pins, move clothes pin according to weely class
job rotation)
~Capture the students
o Incorporate everyones passions in the curriculum, activities
o Have students write what their hopes and dreams are for the year
(hiking bulletin board posts these hopes and dreams written on foot
print cut outs/by the end of the year hopefully their footprints have
reached the top of the mountain)
o Icebreaker games (community building-hand twisting game with
group-untangle the arms) (name recognition game)
o Start to make a family tree (take individual pictures of all students
and post them on our tree) (@ end of the year students can see how
much theyve changed and learned)
o Design own name plates for their desks


As a professional educator, it is my duty to create a safe, healthy, and
happy classroom environment centered upon learning and developing.
In order for my students and myself to be successful, specific
prevention strategies must be planned and implemented each day.
With these strategies in place, students begin to understand how the class will operate and
they are aware of what needs to happen in order for them to be successful. If prevention
strategies are implemented, students are being led in the direction of learning, not veering
off onto unsatisfactory paths that lead to a disruptive environment. With a clearly
designed trail map by the hikers side, the direction of the hike is visible. Similarly, a
well-planned lesson is the most important preventative tool for guiding the classs

~Classroom Policies/Norms/Codes:

I desire for my classroom to be a community
above all. I dont want to call my policies
rules, I just want students to celebrate one
another and the opportunity they have to learn
together. By learning the YMCA it
encourages my students to respect one another
and themselves as learners.

~Classroom Procedures:

If procedures are lined up, students are mindful of how they need to accomplish tasks in a
classroom and take responsibility for their actions. When my students become familiar
with the procedures they are ready to learn and are more attentive, preventing as many
disruptions as possible.

~Class-Running Procedure:
-Where Are You Going Board: traveling slots for each destination with
pictures of the students, they move their pictures when they leave the classroom)
-Bathroom Fist: Students hold fist in the air if they want permission to use the
bathroom/water (one girl and boy at a time in the bathroom)
-Were Ready or Were Not Ready: Place pictures of were ready, or
were not ready around the room so students can visualize what the class should
look like and match the were ready picture

-Class Jobs: clean up crew-cleans the white
boards/sharpens pencils, post men/table leaders-
distributes papers for table members, line leader-
first in line as class returns from recess or lunch,
runners -take paperwork/attendance to the office,
calendar-leads the schedule for the day, substitute
assistant-helps the sub in any way/ answers
questions sub may have, scout- uses class binoculars to scout out scholar students
-Personal Belonging Hooks: Students place personal belongings on class hooks
in the back of the room, all school supplies belong in table group boxes
-Material Labels: All supplies around the room have labels for easy access

~Lesson-Running Procedure:
-Agenda written on the board daily
-There will be post men aka table leaders that rotate weekly these post men
will pass out papers to their tables
-I will always model or narrate what is to be expected of my students for given
assignments (heading includes name & date, pencil only used on assignments)
-There will be a poster hung up in my classroom that reads When youre done
youve just begun (reminder for those students who finish early to draw pictures,
describe something more in depth, expand an answer etc)
-Students enter the room quietly after greeting the teacher at the door and begin
working on journal entry
-For turning in homework students will place their
homework in their numbered filed folder that is placed
in the back of the room) (students turn in homework as
they walk in to class)
-There will be an absent folder placed next to the
homework folder so absent students can complete
missing assignments
-If students are unclear about a lesson or simply have a question that the teacher
cannot answer at that particular time, the students can write down their question
and place it in the thinking jar
-A student at the beginning of the day will be assigned the
scouting for scholars job where they will have to use the class
binoculars to keep an eye out for good behavior

~Interaction Procedure:
-Clap patterns to get the students attention, students repeat pattern back
-Turn on a stop light for appropriate times to talk
(green=talk among yourselves, yellow=whisper to partners,
red=no talking whatsoever)
-Have a noise maker in the room (either a rain stick or cow
-I will attach a bell onto a white board marker, so when I
write on the board students hear the bell and know its time
to be quiet
-Play a small part of a song, cueing what subject the class will be learning about
-YMCA celebration with hand motions to remind students of respecting one
-Timer on the board to keep track of time while completing an activity

~Effective Teacher Praise/Discourse:
By using encouraging language and discourse students will recognize and appreciate the
comments and will respond well to the teachers compassionate demeanor. Modeling
this discourse will cause students to develop habits that reflect a positive demeanor as
-Think about the choice youre about to make, is it a good one?
-Look at your strengths to help you tackle this
- You are in charge of your learning.
-This is your chance to show me what you know!
-You figured that out on your own!
-I noticed that you (specific improvement)
-Did you hear what _____ just said?
-I can tell that your getting it. Im seeing the
lights go on in your brain.
-Your effort is helping you improve. Keep it
-Lets massage our brains a bit to get ready
for some really tough thinking
-Your curiosity makes you a great scholar.

~Relieving energy:
Students need a break every now and then because their attention spans can only hold in a
specific amount of information at a given time. With mini breaks throughout the day,
students will be rejuvenated and more engaged in the
-COCONUT stretch
-Brain Break book
-Do This, Do That (similar to Simon Says)
-10 second dance party around the room
-Back massage train


In order to create a safe environment that encourages
students to think as life-long learners, I as the
educator need to develop a proper intervention plan
that guides how I respond to misbehavior. My plan
will align with my set high expectations and my goal
to treat each student as an equal. Intervention strategies are necessary in my classroom
because I want to utilize every opportunity to instruct well and reward those students who
are joining in the learning process with me. This plan is designed to help maximize the
instruction and shape how I will handle misbehavior. As my students become aware of
my intervention strategies, they are continuing to learn how my classroom operates and
what behavior I encourage and deny. With these strategies I hope to instill values and
morals in my students, teaching them the importance of respecting themselves, their
peers, and myself.

~General Guidelines for responding to

I want to create guidelines that are both firm but
reasonable in the classroom. I do not want to
reveal my frustrations with my class, but handle
each situation in a caring and calm manner.

-I will always try to assume the best in each one of my students while treating
each student as an equal and part of our class family
-Remain on task, with minimal tolerance for classroom disturbances and
-Consistency with all punishments and praises
-Embrace patience as I respond to unacceptable behavior

~Appropriate Responses: Minor Misbehaviors, More Serious Misbehaviors,
Chronic Misbehaviors:

I need to be aware that students will test me and I need to plan appropriate responses for
each type of misbehavior. I cannot treat each behavior with the same response but must
always try to reframe the behavior.

Minor Misbehavior: When the student engages in minor inappropriate behavior
that prohibits overall classroom learning and a teachers response is needed in
order for the student to develop self control. (Examples: shouting out an answer,
passing notes, sharpening pencil during instruction)

-Remind student of the classroom norms
-Model the correct behavior/routine and
have student follow suit
-Anonymously give a verbal cue
-Ignore the behavior-do not give into the
students attention

More Serious Misbehavior: This type of misbehavior tends to be more intentional
inappropriate behavior and the student disrupts the learning environment.
Immediate teacher action is necessary. (Examples: Using profanity, cheating,
hitting or fighting)


-I will talk privately with the student (giving private
-Give student responsibility that allows him or her
to show me they know how to behave (reframing
the behavior/providing choices for the student)
-Consequences in place if misbehavior calls for
more attention

Chronic Misbehavior: The inappropriate behavior persists over a long period of
time and the student needs to be redirected. (Examples: moaning when
assignments are made, rarely following directions, getting out of seat often)

-Narrate" I know you can do this, you can persevere, I know you are trying.
-Self Evaluation /Behavior Contract
-Please turn your card (green,
yellow, red card system)
-Use a new routine where proper
behavior is enforced and expected
-Send the student to the refocus
chair where the student sits quietly
at a back desk for one minute and
refocuses his or her attention

General Consequences or Misbehavior:
All of my general classroom consequences must be addressed and
each student must be aware of what types of behavior trigger the

-Card System=green: well, yellow: warning from the
teacher, red: plan meeting with parent/guardian, student writes a
behavior contract
-Principal will be notified and student will be sent if the
behavior needs immediate consequence
-The teacher will write how many second/minutes will be
subtracted from the students lunch or recess

Behavior Contract:
This document allows misbehaved students to self-evaluate themselves and reflect on
how that behavior will be altered in the future. The student will take the contract home to
requires the parent/ guardian to sign the document and take part in supporting the teacher
create a positive routine for the misbehaved child.

Behavior Contract

1. What happened today in class?

2. How did my action affect my learning and
the class?

3, What are my goals? What attitudes can be
changed? How can I improve?

Signatures: Student:
As an educator it is my job to form a partnership
with each students family. By forming this
partnership, we are joining forces and keeping one another accountable in order to pave
the road for the students success. With open communication between one another and
dedicating our time to support the students we are promoting the value of a quality
education. Connecting with families gives me insight into the world of each student,
which can be very helpful for me to consider as I design lesson plans. Communicating
with the families gives them the opportunity to hear about the students progress and
gives them the chance to plan strategies that will help their student improve and celebrate
their learning at the top of the mountain.

5 Communication Strategies:
1. Monthly Newsletter-I will send home a newsletter that
updates the families about all of the classroom happenings.
(activities, projects, units, field trips, volunteer
opportunities, celebration of students work)
2. Class Website-I will continuously be updating the
website with class pictures, school events, a calendar of
what the students will be learning, and weekly words of
encouragement. The website will also give families the opportunity to write feedback for
the teacher on the feedback tab.

3. Weekly Homework Folders-Students will
bring home a weekly homework folder each
night and the parents/families will be asked to
write their signature, signing off that their child
completed their homework for the week. Parents can also write feedback on the post it
note attached to the homework folder.
4. Praise Phone Calls- I will call parents/guardians on the phone and give praise and
encouragement when I notice a particular student who displays extraordinary character.
5. Behavior Contract/Parent Meeting- When a student misbehaves, he or she must sign
a behavior contract that is also agreed upon by the parents/guardians. The parents are
asked to schedule a meeting with me at their earliest convenience in order to talk about
possible approaches to fix this problem.

Ms. Gysin s Second Grade Class

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome all to an exciting new year in second grade! It is such a joy to have your child in my
classroom as we develop as life-long learners together. By creating a positive learning environment I
will encourage my students to think critically, problem solve, and persevere through each challenge
they may face. I desire for my students to embrace each opportunity and discover the triumphs that
learning brings. I will have high expectations for my students as I want them to take risks and achieve
to the best of their ability. This is such a pivotal time in the students lives and it is an absolute
pleasure to be involved in your childs educational career. I love the students eagerness and
enthusiasm that they each contribute! You can count on me to exemplify an energetic spirit and
celebrate learning.

Ever since I was in second grade my dream has been to become a teacher. Inspiring teachers
have ignited my passion for children and for making a difference in their lives. In order to pursue my
dreams, I graduated from Westmont College as an education major with a European History
concentration and a teaching credential (14). I have had a breath of experience working with
children in diverse public elementary schools, tutoring, childrens ministry, and sports camps. My
interests include playing soccer, hiking, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. One of
my favorite subjects to teach is English because there are so many wonderful opportunities to hear my
students perspectives through reading, writing and discussions.

It is such an honor to work with your child and I look forward to partnering with each one of
you as we help pave the road for your students success. In order for us to work together as a team,
we must commit our time and effort to support each child. Parent involvement may include
promoting the significance of education through reading with your child and encouraging your child
to always try their best. Feel free to stop by my classroom or email me anytime if you have any
questions or concerns throughout the school year. I will keep our class website updated and will be
sending home a monthly newsletter. This will be a fruitful year as we work with our second grade
Warm Regards,
Lets Celebrate Learning! Ms. Gysin
Y-You Can Do It!
M-Mind Your Manners
C-Cooperate With Each Other
A-Always Try Your Best

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