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The Three Stations (responding to the case study)

1.) Awareness of ones own power and privilege, Greater awareness makes counselors more
able to discuss such topics with clients
What role does your own cultural background play in how you view Ronalds situation?
In what ways are you a member of a privileged group?
In what ways are you a member of an oppressed group?
What would it be like for this man to be counseled by you?

2.) Reflections: It is imperative that this mans counselor make him feel heard and
understood on a deeply empathic level.
-Identify the strengths youve noticed in him thus far.
-What reflections of feeling and meaning would you offer to this man if he were your

3.) How could you respond, as an advocate, on a societal level?
-What external barriers are getting in the way of this mans goals?
-As an advocate, what are your specific goals for this client?
-What kinds of specific advocacy with regard to this situation feel right for you? (e.g.
who could you speak to on behalf of this client?)

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