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AP French Language Verbs and Function Words


The following collection represents the Verbs and Function Words sections of the AP French
Language Examination. These samples were taken directly from previous exams.

The collection is intended to help teachers provide additional practice to their students for this
section of the AP French Language Exam. Each set of test items is followed by the answers, along
with a brief explanation for each answer. After students complete the sections privately and
check the answers with the key and explanations, teachers can then offer additional support for
items that remain unclear. These practice items can be used effectively with the entire AP class,
or shared with students to use as individual, additional practice outside the classroom.

Please note that the single-sentence format found in the samples from 1993 and previous years
no longer appears on the current exam. However, these questions may be easier for students and
are a good place to begin sentence completion practice.

2004 AP Exam

Questions 15

Lt dernier jai pass une semaine ____________________ France.
J ____________________ ai voyag avec la chorale de mon lyce
____________________ je suis membre _____________________ deux ans. Le
3. 4.
dernier jour de notre voyage, nous avons donn un rcital ____________________
les spectateurs franais ont beaucoup apprci.

Questions 610

Fabienne, jai trouv le livre ____________________ tu as besoin la librairie du
coin. Cependant, tu devrais ____________________ aller immdiatement car il ne
leur ____________________ reste quune dizaine dexemplaires. La vendeuse,
____________________ est une de mes amies, ma dit quils se vendaient comme
des petits pains! Vas-y vite, car demain il sera ____________________ tard!
Questions 1115

Ce matin, jtais en retard ____________________ aller au lyce.
____________________ finissant de me prparer, jai dcid de ne pas aller en classe
et de ______________________ promener dans le parc. Ce ntait pas une bonne ide
car jai crois la meilleure amie de ma mre ____________________ faisait sa marche
quotidienne. _____________________ malchance!

2004 KEY (Questions 115)

1. en
This is the correct preposition to use before a feminine country to express in the country.

2. y
This is the correct pronoun to use when replacing a prepositional phrase indicating a location
(other than those introduced by the preposition de); in this context, en France has been

3. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to use because it introduces a clause adding a detail of
relationship to the main clause (un membre de la chorale).

4. depuis
This is the correct preposition to use to express since when the action begun in the past still
goes on, as indicated by the use of the present tense in the French sentence (je suis).

5. que
This is the correct relative pronoun to use because it gives additional information about le
rcital, which it replaces, and it serves as a direct object of the verb phrase ont apprci.

6. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to use because it introduces additional information about le
livre in a clause where the verbal expression (avoir besoin de) necessitates the use of de.

7. y
This is the correct pronoun to use when replacing a prepositional phrase indicating a location
(other than those introduced by the preposition de); in this sentence, la librairie has been

8. en
This is the correct object pronoun to use when replacing de quelque chose. Here it replaces the
implied phrase de livres (il ne reste quune dizaine dexemplaires de ces livres).

9. qui
This is the correct relative pronoun to use here because it is the subject of the verb est in the
clause it introduces giving information about la vendeuse.

10. trop
Within the context of having to rush to get one of the last copies of the book before it is too late,
this adverb is the only one that makes sense.

11. pour
In order to is the only preposition that makes sense before the infinitive verb.

12. En
The preposition en, meaning while or upon, is the only possible choice before the present
participle finissant.

13. me
The correct reflexive pronoun to use before promener is me because it represents the first
person subject in jai dcid.

14. qui
This is the correct relative pronoun because it is the subject of the verb faisait and introduces
more information about the word amie.

15. Quelle
The exclamation mark after the feminine noun malchance clearly indicates the meaning of
What bad luck!
2004 AP Exam

Questions 1620

Lanne prochaine, pendant lt, mes parents,
mon frre et moi allons passer quinze jours en Grce.
Aprs (16) Athnes et les environs, il est possible 16. ___________________ (visiter)
que nous (17) une croisire de quatre jours dans la 17. ___________________ (faire)
mer Ege. Il y a trois ans, mes parents (18) 18. ___________________ (aller)
Delphes et ils (19) toutes les belles ruines quils 19. ___________________ (adorer)
(20) pendant leur visite. 20. ___________________ (voir)
Questions 2125

Quand jtais jeune, mon pre tait trs strict. Par
exemple, si (21) sortir en semaine, (22) tudier 21. _________________ (je/vouloir)
tout le weekend. Aujourdhui, (23) de suivre son 22. _________________ (je/devoir)
exemple avec mes propres enfants. Jai remarqu que 23. _________________ (je/essayer)
mon pre a beaucoup chang. Quoi que (24) ma 24. _________________ (je/dire)
fille, mon pre me contredit et lui permet de faire tout 25. _________________ (vouloir)
ce quelle (25) .
Questions 2630

Je suis heureux que Marie (26) hier soir, mais si 26. __________________ (venir)
(27), jaurais pris des billets de thtre pour ce soir. 27. __________________ (je/savoir)
En fait, elle (28) me prvenir il y a une semaine 28. __________________ (devoir)
pour que nous (29) louer des places lavance. 29. __________________ (pouvoir)
Chaque fois quelle nous rend visite, nous aimons 30. __________________ (aller)
bien (30) voir une pice ensemble.
2004 KEY (Questions 1620)

16. avoir visit
This is the only appropriate verbal structure to use after the preposition aprs.

17. fassions
The impersonal expression Il est possible que requires the use of the subjunctive.

18. sont alls
The precise point of time Il y a trois ans justifies the use of the pass compos. The past
participle agrees with the plural subject mes parents.

19. ont ador
The precise point of time Il y a trois ans justifies the use of the pass compos.

20. ont vues
The precise point of time Il y a trois ans justifies the use of the pass compos. The past
participle has the feminine plural ending because it agrees with the preceding direct object

21. je voulais
The imparfait is necessary here because the verb vouloir is a verb of state of mind and because
it refers to frequent occurrences.

22. je devais
The imparfait is necessary here because the verb vouloir is a verb of state of mind and because
it refers to frequent occurrences.

23. jessaie/jessaye
The present tense is dictated by the adverb Aujourdhui. Both spellings of the verb (with i or
y) are acceptable.

24. je dise
The indefinite conjunction Quoi que demands the use of the subjunctive.

25. veut
The present tense is the correct tense to use because of the present tense context: mon pre me
contredit et lui permet

26. soit venue
The adjective of emotion heureux in the main clause requires the subjunctive in the dependent
clause. In addition, the adverbial phrase hier soir requires the past tense. The past participle
agrees with the subject elle.

27. (j) avais su
The pluperfect is the necessary tense to use in this si clause since the result is in the past

28. aurait d
The use of the past conditional of devoir is dictated by the context (she should have warned

29. puissions
The subjunctive is dictated by the conjunction pour que.

30. aller
This infinitive follows the conjugated verb aimons.

2003 AP Exam

Questions 15

Jai une nouvelle camarade de chambre. Heureusement ____________________ elle a
les mmes habitudes que moi! Le matin elle ne se lve qu ______________________
dix heures, et le soir elle se couche tard. Elle aime beaucoup aller

____________________ cinma et jouer _____________________ la guitare. Demain
3. 4.
on va voir ensemble un film _____________________ on parle beaucoup en ce moment.
Je pense quon samusera bien ensemble!

Questions 610

Ce matin, Christine pensait sa mre et ____________________ quelle allait
____________________ offrir pour son anniversaire. Tout dun coup, elle sest rappel
la pice de thtre de son crivain favori, Victor Hugo. Elle a achet deux billets en

pensant ____________________ ce serait une bonne soire pour sa mre et elle. Le
lendemain, tout prs ____________________ bouquet de fleurs que son frre avait
achet, elle a dpos le cadeau _____________________ elle tait si fire.

Questions 1115

Ce soir-l, ____________________ rentrant ____________________ lui, Guillaume
11. 12.
sest aperu quun malfaiteur stait introduit dans la maison ____________________ la
porte-fentre ____________________ donne sur le jardin. Il a vite dcouvert, ct de
la fentre, la brique avec ____________________ cet individu avait bris la vitre.

2003 KEY (Questions 115)

1. qu (NOT que)
The conjunction que is necessary in adverbial structures such as Heureusement que and
Peut-tre que even though it is absent in their English equivalents. Elision takes place before a
vowel sound. making it here qu.

2. /aprs
Within the context, three prepositions would make sense: at, after or around 10 oclock.
However, the preposition vers must be eliminated because only those prepositions starting
with a vowel are appropriate after qu.

3. au
This is the correct contraction ( + le) to use before the masculine word cinma to indicate to
the movie.

4. de (NOT de la)
To play an instrument requires the use of the preposition de after the verb jouer.

5. dont/duquel
Both relative pronouns are correct here because they both introduce a clause which gives more
information about the movie and in which the verb is followed by the preposition de: parler de
= to talk about. Duquel is the contraction of de with lequel.

6. ce
Ce replaces the antecedent of the relative pronoun qu (that which she was going to give her).

7. lui
This is the correct indirect object pronoun to use when replacing une personne. In this
sentence, it replaces sa mere.

8. que
The conjunction que must follow the verb penser even though its equivalent that can be
implied and omitted in English.

9. du
This is the necessary contraction of the preposition de which is an integral part of the phrase
prs de with the masculine article le before the word bouquet.

10. dont/duquel
Both relative pronouns are correct here because they introduce a clause that gives more
information about the gift and in which the verb is followed by the preposition de: tre fiere de
= to be proud of. Duquel is the contraction of de with lequel.

11. en
This is the only correct preposition to use before the present participle rentrant.

12. chez
This is the preposition to use before the stress pronoun lui to express to his house/home.

13. par
Someone got into the house through the window: par la fentre.

14. qui
This is the correct relative pronoun to use because it introduces a clause with additional
information about the window and in which qui is the subject of the verb donne.

15. laquelle
The correct relative pronoun to use after the preposition avec is a form of lequel. Here
laquelle is appropriate as it replaces la brique.
2003 AP Exam

Questions 1620
Il faudrait vraiment que nous (16) un bain ce 16. _________________ (donner)
chien! Il (17) trs mauvais. Je ne voudrais pas quil 17. _________________ (sentir)
drange les invits qui viennent dner! Si ce chien les 18. _________________ (je/tre)
empchait dapprcier mon dner, (18) trs du! 19. _________________ (plucher)
Alors, une fois que jaurai fini d (19) les pommes 20. _________________ (donner)
pour la tarte, nous lui (20) un bain, daccord?
Questions 2125

Pendant que (21) au lyce, je nai pas vraiment 21. __________________ (je/tre)
pens lavenir. Si (22) que mes notes en classe 22. __________________ (je/savoir)
(23) limiter mon choix duniversit, jaurais 23. __________________ (aller)
travaill plus srieusement. Il y a deux ans, (24) de 24. _________________ (je/dcider)
suivre quelques cours pour amliorer ma situation. Il 25. _________________ (je/choisir)
fallait absolument que (25) une bonne carrire.
Questions 2630

Hier soir vers six heures, Patrick (26) son copain 26. ___________________ (appeler)
Franois pour lui demander daller en ville 27. ___________________ (tlphoner)
avec lui. Aprs (27) plusieurs fois, Patrick 28. ___________________ (ne pas tre)
sest rendu compte que Franois (28) chez lui. 29. ___________________ (venir)
Zut alors! Si je lavais prvenu plus tt, il (29) 30. ___________________ (sexclamer)
avec moi, sans aucun doute! (30) subitement le jeune homme.
2003 KEY (Questions 1630)

16. donnions
The use of the subjunctive is mandated by the impersonal expression Il faudrait que.

17. sent
The use of the conditional il faudrait (we should), in the previous sentence, determines the
present tense of the verb sentir.

18. je serais
The use of the imparfait empchait in the si clause mandates the conditional in the result

19. plucher
This infinitive is mandated by the preposition de after the verb finir.

20. donnerons
The future tense is appropriate within the context of having to give the dog a bath later, after the
apples are peeled.

21. j tais
The imparfait is appropriate for this prolonged time in high school.

22. j avais su
The pluperfect in this si clause is mandated by the use of the past conditional aurais travaill
in the result clause.

23. allaient
The imparfait is appropriate as it indicates a progressive and indefinite length of time.

24. j ai dcid
The pass compos is appropriate as this decision took place precisely two years ago.

25. je choisisse
The subjunctive is required by the use of the impersonal expression Il fallait que.

26. a appel
The pass compos is appropriate since the action of calling took place at a precise time last

27. avoir tlphon
The past infinitive is the structure necessary after the preposition aprs.

28. ntait pas
The imparfait is appropriate for this descriptive verb in the absence of details or focus regarding
the time.

29. serait venu/viendrait
The pluperfect in the si clause mandates the past conditional serait venu if both premise and
result were in the past. However, there is nothing in the context to make us exclude the
possibility that there might still be time to go to town; in this case the result would be in the
conditional present viendrait.

30. sest exclam
This use of the pass compos is appropriate to express the last occurrence in the narration.

2002 AP Exam

Questions 15

Tu sais, moi, la politique, je ne trouve pas a intressant! Tiens, je ne peux pas couter

____________________biller les longs discours de notre snateur. Il saute toujours
dun sujet ____________________ lautre et, au bout dun moment, on ne sait plus
____________________ quoi il parle. Quand je pense quil occupe ce poste
____________________ quatre ans, je me demande comment il a pu devenir snateur. Je
ne suis pas le seul ____________________ me poser cette question.

Questions 610

Depuis la publication de son dernier livre, ____________________ retrace lhistoire de
lor, dcouvert il y a plus ____________________ six mille ans, cette femme crivain a
particip ____________________ plusieurs missions _____________________
8. 9.
tlvision. Elle est devenue clbre en quelques semaines. Malgr cet immense succs

_____________________ elle ne sattendait pas, elle est toujours aussi humble et
cordiale envers tout le monde.

Questions 1115

Larticle de ce journaliste ressemble beaucoup ______________________celui qui a t
crit la semaine dernire _______________________ un de ses collgues. Ils critiquent
sans piti cette actrice _____________________ tout le monde parle actuellement.
Quoique ce _____________________ ils disent soit en partie vrai, ils auraient

pu _____________________ dire avec moins de venin, et parler un peu de son talent.
Cela lui aurait fait plaisir.

2002 KEY (Questions 115)

1. sans
This preposition is the only grammatically and contextually correct one as it is followed by an
infinitive verb and explains that the speaker cannot listen to long speeches without yawning.

This is the only correct answer to convey the meaning of jumping from one thing to another.

3. de
This is the correct preposition to convey the meaning: what he talks about (parler de quelque

4. depuis
This is the correct preposition to use to express for (a length of time) when the action begun in
the past still goes on, as indicated by the use of the present tense in the French sentence: il

The idiomatique use of this preposition requires familiarity with the structure of expressions
such as le seul, le premier, le dernier faire quelque chose.

6. qui/lequel
Qui is the correct relative pronoun to use because it introduces a clause with additional
information about the book; in this clause qui is the subject of the verb retrace.
In view of the punctuation (comma right after livre), lequel is also a possible answer because
it replaces the book and highlights a juxtaposition.

7. de
This is the correct preposition to express than before a number (plus ou moins de).

This preposition is inherent in the structure of the verb participer .

9. de
This preposition is inherent to the expression une mission de radio, television, etc.

10. auquel
This contraction of the preposition with the relative pronoun lequel (replacing le succs)
is made necessary by the structure of the verb phrase sattendre quelque chose.

This preposition is required by the structure of the verb ressembler .

12. par
This preposition is necessary to introduce the agent who performed the action expressed by the
verb in the passive voice: a t crit.

13. dont
This relative pronoun introduces a clause that gives more information about lactrice; in this
clause the verb requires the use of the preposition de: parler de = to talk about.

14. qu
This relative pronoun introduces a clause where it is the direct object of the verb disent. Elision
to qu takes place because it precedes a vowel ils.

15. le
This is the correct direct object pronoun to use when replacing an indefinite idea: ce que.
2002 AP Exam

Questions 1619

En (16) de chez lui, Franois a voulu (17) si le facteur 16. ________________ (sortir)
(18) et sil avait laiss du courrier. Il ny avait rien, mais 17. ________________ (voir)
la lettre quil attendait et qui linquitait (19) peut-tre 18. ________________ (passer)
le lendemain. 19. ________________ (arriver)
Questions 2024

Nous (20) votre demande hier et ds que vous nous (21) 20. ________________ (lire)
votre curriculum vitae, nous serons en mesure de 21. _______________ (transmettre)
vous accorder une entrevue. Si vous (22) galement 22. _________________(pouvoir)
nous faire parvenir une copie de vos diplmes, cela 23. _________________ (avoir)
avancerait les choses. Ne craignez pas de nous contacter 24. _________________ (tre)
si vous (23) des questions et (24) certain que nous ferons de notre mieux pour y rpondre.
Questions 2530

Mon cousin (25) le mois dernier. La crmonie (26) la 25. ________________ (se marier)
maison de campagne des parents de la marie, une belle 26. ________________ (se drouler)
proprit avec des jardins, des pelouses, un tang, mme 27. _________________ (aimer)
une chute deau! J (27) vivre dans un tel endroit! Nous 28. _________________ (pleuvoir)
avons pris nos places en plein air, devant ltang; 29. _________________ (faire)
heureusement quil faisait trs beau parce que sil 30. __________________ (tre)
(28), je ne sais pas ce quon (29). Dans la crmonie, il y avait de nombreux lments originaux.
Le jeune couple voulait, par exemple, que ce (30) leur chien qui leur donne les alliances, noues
dans un ruban autour de son cou, au moment vouluce qui a russi merveille!
2002 KEY (Questions 1630)

16. sortant
The present participle is the appropriate verbal form to use after the preposition en.

17. voir
This infinitive should be used after the conjugated verb a voulu..

18. tait pass
The pluperfect is the appropriate tense for an action that is not only in the past, but also precedes
another past action (a voulu).

19. arriverait
The conditional is appropriate for an action that might be realized the next day.

20. avons lu
The pass compos is appropriate for this past action that took place precisely hier.

21. aurez transmis/transmettrez
The futur antrieur is an appropriate tense to indicate that the transmission of the resum will
take place in the future but before the interview can be granted. The futur simple is appropriate
to indicate that the interview can be granted at the very moment the resume is transmitted (both
actions in the sentence being simultaneous).

22. pouviez
The imparfait is the appropriate tense to use in the si clause of this sentence where the result is
in the conditional.

23. avez
The present tense is the appropriate tense to use in the si clause of this conditional sentence
where the main verb is in the imperative form.

24. soyez
The use of this imperative form yields meaning to the sentence: rest assured that It must
be in the second person plural in keeping with the formal tone of the letter.

25. sest mari
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for this action that took place precisely last month.

26. sest droule
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for this action that took place precisely last month.
Note the agreement of the past participle with the preceding direct object se referring to la

27. aimerais/aurais aim
The present conditional is appropriate to indicate that I would like to live on that property. The
past conditional is also appropriate to indicate that I would have loved to live there; this tense
adds a more regretful tone to the sentence.

28. avait plu / 29. aurait fait
The pluperfect is the appropriate tense to use for #28 along with the past conditional for #29 to
indicate that if it had rained at the time of the wedding, I do not know what I would have done.

30. soit
This subjunctive is mandated by the verb voulait.

2001 AP Exam

Questions 15

La dame ______________________ jai rencontre laroport hier tait trs aimable.
Savez-vous _____________________ quelle a fait? Elle ma aide porter le sac de
mon bb __________________ tait trop lourd pour moi. Une fois assise dans lavion,
elle ma parl ____________________ la ville o elle habite et ___________________
4. 5.
je ne me rappelle plus le nom.

Questions 610
______________________ daller jouer au hockey sur gazon, Hlne sest bien
entrane _______________ faisant du stretching avec ses copines. Puis, elle a cout
attentivement son entraneur _____________________ lui a dit ____________________
8. 9.
garder le ct droit du terrain _____________________ tout le match. Grce leurs bons
efforts, Hlne et son quipe ont gagn.

Questions 1115

Ma fille est en train dtudier le style baroque qui a fait son apparition en Italie au dbut

____________________ XVIIe sicle. Elle ____________________ est amoureuse et
11. 12.
voudrait dcorer sa chambre avec des dorures baroques et des peintures en trompe loeil.

Ce _____________________ elle ne se rend pas compte, cest que toutes ces dcorations,
surtout celles pour____________________ elle veut dpenser toutes ses conomies, ne
se prtent pas la vie moderne. Elle ______________________ regrettera, jen suis sr!

2001 KEY (Questions 115)

1. que
This is the correct relative pronoun introducing information about la dame; it is the direct
object of the verb jai rencontre.

2. ce
This is the correct pronoun to use before a relative pronoun (here: qu) in the absence of its

3. qui
This is the correct relative pronoun to use to give information about le sac; it is the subject of
the verb tait.

4. de
This is the preposition that must accompany the verb parler.

5. dont/de laquelle
This is the correct relative pronoun to use to give information about la ville; it introduces le
nom which would be completed by the phrase de la ville.

6. Avant
This is the correct preposition to use before daller; it respects the structure avant + de +
infinitive and conveys the appropriate meaning before going.

7. en
This is the correct preposition to use before the present participle faisant.

8. qui
This is the correct relative pronoun to give information about lentraneur; it is the subject of
the verb a dit.

9. de
This is the correct preposition to use after the verb dire and before the subsequent infinitive

10. pendant/durant
Both of these prepositions convey the correct meaning of during/throughout the game.

11. du
This is the correct contraction of the preposition de with the masculine article le before

12. en
This is the correct object pronoun to replace the prepositional phrased introduced by de,
required by the structure tre amoureux de and le style baroque.

13. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to give information about an undefined object that will only
be mentioned later on in the sentence; it replaces de quelque chose and is made necessary by
the structure se rendre compte de.

14. lesquelles
This is the relative pronoun that must follow the preposition pour; it replaces the feminine
plural word dcorations.

15. le
This is the indefinite object pronoun to replace the idea expressed in the previous sentence (that
Hlne is overspending).
2001 AP Exam

Questions 1621

Avant de (16) , Catherine et Jean-Pierre ont mis 16. _________________ (se marier)
assez dargent la banque pour soffrir un 17. _________________ (rver)
merveilleux voyage de noces. Ils se demandent 18. _________________ (tre)
maintenant o allerpourquoi pas en Suisse? Il y a 19. _________________ (arriver)
des annes que Catherine (17) de voir ce beau pays, 20. _________________ (visiter)
et son fianc, qui y est all quand il (18) adolescent, 21. _________________ (aller)
a trs envie dy retourner. Lorsquils (19) Genve,
ils prendront le train pour Lausanne. Aprs (20)
cette charmante ville, ils se rendront Montreux et
Lugano. Il est aussi possible, sil leur reste un peu
dargent, quils (21) en Italie pour un ou deux jours.
Questions 2226

Quand je suis arriv Paris, toute ma famille 22. ________________ (attendre)

franaise m (22) laroport. Dans la voiture tout 23. ________________ (regarder)

le monde parlait en mme temps: (23) la Tour 24. ________________ (aller)

Eiffel sur ta gauche, Veux-tu que nous (24) au 25. ________________ (dire)

muse du Louvre cet aprs-midi?, Est-ce que tu 26. ________________(se reposer)

prfres faire du shopping? Jaurais t si heureux si

quelquun (25) : Mais non, voyons, aujourdhui il

doit (26) .

Questions 2730

Pour son anniversaire il a fallu que Jean-Luc (27) 27. ________________ (faire)

la liste des amis quil (28) inviter. Si cela avait t 28. ________________ (aller)

possible, il (29) le nom de tous ses camarades de 29. ________________ (donner)

classe. Mais en (30) un gros effort, il a russi se 30. ________________ (faire)

limiter quinze personnes.
2001 KEY (Questions 1630)

16. se marier
This infinitive verb is necessary after the prepositional phrase avant de.

17. rve
The present tense is appropriate with il y aque when the action begun in the past is still going
on in the present.

18. tait
The imparfait is appropriate for this descriptive verb in the absence of an indication that
something took place at a specific moment in time.

19. arriveront/seront arrivs
The futur simple indicates that at the moment they arrive in Geneva, they will take the train. The
futur antrieur indicates that they will take the train after they have arrived in Geneva.

20. avoir visit
The past infinitive is the correct structure to use after the preposition aprs.

21. aillent
This subjunctive is mandated by the use of the impersonal expression Il est possible que.

22. attendait
The imparfait is appropriate to express the progressive past (the family was waiting).

23. Regarde
The imperative is appropriate within the context (Look!).

24. allions
This subjunctive is mandated by the verb vouloir in the phrase, Veux-tu que from the main

25. avait dit
This pluperfect is appropriate because the verb in the si clause is in the past conditional: aurais

26. se reposer
This infinitive verb follows the conjugated verb doit.

27. fasse
This subjunctive is mandated by the impersonal expression Il a fallu que.

28. allait
This imparfait form of aller belongs to the structure aller + infinitive to express that he was
going to invite friends.

29. aurait donn
This past conditional form is appropriate because the verb in the si clause (avait t) is in the
pluperfect tense.

30. faisant
This present participle is the appropriate verbal form after the preposition en.

2000 AP Exam

Questions 16

Michel demeure Paris ____________________ des mois. Mais il na jamais eu l
occasion _____________________ visiter le Louvre. Aujourdhui il est libre tout laprs-
midi et il dcide daller voir ce grand muse _____________________ tout le monde
parle. _____________________ sortant de chez lui, il aperoit un ami de la facult
____________________ lui propose daller faire un tour la campagne. Aprs un
moment dhsitation, il choisit de ne pas aller ____________________ muse.
Questions 710

Il ny a ____________________ toi pour avoir ____________________ telles ides!
7. 8.
Au lieu de rester l imaginer ____________________ pire, essaie donc de faire une
petite sieste; cest ce ____________________ tu as besoin!
Questions 1115

__________________ ceux qui sintressent ________________ cinma devront
11. 12.
sinscrire dans le cours dapprciation cinmatographique. Toutes les vidos

__________________ on va utiliser sont en vente la librairie. ______________ est M.
13. 14.
Bodard qui fera le cours ce semestre. Profitez- __________________ car il va bientt
prendre sa retraite.

2000 KEY (Questions 115)

1. depuis
This is the correct preposition to use to express for a length of time when the action begun in the
past still goes on, as indicated by the use of the present tense in the French sentence: il

2. de
This preposition is required by the structure of the phrase avoir loccasion de.

3. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to give information about le muse; it replaces de quelque
chose since the verb in the relative clause requires the use of de (parler de).

4. En
This is the correct preposition to use before the present participle sortant.

5. qui
This is the correct relative pronoun to give information about un ami; it is the subject of the
verb propose.

6. au
This is the correct contraction of the preposition with the masculine article le before

7. que
This is the logical completion of the structure neque to express only.

8. de
This is the correct plural indefinite article to use before an adjective (instead of des).

9. le
This is the article necessary for the superlative structure pire which here applies to something

10. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to introduce a clause in which avoir besoin de quelque
chose is the main structure.

There are two possible answers here. Only those who are interested in cinema must enroll in
this course has as much meaning within the context as All those who are

12. au
This is the correct contraction of the preposition with the masculine article le before

13. qu
This is the correct relative pronoun introducing information about les vidos; it is the direct
object of the verb utiliser. Elision takes place before on.

14. C
This is the correct indefinite pronoun to express It is in identifying M. Bodard.

15. en
This is the correct object pronoun to replace de quelque chose made necessary by the structure
of the verb profiter de.

2000 AP Exam

Questions 1620

Une fois les portes de lavion (16) , je me suis 16. ________________ (fermer)
aperu que les siges voisins du mien (17) 17. ________________ (ne pas tre)
occups. Jai pens: Chic, ds que lavion 18. ________________ (tre)
(18) en vol, je mallongerai pour dormir. a 19. ________________ (arriver)
serait merveilleux si j (19) San Francisco 20. ________________ (se prparer)
en bonne forme et prt visiter la ville. Mais soudain une htesse a annonc:
Incident technique! Laissez vos bagages main dans la cabine et (20) vacuer lavion
Questions 2125

Aussitt que Paul (21) dtudier cette scne, 21. _________________ (finir)
nous pourrons rpter ensemble. Il est important 22. _________________ (tre)
que nous (22) prts pour le 15 avril! Lanne 23. _________________ (devoir)
dernire nous (23) jouer dans une pice 24. _______________ (falloir)
ensemble et il ntait pas prt. Il (24) lui trouver 25. _______________ (ne pas faire)
un remplaant pour la premire semaine! Jespre quil (25) la mme chose cette fois-ci.
Questions 2630

Ce soir il faut que nous (26) au supermarch. Si 26. _______________ (aller)
javais assez de temps, je (27) une liste, mais je 27. _______________ (prparer)
veux partir aussitt que nous le (28) afin de ne 28. _______________ (pouvoir)
pas rentrer trop tard. Et pas question d (29) la 29. _______________ (attendre)
caisse, alors je te prie, ne (30) pas avec un chque! 30. ______________ (payer)
2000 KEY (Questions 1630)

16. fermes
This past participle describes les fentres in the expression once closed.

17. ntaient pas
The imparfait is the appropriate tense to describe the condition of the seats.

18. sera
The future tense is appropriate after ds que for an action that will take place.

19. arrivais
The imparfait is the appropriate tense for this si clause since the verb in the main clause is in
the present conditional.

20. prparez-vous
This imperative form is appropriate within the context.

21. finira/aura fini
The future tense after aussitt que indicates that the moment Paul finishes studying the scene,
we can rehearse. The futur antrieur indicates that we can rehearse after he finishes studying, and
emphasizes that one action must be completed before the other one can start.

22. soyons
This subjunctive is mandated by the impersonal expression Il est important que.

23. devions
The imparfait of devoir is appropriate to express we were supposed to.

24. a fallu/avait fallu
The pass compos is appropriate for this action, which took place precisely the first week of
rehearsal. The pluperfect is appropriate to express that this had been necessary before rehearsal
could go on.

25. ne fera pas
The future tense is appropriate within the context.

26. allions
This subjunctive is mandated by the impersonal expression Il faut que.

27. prparerais
The present conditional is the correct tense in this result clause because the si clause is in the

28. pourrons
The future tense after aussitt que is appropriate since there is a reference to the future in a
phrase such as, rentrer tard.

29. attendre
This infinitive follows the preposition de.

30. paie/paye
The imperative form is appropriate within the context.

1999 AP Exam

Questions 16

Christophe a tout _______________________ tre heureux. Pour son anniversaire, il a
reu exactement ce ____________________ son coeur dsirait: deux jeux vido
_____________________ tous ses amis avaient envie depuis des mois. Maintenant,
plusieurs de ses amis lui demandent tous les jours de venir ____________________ lui
pour voir ses jeux vido. Et Christophe nest plus certain ____________________ tre
tellement heureux. Je ne suis plus jamais tranquille, se dit-il. Si seulement mes amis ne

mavaient pas parl _____________________ ces jeux!
Questions 711

Je ne sais pas ____________________ jai bien pu mettre mon sac! Je crois
_____________________ je lai laiss sur mon bureau! ____________________ qui
8. 9.
minquite, cest que toutes mes cartes de crdit sy trouvent. Ah, jai une ide: je vais

appeler ma collgue ____________________ travaille jusqu 21h ce soir. Je vais
____________________ demander daller voir si mon sac est toujours l.

Questions 1215

Bonjour monsieur, vous dsirez? Je cherche quelque chose ____________________
spcial: une montre qui donne lheure ______________________ haute voix. Cest pour
mon oncle ______________________la vue a beaucoup baiss. Il
_____________________ a vu une dans un catalogue spcialis. Auriez-vous cet article
ici par hasard?
1999 KEY (Questions 115)

1. pour
This is the preposition necessary to express in order to before an infinitive verb even though it
may be omitted in English.

2. que
This is the correct relative pronoun introducing information about the indefinite pronoun ce;
it is the direct object of the verb dsirait.

3. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to introduce a clause in which avoir envie de quelque
chose is the main structure.

4. chez
This is the correct preposition to express to his house before the stress pronoun lui.

5. d
This is the correct preposition, which is part of the phrase tre certain de quelque chose. Elision
is necessary before the vowel of tre.

6. de
This is the correct preposition to express to speak about something.

7. o
This is the correct relative pronoun to express where.

8. que
This conjunction is necessary after the verb croire.

9. Ce
This is the correct indefinite pronoun taking the place of the antecedent before the relative
pronoun qui.

10. qui
This is the correct relative pronoun introducing information about the collgue; it is the subject
of the verb travaille.

11. lui
This is the indirect object pronoun replacing quelquun made necessary by the structure of
the verb demander quelquun.

12. de
This preposition is necessary because of the structure of the phrase quelque chose de.

This preposition is an integral and idiomatic component of the expression haute voix.

14. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to use to give information about mon oncle; it introduces
la vue which would be completed by the phrase de mon oncle.

15. en
This is the object pronoun replacing de ces montres previously mentioned (the uncle saw one
of these watches).

1999 AP Exam

Questions 1620

Mes grands-parents (16) de la campagne tt 16. _________________ (arriver)
hier matin. Bien quils (17) presque toute la 17. _________________ (voyager)
nuit, ils avaient bonne mine. Avant de (18) 18. _________________ (prendre)
un petit djeuner frugal, ils se sont reposs. 19. _________________ (se promener)
Ensuite ils (19) en ville avec mes parents. 20. _________________ (tre)
Je suis ravi qu ils (20) l.
Questions 2125

Au dbut de lanne dernire ma sur (21) la 21. _________________ (prendre)
dcision de se mettre faire la cuisine. Aprs 22. _________________ (acheter)
(22) tous les ustensiles qui lui semblaient 23. _________________ (demander)
indispensables, elle (23) que nous l (24) : 24. _________________ (aider)
Je prparerai le dner tous les samedis. 25. _________________ (appeler)
Vous devrez maider ce jour-l et venir la cuisine ds que je vous (25).
Questions 2630

Hier, Christine, Julie et Suzanne (26) faire des 26. _________________ (aller)
courses. Suzanne devait (27) ses deux 27. ________________ (retrouver)
amies chez elles, et elles avaient dcid quelles 28. ________________ (partir)
(28) ds que Suzanne (29) . Quand celle-ci a 29. ________________ (arriver)
appris que les deux autres voulaient passer toute 30. ________________ (apporter)
la journe dans les magasins, elle a pens Si javais su, j (30) plus dargent!
1999 KEY (Questions 1630)

16. sont arrivs
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for this action that took place yesterday.

17. aient voyag
The subjunctive is mandated by the conjunction bien que and the past tense is necessary
because the action of voyager preceded that of avoir bonne mine.

18. prendre
The infinitive is necessary after the prepositional phrase avant de.

19. se sont promens
The pass compos is appropriate to tell a series of events (note the adverb ensuite).

20. soient
The subjunctive is mandated by the expression of emotion Je suis ravi que.

21. a pris
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for this action that took place precisely last year.

22. avoir achet
The past infinitive is the appropriate verbal structure to use after the preposition aprs.

23. a demand
The pass compos is appropriate to relate a series of events.

24. aidions
The subjunctive is mandated by the verb a demand.

25. appellerai
The future is the appropriate tense after ds que when the action takes place in the future (note
the reference to the future in prparerai and devrez).

26. sont alles
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for this action that took place precisely yesterday.

27. retrouver
This infinitive verb follows the conjugated verb devait.

28. partiraient
The conditional tense is appropriate for this indirect discourse: they had decided that they would

29. serait arrive
This past conditional form is appropriate in the indirect discourse: the action of arriver
precedes that of partir.

30. aurais apport
The past conditional is appropriate because the verb in the si clause is in the pluperfect: avais

1998 AP Exam

Questions 15

Je vais vraiment abandonner le ski et cest tout. Depuis ____________________ je suis
tombe, a me fait affreusement mal de marcher. Le docteur ma dit que je ne mtais

pas cass la jambe, mais que ctait plutt une entorse ____________________ exigerait
que je reste immobile. Et quand jai demand ____________________ mdicaments, il
ma rpondu que seul le repos maiderait. Et le bal qui est ____________________
quinze jours. Je ne pourrai pas ____________________ aller.
Questions 610

Samedi dernier, Jacques est rentr de Paris. Maintenant il souffre du dcalage horaire.

____________________ son retour, il se rveille 3 heures du matin.
____________________ son voyage, il se couchait rgulirement aprs minuit. Et
____________________, quand il se rveille 3 heures du matin, il lit beaucoup de
livres, et en particulier ____________________ quil achets Paris. Il trouve ces livres
vraiment passionnants, et il va srement ____________________ parler son
professeur de franais.

Questions 1115

Jean vient ____________________ passer un week-end ____________________ il se
11. 12.
souviendra longtemps. Il avait dcid de partir la montagne pour profiter des pistes

couvertes ____________________ neige. Malheureusement, quand il y est arriv, il
pleuvait torrents et pas un seul remonte-pente ne marchait. En outre, sa voiture est

tombe en panne, ce ____________________ la vraiment rendu furieux.
____________________ affreuse perte de temps et dargent! sest-il dit. Jaurais pu
rester chez moi et navoir aucun de ces ennuis.
1998 KEY (Questions 115)

1. que
This is a part of the phrase depuis que (since).

2. qui
This is the correct relative pronoun to give information about the entorse; it is the subject of
the verb exigerait.

3. des/certains
Both some medications and certain medications make sense in this sentence.

4. dans
This is the correct preposition to express in 15 days meaning at the end of the 15 day period.

5. y
This is the correct object pronoun to replace au bal in the construction je ne pourrai pas aller
au bal (location introduced by ).

6. Depuis
This is the correct preposition to express since his return.

7. Avant
The tense of the verb se couchait requires a preposition alluding to past times before his trip.

8. maintenant
The verb se rveille in the present tense requires the use of the adverb of time maintenant.

9. ceux
This is the masculine plural demonstrative pronoun referring to livres.

10. en
This is the correct object pronoun to replace de quelque chose made necessary by the structure
of the verb parler de.

11. de
This preposition is a component of the structure required by the near past: venir de faire
quelque chose.

12. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to introduce more information about un weekend in a
clause where se souvenir de quelque chose is the main structure.

13. de
This preposition is an idiomatique component of the phrase tre couvert de.

14. qui
This relative pronoun follows the indefinite pronoun ce and is the subject of the verb a

15. Quelle
The exclamation mark at the end of this sentence points to the use of quelle as in What a
waste of time!

1998 AP Exam

Questions 1622

Lhiver dernier ____________________ particulirement rigoureux en Europe. Malgr
16. (tre)
les efforts des services de lquipement pour dgager les routes au plus vite, de nombreux

touristes ____________________ bloqus dans leur voiture pendant des heures. En
17. (rester)
France, des trains supplmentaires ont t mis leur disposition pour regagner la capitale.

Mais les gens ntaient pas contents. Si le gouvernement ____________________ un
18. prvoir
plus grand nombre de chasse-neige, nous ____________________ rentrer tranquillement
19. (pouvoir)
chez nous par la route, sest plaint un pre de famille. Aux Pays-Bas, cependant,

latmosphre tait compltement diffrente et les sportifs de tous les ges ____________
20. (profiter)
du mauvais temps pour organiser une grande course de patinage sur glace. Aprs
____________________ du froid pendant plusieurs semaines, tout le monde tait content
21. (souffrir)
de voir le printemps arriver! On espre quune telle situation ne ____________________
22. (se reproduire)
plus lavenir.

Questions 2330

Lundi dernier, quand Nicole ____________________ en classe, les autres tudiants
23. (arriver)
____________________ dj assis leur place. Le prof ____________________ de
24. (tre) 25. (venir)
rendre le contrle de maths quils ____________________ la semaine prcdente.
26. (avoir)
Zro! Jaurai d rviser la leon, sest crie Nicole.

Moi, jai eu une bonne note, a dit sa camarade Monique en lui ______________ voir sa copie.
27. (faire)
____________________, la prochaine fois, je taiderai. Il vaudrait mieux que nous __________
28. (ne pas sinquiter) 29. (rviser)


Tu es gentille. Je suis sre que a m(e) ___________________ beaucoup, si tu
30. (aider)
veux bien.
1998 KEY (Questions 1630)

16. a t
The pass compos is appropriate here because it helps emphasize that last winter was
particulirement rigoureux.

17. sont rests
The pass compos is once again appropriate for the same reason as above.

18. avait prvu / 19. aurions pu
The pluperfect in the si clause and the past conditional in the result clause help express the
idea that if the government had planned better, we could have gone home without a problem.

20. profitaient/ont profit
The imparfait is appropriate to express what was happening at the time in the Netherlands. The
pass compos is also appropriate to tell what happened in the Netherlands during that same
unique winter.

21. avoir souffert
This past infinitive is the appropriate form of the verb after the preposition aprs.

22. se reproduira
The future tense is appropriate after esprer because of the reference to the future: lavenir.

23. est arrive
The pass compos is appropriate for this past action, which took place last Monday at a precise
moment, as indicated by quand.

24. taient
The imparfait is appropriate to indicate that the students were already seated.

25. venait
The imparfait is appropriate to express the near past relatively to a past action (the teacher had
just returned the tests). This is the structure venir de + infinitive.

26. avaient eu
The pluperfect of avoir is appropriate to express a past action anterior to another past action:
venait de rendre.

27. faisant
This present participle is mandated by the preposition en.

28. Ne tinquite pas
This familiar imperative form yields the appropriate meaning of Do not worry within the

29. rvisions
This subjunctive form is mandated by the impersonal expression Il vaudrait mieux que.

30. aidera
The future tense is appropriate to express that this will help.

1997 AP Exam

Questions 16

Ah, te voil, chri. Ecoute, les Brillauds viennent ____________________
tlphoner. Ils ____________________ ont invits dner samedi soir chez
____________________ pour fter lanniversaire dAndr.
Cest trs bienah, mais, non, on ne peut pas y aller. Cest le soir de la fte

de ma soeur. ____________________ est son anniversaire ____________________
4. 5.

Ah, oui, cest vrai. Deux ftes le mme jour! Mais il faut absolument que nous

allions ____________________ de ta soeur.

Questions 711

Peu de gens aujourdhui semblent chapper au stress. Il touche tous ____________ qui sont
incapables de sadapter facilement aux changements rapides ou imprvus. Le stress peut

provoquer des dsquilibres _____________ entranent toutes sortes de maladies. La presse
mdicale ___________ parle constamment et mme le gouvernement _________________
9. 10.
rflchit. Les remdes _____________ proposent les mdecins, hlas, sont quelquefois plus
stressants que le mal original.

Questions 1215

Je faisais des conomies ____________________ six mois pour acheter une belle
montre. Pourtant, je navais amass ____________________ 200 francs. Alors,
____________________ arrivant au magasin, je me suis rendu compte que je navais pas
assez dargent pour acheter celle ____________________ javais envie.
1997 KEY (Questions 115)

1. de
This preposition is an integral component of the structure in the near past conjugation: venir de
faire quelque chose.

2. nous
This is the correct direct object pronoun to express us; the plural ending of the past participle
invits confirms that it must be they invited us as opposed to me.

3. eux
This is the correct stress pronoun to use after chez to refer to the Brillauds house (to their

4. C
This is the correct indefinite pronoun to use before tre + noun to identify something.

5. elle
This is the correct stress pronoun used after the preposition to stress her birthday.

6. celle
This is the correct demonstrative pronoun to replace la fte.

7. ceux
This is the correct demonstrative pronoun to replace the masculine plural pronoun tous (all

8. qui
This relative pronoun introduces information about les dsquilibres; it is the subject of
the verb entranent.

9. en
This object pronoun replaces de + quelque chose and is necessary because of the structure of
the verb parler de.

10. y
This object pronoun replaces + quelque chose and is required by the structure of the verb
rflchir quelque chose.

11. que
This relative pronoun introduces information about les remdes and is the direct object of the
verb proposent. Note that the subject of proposent is les mdecins, which is after the verb
in this sentence.

12. depuis
The preposition depuis is necessary to indicate that the subject had been saving up for six

13. que
This component of the phrase neque is necessary to yield the meaning of only.

14. en
This is the correct preposition to use before the present participle arrivant.

15. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to introduce more information about celle
in a clause where avoir envie de quelque chose is the main structure.

1997 AP Exam

Questions 1621

Savez-vous ce qui ____________________ la semaine dernire? J(e)
16. (marriver)
____________________ en train de prparer une rdaction lordinateur quand tout
17. (tre)
coup la lumire ____________________. Toute ma rdaction ____________________
18. (steindre) 19. (disparatre)
et j(e) ___________________ la retaper. La prochaine fois jen
20. (devoir)
____________________ une copie tout de suite.
21. (faire)

Questions 2226

All? Ah, bonjour, Monsieur Joly. Je regrette que notre reprsentant

____________________ passer jeudi dernier cause de la grve des pilotes. Il serait
22. (ne pas pouvoir)
dommage que nous ____________________ vous contacter personnellement. Est-ce-
23. (ne pas arriver)
que vous aimerez quil ____________________ vous voir lundi prochain? lavenir, il
24. (venir)
____________________ sa voiture.
25. (prendre)
Aprs ____________________, Monsieur Joly a accept.
26. (rflchir)

Questions 2730

Tu te souviens de lhistoire du Petit Chaperon Rouge? La petite fille allait rendre visite

sa grand-mre. Avant son dpart, sa mre lui avait dit: Sois sage,

____________________ en chemin, et ____________________. Mais la petite fille na
27. (ne pas sarrter) 28. (se dpcher)
pas suivi les conseils de sa mre et elle ____________________ mange par le loup. Si
29. (tre)
la petite fille avait t plus obissante, le loup ____________________ la manger.
30. (ne pas pouvoir)
1997 KEY (Questions 1630)

16. mest arriv/marriva
The pass compos is the appropriate tense to express what happened precisely last week. The
1997 verb fill-ins section did not include the current instructions not to use the pass simple;
therefore arriva was an appropriate answer as well. The tense used in the remainder of the
paragraph should consistently be either pass compos or pass simple depending on what is
chosen at this point.

17. Jtais
The imparfait is appropriate for the verb tre in the context of the progressive past.

18. sest teinte/seteignit
The pass compos (or pass simple) is the appropriate tense to express what suddenly

19. a disparu/disparut/avait disparu
The pass compos (or pass simple) is the appropriate tense to express that the essay suddenly
disappeared. The pluperfect is also appropriate to indicate that the essay had disappeared when I
had to retype it.

20. jai d/je dus
The pass compos (or pass simple) is the appropriate tense to tell a series of events.

21. ferai
The future tense is indicated here by the phrase La prochaine fois.

22. nait pas pu/nait pu
The subjunctive is mandated by the verb of emotion regretter; the past tense is necessary
because of jeudi dernier. The negative word pas may be omitted in this structure.

23. narrivions pas
The subjunctive is mandated by the impersonal expression Il est dommage que.

24. vienne
The subjunctive is mandated by the verb aimer in the main clause.

25. prendra
The future tense is indicated by the phrase lavenir.

26. avoir rflchi
The past infinitive is the verbal structure necessary after the preposition aprs.

27. ne tarrte pas
The familiar imperative form of this reflexive verb is necessary to give meaning to this sentence.
Note that the reflexive pronoun is before the verb.

28. dpche-toi
The familiar imperative form of this reflexive verb is necessary to give meaning to this sentence.
Note that the reflexive pronoun is after the verb.

29. a t
The pass compos of the helping verb tre is necessary to complete the passive voice structure.

30. naurait pas pu/naurait pu
The pluperfect in the si clause necessitates the past conditional in the result clause. The
negative pas may be omitted in the structure with pouvoir.

1996 AP Exam

Questions 14

Ce petit livre ne prtend pas vous apprendre cuisiner. Nous supposons que vous savez

dj _____________________ faire. Mais face une multitude de bonnes recettes,
savez-vous choisir ____________________ qui assurent les menus les plus sains et
quilibrs? Savez-vous ____________________ fruits et lgumes gardent le mieux leurs
vitamines ____________________ cuisant? Nutricuisineun livre de cuisine pas
comme les autres!

Questions 58

Patrick, ____________________ quoi rves-tu donc? Le tlphone sonne
____________________ deux minutes. Va donc y rpondre au lieu de regarder la
tlvision. Cest srement ___________________ toi, comme la plupart
____________________ appels.
Questions 912

Ecoute! Tu ne pourrais pas me prter de largent? Je suis que tu __________ avais ce matin.
Impossible. Jai dj dpens presque tout ce ___________ maman ma
donn. Il ne me reste ____________ 20F.
Alors, donne-les-moi, ces 20 francs. Cest dj 20F de la semaine dernire. Je dois les

____________ rendre aujourdhui.

Questions 1315

Il est difficile ________________ croire que la maison des voisins a t cambriole
en plein jour sans que personne nait ______________ vu. Et o tait le chien de
garde _______________ ils sont si fiers?

1996 KEY Questions 115)

1. le/quoi/comment/tout
This sentence can mean that it is supposed that you already know how to do it (le), that you
know what to do (quoi), that you know how to do it (comment), and that you know how to
do it all (tout).

2. celles
This is the correct demonstrative pronoun to replace les recettes.

3. quels
This is the correct interrogative adjective before fruits et legumes (masculine plural).

4. en
This preposition is necessary before a present participle (cuisant).

This preposition is an integral and idiomatic component of the structure of the verb rver
quelque chose, NOT rver de faire quelque chose.

6. depuis
This is the correct preposition to express that something has been going on for a length of time
(with a verb in the present tense: sonne).

7. pour
This preposition yields the appropriate meaning that the calls must be for you.

8. des
This is the correct contraction of the preposition de,which is a component of the phrase la
plupart dewith the plural article les, accompanying appels.

9. en
This object pronoun replaces de largent.

10. que
This relative pronoun introduces information about tout ce and is the direct object of the verb
a donn.

11. que
This component of the phrase neque is necessary to yield the meaning of only.

12. lui
This indirect object pronoun replaces quelquun. It is made ncessary by the verb rendre
quelque chose quelquun.

13. de
This preposition is necessary as a part of the structure impersonal expression (Il est difficile) +
de+ infinitive verb.

14. rien
This word gives meaning in the context of this sentence that nobody saw anything.

15. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to introduce more information about le chien de garde in a
clause where tre fier de quelque chose requires it.

1996 AP Exam

Questions 1624

Hier matin en _____________________Franois _____________________ quil
16. (shabiller) 17. (remarquer)
_____________________ pendant la nuit. Aprs _____________________ une
18. (neiger) 19. (mettre)
demi-heure chercher son anorak et ses gants, il _______________________ quil
20. (se rendre compte)
_____________________dj huit heures et demie et quil _____________________
21. ( tre) 22. (aller)
rater son autobus. Pour la premire fois de ma vie, sest-il dit avec angoisse

____________________ en retard au bureau. Pourvu que personne ne le
23. (je/arriver)
_____________________ remarquer au patron.
24. (faire)

Questions 2530

Je me suis approch. Pendant un long moment nous _____________________. Je ne
25. (se regarder)
savais pas quoi dire, quoi faire. Enfin Julie ______________________ le silence: Il
26. (rompre)
vaudrait mieux que je _____________________. Il est vident que nous ne
27. (sen aller)
______________________ jamais tres heureux ensemble. Encore un moment de
28. (pouvoir)
silence. Puis je lui ai rpondu sans la _____________________. Si tu voulais, nous
29. (regarder)
____________________peut-tre essayer de Mais je parlais dans le vide. Elle tait
30. (pouvoir)
dj partie.
1996 KEY (Questions 1630)

16. shabillant
The present participle is the necessary verbal structure after the preposition en.

17. a remarqu
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for an action that took place precisely yesterday

18. avait neig
The pluperfect tense is appropriate to express an action anterior to another past action, that of a

19. avoir mis
The past infinitive is the correct verbal structure to use after the preposition aprs.

20. sest rendu compte
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for an action that took place at a precise moment
within a series of occurrences.

21. tait
The imparfait is the appropriate tense for this descriptive narration.

22. allait
The imparfait is appropriate to express that he was going to

23. jarriverai; jarrive
The future tense is appropriate to express that Franois will be late. It can also be assumed that
Franois is now on the way to the office; in that case the present is also appropriate.

24. fasse
This faire causatif must be in the subjunctive because of the conjunction Pourvu que.

25. nous nous sommes regards
The pass compos is appropriate to express that this look was one step in a series of occurrences
(to come near, to look, to break the silence). Note the agreement of the past participle with the
preceding direct object se.

26. a rompu
The pass compos is appropriate to express that breaking the silence was the next step step in a
series of occurrences (to come near, to look, to break the silence).

27. men aille
This subjunctive form of aller is mandated by the impersonal expression Il vaudrait mieux

28. pourrons
The impersonal expression Il est vident que expresses certainty and does not require the
subjunctive. It is followed by the future indicative, as a reference to the future.

29. regarder
The infinitive form is the correct verbal form to use after the preposition sans.

30. pourrions
The present conditional is the correct tense to use for the result pouvoir when the verb in the
si clause is in the imperfect: voulais.
1995 AP Exam

Questions 14

On a dcouvert chez nous une bote dans _____________________ il y avait une trs
vieille tasse caf en porcelaine. Un jour mon oncle est venu nous voir et il sest

cri _____________________ belle tasse! Ta tante ____________________
2. 3.
voulait une exactement comme ____________________ pour sa collection.
Questions 57

Papa, comment a sappelle, ce petit insecte-l?

Tu veux dire celui ___________________ le corps est compos de tous ces
petits segments? _____________________ est un mille-pattes.
Il a vraiment mille pattes?

Non, mais il en a plus ____________________ quarante.
Questions 810

Salut Madeleine! a fait longtemps quon ne sest pas vu. Figure-toi que je

viens de me marier. Jaurais voulu te prsenter __________________ pouse, mais
malheureusement elle est la maison. Elle sappelle Sophie.

a alors! Et les amis? Vous navez pas eu de rception? Je suis vexe, tu sais.

Sophie a horreur des mondanits. Cest _____________________ qui na pas
voulu. En fait, moi non ____________________ dailleurs.
1995 KEY (Questions 110)

1. laquelle
This is the correct relative pronoun to use after the preposition dans to refer to une bote.

2. Quelle, La
To exclaim What a beautiful cup!, both quelle and la are correct answers.

3. en
This is the correct object pronoun to replace de quelque chose. In this sentence, the aunt
wanted one of these cups.

4. celle-ci/celle-l/a/cela/ceci
The French equivalents of this, this one, or that one are all of the above.

5. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to use because it introduces a clause adding a
detail of relationship to the main clause (le corps de linsecte).

6. C
This is the indefinite pronoun used before tre + noun in identifications.

7. de
This is the correct preposition to use before a number to express than in less than or more

8. mon
This is the correct possessive adjective to express my before a singular noun starting with a

9. elle
This is the correct stress pronoun to use after cest to say she is the one.

10. plus
This is an inherent component of the expression non plus (not either).

1995 AP Exam

Questions 1120

Frdrique avait seize ans et ___________________ de passer son permis de
11. (venir)
conduire. Elle dsirait que ses parents lui ___________________ de conduire leur
12. (permettre)
belle Peugeot blanche.

Daccord, lui a dit sa mre un jour, mais __________________ sre de revenir
13. (tre)
avant la nuit.

Toute joyeuse, Frdrique est partie en ____________________, et elle
14. (chanter)
____________________ sur une petite route de campagne. Aprs
15. (sengager)
____________________ la rivire pendant une heure, elle sest arrte net. Panne
16. (suivre)
dessence. Quand finalement Frdrique, aprs de nombreuses difficults,

____________________ regagner la maison, ses parents inquiets et mcontents lui
17. (pouvoir)
ont dit: Tu ____________________ faire attention. On ne prend jamais la route
18. (devoir)
sans ____________________ son compteur dessence. A lavenir, quand tu
19. (regarder)
____________________ avoir la voiture, tu vrifieras le niveau dessence.
20. (vouloir)

1995 KEY (Questions 110)

1. venait
This imparfait form of venir is part of the structure venir + de + infinitive to express that
Frdrique had just passed her drivers test.

2. permettent
This subjunctive is mandated by Elle dsirait que.

3. sois
This familiar imperative form is appropriate within the context.

4. chantant
This present participle form is the correct verbal structure to use after the preposition en.

5. sest engage
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for the narration of a series of events. Note the
agreement of the past participle with the preceding direct object.

6. avoir suivi
The past infinitive is the appropriate verbal structure to use after the preposition aprs.

7. a pu
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for the narration of a series of events. This is
supported by the use of Quand and finalement which point to a precise moment of time in a
sequence of events.

8. dois/devrais/aurais d
You must be/should be/should have been careful all make sense here.

9. avoir regard, regarder
The past infinitive (without having looked) is appropriate and structurally correct, as is the
infinitive (without looking).

10. voudras
The future is the appropriate tense to use after quand for an action that will take place in the
1994 AP Exam

Questions 110

Vous avez lair heureux ________________ les voir.
Mais non! Ce nest pas comme a ________________ il faut faire.
Son cadeau vous a dcu? ________________ donc vous attendiez-vous?
Lgalit est une cause pour ________________ beaucoup de rvolutionnaires ont perdu la vie.
Regarde bien la femme qui passe; ________________ est un des meilleurs mdecins de Boston.
Il na fait ________________ pleuvoir tout lt.
Ce maillot ne me va pas, puis-je essayer ________________ ?
Surtout ne crois pas un mot de ________________ que Jules te raconte.
Je nai entendu ________________ parler de cette affaire.
Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne nous ________________ avais pas parl, de ton accident?

1994 KEY (Questions 110)

1. de
This preposition is an inherent part of the structure adjective + de + infinitive.

2. qu
This is the appropriate conjunction to express that before a vowel sound.

3. quoi
This is the correct relative pronoun to use after the preposition to refer to a thing (le cadeau).
It is required by the structure of the verb phrase sattendre quelque chose.

4. laquelle
This is the correct relative pronoun to replace the feminine noun lgalit after the preposition

5. c
This is the correct indefinite pronoun to use before tre in identifications.

6. que
This is the necessary component in the negative expression neque to express only.

7. celui-l/ceux-l
Within the context, both that one and those ones are appropriate answers.

8. ce
This is the correct pronoun to use before a relative pronoun (here: que) in the absence of its

9. personne
This is the correct equivalent of nobody or anybody in this negative structure.

10. en
This is the correct object pronoun that replaces de cette affaire.

1994 AP Exam

Questions 1120

Louise, viens voir ce que j_________________ hier. Il ny
11. (acheter)
__________________ rien de plus beau dans tout le magasin! Et je
12. (avoir)
____________________ tenter par ces couleurs merveilleuses.
13. (laisser)

Ah, Michle, il a encore fallu que tu ____________________des folies! Tu
14. (faire)
____________________ voyons. Si je ____________________ que tu allais macheter un
15. (ne pas devoir) 16. (savoir)
cadeau aprs ____________________ que tu allais promener le chien,
17. (dire)
je ____________________. Dornavant, chaque fois que tu ____________________
18. (protester) 19. (aller)
promener Milou, je taccompagnerai.

Ne ___________________ pas de soucis, Louise, jai tout dpens!
20. (se faire)

1994 KEY (Questions 1120)

11. ai achet
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for an action that took place precisely yesterday.

12. avait
The imparfait is the correct tense to use for this description.

13. me suis laiss
The pass compos is the appropriate tense for the one-time event.

14. fasses
This subjunctive is mandated by the impersonal expression Il a fallu que.

15. naurais pas d/ne devrais pas
Both you should not have and you should not are appropriate within the context.

16. javais su
The verb savoir in the pluperfect followed by the verb protester in the past conditional (see
#18) are structurally correct and give appropriate meaning to this sentence.

17. mavoir dit
The past infinitive is the correct verbal structure to use after the preposition aprs.

18. jaurais protest (see #16)

19. vas/iras
The future tense in the main clause indicates that the action of going to walk the dog is a
reference to the future. Chaque fois can be treated like si (thus present tense) or like quand
(thus future).

20. fais
This imperative form of se faire du souci is appropriate to express Dont worry.

1993 AP Exam

Questions 110

1. Je me souviens trs bien de ce ____________________ vous parlez.

2. Des deux livres que vous venez de terminer, ____________________ prfrez-vous?

3. Je vous prsente Madame Roland; ____________________ est le docteur qui a soign mon


4. Au moment ____________________ il est pass, je lai tout de suite reconnu.

5. Es-tu surprise, Annie? Oui, je ____________________ suis.

6. Il a ____________________ insist que jai fini par lamener avec nous.

7. Comment! Vous aimez la musique des jeunes? Nous ne nous ____________________

habituerons jamais.

8. Il est puis car le bruit des voitures ____________________ a empch de dormir.

9. On me dit que vous vous chargez des affaires de M. Langet. Depuis quand vous

____________________ occupez-vous?

10. Nous tions trop fatigus ____________________ continuer.

Questions 1120

Cette anne, aprs ____________________ de longues semaines, Dominique et Pierre se
11. (hsiter)
sont dcids ____________________ leurs enfants la montagne. Une fois
12. (emmener)
____________________ St. Gervais, ils ____________________ lAuberge des
13. (arriver) 14. (descendre)
Cloches. En ____________________ les fentres, ils ____________________ la
15. (ouvrir) 16. (dcouvrir)
blancheur des pentes et lair pur que leur mdecin leur ____________________ plusieurs
17. (conseiller)
fois dj. Et le lendemain ils ont dit leurs enfants, Bien que vous

____________________ un peu peur, vous ____________________ plus laise sur les
18. (avoir) 19. (se sentir)
pistes ds que vous ____________________ quelques leons de ski.
20. (prendre)
1993 KEY

1. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun to give information about an undefined object ce; it
replaces de quelque chose and is made necessary by the structure parler de.

2. lequel
This is the correct interrogative pronoun to replace le livre and to express which one.

3. c
This is the correct indefinite pronoun to use before the verb tre + noun in identifications.

4. o
This is the correct relative pronoun to use after a term referring to time; here the term is le

5. le
This is the indefinite direct object pronoun that replaces the idea of being surprised.

6. tellement/tant
Both these answers are correct as they are synonyms meaning so much and are completed by
the conjunction que.

7. y
This is the correct object pronoun replacing la musique des jeunes. It is necessary because of
the structure of the verb phrase shabituer quelque chose.

8. l
This is the correct direct object pronoun to replace him in this sentence (empcher

9. en
This is the correct object pronoun replacing de quelque chose. It is necessary because of the
structure of the verb phrase soccuper de quelque chose.

10. pour
This preposition is necessary within the structure trop fatigu pour.

11. avoir hsit
The past infinitive is the correct verbal structure to use after the preposition aprs.

12. emmener
This infinitive follows the preposition .

13. arrivs
This past participle refers to ils; it is used for une fois quils sont arrivs.

14. sont descendus
This pass compos is appropriate for an action that took place at a precise moment: once

15. ouvrant
This present participle is the correct verbal structure to use after the preposition en.

16. ont dcouvert
The pass compos is the appropriate past tense to use for a sequence of events that took place.

17. avait conseills
The pluperfect is the appropriate tense to express the fact that the action of advising was anterior
to the past action of discovering.

18. ayez
This subjunctive is mandated by the conjunction bien que.

19. vous sentirez
The future tense is appropriate within the context that they will feel better after their ski lessons.

20. aurez pris
The futur antrieur is necessary after ds que to indicate that taking lessons will take place in
the future but before the action of feeling better.

1992 AP Exam

Questions 110

1. Ce ____________________ jai vraiment peur, cest quelle mabandonne.
2. Jai enfin les copies de mes tudiants, je vais pouvoir ____________________ corriger la
moiti ce soir.
3. Quand avez-vous dcid ____________________ partir?
4. Jai perdu ma calculette et jai d emprunter ____________________ de ma mre.
5. Il na pas assez de temps ____________________ finir son travail.
6. La dame en robe rouge l-bas, tu la vois? Eh bien, ____________________ est mon prof de
7. Tu as lair rveur. ____________________ quoi penses-tu?
8. Il ne reste ____________________ ce pull en coton; tous les autres ont t vendus.
9. Je sais que tu as reu ma lettre. Alors, quand vas-tu ____________________ rpondre?
10. Il est difficile de taper trs vite ____________________ faire derreurs.
Questions 1120
Je pense souvent mes annes de lyce. Tous les 11. ___________________ (dire)
matins ma mre nous rveillait, mon frre et moi, 12. ___________________ (se dpcher)
en (11) :Alors, (12) les garons! Cest lheure. 13. ___________________ (attendre)
Il faut vous lever tout de suite. Voil un quart 14. ___________________ (faire)
dheure que votre pre et moi, nous vous (13). 15. ___________________ (shabiller)
Allez vite ! Et il faut que vous (14) vos lits
avant de (15) .
Dix minutes plus tard, nous tions dans la cuisine
o mon pre, qui (16) de finir son petit djeuner, 16. _________________ (venir)
grognait: Sils se couchaient plus tt, ils (17) 17. _________________ (avoir)
moins de mal se lever. Nous avalions dun coup 18. _________________ (embrasser)
notre caf et notre tartine. Puis, aprs (18) Maman, 19. _________________ (partir)
nous (19) pour lcole. Je suis mari maintenant et 20. _________________ (tre)
jai deux filles ges de 4 et 2 ans. Quand elles (20)
au lyce, je suis sr quelles ne voudront pas se
lever non plus!
1992 KEY

1. dont
This is the correct relative pronoun because of the structure avoir peur de quelque chose; it
introduces information about something indefinite (ce).

2. en
This is the correct object pronoun to replace de quelque chose. Here it replaces des copies in
the phrase la moiti des copies.

3. de
This preposition is a component of the structure dcider de faire quelque chose.

4. celle
This is the correct demonstrative pronoun to replace la calculette and express the one
belonging to my mother.

5. pour
This preposition is necessary to express in order to after an adverbial phrase such as assez/trop

6. c
This indefinite pronoun is necessary before tre + noun in identifications.

7. A
This preposition is an integral component of the structure penser quelque chose.

8. que
This is the necessary conjonction in the negative phrase neque to express only.

9. y
This object pronoun replaces ma lettre.

10. sans
This preposition followed by an infinitive verb gives meaning to the sentence: It is difficult to
type without making mistakes.

11. disant
This is the correct verbal structure to use after the preposition en.

12. Dpchez-vous
This is the correct imperative form for this reflexive verb.

13. attendons
The present tense is appropriate to express that we have been waiting.

14. fassiez
The subjunctive is mandated by the impersonal expression Il faut que.

15. vous habiller
This infinitive form is necessary after avant de.

16. venait
Venir de + infinitive with the helping verb in the imparfait is the correct verbal structure to
express had just.

17. auraient
The present conditional is the correct tense to use in the result clause when the verb in the si
clause is in the imparfait: se couchaient.

18. avoir embrass
This past infinitive is the correct verbal structure after the preposition aprs.

19. partions
The imparfait tense is appropriate to express this action that took place regularly in the past.

20. seront
The future tense is appropriate after quand because there is a reference to the future in ne
voudront pas.

1991 AP Exam

Questions 110

1. Roger est ____________________ charmant que tout le monde ladore.
2. ____________________ que jai achete ntait pas trop chre.
3. Franchement ce ____________________ tu viens de dire na aucun sens.
4. Cest un homme ____________________ je pense beaucoup de bien.
5. Je mangerai avec vous ____________________ je naie pas trs faim.
6. Je vais tlphoner Christine pour ____________________ inviter venir chez nous ce soir.
7. Jai choisi trios disques mais mon frre ____________________ a pris huit.
8. Tu crois quelquun est entr? Moi, je nai vu ____________________.
9. Quest-ce que vous avez dcid ____________________faire ce soir?
10. ____________________ quand tes-vous installe Paris?
Questions 1120

Mon cher Paul,

Aprs ____________________ ma lettre, la semaine dernire, je _________________
11. (envoyer) 12. (se rendre compte)
que ____________________ de te ______________ ce qui mtait arriv lautre soir.
13. (je/oublier) 14. (dire)
____________________ quen ____________________ ma gymnastique, je
15. (Imaginer) 16. (faire)
____________________ le pied. Donc, maintenant cest ton pre qui doit tout faire
17. (se casser)
la maison. Il faut mme quil me ____________________ au bureau! Quel ennui!
18. (conduire)
Si javais su, ____________________ plus attention. Mais quand tu _______________
19. (je/faire) 20. (tre)
de retour, je suis sre que tout ira mieux.

Je tembrasse,

Ta maman
1991 KEY

1. si
This adverb gives meaning to the sentence. He is so charming that

2. Celle
This is the correct demonstrative pronoun to replace the feminine object alluded to in this
sentence as indicated by the feminine ending of the past participle achete.

3. que
This relative pronoun is the direct object of the verb dire and introduces information about
something indefinite (ce).

4. dont
This relative pronoun introduces information about un homme; it is necessary because of the
structure penser du bien de quelquun.

5. quoique
This conjunction followed by the subjunctive aie gives meaning to the sentence: I will eat with
you although I am not hungry.

6. l
This direct object pronoun replaces Christine; the verb inviter is followed by a direct object
(inviter quelquun).

7. en
This object pronoun which usually replaces de quelque chose here replaces disques; it is
necessary because what is implied is that the brother took 8 of those records.

8. personne
This is the logical term to complete the partial negative ne and give meaning to this sentence: I
did not see anybody. It is appropriately placed after the past participle vu.

9. de
This preposition is an inherent part of the structure dcider de faire quelque chose.

10. Depuis
This is the correct preposition to precede quand and express For how long?

11. avoir envoy
The past infinitive is the verbal structure necessary after the preposition aprs.

12. me suis rendu compte
The pass compos is the appropriate tense to talk about what I did last week. Note that the past
participle rendu remains in the masculine form even though maman is writing because the
direct object of the verb rendre is compte.

13. j avais oubli
The pluperfect tense is necessary for an action anterior to the past action of se rendre compte.

14. dire
This infinitive is the correct form of the verb after the preposition de.

15. Imagine
The imperative is the correct form of the verb within the context.

16. faisant
The present participle is the verbal structure necessary after the preposition en.

17. suis cass
The pass compos is appropriate to narrate a series of occurrences in the past. Note the
masculine form of the past participle because of the direct object le pied placed after the verb.

18. conduise
This subjunctive is mandated by the use of the impersonal expression il faut que.

19. j aurais fait
The past conditional is appropriate in this sentence where the verb in the si clause is in the

20. seras
The future tense is appropriate after quand because there is a reference to the future: tout ira

1984 AP Exam

Questions 110

1. Etes-vous attentive en classe? Bien sr, je ____________________ suis.
2. Les confrences ____________________ nous avons assist taient drles.
3. Il na pas beaucoup de disques; il ____________________ en a que dix
4. Hier, jai cass mes lunettes ____________________ les nettoyant.
5. Et alors, ____________________ quand votre voiture fait-elle ce bruit?
6. ____________________ il sen aille!
7. Mes ides ne sont jamais ____________________ de la majorit.
8. Je ne comprends pas en ____________________ jai eu tort.
9. La plupart ____________________ personnes nont pas t convaincues.
10. Cest un livre intressant ____________________ lire.
1984 KEY

1. le
This indefinite direct object pronoun replaces the idea of being attentive in class.

2. auxquelles
This is the contraction of the preposition with the feminine plural form of the relative
pronoun lesquelles which refers to confrences. The preposition is necessary due to the
structure assister quelque chose.

3. n
This is the negative word necessary to complete the structure neque and give the meaning

4. en
This preposition is necessary before the present participle nettoyant.

5. depuis
This is the correct preposition to precede quand and express for how long?

6. Qu
A third person imperative form requires the conjunction que before the verb in the

7. celles/reprsentatives
Celles is a correct answer as this demonstrative pronoun replacing ides gives appropriate
meaning to the sentence: My ideas are never those of the majority. The adjective
reprsentatives also yields appropriate meaning: My ideas never reflect those of the majority.

8. quoi
This is the correct indefinite pronoun to use after a preposition like en to express what.

9. des
This is the contraction of de and the plural article les. The preposition de is a component of
the adverbial phrase la plupart de.

This preposition introduces the passive infinitive lire.

S-ar putea să vă placă și