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Disc One Student Bk Piano Bk
Track 9 page 8 page I
Activity Type: Movement, Singing
Tonality: Major
Resting Tone:
Meter: Usual Duple
Macrobeats: Microbeats:

Du De Du De
Keyality: G
Range: d-d'
Materials Needed: Recording. Enough space
for everyone to move freely.
1. To learn to sing and move to a Moroccan song.
2. To work cooperatively with a partner.
Everyone should he seated in self space.
Sing and Model Movement
Play the recording of "A Ram Sam Sam" for the stu-
dents and model the following macrobeat movement
sequence. Pat your lap with bilateral motion, clap,
pat the air in front of your face with bilateral motion,
clap. Ask the students to observe your movement and
listen to the song. Repeat the demonstration.
Practice Movement
Ask the students to practice copying your movemellt.
Do not sing the song as they practice, but gi ve them
time to to the macrobeat move-
ment pattern. When they are comfortable with the
movement sequence, play the recording of the song
to guide movement. Sing the song once for the stu-
dents. Invite the students to sing the song and prac-
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tice moving to macrobeats as they and you sing.
Demonstrate Partner Movement
Select a student who moves well to macro beats to be
your partner. Face the student and perform the mac-
roheat movement sequence together. On the third
macrobeat pal your partner's hands. Ask the students
to find partners and practice the macrobeat move-
ment sequence with their partners. When the pairs of
students seem comfortable performing partner
movement, sing the song again to guide movement.
Invite the students to sing along as they move.
Sing in Harmony
Sing the chord root accompaniment notated below
using BUM. Ask the students to copy you.

As soon as they can sing the chord root accompani-
ment notated above, you switch to singing the
melody. Then divide the class into two groups and
assign the melody to one group and the chord root
accompaniment to the olher. Repeat. reversing group
ARam SamSam


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