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Cassandra Toussaint

UDL Lesson Plan 4 SPED 245

Math: Geometry: Area of a Triangle
Topic: All about me!

CC Standard 6.G.A.1 solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface
area, and volume. Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and
polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply
these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

Behavioral Objective: Student will revise areas of the triangle by watch the video area of a
triangle on Student will learn the names of the different types of triangle using
a scaffold word webb. The learners have the option to then partner up with a peer to practices
the names and calculating the area of triangle using a formatted index cards or independently test
their skills on the area of a triangle on

Facebook status sheet
Flocabulary video area of a triangle
Word webb
Index card format
Baseball Geometry Website Game
Construction paper
Marker, pencils
Activating Prior Knowledge: Students will be given their routine facebook status sheet, with
the focus question of day triangle is the half of what shape? Once status sheet is complete
teachers will let some of the students share their answers with the class. The class will watch the
short video from last weeks lesson called area of triangle on to refresh their
memory. Flocabulary introduces the formulas for the area of a triangle through hip-hop music.
Students will learn how to find the base and height of a triangle in order to find the area and
demonstrates why area is calculated this way. To motivate students about the lesson, the class
will have a sing along rapping the lyrics to the song together as an interactive activity.

Modeling: The teacher will present a word webb scaffold identifying the six triangle shapes
equilateral, isosceles, scalene, acute, obtuse, and right triangle. So students can recognize
different from of a triangles, along with formula.

Guided Practices: After the word webb, students have two options. First option learners will
pairing with a partner practicing finding the area of a triangle using the indexs card format. Each
student would be given a set of 5 indexs card; one side finding the area of the given triangle, and
the other reveals the answer and name of the type of angle. Students will give their partner an
indexs, which they have to solve for the area and name the triangle. Second option students
would independently use the computer, playing baseball geometry. Student will find the area to
triangle with every answer they get correctly it earns them 3 chances to swing for a homerun. At
the end of the game it reveals the highest score. The teachers will observe students working
collaboratively or independently to assist student when they need help.

Independent Practice: the class will create posters using construction paper to form their own
graphic organizers to identity and define the different shapes of triangles. Each student will be
given an introduction checklist on how to complete their posters.

Assessment: Teacher will assess students work through students working collaboratively or
independently during guided practice activity. Teacher will be observing student crating their
posters, checking to make students are following the instructional checklist and identify the
names of the triangle with the correct shapes. Student can also self-assess by completing the
feedback template worksheet where students asses their performance on the days lesson.

UDL Multiple means of representation:
1.3 Option that provide alternative for visual information- The teacher presents the lesson using
videos to introduce the lesson giving detailed information on how to find the area of a triangle
and create a word webb.
4.3 Options for accessing tools and assistive technologies- To not impose inadvertent barriers
students will have assistive technology like headphones for the computer or touch screen Ipad.

Multiple mean of engagement:
6.3 Options that facilitates managing information and resources- teacher presents weekly
facebook states sheets, to add in their memory book all about me. Each week students write
about the mood they are currently feeling, and the focus question of the day. The worksheet is
embedded and become a systematic for the students every week. The questions are a guide to
what the lesson is based on and provides group discussion amongst the class. The Word webb
scaffold manages new information that connects to students prior knowledge.
6.4 Options that enhance capacity for monitoring process- teacher provides student with a
template that guide self-reflection on quality and completeness

Multiple means of expression:
7.1 Options that increase individual choice and autonomy- students gain personal control of the
assignment by partnering up with a peer. The teacher also provides sequences of options to
recruit students inertest.
8.3 Options that foster collaboration and communication-teacher provide students with an option
to collaborate with a peer to practice finding the area of a triangle using the indexs card format.
Each student would be given a set of 5 indexs card; one side finding the area of the given
triangle, and the other reveals the answer and name of the type of angle. Students will give their
partner an indexs, which they have to solve for the area and name the triangle.

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