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Jacinskis Hardware has a number of bikes and tricycles for sale. There are 27 seats
and 60 wheels all toether. !etermine how many bikes there are and how many
tricycles there are.
"te# $.
%ou ha&e to understand the #roblem.
' each bike has 2 wheels
'each tricycle has ( wheels
'$ bike $ seat) $ tricycle $ seat
' there are 27 seats * no. of bike + no. of tricycle
"te# 2.
!e&ise a #lan
"tratey $:,onstruct a table
"te# (.
,arry out the #lan
-attern in 6. and 60 /. while
$7 and 2$ +.
0nswer:2$ bikes and 6 tricycles
1o of
1o of
1o of
$3 $2 4$3526+4$25(6*66
$6 $0 4$6526+4$$5(6*63
$7 $$ 4$7526+4$05(6*6.
2$ 6 42$526+465(6*60
"te# ..
,heck the answer
7se the in&erse method:
8ulti#lication !i&ision
2$52*.2 and 65(*$9
.2:2*2$ and $9:(*6
2$+6*27 seats

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