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Sandra Carmona-Garcia

TNeria Ransom
Tavelyn Payne-Allen
Thomas Waldon
26 February 2014
Comp II 9:25-10:50

Seven Sacred Questions for Writers

1. So what? What central claim are you making? What is your persuasive point?
The central claim is to promote volunteering to UALR students as well as the informative
website, which they can access in order to find the those volunteering opportunities.
2. Who cares? What group constitutes the core audience for your writing? Are there other
secondary audiences? Who are they?
UALR students are the intended audience as well as all those who want to give back to the
community and/or need volunteering opportunities. The audience is also those who are interested
in any of the events or services those organizations are offering. Individuals who are interested
in finding volunteers for their nonprofit organizations could be included in the audience as well.
3. What good will it do to write? What is the central purpose of what you will be writing?
Are there other purpose? What are they?
The purpose is to encourage people to be involved on and outside of campus. we want to
eventually create links between the volunteers and the organizations. they could potentially find
help for the future from those organizations.
4. Who am I? What sort of persona will you adopt? How will you do this? Why will you do
We are students who want to encourage others to give back to the community. We want to
achieve this by using an uplifting but mid formal persona. We will sound enthusiastic and
persuasive because we want to get the busy UALR students to be involved.
5. What gives me the right to write? How will you go about establishing authority and
ethos? Why will you establish ethos in the way you plan?
We have the right to write because we are students who struggled to find the perfect place to
volunteer at. We have also volunteered before so we know the process of finding an organization
to work for.
6. How will I choose my arguments and counter-arguments? Will my audience be best
persuaded with logical, ethical, or emotional appeals?
The counter arguments will come from the people who tell us that it is hard to find a place to
give their services to or a time schedule that fits theirs. They will be best persuaded with ethos
and logosl. They can be persuaded with ethos by showing credibility because we have all been
in situations where we had troubles finding volunteer opportunities in our community. Our
audience will also be persuaded by the three appeals because many students who make the
choice to volunteer often have emotional, logical, or ethical ties to the places that they choose to
give their time to.
7. How will I deliver my observations? What sort of writing style will you use? Formal?
Mid formal level? Informal? How will you deliver your persuasive message?
We plan to deliver our persuasive message by creating a video in a mid-formal way that
persuades the audience to volunteer in a way that suits their interests.

1. what did you do when you needed volunteering hours?

2. how difficult was it to find a place to volunteer for? helpful would to be to have a website for this?

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