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Being Bullied?

Speak Up Now and

Get The Help YOU NEED!
Being bullied is no fun. It kills us all
inside and turns our life into a living hell.
We become scared to show up to school,
work, or even just going out to the store,
having the fear of seeing the bully out in
public. But why is it that when we are in this
situation, we never speak up
or talk to someone about it? In
that matter, is it us who also
are destroying ourselves.
It has been yet to be
found out the real reason why
we dont speak up when in this situation.
Many reasonable reasons that we might be
afraid is that the person listening might just
blow us off, tease us about it, and spread the
word out to the rest of the class or staff. We
need to overcome this fear of rejection and
go to someone, someone whom we really
trust that will listen to our problem(s). As
ABC News posted on March of 2012,
Millions of kids are relentlessly demeaned
and physically attacked at school every day.
Parents of victims and educators say that a
change must take place and everyone can
help. There must be a policy made, a
stronger one, to help prevent bullying from
occurring in schools. Phyllis Goodstein, the
author of How to Stop Bullying in
Classrooms and Schools, stated Bullying
has always been a tolerable
part of human history. Society
believed boys will be boys
and its a rite of passage
until tragedy shattered these
myths. In 1982, three
Norwegian youths between the ages of 10
and 14 encountered being victims of
bullying (committed suicide because of
bullying). Goodstein is showing his
emotional side of the issue. Young kids are
committing suicide due to this outrageous
act of bullying.
This topic is not just on school and
kids bullying one another, but also takes
places in the workplace. Employees go
through the same things that these children
go through. Some may not even know that
they are being bullied, thinking that the
other employees are just playing around
with them. Author, Sheila White, of An
Introduction to The Psychodynamics of
Workplace Bullying, states By
becoming aware of the deeper
issues involved in bullying, we
may develop a more
compassionate understanding of
the struggles employees face
when working together in complex, fluid,
and evolving environments. Sheila says
that by becoming more aware and involved
around the workplace, we can all find a
better place for each other. She is right, we
need to interact more with one another and
understand each other and our working
environment as well.
Policies at school and at work need
to be enforced more. Consequences are a
good punishment for bullying, but not all
consequences are effective or strong enough
to actually enforce the policies more. A
policy to prevent bullying from happening
should be the strongest and most powerful
policy on the rules and policies list. When
one is bullied, either at school or work, they
are both highly dangerous in
outcomes. Students think of
suicide, ending their lives to end
the bullying. Employees think
about quitting their job, not
knowing if there will be another
job on the line.
Bullying policies need to be highly
enforced everywhere and need to be
presented more often. Not everyone knows
who to go to for help, or what to do with
their lives. One thing is for sure, suicide is
not the correct way to go!

ABC News, March 2012 Bullying: Resources For How to Get Help
Goodstein, Phyllis K., February 2013 How To Stop Bullying In Classrooms and Schools
White, S. November 2013 An Introduction to The Psychodynamics of Workplace Bullying

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