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Lecuve communlcauon and collaborauon encourages Lhe developmenL of eecuve parLnershlps, wlLhouL
Lhls Lhese parLnershlps would noL exlsL. Communlcauon and collaborauon should Lake place beLween
carers, parenLs, Lhe chlldren and on occaslons exLernal agencles. Carers should be able Lo dlscuss anyLhlng
wlLh parenLs LhaL supporLs Lhe chlld's learnlng, developmenL and Lhe parenL-chlld relauonshlp. 1he more
Lhe carers share, Lhe more lL lnvlLes and encourages Lhe parenLs Lo share Lhelr perspecuves, glvlng Lhe
parenL condence Lo ask quesuons and share Lhelr own lnslghLs (SLonehouse, 2001).

Communlcauon means so much more Lhan glvlng lnformauon, ln comblnauon wlLh collaborauon lL allows
group declslon maklng Lo Lake place. 1hls lnvolves encouraglng parenLs Lo share Lhelr LhoughLs, ldeas,
concerns, and quesuons, and should be done ln a way LhaL leLs parenLs know LhaL Lhe carer values Lhelr
oplnlons and lnslghLs. 1here are many ways Lo faclllLaLe eecuve communlcauon. 1hls wlll depend on Lhe
lndlvldual semng and Lhe resources avallable. Some semngs may choose Lo have a councll, or commluee
responslble for Lhls, whlle ln oLher semngs Lhls may Lake place Lhrough Lhe publlshlng of a regular

Common goals and ob[ecuves wlll help Lhe parLnershlp run smooLhly (Cueensland CovernmenL, 2001(.
1hese goals need Lo be documenLed and readlly avallable Lo all Lhose lnvolved ln Lhe parLnershlps lncludlng,
employees, parenLs, and care-glvers. lL ls also lmporLanL Lhese goals are wrluen ln a language easlly
undersLood by all sLakeholders.

1rusL and respecL needs Lo be a key elemenL for eecuve parLnershlps ln early chlldhood educauon and care
programs. Accordlng Lo Cxford ulcuonary LrusL ls dened as a 'rm bellef ln Lhe rellablllLy, LruLh, or ablllLy of
someone or someLhlng'. Schools have an lmporLanL responslblllLy ln helplng Lo nurLure and Leach fuLure
generauons. lamllles LrusL schools wlll provlde educauonal foundauon necessary for Lhelr chlld's fuLure
(AusLralla CovernmenL, ueparLmenL of Lducauon, LmploymenL and Workplace 8elauons [uLLWL], (n.d)). A
semng whlch provldes an envlronmenL of LrusL and respecL, beLween sLa and parenLs, sLa and chlldren,
and beLweens members of Lhe sLa wlll a more eecuve envlronmenL Lhan Lhose semngs unable Lo provlde
Lhls. Chlldren who fall Lo develop a sense of LrusL ln Lhose responslble for Lhelr care, are known Lo run Lhe
rlsk of long Lerm relauons hoop lssues, 8elng able Lo undersLand and respecL dlverslLy such as bellefs,
rellglons culLures, and famlly sLrucLures wlll help famllles feel more comforLable and wllllng Lo LrusL and
respecL Lhe care-glvers.

ln order for corporaLe goals Lo be meL Lhere wlll be umes when a commlLmenL Lo overcomlng dlerences
wlll be necessary. l1 ls unllkely LhaL aL all umes agreemenL wlll be reached on every lssue LhaL arlses. AL
umes a level of muLual undersLandlng wlll be necessary and medlauon may be warranLed. 1he sklll plf
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acuve llsLenlng, a key sklll of any counsellor, ls necessary lf all paruclpanLs are Lo feel lnvolved ln declslon
maklng and alLernauves and soluuons found (8C non-roL Pouslng Assoclaung, (n.d)). ldeally lL Lhe focus
remalns on Lhe needs of Lhe chlldren, whlle acknowledglng Lhe needs of all sLakeholders, agreemenLs and
posluve ouLcomes can be reached.

All Larly Chlldhood educauon and care programs need quallLy leadershlp. Chol Wa Po, (2011), sLaLes LhaL
Lhe Lhree characLerlsucs of leadershlp roles as documenLed ln WesLern llLeraLure lnclude 'moral, managerlal
and lnsLrucuonal leadershlp' (pg. 47). Moral leadershlp lncludes developlng a culLure of LrusL and respecL,
eecuve communlcauon and collaborauon. Managerlal leadershlp lncludes eecuve use of resources,
managemenL of sLa and Lhe day Lo day runnlng of Lhe educauonal or care faclllLy and exLends Lo ensurlng
everyLhlng ls properly documenLed. 1he lnsLrucuonal leadershlp lncludes overall responslbly for Lhe
currlculum programs and acuvlues underLaken aL Lhe semng. Whlle some of Lhese are mandaLed by
governmenLs, much ls sull speclc Lo Lhe lndlvldual semng. A leaders managemenL sLyle has a blg lmpacL on
Lhe 'feel' of an educauonal semng.

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