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Hi! My name is Badr, and I am from Casa.

Last night, after I had

dinner, I went to bed early. It was about nine. I didn't sleep because I
had a problem. Reda, an old friend of mine, asked me to buy him a new
mobile phone, but he didn't give me the money. I bought one with my
money, and it was pricey. Reda took the mobile phone from me, but he
didn't give me the money. So, I got worried*.
At about 11 O'clock, Someone knocked at the door, and I
opened. Reda was there in front of me with the money in his hand. He
thanked me and went away. I was happy, so I put the money beside my
bed and went to sleep tranquilly. What a hard situation!
* worried :

A. Answer these question
1. What time did Badr go to bed?

2. Why didnt he sleep?

3. Who is Reda?

4. What did Reda want?

5. Why did Reda come to Badr's house at night?

B. Are these sentences True or False? Justify
1. Badr is Moroccan.

2. Badr didnt eat anything.

3. The mobile phone was cheap.

4. Reda was a good friend.

C. What do the underlined words in the text refer to ?
1. "him" (line 3)
2. "one" (line 3)

D. Find in the text words which mean the same as:
1. expensive 2. difficult

E. Fill in the chart with words from the text
What did you do Last Sunday? Write a paragraph.
These questions may help you.
What time did you get up?
What did you do first?
What did you do after that?
How did you feel?

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