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Approx 34" x 36" [86.5 x 92.5 cm].

Bernat Dippity Dots (80 g/2.8 oz; 148 m/162 yds)
Size 5 mm (U.S. H/8) crochet hook or size needed to
obtain gauge.
15 sc and 16 rows = 4" [10 cm].
(4 rows A. 2 rows B) twice.
(4 rows C. 2 rows B) twice.
(4 rows D. 2 rows B) twice.
(4 rows E. 2 rows B) twice.
These 48 rows form Stripe Pat.
With A, ch 155 loosely.
1st row: (RS). 1 dc in 4th ch from hook. (Dc2tog over next 2 ch)
twice. Ch 1. (1 dc in next ch. Ch 1) 5 times. *(Dc2tog over next
2 ch) 6 times. Ch 1. (1 dc in next ch. Ch 1) 5 times. Rep from * to
last 6 ch. (Dc2tog over next 2 ch) 3 times. Turn.
2nd row: Ch 3. Miss frst st. 1 dc in next st. (Dc2tog over next st and
next ch-1 sp) twice. Ch 1. 1 dc in next dc. Ch 1. (1 dc in next ch-1 sp.
Ch 1. 1 dc in next dc. Ch 1) twice. *(Dc2tog over next ch-1 sp and
next st) twice. (Dc2tog over next 2 sts) twice. (Dc2tog over next
st and next ch-1 sp) twice. Ch 1. 1 dc in next dc. Ch 1. (1 dc in next
ch-1 sp. Ch 1. 1 dc in next dc. Ch 1) twice. Rep from * to last 2 ch-1
sps. (Dc2tog over next ch-1 sp and next st) twice. Dc2tog over next
2 sts. Turn. Leave turning ch 3 unworked.
First 2 rows of Stripe Pat are complete.
Keeping cont of Stripe Pat, rep 2nd row for pat until 48 rows of
Stripe Pat are complete.
With A, work 4 rows in pat.
With B, work 2 rows in pat.
With A, work 4 rows in pat. Fasten of.
Side edging: With RS facing, join A with sl st in top corner.
Ch 1. Work sc evenly down side edge. Fasten of. Rep on opposite
side edge.
Contrast A: Teal (66730) 2 balls
Contrast C: Green (66228) 2 balls
Approx = approximately
Ch = chain(s)
Dc = double crochet
Dc2tog = (yoh and draw up
a loop in each of next stitch.
Yoh and draw through 2 loops
on hook) twice. Yoh and draw
through all loops on hook.
Pat = pattern
Rep = repeat
RS = right side
Sc = single crochet
Sl st = slip stitch
Sp(s) = space(s)
St(s) = stitch(es)
WS = wrong side
Yoh = yarn over hook
P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3
home style life style your style."
Contrast B: White (66005) 2 balls
Contrast D: Pink (66420) 2 balls
Contrast E: Lavender (66315) 2 balls

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