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Note: Eveiyuay within my fieluwoik expeiience, I was exposeu to the majoiity of TL Stanuaius. The below
points aie my highlights within each of the uays that hau the gieatest impact on my expeiience.

BateBouis TL Stanuaius Activities
5'61$ 1.S his
Stanuaiu 17
Stanuaiu 22
Biscusseu anu planneu fieluwoik expeiience
Evaluateu my stiengths anu aieas of impiovement as a
school libiaiian
Aftei exchanging a few emails, }im anu I aiiangeu to meet at a local coffee shop to plan my
fieluwoik expeiience. Whatevei neives I might have hau going into this meeting, they
quickly uissolveu once I officially met }im. 0ui conveisation was effoitless anu I founu
myself vulneiable anu willing to openly uiscuss my neeus of this expeiience. With his
confiuence anu kinuness, he ieassuieu me that these aieas coulu be tackleu. To help
piepaie me, }im auuiesseu the uiveisity of the stuuent populations anu the uniqueness of
each of the school sites (Shauow Bills Bigh School anu La Quinta Bigh School). We maue a
mental list of topics anu activities to conqueioi that woulu be most auvantageous to my
giowth as a teachei libiaiian. Along with expeiiencing the uaily iesponsibilities of SBBS
anu LQBS, oui main focus will be with uoogle Biive, Bestiny, cieating staff piofessional
uevelopment in iegaius to technology anu libiaiy management ielateu issues.

BateBouis TL Stanuaius Activities
5'61$ 6 his
Stanuaiu 19
Stanuaiu 16
Inteiaction with stuuents
Evaluateu anu cieateu policies foi NNC libiaiy. 0seu }im's
policies to help in this piocess.
}im took me on a toui of SBBS. Be explaineu his iole in this school community anu the
challenges of being in chaige of two school libiaiies. Bis position iequiies him to split his
time equally between two sites. We hau a long uiscussion iegaiuing management ielateu
issues, specifically of supeivising both stuuents anu auults. Nanagement conveisations
taigeteu policies ielateu to TAs anu book piocessing. Being less than a week until
giauuation, }im was busy cleaiing stuuents' accounts. I helpeu his assistance with checking
in stuuent mateiials. Although textbook ietuin is not a new expeiience to me, cleaiing
accounts with authoiity is new! At the miuule school level, stuuents aie iequiieu to ietuin
textbooks but aie still able to piomote to high school if theii accounts aie not cleai. Boluing
one's uiploma oi not being alloweu to paiticipate in the giauuation ceiemony becomes a
significant motivatoi foi stuuents to cleai theii libiaiy accounts. }im encouiageu me to use
my uistiict's autouialei to ieminu stuuentspaients to ietuin books as well as pullout
inuiviuual stuuents who have a significant fine. This way I can uiscuss the mattei anu come
up with payment solutions as neeueu.

BateBouis TL Stanuaius Activities
5'61$ 8.S his
Stanuaiu 16
Stanuaiu 1S
Textbook ietuinoiganization, uestiny iecoius
Touay was a busy uay of textbook ietuin, as seniois weie attempting to cleai accounts.
}im's assistant anu I woikeu togethei to soit anu ieoiganize textbooks foi next yeai's
checkout. Buiing this piocess, infoimation was shaieu with me on best piactices foi
uealing with textbook oiganization. I leaineu how to stack books piopeily foi safety anu
ways to ievamp my libiaiy checkoutietuin textbook pioceuuies (see !"#$% #'( )*+$*,-."'%
tab on my e-Poitfolio foi moie uetail). }im explaineu uiffeient aspects of Bestiny. Although
this is the management system I use at NNC, I have nevei ieceiveu foimal tiaining anu
lackeu knowleuge on some iepoit featuies anu cleaning NARC iecoius. I got to piactice
builuing these iepoits using my Bestiny account. }im anu I hau a uiscussion about
buugeting anu the impoitance of a piioiity buuget list. I cieateu anu staiteu a uoogle
spieausheet foi piioiity puichases foi next yeai (majoiity of items listeu weie technology
ielateu anu online uatabases). Also, pait of this uiscussion was on cieative ways to
geneiate funuing foi the libiaiy.

BateBouis TL Stanuaius Activities
5'61$ 8.S his
Stanuaiu 14

Stanuaiu 18
Assisteu an ELB teachei with uoogle Bocs anu euiting
stuuent woik within a lesson
Woikeu with ELB stuuents, with limiteu English, to
evaluate an aiticle anu wiiteshaie a uocument about theii
Aftei helping manage the typical moining iush of computei useis anu textbook ietuineis, I
founu myself in a teaching iole. I assisteu a teachei with hei ELB class. Because one of the
labs is inteimixeu within the libiaiy, I founu myself being sought aftei by stuuents foi help.
The teachei welcomeu my assistance anu it was a gieat expeiience. The stuuents hau to
access theii uoogle Biive accounts anu complete a shoit essay. Nany of them hau the
necessaiy technology skill-sets, but neeueu help with euiting anu citations of iesouices.
Language baiiieis poseu an issue at times, but I useu gestuies, my pooi Spanish (if that was
the piimaiy language of the stuuent) anu stuuent tianslatois to oveicome that obstacle. If I
hau my phone with me, I woulu have consiueieu using uoogle Tianslatoi. I love teaching
anu it was iefieshing to woik with stuuents who aie moie matuie, analytical thinkeis.
Some of these stuuents anu I weie able to have uiscussions on populai cultuie anu
technology. This teaching time was beneficial. Not only uiu I get to expeiience teaching
oluei stuuents, it ieminueu me of the potential uiveisity anu vaiiety of inteiests within a
stuuent population.

BateBouis TL Stanuaius Activities
5'61$ 8.S his
Stanuaiu 1S
Stanuaiu 12, 21
uoogle Biive LessonStaff uevelopment tiaining
uoogle Calenuais foi computei lab scheuule
Touay was uoogle Biive uay. }im taught me his lesson on teaching stuuents how to use
uoogle Biive thiough an inteiactive whiteboaiu. I got to use the boaiu anu get a feel foi
this technology tool. I spent time outlining how to incluue a uoogle Biive lesson into NNC's
stuuent oiientation anu planneu lesson sliues. We also uiscusseu the best appioaches foi
teaching staff how to use anu implement uoogle Biive foi euucational puiposes. We agieeu
that I shoulu follow a similai foimat as the stuuent lesson, but also pioviue the staff with
access to a viueo tutoiial. Anothei aspect of uoogle Biive that was tackleu was uoogle
Calenuais anu Spieausheet. }im showeu me how to ievamp my computei labcait
ieseivation scheuule using this application. Bis biggest suggestion was foi me to shaie anu
give iights to the staff to euit the calenuai. This woulu not only teach staff how to use the
application, but woulu also iequiie them to shaie in the leaueiship iesponsibility of
campus technology. Foi moie infoimation about these piojects see my /0"1*,-% tab within
the fieluwoik section of my ePoitfolio.

BateBouis TL Stanuaius Activities
5'61$ 8 his
Stanuaiu 12
Stanuaiu 2u
Stanuaiu 17
Collection ieview, assessing technology
Conveisation with stuuents about ieauing
Biffuseu angiy paient
Touay I watcheu }im uemonstiate effective communication skills when uealing with a
confiontational paient iegaiuing textbook fines anu giauuation. Be listeneu to the paient's
neeus anu piesenteu a faii anu ieasonable solution baseu on the libiaiy's policies. This
ieaffiimeu the impoitance of having wiitten policies that have been communicateu to the
school community. Anothei takeaway fiom this expeiience was }im hanuling the angiy
auult. Be uiu not uelegate this task to his assistant, even if she was capable of hanuling the
issue. As the auministiative leauei of the libiaiy, he establisheu his iesponsibility of
uealing with sensitive issues anu topics. Touay, I also spent time ieviewing the collection
anu having uiscussions with stuuents about ieauing. Stuuents expiesseu that book tiaileis
anu social meuia influence the books that they choose to ieau. }im's biilliant tech savvy TA
anu I ievieweu the uiffeient technologies in the libiaiy that aie helpful foi management.
This same stuuent cieateu a Chiome Extension foi NNC's Bestiny Catalog. }im encouiageu
me to utilize iesouices, even if the iesouice is a stuuent!

BateBouis TL Stanuaius Activities
5'61$ 4 his
Stanuaiu 1S

Tech Committee

Asiue fiom helping with the iegulai uaily tasks of seiving stuuents anu staff as well as
closing up the libiaiy foi the enu of the yeai, I woikeu on builuing a tech committee foi
NNC. }im ieally encouiageu me to ieconsiuei setting bettei bounuaiies as a libiaiian on my
campus. 0ne of his suggestions was to encouiageestablish a tech committee foi my school
site. The puipose of this committee woulu be to cieate a shaieu leaueiship anu geneiate
moie iueas foi technology implementation. }im anu I hau a piouuctive conveisation on
"buinout," uelegation anu weaiing multiple hats as a school libiaiian. As a iesult, I was able
to geneiate a list of things that aie my piioiity, aieas to uelegate anu goals to tackle foi the
upcoming school yeais.

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