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Monthly Lessons Archive 1999

January 1999
This sentence should be enough for you to study for the next year:
In order to do that you have to be aware of how much you fight life. Try to see the wide
variety of ways you fight, resist, strike out, cry out, instead of ust standing there and studying
your condition. !xam"le: #atch your resistance to something higher than you.
$u""ose you are in a thick ungle with a cabin in the center. %our friends come and visit
you. &mong them are the hyena, the vulture, the little lamb and the crocodile. %ou begin to
notice how these friends have taken over your home. They eat your food, watch your T' and
come and go as they wish. %ou finally decide to take a stand. %ou go out to the "orch where
they are relaxing and tell them:
This is my home. This is my life. I am going to take charge of it from now on. Dont you
dare come knocking on my door again and five minutes later try to con me. You are either
going to behave in a right relationship to me or you can just turn out into that dark jungle
and stay there. hat I am trying to tell you is that from now on there is a new relationship
between us in which I! a working human being not a fawning human being! am in charge of
you and this jungle. "nd if you forget! I will remind you again. I will remind you until you
hear and you may disappear.#
(ost of the animals snarl and retreat into the ungle. They know they cannot con you any
more and the only "lace they can live is in the ungle. & few remain. They are the ones who
want something different than being an animal.
%ou find out there is no loneliness as long as you are what you)re su""osed to be: a self*
com"lete human being not needing animals at all because the animal "art of you has gone.
+ave the courtesy and decency to let other "eo"le think the thoughts they want to think
instead of you im"osing your thoughts on them. The reason you do this , yelling,
interru"ting and wanting to be the center of the conversation , is because you want to try to
"rove to yourself that your thoughts are real- that they are im"ortant and that they back u" a
very real "erson.

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