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By Mary Shelley
Chapter 20-24
Presentation By Cade J. Lilly

Chapter 20
In the end of chapter 19 Victor has left traveling with his friend Henry to go to work on his promise for the
monster in the Orkneys. In the beginning of chapter 20 victor is going back and forth on whether or not to create a
companion for the monster he has made. He finally starts to create the second monster, but one night when he is
working on his creation he sees the monster in the window. Mad with rage, Victor tears apart his work. The
monster flees, and comes back later to confront his creator. He screams at victor you dare break your promise.
The monster then proceeds to warn victor of the consequences of breaking his promise. Victor still refuses to
complete his work, and the monster leaves warning victor remember, I will be with you on your wedding night.
The next day Victor receives a letter from Henry asking him to quit his solitude and join Henry on his travel home,
but Victor realizes that he still must dispose of his half creation. In the dead of night Victor takes a boat out to sea
and dumps the body parts in the ocean. He then falls asleep and drifts far from shore. When he awakes he rows
towards an island, where when he lands is accused of murder.
Chapter 20
This chapter focuses on VIctor struggling on whether creating the monster is justifiable to save his family or is
condemnable because it will curse the earth with another one of his monsters. He in all decides that building this
monster will make him the destroyer of humanity, and does not complete his work. This is the struggle between
good and evil in the book.

Chapter 21
In chapter 21,Victor to see the body of the murdered man. When Victor sees the body he realizes that it is his
Friend henry, and that it has been strangled by his monster. Victor filled with despair falls ill, this lasts two months.
During his sickness he rambles in french about his life and that he is responsible for Williams, Justines, and
Henrys deaths. The only one who can understand his french is the magistrate, when victor wakes from his illness
he is in a prison cell with a nurse that is watching over him. Soon after the magistrate comes to see him, and tells
him that he has a visitor. Victor first assumes that it is the monster come to punish him more, he screams to not to
let the visitor come, the magistrate is upset and tells Victor that it is strange that he does not want to see his
father. Victor relieved to know that it is his father begs for him to let him see his father, the magistrate sends him
back. When seeing his father he begs his father to tell him of the well being of his family, his father says that
everyone is fine. The magistrate takes Victors father away and leaves. When he returns later informs victor that he
knows he did not commit the murder from the letters that were found in his baggage, and that he will be freed at
his trial. After his trial, Victor immediately wants to leave but his father does not want to test Victors frail state, they
wait to leave for a few weeks. On the trip home Victor takes Laudanum to help him sleep, it causes Victor to have
Chapter 21
In this chapter Victor feels the guilt of what his creation has committed, and in suffering from his guilt he has the
nightmares. He feels as though the monster has his grasp on victors throat and is killing him. This shows the
reader that victor is still selfish only focusing on his life and not worrying about the life of his family.
Chapter 22
The beginning of chapter 22, victor landed from his voyage and heads towards Paris. When Victor started his
journey on land he felt as though he had over exerted his strength and decides to rest. Victor often accuses
himself of the murders, his father believes that Victor is just ill from his traveling. Next Victor receives a letter from
Elizabeth that tells him that she feels as though their promise for marriage is what is making victor so unhappy and
causing him so much misfortune. She tells Victor that if he loves another that all he must do is tell her, and that
she will know how he feels when she sees how he looks at her when they next meet. The first thing that comes to
Victors mind is the last word that the monster said, I will be with you on his wedding night. He sends Elizabeth a
letter telling her that he has something to tell her, but that he will tell her the night after their wedding. When Victor
and Elizabeth finally meet they are both happy to see each other, and how the other had changed. Soon after
arriving home Alfonse pleaded with Victor to marry Elizabeth immediately. Victor decided that he and Elizabeth
would marry in ten days, but he felt as though he had sealed his fate. Victor feeling threatened wears pistols and
carries a dagger with him at all times. After their wedding there was a party, Victor and Elizabeth both were
worried but for different reasons. After the newlyweds left the party and headed towards their final location, Victor
felt his fears revive and was frightened of his destiny.
Chapter 22
In this chapter Victor has to face his fears with Elizabeth and has to convince her that his heart longs for no
other. He is convinced that the monster is only going to seek revenge upon him, and will take no action against the
rest of his family. Victor tries to give himself more security by carrying weapons, this shows the reader how he
plans to deal with his creation when it come to collect on its promise.

Chapter 23
This chapter begins with Victor watching for his fate to come, his actions worry Elizabeth and so he sends her to
rest. While he searches the rest of the house he hears a scream from the room where Elizabeth is located and
rushes to save her but he gets there and she is dead. Victor faints, but when he awakes there are people all
around and he rushes to the room where Elizabeth's body lays he looks out the window and there is the monster
grinning at him he rushes to the window and fires his pistol at the monster, but the monster runs and dives into the
lake. Men searched for it for hours and victor fainted again, but when he arose he crawled to the room where
Elizabeth's body lay and cried. Then he realized that he knew not of the safety of the rest of his family and so hired
men to row across the lake and take him home, he helped row and hoped to reach home by nightfall. When Victor
arrived, his father and Ernest were still alive, but when victor told his father of Elizabeths death his father fell ill
and died in VIctors arms a few days later. Victor was thrown into prison and after a few months was released,
upon his release he goes to the magistrate and tells him that he knows his wife's murder, then told him of his
story. He then asks the magistrate to release his full power to apprehend his creation for hoam is responsible for
these murders. The magistrate half believes his story and tells Victor that if he does everything in his power that
even he could not capture the monster for from what Victor has told him, it would be impossible. Victor mad with
rage leave and focuses on his revenge.
Chapter 23
This chapter shows the reader that victor through all of his trials and errors must still pay for his creation,
allowing the reader to feel as though Victor will suffer until he dies. This shows that Victor will never be satisfied
until his creation is dead.

Chapter 24
Victor decides to leave Geneva for ever, he grabs all of his money and a few jewels. He tried to leave but found
himself at his family's tomb, and swears to kill the demon of his creation. The monster standing behind him laugh,
and it ran he Victor chased him for months. The monster always left him cules to find the way he had went,there
were many people on his path and was so surrounded by those scared of the beast. He followed the monster
north and chases him to the ice and snow, the monster always left him clues and notes. Then monster now has
weapons and has a dog-seld just as VIctor has and after, the people tell him where the monster has fled. After
weeks of travel he finally caught up to the monster and was within a mile when the ice sea he was traveling on
cracked leaving him stranded on a piece of ice drifting away which landed him at Walton ship. Victor then begs
Walton to finish his work, the rest of the book is in Waltons continuation. Walton then continue to write his sister of
the tale, but his men beg Walton to return home to England if they break through the ice. victor speaks and tells
them that the glory of completing their goal should be sufficient enough to continue on. The men are momentarily
swayed, but two days later plead with walton to continue home. Walton concedes to their request and agrees to
leave for England, but before they leave Victor dies. One night Walton hears weeping coming from the cabin
where Victors body lays, it is the monster crying over his creator. The monster tells Walton of his story and then
apologizes for what he has done, and decides that he is ready for death, and walks into the dark.
Chapter 24
The end of the story shows that even though the monster wanted his creator to suffer for what he had done,
he still felt sad for his loss. He did not want to become a monster for evil but instead was sorrowed for the pain he
had caused. This shows how the monster feels for what he has done and sheds new light onto how people look at
this book and its characters.

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