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Northbridge International School - Cambodia

Unit 4 Project

Due date: April 25, 2013
Subject & Grade: Gr 10 Maths Extended
Unit Question: How can functions and graphs be used to solve problems?
AOI: Human Ingenuity.
Approaches To Learning Skills Used: Transfer.


See the attached file.

Details & Conditions:

This is an individual project.
You are expected to show each graph of the path the diver makes when he jumps from
the cliff (colored photo provided).
You are expected to perform the quadratic regression process as described in the task.
You need a TI calculator for this. You must clearly indicate in your report your chosen
points and your multiplier for each graph.
The acceleration due to gravity is equal to 9.8 m/s

You will be assessed on the following MYP criteria:
Criterion B:
Criterion C:
Criterion D:

Northbridge International School - Cambodia
Criterion B
Level Criterion Descriptor Performance Indicator
0 The student does not reach the standard
described by any of the descriptors below.
I did not reach a standard described by any of the indicators below.
1-2 The student applies, with some guidance,
mathematical problem-solving techniques
to recognize simple patterns.
The work I handed in shows I;
Needed some help with what problem solving techniques to use to explain
my results on the 5 questions.
Tried to connect the cliff diving activity to the equation I found in the GDC
but I was not successful.
3-4 The student selects and applies
mathematical problem-solving techniques
to recognize patterns, and suggests
relationships or general rules.
The work I handed in shows I;
Choose problem solving techniques to explain my results on the 5
questions which sometimes worked for me.
Wrote some correct relationships of cliff diving with the equation I found in
the GDC.
5-6 The student selects and applies
mathematical problem-solving techniques
to recognize patterns, describes them as
relationships or general rules, and draws
conclusions consistent with findings.
The work I handed in shows I;
Choose problem solving techniques to explain my results on the 5
questions which generally worked for me.
Wrote correctly about relationships of cliff diving with the equation I found
in the GDC
7-8 The student selects and applies
mathematical problem-solving techniques
to recognize patterns, describes them as
relationships or general rules, draws
conclusions consistent with findings, and
provides justification.
The work I handed in shows I;
Choose problem solving techniques to explain my results on the 5
questions which all worked well for me.
Wrote correctly about relationships of cliff diving with the equation I found
in the GDC
Was able to justify the relationship of the quadratic equation to cliff diving.

Criterion C
Level Criterion Descriptor Performance Indicator
0 The student does not reach the standard
described by any of the descriptors below.
I did not reach a standard described by any of the indicators below.
1-2 The student shows basic use of
mathematical language and/or forms of
mathematical representation. The lines of
reasoning are difficult to follow.
The work I handed in shows I;

used some correct notation, symbols and terminology,

attempted to use graphs and diagrams effectively,

had difficulty structuring my work so for the reader my thinking was not

3-4 The student shows sufficient use of
mathematical language and forms of
mathematical representation. The lines of
reasoning are clear though not always
logical or complete. The student moves
between different forms of representation
with some success.
The work I handed in shows I;

used correct notation, symbols and terminology most of the time,

mostly used graphs and diagrams effectively,

tried to structure my work so that it was easy for the reader to understand
my thinking but was not always successful

5-6 The student shows good use of
mathematical language and forms of
mathematical representation. The lines of
reasoning are concise, logical and
complete. The student moves effectively
between different forms of representation.
The work I handed in shows I;

used correct notation, symbols and terminology all of the time,

effectively used graphs and diagrams,

structured my work so that it was easy for the reader to understand my

Northbridge International School - Cambodia
Criterion D
Level Criterion Descriptor Performance Indicator
0 The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors given
I did not reach a standard described by any of the indicators below.
1-2 The student attempts to explain whether
his or her results make sense in the context
of the problem. The student attempts to
describe the importance of his or her
findings in connection to real life.
I attempt to, but not always correctly, wrote about;

whether the results I found for height, time and speed made sense given the
situation described in the task,

any issues of real-life importance in relation to my results from this task

3-4 The student correctly but briefly explains
whether his or her results make sense in the
context of the problem and describes the
importance of his or her findings in
connection to real life.
The student attempts to justify the degree
of accuracy of his or her results where
I briefly, and correctly, wrote about;

whether the results I found for height, time and speed made sense given the
situation described in the task,

I tried to write about;

any issues of real-life importance in relation to my results from this task,

accuracy issues related to the task

5-6 The student critically explains whether his
or her results make sense in the context of
the problem and provides a detailed
explanation of the importance of his or her
findings in connection to real life.
The student justifies the degree of accuracy
of his or her results where appropriate.
The student suggests improvements to the
method when necessary.
I wrote correctly and in some detail about;

whether the results I found for height, time and speed made sense given the
situation described in the task,

any issues of real-life importance in relation to my results from this task,

accuracy issues related to the task

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