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Odi Ofun

The basic principle is rebirth leads to manifestation of prayers. Or, in ibi, resistance
leads to dysfunction. Yemoja speaks in Odi, Yemoo (feminine aspect of Orisanla) in
Ofun. Odi and Ofun are rebirth signs. A shift in conscious perception (rebirth) is
needed for your higher self to release your good fortune. Speaks of an unexpected
journey bringing ire. Ebo to Ori. Warns of preparing for possible conflict. Speaks of a
man with a barren woman; ebo brings children. "This is a rebirth ordained in orun
and it will manifest no matter what so make it easy by embracing change."

Ifa says this same divination has been cast for this person previously. He/she is a
nice person, useful and influential. If the person is a woman, she should discontinue
the use of beads because of her detractors.

Idi funfun ni o niran
A white cap is undesirable during the dry season
Cast divination for Anseke, the princess of all insects
She is the most influential of all insects
If one carefully examines her abdomen
One would see two rings of beads around her hips
She was told to offer the beads as ebo
She refused
She didnt do the ebo
It is only for old age that she did ebo
The other insects held a meeting
They renounced her as their princess
But despite their revolt against her
It did not affect her gracefulness
Anseke lived long on earth
The other insects stood their ground on renouncing her as their princess

Idi funfun ni o niran
A white cap is undesirable during the dry season
Cast divination for Anseke, the princess of all insects
They asked her to take care of the ground and perform ebo
The negative consequences of not performing ebo
The problem of not giving the prescribed offering to Esu
Look at the divination of the other time coming to pass
Anseke, they warned you
You are the princess of all insects!

Idi funfun ni o niran
Fila funfun ni o sunwon nigba eerun
A difa fun Anseke tii solojaa kokoro
Won ni o sa kale ebo ni o se
Esu ai sebo
Egba ai tu eeru
Eyin e wo Ifa ojohun bi ti n se
Anseke won mo wi fun o
Iwo lolojaa kokoro!

This verse speaks on the importance of ebo and the certainty of Ifas words coming
to pass. Anseke was a person of good character and did do ebo for long life and thus
her prayers were answered even though she didnt do the ebo prescribed in her
divination. So the next time she went for divination the same Odu appeared. In
effect, she was being given a second chance, but she had already suffered by the loss
of respect of the other insects. It seems her good and gentle nature kept her from
suffering any negative effects at least for awhile. If we consider the metaphysical
principles of this odu in conjunction with the verse, it seems that the person for
whom this odu was cast is avoiding doing what he/she needs to do. The person is in
ibi resistance. Rebirth leads to answering of prayers. In order to be reborn, the old
self must die. Whatever problem the client is having is a result of their resistance to
perhaps rethinking the way they have always dealt with problems of the sort they
are facing and to rebirth a new approach based on a new way of looking at self and
world. This takes courage. Ebo would be determined by Ifa, but Ori work is most
probable. Possible ebo to ebora (Ogun, Esu, Osoosi and or Sango) for courage,
Yemoja and Yemoo (Fategbe).

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