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Donna Nguyen

AP Language and Composition

December 2, 2013
Living like !"s
A !" is #elp$ul% &e 'ill get along 'it# ot#ers i$ #e c#ooses to,
based on t#e impression t#ey make on #im% ( guess you can say t#at a
dog is a man)s best $riend% Never doubt t#e kno'ledge o$ t#is
creature, because t#ey are very intelligent% *#ey are very +uick
learners and can catc# on $aster t#an t#e speed o$ lig#t% Did you ever
attention to eac# and every one o$ #is actions, -#at #appens may
surprise you% .or e/ample, t#ey kno' '#ere t#ey are supposed to use
t#e bat#room a$ter t#ey)re trained% Let)s say one day t#e dog decided
to pee outside o$ t#e pee pad one day% Are t#eir mistakes
unintentional, 0r is it all on purpose,
Not too $ar $rom '#ere ( live, lays a bouti+ue '#ere t#ey sell
miniature puppies% ()ve decided t#at it 'as time to invite a ne'
member into our $amily% *#is lovely bouti+ue is called 1Pocket
Puppies2% (t 'as like love at $irst sig#t '#en ( sa' t#is beauti$ul
3altese!Poodle '#o a male all '#ite 'it# a #int o$ tan on bot# ears% (
can tell t#at #e 'ould be a very active and lively dog '#en #e gre' up
by #is drastic ent#usiasm t#at 'as muc# more t#an t#e ot#er pups% As
#e 'as running around in t#e playpen #e 4umped all over me and
nibbling on my $ingers% 5y t#is ( kne' #e 'as t#e one%
*#at day ( decided to name #im asper due to #is '#ite $ur% (
picked my beauti$ul dog up, looked #im straig#t in t#e $ace and #e
started 'agging #is nugget looking tail '#ile #appily barking% -#en (
$inally got to bring #im #ome #e 'ent straig#t to #is pee pad t#at (
#ad laid out $or #im% .rom t#at moment on, ( kne' t#at #e got t#e
#int t#at ( 'as starting to teac# #im '#at to do% ( 'ould 'alk around
t#e #ouse saying, 1Come #ere asper, $ollo' me%2 &e come be#ind me
'it# t#e sound o$ #is $our little pa's 'alking along t#e #ard'ood $loor%
-#en ( stopped, #e stopped% -ell t#ere are times '#en nobody is
#ome and #e pees in a random stop kno'ing t#at is 'rong, but does it
any'ay to get back at me $or leaving #im #ome%
-#y did #e do t#at, &o' do !"s pick t#ings up so +uickly,
6ince t#ey #ave attitude like #umans, does t#at mean t#at 'e)re more
alike t#an 'e t#ink, (n sc#ool ( al'ays #ave a #ard time picking
lessons up rig#t a'ay% ( kno' t#at many students are like t#at too not
learning as $ast as t#e teac#ers are teac#ing%
( t#ink t#at all #umans s#ould try to live like t#ese beauti$ul
creatures% -e need to catc# onto t#e contents in sc#ool more +uickly
or 4ust li$e e/periences in general $or t#ose '#o are out o$ sc#ool more
+uickly like dogs so 'e can e/perience more in li$e and gain more
kno'ledge% -e could 4ust admire #o' t#ey live $or a '#ile and t#en
start living li$e a$ter t#em% ( t#ink t#at it 'ould be good $or t#e people
to live t#is 'ay instead o$ #o' 'e live normally% *ake advantage o$ li$e
and kno' '#ere you 'ant to go 'it# yoursel$%

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