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Area of Study: Core

Credit: 3
Course Objeti!es
The Course will discuss how to manage organization-wide structural and cultural changes that
to organizational design(s) that enhance organizational effectiveness. From this course the
will be understand the mechanics of organizational change and apply theoretical analysis to
organizational change processes
Course Co"te"ts
#art I: T$e Or%a"i&atio" a"d Its E"!iro"'e"t LH( )
rganizations and rganizational !ffectiveness
"ta#eholders$ %anagers$ and !thics
!&ternal !nvironment ' rganizational (elationships
%anaging in a Changing )lobal !nvironment
Case "tudy
#art II: Or%a"i&atio"a* C$a"%e LH(
+, $rs
Types and Forms of rganizational Change
*lanning and process of organizational change
rganizational Transformations+ ,irth$ )rowth$ -ecline$ and -eath
"trategies for change+ -irective strategy$ !&pert strategy$ .egotiating strategy$
strategy$ *articipative strategy
Case "tudy
#art III: Or%a"i&atio"a* Deisio" -a.i"% i" $a"%i"% e"!iro"'e"t LH(
+/ $rs
-ecision %a#ing$ /earning$ 0nowledge %anagement$ and 1nformation Technology
1nnovation$ !ntrepreneurship$ Creativity$ transformation and change management
%anaging Conflict$ *ower$ and *olitics
Case "tudy
#art I0: Or%a"i&atio"a* De!e*o1'e"t a"d Desi%" LH( 2
,asic Challenges of rganizational -esign
-esigning rganizational "tructure+ 2uthority and Control
-esigning rganizational "tructure+ "pecialization and Coordination
Case "tudy
#art 0: Or%a"i&atio"a* Cu*ture LH( 2
Creating and %anaging rganizational Culture
rganizational -esign and "trategy in a Changing )lobal !nvironment
Case "tudy
#art 0I: Te$"o*o%y a"d or%a"i&atio"a* effeti!e"ess LH( 3
rganizational -esign$ Competences$ and Technology
Case "tudy
Cummings$ Thomas ). and Christopher ). 3orley$ rganisation -evelopment and Change$
Thomson /earning
(amnarayan ".$ T.4. (ao and 0uldeep "ingh$ rganisation -evelopment 1nterventions and
"trategies$ (esponse ,oo#s$ .ew -elhi
French$ 3endell /. and /ecil 5. ,ell$ rganisation -evelopment$ *51$ .ew -elhi
5use$ F !. and Cummings$ T ). rganization$ -evelopment and Change.6rd ed. .ew 7or#$
3est$ 89:;

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