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Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer

MIAA 330 District School Plan

MIAA 330
District School Plan
Due: 12/10/2012

Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

Kindergarten - Longer, Shorter or the same (measurement and length) preparation for
The teacher pulls a collection of 3-dimensional objects out of a grocery sack, placing all
the objects with flat faces (cubes and rectangular prisms) in one group and all the objects
with curved surfaces (cylinders, spheres, and cones) in another. After several objects
have been sorted, students predict the group in which each new object belongs as it
comes out of the bag, trying to guess the teachers sorting rule.

Kindergarten Assessment:

Grade - Composing and decomposing numbers in base 10 and recognizing
Each student builds a train of 5 or 6 Unifix cubes in 2 or 3 different colors, and writes an
addition expression to match. The class examines the trains and expressions to find
equivalent equations.
First Grade Lesson

First Grade Assessment:
**May need a login for this assessment

Grade - Number Operations - Fractions
Second Grade Lesson: understand and represent commonly used fractions, such as 14,
13, and 12
Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

Second Grade Assessment:

Grade Introduction to Fraction Concepts ( , and 1/3)
Learning Basic Fraction Concepts - This website has 5 levels of activities for
introducing basic fraction concepts.
Fraction Flags (1/2 & 1/4) - On-line activity to paint flags cut in halves & quarters.
Fraction Flags (1/3) - On-line activity to paint flags cut in thirds.
Pattern Block Fractions - This on-line set of questions is only the tip of the iceberg
when it comes to pattern blocks and fractions! Be sure the students have access to
actual pattern blocks when figuring these out.
Third Grade Assessment:

Grade - Recognizing Fractions
Bridges Supplement (A6) - Equivalent Fractions with Mixed Numbers
Bridges Supplement (A9) - Adding & Subtracting Fractions on the Number Line

Fourth Grade Assessment:

5th Grade - Fraction Computation
Multiplication of Fractions: Interactive model

Fraction Camp:

Fifth Grade Assessment:
Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

Grade Application:
The Number System (NS)
6.NS.1 Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving
division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to
represent the problem.

Task: Fractured Numbers

Sixth Grade Assessment:

This task asks students to select and apply mathematical content from across the grades,
including the content standards:
7.RP: Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and
mathematical problems.
H.M: Model with Mathematics

Seventh Grade Assessment:

Algebra 1

This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students are able to
distinguish between rational and irrational numbers. In particular, it aims to help
you identify and assist students who have difficulties in:
Classifying numbers as rational or irrational.
Moving between different representations of rational and irrational numbers.
#1 page=concept

Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students reason about
the properties of rational and irrational numbers. In particular, this unit aims to
help you identify and assist students who have difficulties in:
Finding irrational and rational numbers to exemplify general statements.
Reasoning with properties of rational and irrational numbers.


Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

Reflection: (S. Lake)
Forty-eight states participate in the Common Core State Standards Initiative, and
now millions of educators across the United States have the responsibility of integrating
those Standards. In order to adequately support student learning by integrating the
Standards, educators need more than workshops to provide them with training that works
to help them integrate the Standards. They need to see what integration really looks like
in the classroom.
With Common core standards I notice a building theme design. Such design
enables introduction of a topic at early grades and the ability for these mathematical skills
to be built upon with later grades. For my classroom, I would focus on the 6
content, as this is the area that I teach. Specifically, I chose to focus on the application of
fractions, as this is an area of shift when comparing current state standards to that of
Common Core. In saying this, I am concerned for my students, as I know from
experience that this is an area of weakness in sixth grade and to say that the concepts
should be acquired prior to and applied in seems presumptuous.
There seem to be major gaps in the applications of fractions in the leading grades
beginning with equivalency and then venturing into rational numbers. I observe the
natural progression, obviously, but I fear the students will struggle more with seeing the
relevance from grade to grade. Although such interactive tasks have their place, I feel as
this place is for leading exploration and summing up of concepts-if a task is too difficult
for a student(s), I fear they will get bored and drift off task. Therefore, as a teacher, I
Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

appreciate the idea of multiple day lessons, where students can explore, regroup, discuss,
be taught, explore, discuss and regroup. Such tasks are offered more readily in the higher
grades, specifically in the MathShell sites produced from the University of Berkeley.
This, is something I feel students can grasp, that is of course, once they have developed
such skills and concepts-which in and of itself will take time.

However, I do have hope for improved rigor as demonstrated in the developing concepts
of the School plan listed above. If students are being trained in more complex thought
processes at a young age, then my hope, is that when they reach the higher grade levels
Algebra 1) they will have become acquainted and familiar with the rigor that is
necessary to stand firm and stay on task for level 3-4 mathematic problems.

Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

Heather Voyer

My group decided to focus on fractions across the grade spans, mainly because
three out of the four of us are currently or about to be focusing on this concept. It was
quite interesting thinking about how the younger grades begin introducing the students to
fractions. In second grade students are already learning about halves, fourths, and
wholes; as well as comparing fractions to see if they are closer to one half or one whole.
And beginning in kindergarten and first grade students are already learning the term
equivalence and recognizing if things are equal. To me this was beneficial to look at the
sequential order of how fractions are introduced to students because it allowed me to see
across the grade spans what they should know when they come into fifth grade.
Rarely do I as a teacher think about the grade spans I might think back to when I
was a fourth grade teacher or quickly glimpse into my teachers edition at the California
Content Standards Skills Trace where it lays out for me what students should have
learned in fourth grade and then what theyll be learning in sixth grade, but thats the
extend of looking across the grade span. Honestly, I get very focused on what I am
teaching, not whats been taught or will be taught. Therefore, by taking a deeper look
from kindergarten to eighth grade what students will be taught was extremely interesting.
Through my short time in MIAA 320 and MIAA 330, one thing that has come up a
few times is the idea of tasks or projects that are catered more to the students interest
that are currently in your classroom. So what one used last year, may not work as well
this year because the clientele and their interest differ from the group the previous year.
Currently in my classroom, I do try to bring in situations that would capture the students
Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

interest in the math concept being taught, but honestly have never given much thought to
creating tasks that are more aligned with their interests in order to engaged them. I do
like this idea and coming back to the fraction comprehensive plan across the grade
spans, it would be doable for a teacher to create a unit, or search for one already created,
that aligns with the interests of the students and these may change from year to year,
depending on the group of students learning.
After looking back over the lessons and assessments my group created for fractions,
the most appropriate unit that I would most likely use in my own class this year would be
the fifth grade fraction camp unit. One of my 5
grade teammates and fellow classmate,
Pam Parkerson, actually has begun this unit in her own classroom. From the
conversations Ive had with her this unit appears to be making the students think for
themselves and struggle. Pam and I collaborate often and are usually doing many of the
same math activities in our classrooms. Currently, my students are creating their own
fraction strips from construction paper. This is the students introduction to fractions,
and then I will probably bring in this unit.
This lesson has allowed me to get a small glimpse into fractions across the grade
spans. It was a very eye-opening task and I would welcome doing it again with another
math concept.

Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

Pam Parkerson

The most appropriate lesson/unit design for my class is the Fraction Camp.
According to CCSS fifth grade is the hardest hit on the fraction and the last year for
explicit instruction for number sense and fraction making it essential that the students
acquire a conceptual understanding. However, our special education specialist has said it
takes an average student three years for them to gain a complete understanding of
fractions. Another reason why it is essential, I use many methods types of assessments
to check for understanding.

Fractions are best understood through hand-on activities. In the beginning we
will start with very concrete learning making fraction strips but simultaneously writing
and drawing to bring the students to a more semi-abstract understanding. Ending with
numbers to represent the fractions. Repeating this in many different scenarios will help
me to assess the misconceptions and correct.

Knowing my class will help me to create situation that the students will find
engaging. For example, I have a very competitive class so the fact that we are having a
camping contest right now helps pull in those who might not want to participate. It also
creates a team atmosphere rather than I cannot do it. Although I still have a couple
pouting. I also have a class with more girls than boys so I do not want things to get too
rowdy or some of my more timid girls will stand back and not participate. The same is
true when looking at the family make up. I have a couple of families that dont
Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

participate in holidays so we have to be considerate of their feelings when planning
parties and events or word problems.

I spend a lot of my time checking in with my colleagues to see how their lesson
went and what went wrong or right. We check to see if we are about in the same areas
and to give each other heads up where the students are struggling. We bounce off ideas
how to solve math problems a different why in an attempt to reach the students who
didnt get it the first time. We often brainstorm new ideas or in the early morning come
up with brilliant ideas to add to our lessons and share first thing in the morning.
Flexibility is the first law of teaching.

Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

Works Citied

Geometry 3-d shapes (2009). Bridges in Mathematics Retrieved (12/2013) from

IXL. (2013). Fewer, equal and more . Retrieved (12/2013) from

Number & Operations: Equivalent Names (2009). Bridges in Mathematics Retrieved
(12/2013) from

Number operations and Fractions (2009) Bridges in Mathematics Retrieved (12/2013)

Oregon City School District. (2013). Fifth grade-multiplication of fractions assessment .
Retrieved (12/2013) from

Oregon City School District. (2013). Fourth Grade: Recognizing Fractions. Retrieved
(12/2013) from
Oregon City School District. (2013). Sixth grade-Fractions and decimals-Assessment .
Retrieved (12/2013) from

Oregon City School District. (2013). Third grade . Retrieved (12/2013) from

PBS. (2011). Melvin's make a match . Retrieved (12/2013) from

Sample worksheet (2012). Fractions . Retrieved (12/2013) from

Inside Mathematics , S. V. M. (2013). Fractured numbers. Retrieved (12/2013) from

University State California Berkely, M. A. R. S. (2012). A golden crown?. Retrieved
(12/2-13) from
Caroline Butler, Shelley Lake, Pam Parkerson, Heather Voyer
MIAA 330 District School Plan

University State California Berkely, M. A. R. S. (2012). Rational and irrational numbers
2. Retrieved from

Utah State University. (2010). Multiplication of fractions . Retrieved (12/2013)from

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