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3 Clocks are layered on top of each other.

Between the hands of all the clocks 3 angles are

formed in a pattern of: angle needed, angle not needed, angle needed, angle not needed, angle needed,
and angle not needed. Find the sum of all the angles needed. The times are 3:30, 1:00, and 8:45 Find
the sum of the angles crated between the hands of the given times.

So a circle with one rotation is a 2.
Lets start with 1:00
Now each hour is a

So the angle between 1:00 is a

Next angle 3:30 we will be using the long way around

Angle from the 6-3 long going clockwise is a

, but we have a little less than that. So we take the

minutes we have divided by minutes in an hour and times that by a

So we take the full rotation subtracted by the large angle to get the smaller one.

Once you have common denominators you get

Now for the 8:45 angle, from the 9 clock wise to the 8 is a

now we have to get the little bit left over

once again we take minutes we have divided by the minutes out of the hour. Then times that by a pie
over 6 because that is how much out of a hour is left.

Once again 2 pie minis the large angle to get the smaller one.

We have all angles together so now we must add them together

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