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Sout h Oakl and Citi z e ns for t he Homel e s s

Operating the Wel come Inn Day Cent er for the Homel e s s
Re: Heather Warczinsky
To Whom It May Concern:
It is with great pleasure that I recommend Heather Warczinsky. I have known Heather or several months in the
conte!t o "eing the e!ecutive director or #outh $akland Citizens or the Homeless %#$CH&. Heather was one
o our social work interns or the Welcome Inn 'ay Center or the Homeless. The Welcome Inn operates or mid
'ecem"er thru mid March.
#$CH(s goal is "To offer professional and volunteer support services to guide the homeless towards
interdependent living" truly demonstrates the goal of the Welcome Inn Day Center program.
What makes the Welcome Inn program so e!ceptional is we are essentially )
responders* instrumental in providing
homeless* mentally ill persons with mental and physical sta"ility* in addition to addressing the "asic needs or an average
o +,, at-risk guests per season. $ur guests range in age rom ). to /0* "oth men and women. We average 00 to /0
guests per day* with /01 o them coming to the Welcome Inn or weeks at a time.
The Welcome Inn program o"2ectives ena"le us to have colla"orations with mental health core providers* colleges and
universities* housing agencies* government agencies and medical schools. Community mental health centers* where the
homeless might receive help are chronically under unded and are oten on the "udget-cutting chopping "lock. Mentally
ill homeless people present special pro"lems or social workers. They may not "e as cooperative and motivated as other
patients* due to limited resources may have diiculty getting transportation to treatment centers* and re3uently orget
to show up or appointments or take medications. 4or the 00 to /0 men and women and that use the Welcome Inn
daily these concerns are addressed "y satisying "asic needs* case management* medical care* reerrals* education and
transportation. 5ll done with interns and student nurses rom local colleges and universities* supervised "y our Case
Manager and a medical proessor rom Wayne #tate 6niversity.
$ne o Heather(s most impressive traits is that she is highly sel-motivated. #he takes the initiative to learn new
things and to "e well inormed. #he voices her concerns and 3uestions in a very appropriate manner. #he works
very hard and is dedicated to what she wishes to accomplish. In terms o personality and interpersonal skills*
Heather is very gited. #he is very sensitive to interpersonal nuances. $n several dierent occasions she
demonstrated her a"ility to have empathy with our guests as she assisted and guided them to "e a"le to address
their needs. #he has shown the a"ility to work well with such a vulnera"le population as the homeless. #he has
demonstrated she cares a great deal a"out the welare o others. Her disposition is very caring and proessional.
Heather 7s written and ver"al communication skills are very good. #he maintains a proessional as well as
compassionate relationship with all those she encounters.
Sout h Oakl and Citi z e ns for t he Homel e s s (S. O. C. H. ) - Wel co me Inn,
28 Wil t s hi r e !erkl e " #I. $8%& 2 ' (hone 2$8- 8%- )2*+
Sout h Oakl and Citi z e ns for t he Homel e s s is a %* (c) ) or,ani z a t i on.
-onat i ons ar e t a. de duc t i /l e as all o0e d /" la0.
Sout h Oakl and Citi z e ns for t he Homel e s s
Operating the Wel come Inn Day Cent er for the Homel e s s
Heather is a"le to take on numerous tasks with little or no direction. 4inally* Heather maintains a proessional as
well as compassionate relationship with all those she encounters. In short* I enthusiastically recommend Heather
as she proved to "e a valua"le asset as an intern. I "elieve she would "e an asset to your program and to the
We welcome any 3uestions or suggestions you may have regarding the Welcome Inn 'ay Center 8rogram. 9ou
may call me at %:;<& <<0-;<<) or "y email I also ask you to visit our we"site at
Roy Watson*
#outh $akland Citizens or the Homeless
?!ecutive 'irector*
Welcome Inn 'ay Center or the Homeless
:<00 Wiltshire @lvd.
@erkley* MI. ;<,A:
$ice B :;<-<0,-+:).
Cell B :;<-<<0-;<<)
Sout h Oakl and Citi z e ns for t he Homel e s s (S. O. C. H. ) - Wel co me Inn,
28 Wil t s hi r e !erkl e " #I. $8%& 2 ' (hone 2$8- 8%- )2*+
Sout h Oakl and Citi z e ns for t he Homel e s s is a %* (c) ) or,ani z a t i on.
-onat i ons ar e t a. de duc t i /l e as all o0e d /" la0.

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