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Kelolan is a fictional character in Turkish folklore.

Kelolan means bald guy. He is bald from birth, so
he is called Kelolan. He has big dreams. He is
virtuous, wise, bald, romantic and very athletic. He
stands for a boy of Anatolia, which has big dreams,
but is honest, helpful and romantic. He has no father,
and he lives with his old mother. There are many
stories about Kelolan in Turkish folklore. Kelolan is
wise and funny, and he makes children laugh.
Kelolan lives with his mother in a small cottage in
the forest. Kelolan is very poor, and he always wants
to be rich and noble. But his mother never wants to be
rich. There are also cartoons of Kelolan in Turkey.

Keloglan uma histria
popular na cultura turca.
Keloglan significa menino
careca. Keloglan careca
desde o nascimento. Ele tem
grandes sonhos. Ele virtuoso,
prudente, um careca, um pouco
romntico e alegre. Ele um
menino de Anatlia, que tem
grandes sonhos, mas ele
honured, til e romntico. Ele
no tem pai e vive com sua
velha me. H muitas histrias
sobre Keloglan na Turquia.
Keloglan fazer piadas, e faz rir
crianas. Keloglan vive com
sua me em uma pequena
cabana no forest. Eles so to
pobres, e Keloglan sempre quer
ser rico e nobre. Mas sua me
no quer ser rico. H tambm
charges do Kelolan na
Keloglan este o poveste caracter
popular n cultura turc.
Keloglan nseamn biat chel.
Keloglan este chel de la natere.
El are vise mari. El este virtuos,
prudent, un pic de chelie, un
romantic i foarte puin sportiv.
El st pentru un baiat anatolian
care are vise mari, dar el este
honured, de ajutor i romantic.
El este orfan de tat i locuiete
cu mama lui vechi. Exist o
mulime de poveti despre
Keloglan n Turcia. Keloglan
face glume, i el face copiii s
rd. Keloglan locuieste
impreuna cu mama sa ntr-o
colib mic n forest. Ei sunt att
de sraci, i Keloglan
ntotdeauna vrea s fie o zi bogat
i nobil. Dar mama lui nu vrea
s fie bogat. Exist, de
asemenea, desene animate de
Kelolan din Turcia.

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