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STEM Division

MATH 1314-4XXXX, 3 Credit Hours

College Algebra
[Insert here Semester, Year]
Classes are Xdays and Xdays
Classes meet X a.m. to X a.m.
Room XXX
Contact Information:
Office Hours:
Email Address:
Course Description:
This course is an in-deth study and alications of olynomial! rational! radical! e"onential! logarithmic! absolute #alue
and iece$ise-defined functions! and systems of e%uations using matrices. Also co#ered are the grahing calculator! non-
linear ine%ualities! se%uences and series! circles! the &inomial Theorem and a re#ie$ of the classification of the real number
system. '( or ) *EC+ This course is the rere%uisite for ,ATH -(-.. This course is cross-listed as ,ath -)-). The student
may register for either ,ath -(-) or ,ath -)-)! but may recei#e credit for only one of the t$o. '( *ec.+
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of properties of functions, including domain and range, operations,
compositions, and inverses.
2. Recognize and apply knowledge of polynomial, rational, radical, eponential, logarithmic, a!solute value and
piecewise"defined functions.
" #olve polynomial $including e%uations reduci!le to %uadratic&, rational, radical, eponential $including
same !ase and different !ases&, logarithmic and a!solute value e%uations related to these functions.
" #olve polynomial, rational and a!solute value ine%ualities.
'. Use graphing techni%ues, including, !ut not limited to, the use of a graphing calculator:
increasing(decreasing(constant intervals, symmetry, even(odd functions, transformations $including
translations, reflections, stretching and shrinking&, completing the s%uare, and finding relative maima and
minima graphically.
" Recognize and !e a!le to graph the !asic e%uation of a circle.
). Use the different theorems of polynomials $including the Rational *eros +heorem& to evaluate all roots of
higher degree polynomial and rational functions.
,. Recognize and solve systems of linear e%uations and their applications using matrices.
-. Demonstrate an understanding of se%uences and series, including finding nth term . partial sums for
arithmetic and geometric se%uences.
/. Use the 0inomial +heorem to epand !inomials.
1. Recognize the different classifications within the real and comple num!er systems.
Core Objectives:
23+4 1'1) develops the following 5ore 6!7ectives:
1. Critical Thinking "to include creative thinking, innovation, in%uiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of
2. Communication "to include effective development, interpretation and epression of ideas through written and
visual communication.
3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills " to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or o!serva!le
facts resulting in informed conclusions.
Core Objective Development Statements: 23+4 1'1) develops Critical Thinking, Communication, and
Empirical and Quantitative Skills !y re%uiring students to solve and analyze applications of various functions and
systems of e%uation.
T$o years of high school algebra and an aroriate assessment test score or /e#elomental ,athematics 0(-0.
Tet!oo" and #t$er Course Materia%s:
College Algebra! &lit1er! Pearson '.
Edition+! 20-)! 34&5:678-0-(2--78228--.
,icrosoft 9indo$s 7 and 8 users should use one of the follo$ing bro$sers $ith ,y,ath*ab courses-- Chrome!
:irefo" or 3nternet E"lorer -0 and 6. :or other system re%uirements go to
As of 4ring 20-0! a graphing calculator is required for all College Algebra Courses. <ou may choose your o$n grahing
calculator model= ho$e#er! T3 8( or T3 8) #ersion is referred. >rahing Calculators may not be allo$ed during some
&radin' Po%ic(: ?? /escribe criteria for arri#ing at grades @@
&radin' )ationa%e: ?? :or e"amle 60A-00 A! etc @@
*ina% +amination:
A comrehensi#e! deartmental final e"amination! $hich $ill reresent at least 2BC of the class grade! $ill be administered
in all College Algebra classes.
Po%ic( on Missed Tests and Assi'nments: ??/escribe criteria@@
Attendance Po%ic(:
<ou are e"ected to regularly attend all classes in $hich you are enrolled. 4tudents ha#e the resonsibility to attend class
and to consult $ith the instructor $hen an absence occurs.
??3nstructors are resonsible for describing attendance olicies and rocedures to all students enrolled in their class@@
3f a student is unable to comlete a course 'or courses+ in $hich he;she is registered! it is the resonsibility of the student to
$ithdra$ from the course by the aroriate date. 'The date is ublished in the academic calendar each year and in each
semesterDs class schedule+. 3f a student does not $ithdra$! he;she $ill recei#e a erformance grade! usually a grade of E:F.
4tudents $ho are absent from class for the obser#ance of a religious holiday may taGe an e"amination or comlete an
assignment scheduled for that day $ithin a reasonable time after the absence if! not later than the -Bth day of the semester!
the student notified the instructor's+ that the student $ould be absent for a religious holiday. 4ec. B-.6-- TX Educ. Code.
An incomlete grade of E3F may be gi#en $hen an unforeseen emergency re#ents you from comleting the $orG in a
course. The E3F must be con#erted to a erformance grade 'A-:+ $ithin 60 days after the first day of classes in the
subse%uent regular semester. 3f the $orG is not comleted after 60 days! the E3F is con#erted to a erformance grade!
usually an E:F. An 3ncomlete Contract is used to assign an incomlete grade and states the re%uirements for the
satisfactory comletion of the course. The 3ncomlete Contract must be agreed uon and signed by the 3nstructor! the
student! and the di#ision dean and submitted $ith the final grade reort. 9hen an 3ncomlete Contract must be submitted
$ithout your signature! the instructor must include a statement indicating that you are a$are of and agree $ith the contract.
#!tainin' *ina% Course &rades ,sin' eConnect:
:inal grade reorts are no longer mailed. Con#enient access is a#ailable online at $$$ Hse your
student identification number $hen you log into eConnect! an online system de#eloed by the /CCC/ to ro#ide you $ith
timely information regarding your college record. <our grades $ill also be rinted on your 4tudents Ad#ising Reort! $hich
is a#ailable in the Admissions Office.
Drop Date:
*ast date to dro $ith a grade of E9F is ADD DATE HERE
Drop Po%ic(:
To dro a class or $ithdra$ from the college! students must follo$ the rescribed rocedure. 3t is the studentDs
resonsibility to dro or $ithdra$. :ailure to do so $ill result in recei#ing a erformance grade! usually grade of E:F. 5o
dro or $ithdra$al re%uests are acceted by telehone. 4tudents $ho dro a class or $ithdra$ from the College before the
semester deadline recei#e a E9F '9ithdra$+ in each class droed. The deadline for recei#ing a E9F is indicated on the
academic calendar and the current class schedule. 3f you are unable to comlete this course! you must $ithdra$ from it by
ADD DATE HERE. :or more information! contact the Admissions;RegistrarDs Office at 672-8.0-7-.7 'Room C --6.+
-i Drop )u%e: :or students $ho enrolled in college le#el courses for the first time in the fall of 2007! Te"as Education
Code B-.607 limits the number of courses a student may dro. <ou may dro no more than . courses during your entire
undergraduate career! unless the dro %ualifies as an e"cetion. <our camus counseling;ad#ising center $ill gi#e you
more information on the allo$able e"cetions. Remember that once you ha#e accumulated . non-e"emt dros you
cannot dro any other courses $ith a E9F. Therefore! lease e"ercise caution $hen droing courses in any Te"as ublic
institution of higher learning! including all se#en of the /allas County Community Colleges. :or more information on the .
dro rule! you may access: htts:;;$$$;.dro.
*inancia% Aid:
3f you are recei#ing :inancial Aid grants or loans! you must begin attendance in all classes to be certified as attending
class. 3n a /istance *earning Class! you must sho$ articiation in the class rior to the certification date by either e-mailing
your instructor or logging on to eCamus. /o not dro or sto attending any class $ithout consulting the :inancial Aid
Office. Changes in your enrollment le#el and failing grades may re%uire that you reay financial aid funds. :ailure to contact
the instructor $ill result in your name being submitted to the :inancial Aid Office as a Enon-attendeeF. 4tudent $ho fail to
attend or articiate after the dro date are
also subIect to this olicy.
)epeatin' T$is Course:
Effecti#e for :all 4emester 200B! the /allas County Community Colleges $ill charge additional tuition to students registering
the third or subse%uent time for a course. All third and subse%uent attemts of the maIority of credit and Continuing
Education;9orGforce Training courses $ill result in additional tuition to be charged. /e#elomental 4tudies and some other
courses $ill not be charged a higher tuition rate. Third attemts include courses taGen at any of the /allas County
Community Colleges since the :all 2002 4emester. 4ee Third Attemt to Enroll in a Course at:
-tudents .it$ /earnin', Menta% and P$(sica% Disi!i%ities:
4tudents re%uesting accommodation due to the resence of a disability must identify
themsel#es in a timely fashion and demonstrate;document the need for accommodations
through the /isability 4er#ices Office '/4O+. :or information regarding the rights and
resonsibilities of students $ith disabilities! contact /4O at '672+ 8.0-8()8 #oice;T// or
-tudent +mai%:
*egal ri#acy issues re#ent your instructor from discussing your $orG or your grades on commercial e-mail accounts. 3f
you $ish to send your aers as attachments to an e-mail 'and the instructor ermits it+! or if you ha#e a %uestion about
your grade! you must oen a student e-mail account. <ou may set u your account by going to
htt:;;$$$;netmail;home.html. The account is free.
Printin' on Campus:
Printing in the Comuter *ab '*--08+! *ibrary! and *earning Assistance Center $ill cost B cents a age. 4tudents must
bring a K-.00! KB.00! K-0.00! or K20.00 bill to the lab to create an account. Accounts must be created before attemting to
rint. 5o change is made in the lab. Once the money is in the bill accetor! it cannot be retrie#ed. Cash refunds are not
ossible. Accounts stay acti#e as long as the account has #alue.
-tandard of Conduct0C%assroom +tiquette:
5o food! drinGs or tobacco roducts are allo$ed in Eastfield College classrooms. Ho$e#er= if your class is in a non-lab
classroom your instructor may allo$ for food or drinG.
?? 3nclude statements about cell hones! *atos! etc.@@
C#D+ #* -T,D+1T C#1D,CT: 9eb site address: htt:;;$$$;cat0B0.;ss;code.cfm
Each student shall be charged $ith notice and Gno$ledge of the contents and ro#isions of the /istrictDs olicies!
rocedures! and regulations concerning student conduct. All students shall obey the la$! sho$ resect for roerty
constituted authority! and obser#e correct standards of conduct. 3n addition to acti#ities rohibited by la$! the follo$ing
tyes of beha#ior shall be rohibited.
-c$o%astic dis$onest( shall constitute a #iolation of these rules and regulations and is unishable as rescribed by college
olicies. 4cholastic dishonesty shall include! but not limited to! cheating on a test! lagiarism! and collusion.
EC$eatin' on a testF shall include:
o Coying from another studentDs test aer
o Hsing test materials not authori1ed by the erson administering the test.
o All forms of academic dishonesty! including cheating! fabrication! facilitating academic dishonesty! lagiarism!
and collusion.
o Collaborating $ith or seeGing aid from another student during a test $ithout ermission from the test
o Lno$ingly using! buying! selling! stealing! or soliciting! in $hole or in art! the contents of an unadministered
o The unauthori1ed transorting or remo#al! in $hole or in art! of the contents of the unadministered test.
o 4ubstituting for another student! or ermitting another student to substitute for oneDs self! to taGe a test.
o &ribing another erson to obtain an unadministered test or information about an unadministered test.
EP%a'iarismF shall be defined as the aroriating! buying! recei#ing as a gift! or obtaining by any means anotherDs $orG
and the unacGno$ledged submission or incororation of it in oneDs o$n $ritten $orG.
ECo%%usionF shall be defined as the unauthori1ed collaboration $ith another erson in rearing $ritten $orG for fulfillment of
course re%uirements.
4tudents should be a$are of discilinary actions for all forms of academic dishonesty! including cheating! fabrication!
facilitating academic dishonesty! lagiarism! and collusion. <our College Catalog and the /CCC/ Catalog contain the entire
4tudent Code of Conduct. In t$is course, (ou 2i%% recei3e a 'rade of 456 on t$at particu%ar assi'nment or test if (ou
are 'ui%t( of c$eatin' on assi'nments, tests, or p%a'iarism7 Please do not ut yourself in a situation that $ould result in
such action! Academic dishonesty is a serious offense in college.
Campus Po%ice:
3n addition to ro#iding general la$ enforcement on camus! the camus olice resond to all emergencies. 3n any
emergency situation! you can get immediate hel by any of the follo$ing methods:
call 6-- on any camus e"tension
use any red hone in the hall$ays! or any Mblue lightM call bo" in the arGing lots
call 89:-;<5-4:85 from any off camus e"tension
-eua% Harassment:
Eastfield College has a 1ero tolerance olicy on se"ual harassment. All students shall reort comlaints of se"ual
harassment informally to the college Human Resources /irector or formally to the Nice Chancellor of Educational Affairs.
DCCCD +mer'enc( #peration Procedures:
Nisit htt:;;;rt#;/O;emergencyOdcccd.$m#
+mer'enc( = Inc%ement .eat$er Procedures:
3n case of emergency '$hich may include o$er or air conditioning outages! fires! etc.+ or inclement $eather conditions!
Eastfield students should listen to LEO,-:, Radio 4tation '88.B+ as the rimary media source. 3n artnershi $ith the
,es%uite 3ndeendent 4chool /istrict! Eastfield College Administration $ill notify LEO, immediately after a decision is
made to cancel classes on any gi#en day of inclement $eather or for emergency uroses. 4tudents may also monitor
other local radio and tele#ision stations. The earliest an announcement may be broadcast on LEO, Radio is . a.m.
4tudents may also refer to the Eastfield College $eb age $$$ for the 3nclement 9eather
announcement under 5e$s;:eatures.
*ami%( +ducationa% )i'$t and Pri3ac( Act of 1894 >*+)PA?:
3n comliance $ith the :amily Educational Rights and Pri#acy Act of -67) ':ERPA+! the College may release information
classified as Edirectory informationF to the general ublic $ithout the $ritten consent of the student. /irectory information
includes: '-+ student name! '2+ student address! '(+ telehone numbers! ')+ date and lace of birth! 'B+ $eight and height of
members of athletic teams! '.+ articiation in officially recogni1ed acti#ities and sorts! '7+ dates of attendance! '8+
educational institution most recently attended! and '6+ other similar information! including maIor field of student and degrees
and a$ards recei#ed. 4tudents may rotect their directory information at any time during the academic year. 3f no re%uest is
filed! directory information is released uon $ritten in%uiry. 5o telehone in%uiries are acGno$ledged. 5o transcrit or
academic record is released $ithout $ritten consent from the student! e"cet as secified by la$.
ADDITI#1A/ )+-#,)C+-
The ,ath 4ot 'htt:;;$$$;as;,athsot;inde".as+ ro#ides tutoring in ,athematics and
/e#elomental ,athematics. 4tudents are encouraged to taGe ad#antage of this ser#ice for additional hel in their course
$orG. The Mat$ -pot is located in room C-:51! and the hone number is 672-8.0-70.2. Nisit the linG abo#e for more
information on tutors! hours of oeration and olicies.
Course Co3era'e:
Sections Topics
P1, 1.5-1.7, 2.1-2.2,
Real number system, Equations, Relations an !unctions"
3.1-3.$ Polynomial an Rational %unctions" T&eory o% !unctions
'.1-'.5 E(ponential, )o*arit&mic an Special %unctions
$.3-$.5, 8.1-8.3, 8.5 Pro*ressions, T&e +inomial T&eorem, ,atrices,
-eterminants, mat&ematical reasonin* s.ills, Sequences,
Series an /pplications

-(%%a!us )e3ision:
The guideline in this syllabus may be changed! deleted! or amended any time by the instructor. The attached course outline
is intended as an aid in heling you Gno$ your resonsibilities for the semester. 3t is ossible that some changes in the
course outline or class olicies $ill be made during the semester. Any changes that are made to the class olicies or
course outline $ill be announced in class.
Re#ised: ,ay -2! 20-)

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