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WHITESIDES 719 Hamto! La!e Yo"!gs#ille$ N% &'&())7(*)+*
,-.E%TI/E0 Seeking employment at Cary High School where I can use my love for culinary arts and education
background to enhance The Culinary Academy.
-.S 2amily a!d %o!s"me3 Scie!ces North Carolina Central niversity !urham" NC !ecember #$$%
45A 6.+
9Continuing &ducation ServSafe Instructor At 'ance()ranville Community College
9The Art Institute of *aleigh(!urham Summer Culinary &ducator +orkshop #$,-
9.ranklin County Summer Conference workshop presenter #$,-
9 'olunteered for NC /roStart Competition #$,-
9NC Association of .amily and Consumer Sciences *oundtable /resenter .ebruary #$,0
91ohnson and +ales niversity Summer &ducator .orum #$,# 23aking and /astry Certification
93iltmore &state Culinary Internship #$,#
9NC CT& Summer Conference attendee and workshop presenter 4summer #$,# and #$,05
9.amily" Career" and Community of America 6eadership !istrict 0 6eadership Council #$,,(#$,-
91ohnson and +ales niversity Summer &ducator .orum #$,,(received Culinary &ssentials Certified &ducator
9Certified ServSafe Instructor
9#$,0(#$,- .amily" Career" and Community 6eaders of America 7aster Adviser Award
9National Coalition 3uilding Institute !iversity Training Certification(Spring #$$8 and #$$%
9 :micron !elta ;appa National 6eadership Honor Society(.all #$$8 4Treasurer $8($%5
9:utstanding Student in .amily and Consumer Sciences &ducation #$$<(#$$8 academic year
9 ;appa :micron Nu Human Sciences Honor Society(Spring #$$8
96owes .oods !eli 4current part(time =ob 5
9 ColdStone Creamery
9 >a?by@s *estaurant
W,7; E:5E7IEN%E
23a!<li! %o"!ty Schools(2amily a!d %o!s"me3 Scie!ces Teache3 -"!!$ N% '*1*(3ese!t
9/lans hands on activities for student to develop their Culinary Arts skills
93uilds business and community partnerships in the foodservice industry
9/lans and organiAes a Spring Culinary Tour to various business for Advanced .oods # students
9 Invites guest speaker from various industries related to culinary into the classroom
9Caters and coordinates school functions to help students gain e?perience outside of the classroom
9Coordinates +ildcat CafB for teachers lunch and Cupcake +ars Competition for .oodservice &ntrepreneurship
9Invites other teachers into the classroom for a once a semester etiCuette training and lunch prepared by the students
9Trains over D$ students a year to become ServSafe certified through the National *estaurant Association
9SpecialiAes in teaching cake decorating" bread baking" and knife skillsEgarnishing techniCues
97aintains safety and sanitation conditions in the foods laboratory while managing #$ students during cooking labs
9Active in professional learning community
W.E.- D"-ois Schola3s I!stit"te at 53i!ceto! 1!i#e3sity 53i!ceto!$ New .e3sey Summer 2010
9Coordinated and participated in e?tracurricular activities and field trips
9&nforced university and dormitory policies
9Counseled and mentored high school and middle school students to help them make ad=ustments during the
9Assisted students in academic work assignments as needed
9Accountable to Chief of Staff regarding other residential staff
96iaison between Chief of Staff and parents
She3wood 4ithe!s 8iddle School (St"de!t Teachi!g I!te3!shi D"3ham$ N% Spring 2010
9Created a classroom environment that was conducive to learning
9/lanned lessons related to the following areasF child development" foods and nutrition" goal setting" and sewing
97aintained accurate" complete" and correct records as reCuired by law" district policy" and administrative
9&stablished and maintain open lines of communication with students" parents" and community members
9/articipated in all mandatory staff meetings and professional development opportunities
9/lanned a spring reception where students to invite teachers to en=oy food they prepared
%,LLE4E W,7; E:5E7IEN%E
,==ice o= St"de!t Leade3shi$ T3ai!i!g$ a!d De#elome!t D"3ham$ N% 2008-2009
9/lanned and implemented various leadership development programs for student leaders
9Created various documents using 7icrosoft :ffice 4brochures" labels" flyers" and data spreadsheets5
9/lanned a week long leadership development retreat as Chair of the G6eaderShapeH #$$% committee
9:rganiAed data for over ,I$ student organiAations
9Assisted in the planning of the :fficer Transition Training Conference and :rganiAation .air
7eside!tial Li=e Admi!ist3ati#e %oo3di!ato3 D"3ham$ N% 2007-2008
9Served as a role model to fellow *esident Assistants in the areas of leadership and training
9Supervised the house council as the house council advisor
9Assisted the )raduate AssistantE*esidence !irector in the organiAation and implementation of weekly staff
meetings and guided staff meetings in the absence of the supervisor
9Coordinated women@s empowerment program which was awarded G3est /rogram for &ast Campus #$$<(#$$8H
7eside!t Assista!t D"3ham$ N% 2006-2008
9/erformed administrative tasks" peer counseling" and emergency consultation
9 &nforced residence hall policies and regulations
9Created a sense of community for the residents on my floor and in the residence hall
9!eveloped and planned programs to enrich residents academically" spiritually" and socially

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