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Stefano Mirtis

Corbu's Sketching
I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and
leaves less room for lies.

~ Le Corbusier
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1929, Paris, France
Le Corbusier, Plan for Buenos Aires
-profile view from the Rio de la Plata-
Le Corbusier, Music Pavilion
for Villa Church, Ville dAvray
1927/29, Paris, France
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1932, Paris, France
Le Corbusier, Plan Obus, Algiers
-version A, general plan-
Le Corbusier, Chapelle Notre-Dame du
Haut, Ronchamp
1950/1955, Paris, France
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Le Corbusier, Governors Palace,
1951/1965, Paris, France
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1910, Paris, France
Le Corbusier, Blue Mountains
Le Corbusier, Urban Plan for
Rio de Janeiro
1929, Paris, France
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Le Corbusier, Un Embrasement
(a Blaze)
Paris, France
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1911, Paris, France
Le Corbusier, Parthenon, Athens
-perspective of the colonnade and the landscape-
Very nice exhibition on Le Corbusier at MoMA:

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