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Dear Parents/Guardians,

Ascent West Memphis has kicked off the summer in style! To ensure your child gets the best services possible
we do not close for the summer! It is extremely important that your child continue to receive their prescribed therapies
even during the summer months.
With that in mind, we are excited to announce our July and August Attendance Contests among the
children. Children with perfect attendance, their parents/guardians, and siblings will be treated to an extra special
activity. You will be notified at the start of the next month if your child had perfect attendance for the month.
The special activities are as follows:
Friday, August 8
at 1:30p Perfect Attendance Pizza Party

Friday, September 5
at 1:30p I Came All Month Ice Cream Social
(Graduating children with perfect attendance will get a special gift at graduation!)

Dont forget to check your weekly calendars for all of the special visitors and activities that we will be having all


Mandrea Godsey
Clinic Director

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