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Issue: I want to display all the employees that depend of a chief in the page of General

Information=>Employee Search in the Manager Self-Service. I am checking the

configuration standard, but the system only display the employees that are in the
Organizational Unit where the user is Chief. Example: Organizational Unit
Chief==================================>Angelina Jolie. Employee1.
Employee2. Employee3. The system in the configuration standard get the Object Root
Having in count the object US and if the User is Chief(A012) get The object O. With this
object O get the employees of the Organizational Unit. The problem is: If Angelina Jolie
is chief of other employee that is in other Organizational Unit, the portal do not display
this employee and only display the three employees (Employee1,Employee2,
Employee3). I created two Evaluation Path. The first one is for get the Object Root, in
my case I check with the user that is login in the portal and I get the position.(Evaluation
Path ZAP_MANG) Test Evaluation Path T.code
Result With The second Evaluation Path I get the Employees that depend of this chief.
Evaluation Path ZZSDIRECT T.code Result. In the Backend the result of the Evaluation
Path display the position and Person OK(Works Fine)
Test in the portal In the portal all the fields are not displayed. I did debugging to the
System and in the table KEY_OBJECT[] do not appears the object P and in the
Evaluation Path i have this object. Configuration. T.Code Define Rules for Object
Evaluation Path. ZSSDIREC
Second Evaluation Path
Define Object Selections Define Organizational Structure Views
Group Organizational Structure Views

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