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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: _Lauren Hazony________________________

Level: _I2_____ Date/Time: _Monday, June 23rd, 2!" #:3$!2%m__
Goal: Asking for and giving advice for personal problems
Objectives (S!AT":
Students ill !e A&le To'
!( Identi)y risin* and risin*/)all %atterns o) intonation +hen as,in* -uestions
2( .%ea, a&out %ro&lems and advice in their li)e )or )inal %resentation
3( /evie+ the elements o) in)ormal letter +ritin* )or advice &y +ritin* letters
"( 0ractice listenin* )or the main idea and advice &y listenin* to the .unscreen .on*
Theme: _1nit 2: 3s, the 45%erts 63dvice7____________________________________
45tension: _/evie+________
Aim#Skill#$icroskill Activit%#Proced&re#Stage 'nteraction Time
Review or Preview (if
Linking & Transitioning to rest of
Any questions that came up over the
Quick vocab check of identification vs
eplanation !pull up dictionary def" #
confusion from $riday
T%& 8 min
Activity 1:
Transition to (): *ow that
we+ve practiced some
pronunciation, lets turn our
attention back to speaking-
&ome class presentations
.-. 're%&tage:
There are two main categories of
questions? /hat do you think they
might be? 0es1no or open-
2ifferent patterns of intonation for
.-)- 2uring &tage:
Listen to book
3an you identify
.-4 'ost%&tage:
Let+s try it again # workbook practice
Tangible 6utcome & T- feedback1peer
feedback: responses to book eercise
and workbook practice (.5
Activity 2:
$inal &peaking
Transition to (4:Thank you
all so much for sharing-
Let+s practice some informal
letter writing to ask for
)-. 're%&tage:
3ome speak from the front of the room-
0ou will have 7 minutes- $or
everybody who is listening, quickly
write down any questions you have- /e
will have a chance to ask questions at
the end-
)-)- 2uring &tage:
Ask students to share their
presentation with class !if no
volunteers, have envelope with names
to pull from"
)-4 'ost%&tage:
Teacher and .tudents as, -uestions
/e%eat 9 8$: students
Tangible 6utcome & T- feedback1peer
feedback: &cored &peaking writing
from speaker, questions from
Activity 3:
8nformal Letter /riting
4-. 're%&tage:
/hat do you remember about writing
informal letters asking for advice?
%parts of a letter !date, greeting, body,
closing, signature"
% parts of the body !id the problem,
eplanation, request"
4-)- 2uring &tage:
9ere are two different problems # 0ou
have two minutes to decide which
problem you will write about-
:reak the room into two groups
depending on their choice-
0ou will write your own letter, but you
can discuss with your group for help-
4-4 'ost%&tage:
8 min
Transition to (; or /rap%
up: There are lots of ways of
asking for and giving
advice- *ow we are going to
practice listening for some-
;rite a letter %retendin* this is your
%ro&lem( <ollo+ the standard
conventions o) letter +ritin*( !
=ou %ro&a&ly +ill not have enou*h
time to )inish in class &ut don>t +orry(
45tension: Try +ith another %ro&lem
Home+or,: .tudents can )inish +ritin*
a&out this and the other %ro&lem at
home )or home+or,(
Tangible 6utcome & T- feedback1peer
feedback: /ritten letter
Activity 4:
Listening: The &unscreen
Transition to /rap%<p:
Tomorrow we will do more
practice to prepare for our
final on /ednesday
;-. 're%&tage:
'pt instructions
:rainstorm general categories of areas
that people get advice- !chart paper"
;-)- 2uring &tage:
Listen to the song for the main idea
%/hat is this song about?
9and out with words # listen to the
song and fill in the missing words
=o over with your table
;-4 'ost%&tage:
;hat ty%e o) advice does this son*
Do you a*ree/disa*ree(
Tangible 6utcome & T- feedback1peer
feedback: :rainstorm, &ong clo>e
.$. 8 min
Wrap-up Lesson ?valuation 'rocedures:
Any final questions?
Last ?it Ticket
Materials :
@hart %a%er, listenin* technolo*y, doc cam, student &oo,, +or,&oo,, s%ea,in* ru&rics,
+ritin* %rom%ts, sunscreen cloze activity, sunscreen %%t instructions, e5it tic,ets,
e5tension$voca&ulary sheet
3ntici%ated 0ro&lems A .u**ested .olutions:
Multi%le means )or accessin* technolo*y
Bames on sli%s in envelo%e to choose s%ea,ers i) no volunteers
.tudents cant remem&er the elements o) a letter$ re)erence the &oo,
@ontin*ency 0lans 6+hat you +ill do i) you )inish early, etc(7:
$ %racticin* reCectin* advice 9 +or,&oo, %ractice D!!
$ voca&ulary e5tension$ Erea,

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